Pierce stood up and prepared to shut down the communication, while the other attendees had no problem with his intention to detain this highly accomplished Level 10 agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., after all, they were basically Pierce’s people, not to mention, the evidence was already conclusive, even Nick Fury could not say anything more here.

“You’ll regret it!”

Natasha stood up, raised her feet and prepared to walk outside, but she was thinking about how to break the game.

And yet, right now!


A bang!

Then, a huge robotic arm penetrated the wall, and the conference room was a mess, Natasha subconsciously blocked her eyes, and when she moved away, she found that the wall not far from her had been chiseled, and a strange but intimate steel head was staring at her.

“MyQueen, it’s time to go home.”

Natasha was stunned for a moment, and then a hint of annoyance appeared on her face.

“That bastard!”

Then, Natasha happily trotted forward and jumped.

“Stop her!”

In the screen, the shocked and inexplicable Pierce yelled, and the two soldiers at the door, who were also frightened, reacted, but as soon as they raised the guns in their hands, they heard a boom.

The Decepticon who transformed into Paramela, Phantom, the cannon in his hand directly blasted out, and the huge office instantly turned into fragments, but he had already received his mistress, caught her, and then fell back on his back, wrapped Natasha’s steel body in the air to complete the rapid transformation, and by the time it landed, it had turned into the bright red supercar.


The roar of the engine sounded, and the smoke of gunfire was still filled with the S.H.I.E.L.D. BRANCH BUILDING, BUT THE CULPRIT HAD ALREADY RODE AWAY.


At S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, on the Tricurved Wing building, in the offices of the Security Council, Alexander Pierce looked angrily at the screen in front of him, but it was already dark.

Soon, though, a new video came in.

“Hi Pierce!”

Levi was standing in his garage busy with something.

He’s editing the film, he doesn’t need an editor, he and the red queen are the best editors in the world, and a lot of shots have finished shots in his mind, he just needs to apply them.


Pierce looked at the screen in front of him, his eyes showing deep jealousy, but at the same time he showed doubts about how Levi had invaded his office.

With his age and identity, he naturally won’t go to the cinema to watch any sci-fi popcorn movies, he knows about Transformers, but he doesn’t know much about the abilities of the Cybertrons.

The video he got was from a camera on the agent who attacked Levi and the two of them that night, but what he didn’t know was that Levi had left it for him.

Otherwise, with the ability of sound waves, even if Ultron comes, it is impossible to defeat him in the network field.

And a video, naturally, is impossible to transmit back.

“Well, that’s right, it’s me. What should I call you? Alexander Pierce, oh no, you should call, Hydra Pierce, isn’t it? ”

Pierce’s pupils shrank instantly, and an unprecedented fear surged into his heart.

Hydra, the hydra, is his dependency, the basis for his rise, but at the same time, his deepest nightmare.

He has never controlled Hydra, and he has only become a snake head of Hydra to this day.

And once the hydra comes out, it will be the enemy of the whole world, unless they can solve all the enemies.

“Oh, you’re afraid. No, don’t worry, if I say it, no one will believe it, will they? ”

Levi shrugged.

Yes, say it, who will believe it?

Nick Fury? Or the president of the United States?

Oh my God, the upper organ of S.H.I.E.L.D., the head of the World Security Council turned out to be Hydra!

Don’t tease, this joke is like when it was rumored that Gorba was a spy in the United States.

Well, although the latter is indeed quite similar.

However, Levi, as a being who has successfully declared war on S.H.I.E.L.D., says that Alexander Pierce is Hydra and that it is absolutely impossible for anyone to believe him.

Pierce obviously thought of this too, but seeing Levi’s mysterious smile, his heart was beating wildly, and his intuition told him that Levi definitely had other means that would strangle his throat.

And Levi didn’t intend to hide it from him.

“No one will believe me if I say it, but if I show this to Nick Fury, or, if I go online and show it to the masses, what do you think you will do?”

Records appeared on Pierce’s screen like annoying advertising pop-ups, his computer seemed to be hit by some kind of advanced virus, and countless documents quickly filled his field of vision.

And he didn’t even have to click on it to find out that he was finished!


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