If the changes that happen to you can only be counted as magical, then what happens in front of you is a real miracle.

An ancient ruin, carrying the witness of the belief in the false god of the hive, the huge city covering an area of 10,000 meters away has disappeared!

Under the sunlight emitted by Levi, the ruined city under the cliff was like ice and snow, completely melting, disappearing into the heavens and the earth, as if they had never existed.

When Levi fell from the sky, the hive was already on his knees.

He knelt there respectfully, with his hands on the ground and his forehead against the back of his hands, which was the greatest deference.

He really felt the gap between his own strength and Li Wei, which was a gap that he could not bridge no matter how many lives he devoured!

“Let’s go, go back!”

Levi said lightly, not showing any difference in his face because of the feat he had done, but just stepping forward.

On Earth, Skye and the others, who have been staring at the alarm clock, are on guard, they are now in a time of war, and the war with Hydra, everything can not be careless.

“It’s time.”

Hill suddenly led someone to appear, and Skye glanced at the time, then nodded.

“Fire signal flares first!”

According to Levi’s instructions, everyone waited for it, and at the moment when the stone turned into liquid, a signal gun fired at the pool of liquid, and then the liquid returned to stone.

After waiting for about a minute, Skye came to the front of the giant pit, his arm stretched out, and on his white arm, a powerful force spread to the teleportation stone.

Then, suddenly, according to its own rules, the portal of stone and liquid directly turned into a large pool of liquid, and has maintained this state.

“How long can you hold on?”

Hill asked with concern.

She could see that Skye was struggling a little.

“In ten minutes or so, the strength he left me can only keep me going for so long.”

After all, it is a genetic defect, and the power of the inhumans is accompanied by relatively serious side effects, and if Skye does not have Levi’s divine power to maintain, she uses this power herself, and the end may be to shatter herself first.

However, Hill did not have time to worry, because, as the portal opened, Levi flew out of the black liquid portal after only a few tens of seconds.


Skye withdrew his ability and greeted him with a happy face, originally wanting to give Levi a hug, but saw that he was carrying two people in his hands, and could only stand in place and look at him with a small grievance.

Levi quickly threw the two guys in his hand aside, and then ignored the gazes of so many agents around, directly stepped forward to take Skye into his arms, and openly sprinkled a wave of dog food on the people around him.


Looking at Levi’s defiant eyes, Hill held her breath a little, but she could tell the difference between the heavy and the bad, and the bad mood would never affect her work.

“Take them down.”

Under Levi’s nod, the hive silently followed the agents of the Heavenly Sword Bureau down.

“How’s Malik’s location found?” He is now the only breakthrough on the bright side, even if it causes a backlash, I will go to him. ”

After calming Skye, Levi looked at Hill, who although he had some small emotions in his heart, he naturally had no problem doing things, and quickly reported Malik’s location to him.

“Okay, arrange a flight for me, sooner or later, I’ll go to him immediately.”

At night, Levi, who took the hive with him, got on a plane and they were going to Europe.

The headquarters of the Typhon organization are located in Europe, and in fact, almost all of the world’s largest consortia have their roots here.

Although the countries of Europe are no longer good, and the center of the world is gradually shifting to the Americas and Asia, it has to be said that after two world wars, a large number of warmongers who grew up drinking human blood have really been bred here.

From oil to arms, from medicine to real estate, they started out in the war, and when they rebuilt after the war, they entered with huge sums of money and reaped their wealth.

And the Tifon organization is undoubtedly the most outstanding one among them!

It was late at night when he arrived in Europe, but Levi and the hive were not ordinary people and did not need to rest, according to the intelligence transmitted by Hill, Levi flew directly from the airport with the hive to a certain manor located on a European road.

“In other words, why do these people like to live in ancient castles? Do you like to live in this kind of place? Gloomy, decaying, let’s say artistic atmosphere, no, but also very inconsistent with the normal needs of human beings, which in ancient times was used as a war fortress, not to live. ”

Levi looked at the castle in front of him, complained, and then quietly found Malik’s room.


Kicking in the door directly, Levi didn’t talk nonsense, and after lighting up the room, he confirmed that the old man who woke up on the bed was Malik, and he casually stunned the guy, and then signaled to the hive.

“Go, upper body, it’s still a little more real, and then go and chat and negotiate with him or something, I can stand it, the reader can’t stand it.”

The hive, which had long been subdued by Levi, naturally had no objection, and changing his body was like changing a car for him.

So, right next to Levi, the original Nabus astronaut directly turned into dust and disappeared.

His body was completely turned into the nourishment of a hive and was devoured.

Then, countless small insects invisible to the naked eye, like a swarm of bees, pounced on Malik, who was sleeping on the bed.

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