“What are you going to do with him?”

“Chop into meat sauce and feed to the dogs!”

Levi said with a sneer.

Natasha gave him a blank look, and her beautiful eyes showed a shocking charm.

“Tell the truth!”

“I’m serious, whoever made you care so much about him, remember, the man who can make you care so much has and only me.”

Levi said seriously.

Then he smiled and glanced at the back seat.

“Let’s wait until his memory is restored, I have something I want to ask him, by the way, let him do something, until then, I will not touch him, and there is no need, the person who has a hatred with him is not me.”

Levi doesn’t want to be a judge, and Bucky, as a brainwashed tool without sense of responsibility, is guilty of killing Howard Stark and Maria, which he doesn’t want to judge.

Whether the gun is guilty or the person who owns the gun is guilty, this matter is still left to Tony himself!

Natasha didn’t understand what he meant, but she also knew that Levi had no intention of killing Bucky, and that was enough.

And after understanding this, her eyes were charming and she looked at Li Wei, the corners of her mouth slightly upturned, but due to the people behind her and the shadow of the last time, she didn’t do anything.

The two quickly returned to the Coast Hotel where the crew was located, and after handing Bucky over to Bumblebee’s care, the next day, because Wonder Woman had finished, the entire crew was on holiday, and everyone packed up and rushed to the airport together to prepare to return to the United States.

And Levi specially transferred the Stark Group’s private jet over, with his friendship with Tony, this matter is naturally easy, even if the friendship is not enough, he still has ten percent of the Stark Group shares, the third largest shareholder is no joke.

After several hours of flying, Levi returned to Los Angeles with Natasha, and then Bumblebee galloped all the way, two people plus a captive, all back home.

However, as soon as she entered the house, Natasha’s phone rang.

“What’s going on?”

When he entered the door, he was still smiling, and his face had changed after answering the phone with Li Wei’s eyebrows.

Levi hurriedly asked with concern!

“It’s okay, it’s just that there is something in the bureau for me to go back.”

Levi’s eyes narrowed slightly, and then he smiled.

“Since there is something, then you go first, by the way, if you come back to eat in the evening, remember to call in advance, and I will ask people to prepare your favorite Chinese food.”

In the face of Levi’s warmth, Natasha was quite excited, he knew that he was here to spy on him, but he was still sincere, and he didn’t even hide his secrets, except for the flower heart, there were two women in front of him, Natasha couldn’t think of any shortcomings in him.

Natasha took a step forward, tilted her head slightly, looked into Levi’s eyes, and then suddenly stood on tiptoe, and her bright red lips touched Levi gently.

“I’ll be back!”

Natasha turned around like a gust of wind, only to hear Levi say behind her.

“I know! Besides, isn’t it too little, I haven’t tasted it yet! ”

A red lipstick flew over, and Levi reached out to catch it.

“Eat slowly for you!”

The playful laughter faded away, and Levi watched Natasha drive away in her own red Paramela, the expression on her face gradually becoming gloomy.

In front of his eyes, the red queen was playing the phone call that Natasha had just received.

“I hope you are funny and don’t do anything that upsets me.”

A trace of ferocity flashed under Levi’s eyes.

As for Natasha’s safety, Levi was not worried, because the red Paramela that Natasha drove out just now was not an ordinary sports car.

For the safety of his woman, Li Wei wants to pay more attention to it.

Bucky went out on a mission but no news came back, and you can imagine how anxious and panicked Pierce must be, not only about Bucky’s identity, but also about him, the chairman of the Security Council, if Nick Fury knows about Bucky, if Bucky recovers his memory.

For him, for the entire Hydra, it will be a huge blow.

Therefore, it is natural that they will make some moves, but Levi naturally will not let Natasha make an easy mistake, and he is ready.

Natasha did not return to Washington, D.C., but drove directly to the city, Los Angeles is the second largest city in the United States, the economic center of the west, and naturally has a branch of S.H.I.E.L.D. branches.

Parking the car downstairs, the brightly dressed Natasha went directly to the top floor of the Los Angeles branch, the office of the branch director, with a cold face.

As soon as she entered the office, she found that several people were already waiting for her on the conference call.

“Agent Romanov, please sit.”

On the screen, Alexander Pierce, the minister of the World Security Council, was accompanied by a security governor and several senior agents and officials.

“Thank you, sir!”

After Natasha was stunned for a second, she immediately reacted, smiled coquettishly, and then sat down in the seat prepared for herself.

And Pierce began to continue.

“Agent Romanov, I heard Fury say that you were sent to a director, and although I don’t know why a director threatens national security, can I trouble you to tell me what the results of your mission are? Of course, I’m not questioning your abilities, it’s just that I have received some information, so I need to ask you. ”

Pierce said with a smile, but even across the screen, even if the camera was a little distorted, Natasha could feel the falsehood in his words and the malice in his eyes.

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