I'm Making A Video In American Comics, And I Start Out As Dark Strange

Chapter 88: Tsunami! Superman's Natural Disaster! Death Of J.A.R.V.I.S!

[“Let’s get on the plane first.” Happy suggested.

“Let’s go, Pepper. I’ll check your physical condition carefully after this incident. " Tony waved to Pepper.

However, Pepper subconsciously opened her eyes and looked at the sky behind Tony.

"What's wrong?" Tony turned his head subconsciously and found that a series of fireballs passed through the atmosphere from high altitude and fell downwards, and the direction of the fall was Xinxiang!

The high-tech glasses Tony was wearing immediately magnified the picture, allowing him to vaguely see two entangled figures in the center of a fireball, seemingly attacking each other.

"This doesn't look good!" Tony's face changed and he yelled: "Get on the plane!"

Several people hurried to act. After the pilot got on the plane, he quickly pressed various buttons, and the rotor of the helicopter began to rotate. Pepper and Happy entered the cabin, and only Tony remained outside.

"Tony, come up!" Pepper shouted.

"Coming soon!" Tony replied, and then pressed the micro-talkie behind his eyes: "J.A.R.V.I.S, don't pack those things, come to the apron immediately [We must leave immediately!

Soon the talkie rang J.A.R.V.I.S's optimistic voice: "Wait a moment, I'll be there soon. The data stored here are all precious. It will be very troublesome if it is lost without backup. Give me a minute, and I'll get it done right away..."

"There's no time. Give up those data. Your safety is the most important thing! Listen to me, J.A.R.V.I.S!" Tony shouted impatiently.

"Okay, okay, I'll come right over..."


As the two were talking, the debris that had burned through the atmosphere roared across the sky with flames, and slammed into the distant ocean!

The huge waves visible to the naked eye formed a tsunami, rushing towards Xinxiang!

But the tsunami had just formed, and the two afterimages that burst out from the sea collided again, and the blazing golden-red rays and the thick purple light column collided, causing a terrifying shockwave, causing the buildings in the city to collapse first!

"Hurry up! Run faster! Old man!" Tony looked at the buildings in the city turned into ruins with shocked eyes, and urged Convis frantically.

Suddenly, a purple light column sprayed obliquely from a distance into the sky, and then swept across!

The tallest buildings in Xinxiang suffered a devastating blow! Sweeped by the light column, it made a terrifying explosion and began to slowly collapse!

Tony stumbled and fell to the side uncontrollably, with a look of fear in his eyes.

The Stark Industrial Building under his feet was also swept by the purple beam from the waist, and the upper half began to tilt and collapse!

" Tony!!!"

" Mr. Stark!"

Pepper and Happy both screamed, and the helicopter slowly left the apron. The pilot was sweating and trying to control the helicopter to avoid the building edges swept by the tilted building.

Tony, who did not board the plane, was thrown out and fell into a corner, and was about to fall with the collapsed building.

" Tony!!!"

At this time, the stimulated long hair on Pepper's head turned into nine strands and floated up again, with orange flames rising from her body. She jumped out of the cabin with force and ran towards Tony.

Pepper's changes this time were more obvious. Her eyes turned into Beast's pupils, her canine teeth in her open mouth became sharp and thick, and even the nails on her hands became sharp and curved!

The surging aura on her body vaguely formed the shape of a fox with nine tails!

After jumping out of the cabin and landing on the top of the tilted Stark Building, Pepper used her hands and feet to run to Tony's side, blocking the falling debris for him, and then grabbed him and threw him behind her!

After Pepper rescued Tony, she once again landed on her hands and feet and ran wildly on the top of the tilted building. Finally, she jumped out at the closest place to the helicopter, carrying Tony on her back and crossing a distance of more than ten meters in the air, and accurately jumped into the open helicopter door.

After entering the plane, Pepper's abnormality slowly disappeared. She quickly put Tony down from her back, and Happy, who was full of fear on his face, also lent a hand and laid Tony, who was bleeding from his head, flat in the spacious cabin.

The fall was obviously not light, and Tony's consciousness was a little fuzzy, but he still shook his head and slowly sat up, then looked at the upper half of the tilted Stark Building collapsed with a roar, and crushed the lower half.

In the end, the entire huge amounts of the building disappeared in a rolling cloud of dust.

After a long silence, Tony stretched out his hand and pressed the micro-intercom beside his ear: "J.A.R.V.I.S... Are you still there?"

But there was silence in the intercom, no sound.

Tony pursed his lips tightly, and a glimmer appeared in his eyes.

The helicopter swayed gently and flew inland. There was silence in the cabin, and Happy and Pepper's faces were also gloomy.

Tony turned his head away, avoiding Pepper's hand that wiped the blood on his head, and then stood up silently, looking through the unclosed cabin door at the gradually receding ruins of the Stark Building, and hatred slowly rose on his face.

The next moment, the picture jumped.

In the huge amounts of ruins, Anlan and Apocalypse's battle also reached the final stage.

Anlan put one arm around Apocalypse's front and tightened his neck tightly, causing the purple light beam from Apocalypse's mouth to gradually weaken, controlling him in place, regardless of No matter how hard Apocalypse's hands tried, she couldn't shake the arm that was cast in steel!

At the moment, An Lan (the good one) had red eyes and a deep sense of remorse on his face. He tightened Apocalypse's neck and roared: "Look at what you have done?! How many people lost their lives because of your selfishness?!"

"That's... their honor..." Apocalypse uttered a voice from her mouth with difficulty: "I don't understand... you are so powerful and have extraordinary abilities, why do you have to associate with those mortals?!!"

"... You can obviously become the gods of the new world! Together with me, dominate the fate of the entire world... "

"Now is no longer your time, En· Sabah· Nur!" An Lan was furious: "The fate of mankind and the fate of this world should not be decided by you, a false god!"

"You should be punished for your actions! I will personally send you to the court of justice! You will be judged by all mankind!"】.

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