Oncoming from the A1 area is an extremely empty public rest area, with cold incandescent lights covering the cold walls, and rows of tables and chairs on each side. Professionals in twos and threes are resting here.

Farther away is a placement area dedicated to parking mechas. Now there are many mechas, but most of them are standard mechas. Highly modified mechas such as Jiang Liu and others are useless at all. .

The innermost place is a place for professionals to rest, three rows of rest cabins lined up with each other.

"Don't be stunned, first set up the mecha, take a bath and rest for a while, when it comes to the battlefield, it's not up to us to say when to rest," Wang Tianjiao said in a dull voice.

Jiang Liu first parked the mecha in the mecha placement area. As soon as he got off the mecha, someone came up.

The visitor had a yellow-skinned face with a national character and a beard, and his eyes were quite small, with wicked brows and rat eyes, and his good looks ruined these eyes.

This person smiled and quickly stepped forward: "Brother, introduce myself, I am from the 1525 gathering place, my name is Gao Li, are you also sent to the front line?"

Jiang Liu silently glanced at Gao Yu and said, "Good name, do you know how to write Chinese calligraphy?"

Gao Li:? ? ?

I got close to you, but you asked me if I could write Chinese calligraphy? I think your head seems to be seriously ill.

Gao Yu smiled stiffly: "Why, brothers like calligraphy with brush? So Yaxing, there are not many people who can write calligraphy with brush these days."

Jiang Liu silently shook his head and said with a serious face: "I don't know, but I think it's quite casual for your parents to name you."


If it wasn't for the mechas behind him, he would have turned his head and left.

"Brother, hey, you are really good at joking, shall we meet?"

"Jiang Liu, from the 0860 underground city." Jiang Liu finally took it seriously.

Wang Tianjiao and others had already stepped down from the mecha at this time.

Gao Yan looked enviously at everyone and said, "Brother Jiang Liu, your mecha is really good."

The corner of Jiang Liu's mouth tilted slightly and said: "It's okay, brother Gao Qi, I just heard you say that you are also going to the front line?"

Gao Li immediately said with a bitter face: ‘Yes, we all go to the front in the A1 rest area. ’

Jiang Liu silently looked around. There were almost two to three hundred people visible to the naked eye in the A1 rest area. This was not counted as those in the rest cabin. Looking at it this way, I am afraid that many people were transported to the front on the Noah's Ark.

"Brother Jiang, let's add a terminal. You may still have a chance to be assigned to the same battlefield later, and you may have to trouble you to take care of it." Gao Li said kindly.

Jiang Liu didn't refuse. After adding friends, the Wang team and others just came over, which is quite insightful.

"Brother Jiang Liu, I won't bother you, I'm leaving now."

Jiang Liu looked thoughtful at Gao Yu's back, and Wang Tianjiao stepped forward and asked: ‘What’s wrong, what did that person do just now? ’

Jiang Liu smiled casually: "It's also a professional who goes to the front line."

Wang Tianjiao suddenly realized, and then said: "Jiang Liu, I have to tell you first, friends on the battlefield, who are still drinking together today, tomorrow may be dead, so pay attention to yourself."

Jiang Liu didn't care about it.

There is an exclusive public bathing area on the A1 floor. After taking a bath, Jiang Liu, Wang Tianjiao and others entered the dormant warehouse one after another.

Lying in the dormant cabin, you can clearly see everything happening outside through the glass, but because of the single-sided glass, the inside cannot be seen from the outside.

Tsk tusk, how does it feel like a coffin... Jiang Liu closed his eyes while complaining.

The sleep aid spray is automatically released in the dormant cabin, and Jiang Liu slowly enters his dream.

When Jiang Liu opened his eyes again, he was awakened by the terminal and rubbed his eyes. Jiang Liu felt refreshed. Not to mention, it was really comfortable to sleep in the iron coffin.

Standing up and opening the dormant warehouse, Jiang Liu saw Sister Angelina guarding at the door of the dormant warehouse with a worried expression on her face.

Angela's frowning expression improved when she saw Jiang Liu coming out of it.

"Boss! You've been asleep for a long time! If you don't wake up again, we will all go to smash the dormant bin."

Jiang Liu asked in astonishment, "Huh? How long have I slept?"

Angeli said with a cold face: "For 45 hours, Angela has been here for the duration."

Jiang Liu immediately understood, no wonder Angelie was so cold, she felt sorry for her sister.

"Here, here's it for you. Eat some first." Angeli threw a nutrient solution to Jiang Liu.

Jiang Liu took it smoothly, biting open the package and swallowing indifferently.

This thing is not so much a nutrient solution, as it is a nutrient paste, which is made from the meat of a reproductive beast. For F-level professionals, a bag of nutrient solution is enough.

Of course, since this effect can be achieved, there is no need to pursue the taste.

Jiang Liu expressionlessly threw the package in the trash can.

"The smell of this thing reminds me of the socks that Martin has put on for more than ten days, or the kind that was soaked in water."

"Boss, I always wash my socks every six days, never let go for more than ten days."

Martin, who just came over, had a grudge on his face.

"One wash in six days is no better than one wash in ten days." Angela whispered bb.

Jiang Liu scratched his head, saying that he had never seen Angela wash socks...

Jiang Liu looked down. Although Angela is wearing a black combat suit with Qualcomm black combat boots, she also wears black stockings.

Angela flushed, she clearly felt Jiang Liu's gaze.

Angelie has a murderous heart next to her. Is it really good to molest her sister in front of her?

Jiang Liu couldn't help coughing.

By the way ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can something like black stockings really be put on the battlefield... Jiang Liu secretly complained.

"Ding! Emergency!"

The beep from the terminal made Jiang Liu's expression change.

"Commissioner Jiang Liu, received an order from the front-line joint command. The Nightingale Special Operations Team will be airborne in 15 minutes. The specific mission information has been sent to the terminal. Please check carefully. Nova recommends that you drive the mech to supply supplies immediately."

Jiang Liu's expression was extremely embarrassed. He looked at the crowd and looked at each other. All members of the Nightingale Squad might have received relevant information.

Not only Nightingale, but A1, which was originally quiet, completely boiled, and shouts and calls came and went one after another.

Wang Tianjiao and Baige also rushed out from the rest cabin.

"Quick! Get on the mech, let's get the supplies!" Wang Tianjiao immediately ordered.

Jiang Liu slammed straight to the mecha, the hatch behind the Wings of Fallen opened slowly, and Jiang Liu jumped into it.

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