I’m Making Equipment In Wasteland

Chapter 192: Frontline observation

In the frontline command center, everyone's eyes fell on Yul. As the commander of the federal front, all the pressure is on him. ,

Yule's body is still very tall and straight, his eyes are firm and there is no change.

The source defense device on the front of the Federation has been destroyed more than once, but every time the Federation has successfully survived, this time is no exception.

"Order, the Saker Falcon troops are launched! Target, the Red Sickle Ge Qiusha troops." Yul said in a deep voice.


"The Falcon has been launched! All mechas are being tested!"

"Mecha detection is complete, and the Falcon troops are dispatched!"

On the holographic screen, nearly a thousand UAVs took off!

These mechas are only two people in size, and the whole is painted in pitch black. The streamlined fuselage is more like a drone from the old era.

At this time Jiang Liu just got up slowly, and the whistling from the sky made him look up subconsciously.

It was a mecha group composed of drones, and they were rushing to the distance in a swarm.

"Saker Falcon! This is our Falcon dispatched!"

In the distance, some surviving soldiers looked at the Saker Falcon in the sky and cheered!

Jiang Liu looked inexplicable. He had heard of the Saker Falcon, which was a new type of air combat drone developed by the Teng Ma Consortium.

Because of excluding the driver, the size of the mecha itself has been greatly reduced, and its speed is amazing, reaching M2.5 at full speed.

At the same time, it can carry weapons such as high-destructive bombs and nuclear warheads from the old era.

However, its disadvantage is that although the Saker Falcon has high mobility and high lethality, its defense is low, and even E-level professionals can easily destroy it.

Of course, the prerequisite is to be able to lock the other party first.

The dispatch of the Saker Falcon means that the war between the Red Scythe and the Federation is about to enter a white-hot stage again.

After getting up, Jiang Liu directly took out Wings of Depravity from Mercury's tears.

"Boss, you still have to go to the front?" Angeli asked.

Jiang Liu nodded slightly. The front-line war was about to begin. The fiercer the war, the more test the performance of the weapon. He must know whether the Viper can withstand the test of this war.

Angeli clenched her silver teeth. She didn't know why Jiang Liu had to go to the front line, but since Jiang Liu was going, she would go too.

"I'll go with you." Angelie continued.

Jiang Liu jumped into the mecha: "You didn't carry the mecha. This time the battlefield is quite dangerous, so you don't need to go with me."

Before Jiang Liu had finished speaking, she smelled a fragrant wind on the surface, and Angeli took the initiative to jump into the Wings of Depravity.

Although the cockpit of Fallen Wings is not small, it is for a single person. When two people are crowded in the cockpit at the same time, it is naturally a little cramped.

The close contact made Angelie's face reddened, and even her earlobes turned pink, especially when she felt her back pressed against Jiang Liu's chest.

"Don't froze, go quickly." Angeli gritted her teeth and said.

Jiang Liu's expression was a bit stunned, but immediately launched the Wings of Depravity.

The impetus brought by the powerful source engine made Angelie stick to Jiang Liu's chest, and Wings of Fallen rushed into the sky.

On the battlefield, the Red Sickle attack had already begun.

The Red Scythe this time can be said to be a massive invasion. Not only were countless Red Death Gods dispatched, there were also a large number of Red Scythe warriors and mechas.

However, the Federation is also well prepared this time, and the battle between the two sides this time is entirely around the border between the two sides.

Today's border can be said to be turned into a purgatory.

The old tradition of the red sickle was to wash the ground with bombs and rain. Ge Qiusha's attack first covered the federal border. For four rounds of attacks, the coverage area reached nearly 50 kilometers, which lasted nearly half an hour.

After all this was over, the red sickle moved their offense to the federal front line station.

"For our motherland! To survive! Ula!"

Countless red sickle soldiers in overcoats rushed to the border with a variety of guns, and many of them were professionals.

Scythe spiders, T series heavy mechas, Tsar series chariots and other ordnance formed a torrent of steel and rushed towards the federal border.

And the most conspicuous of these should be the red death at the forefront of the battle line.

The red death gods dispatched by the red sickle this time are completely different from the past. This time they have sent thousands of red death gods, and these red death gods have different forms.

There are red death gods who are sturdy in shape and seem to be covered with a layer of flesh and blood armor, and there are also slender, agile red death gods that are extremely fast.

Among them, the scariest one should be the red death **** with a bloated head and a thin body.

If Jiang Liu were on the scene, he would find that this red death with a huge head is quite similar to the red death he encountered in the 0860 dungeon ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ On the other hand, the federal side, because the discovery was timely, the first Defence was carried out in a short time, and countless heavy armors and Federation fighters have laid a line of defense that spreads extremely.

From a height, two waves of different colors are approaching fast!

At this moment Jiang Liu arrived at the edge of the battlefield, and the sky-shaking explosions one after another, the short-range and long-range troops of the two sides have begun to exchange fire.

The federal side dispatched a self-propelled defensive missile vehicle called the Defender V series. When nearly a thousand missiles were launched at the same time, the effect was amazing. ,

Cannonballs fell from the sky with tail flames, and red mushroom clouds exploded in the red sickle camp. Countless soldiers and professionals had no time to escape, and they turned into ashes and dissipated in the air following the explosion.

And this is just the beginning.

The war in the new era is so terrible. The advancement of science and technology has not only brought about the development of civilization, but also made destruction easier.

One cannonball can easily harvest hundreds of lively lives, and there are more terrifying weapons above this.

The Fallen Wings operated by Jiang Liu stopped one kilometer away from the battlefield. Here, relying on the visual capture system of Fallen Wings, he could clearly see what happened on the battlefield.

The Red Death of the Red Scythe was very fast. Although the Federation’s shelling had an impact on the Red Death, it was not fatal. Soon these red deaths rushed into the Federation’s defenses.

The red death gods who suddenly rushed into the defense line were like tigers into the flock. Professionals below the D level were not their opponents at all. For a while, these red death gods set off a **** wave.

The huge red Reapers rushed, and the sensitive red Reapers made it impossible to see them at all.

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