
A blue laser shot directly from the muzzle of the chic shape, almost no recoil, which made this hundred battle elite very unaccustomed, but he didn’t have time to shock the performance of this gun, only to see that in front of him, the target made of all metal was dissolved almost instantly, and then, the blue beam slammed into the wall behind the target, making a deafening sound.

“Oh buy ga!”

Facing the vicious commandos, looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn’t help but blurt out.

Is this a gun?

This is more powerful than a howitzer!

At least, he had never seen a gun that could take out a metal target weighing half a ton with one shot.

“Rumlow, this is your new weapon, with this weapon, do you have the confidence to solve those disgusting alien robots?”

Pierce appears behind commando Rumlow, his henchman, S.H.I.E.L.D. is a special agency where agents theoretically have some force.

But agents who are proficient in various skills are still inferior to fighters who are only responsible for combat.

So the commando is necessary, as a violent agency of S.H.I.E.L.D., Pierce has been infiltrating the commando, and hydra has worked with the Nazis, so he knows very well that in this world, nothing counts as talking, even money, only real power has the right to speak.

The Jews were once rich and controlled nearly 60 percent of the country’s money transactions, but under the genocide, they could only run around and be slaughtered by the workers and petty capitalists they exploited.

“If we can all equip such weapons, I am confident that we will destroy them all!”

Rumlow looked at the opposite wall, the heavy concrete wall was broken like a piece of paper, even if it was replaced with alloy, this level of attack was enough to penetrate the frontal armor of a main battle tank.

The future crossbone has an excited smile on his face, and he has been longing for a great duel for a long time.

After getting Rumlow’s affirmative answer, Pierce finally breathed a sigh of relief, he could fight, he could fight, then he didn’t have to worry about being threatened, as long as he eliminated the guy, even if the information was released, it didn’t matter, he could completely use his wrist and relationship context to suppress everything, big deal, change a S.H.I.E.L.D. director.

“Dr. Zola’s skills are very good, I need to see an armed force as soon as possible, and I must not allow the continued existence of people in our territory who can threaten national security at any time.”

The order was issued, the production capacity was released instantly, a set of matching technologies was extracted, and the energy guns with reinforced armor began to be produced, decades ago, Dr. Zola has perfected the relevant technology, although Dr. Zola has died of cancer on the surface, but only a few Hydra know that Dr. Zola’s consciousness is still preserved by them, saved in the computer, and these technologies, they can use at will.

In the evening, after dinner, after letting Wanda and Skye go to rest early, Levi pulled Natasha and had a conversation with her, and Natasha, who already hated Hydra, agreed without hesitation, and then dialed Nick Fury’s phone.

“Nick, there’s something I have to tell you.”

Looking at Nick Fury wearing a white pajama and a nightcap on the screen, Levi barely held back his smile, the other party was obviously confused, Levi used an exclusive sonic communication network, whether it was Nick Fury or the president’s private number, he could call whenever he wanted.

“Tell me, what the hell is it that makes you call in the middle of the night.”

Levi lives on the West Coast, and Nick Fury is in the Three Curves of S.H.I.E.L.D., that is, Washington, D.C., that is the East Coast, the two are talking across a whole country, spanning several time zones, so that Li Wei’s side has just finished eating, and Nick Fury’s side has gone to sleep in the middle of the night.

Seeing Nick Fury sit up, the smile on Natasha’s face disappeared, gradually became heavy, and then told all the information she had learned about Hydra.

And the more he listened, the heavier Nick Fury’s face became.

“Wait, you don’t think that if I listen to a story from you, I will believe your fantasy that can be called a fantasy, will you?”

Nick Fury said suddenly.

“Of course you won’t believe it, you’re Nick Fury, but, don’t you know to find out?” Moreover, who told you that we only rely on words? ”

Levi leaned over to the camera, picked up the conversation, and then the selected video and documents unfolded in front of Nick Fury’s eyes.

“See no, these are all evidence, so, don’t sleep, Chief Fury, hurry up and prepare rat poison, the rat at home is so big, the rice is about to be eaten up and I don’t know.”

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