I’m Making Equipment In Wasteland

Chapter 205: New mech, new war


Rossi seemed to have put a lot of effort into this dinner, and when the wine was almost sobered, the waiters also came in one by one.

All kinds of delicacies and delicacies are placed on the white as snow plates, and the dishes are also varied. There are not only Western-style dishes such as foie gras and steak, but even Chinese dishes such as Baobao.

Rossi's smile looked quite amiable.

"I know that you are a descendant of Huaxia, so I specially ordered some Chinese food for you to try. The dishes at their restaurant taste good."


Jiang Liu used chopsticks to pick up a piece of pot meat and put it in his mouth. The skin was crispy and slightly sweet and sour.

Jiangliu was from the Northeast in his previous life, and he naturally has a special liking for the iconic Northeastern cuisine such as Baobaorou.

He slowly put down his chopsticks, and said sincerely: "It's been a long time since I've eaten such authentic pot meat, Mr. Rousai is interested."

There was a glimmer of light in the eyes of Roussey. Before coming, Roussey had investigated Jiang Liu's various things.

He clearly knew that Jiang Liu had been growing up in the desert for the past twenty years, so where did he eat the pot of meat?

Rossi became more sure of his guess, Jiang Liu's previous identity must have been carefully disguised.

The back of the boy in front of him was far from simple as he thought.

If Jiang Liu knew the inner thoughts of Roussey, he might laugh out loud on the spot.

It is estimated that whoever is here, even if he wants to break his head, he can't think of the identity of his traverser.

Jiang Liu slowly put down his chopsticks and said, "Mr. Rose, if you have anything, just say it directly."

Rosette raised his head and drank the red wine in his glass.

"Then I'll just say it, I hope you can sell me the factory."

"En?" Jiang Liu tilted his head and looked at Rou Sai.

"If you sell the factory to me, you can gain the friendship of the Lima consortium. At the same time, you also have certain management rights over the factory. As long as you don't produce weapons for the frontline, you can do everything else at will."

In Roussey's view, Jiang Liu is destined to cooperate with him. After all, what the Lima consortium represents in the federation, Jiang Liu should not be ignorant.

All the previous things were nothing more than to get more benefits, but now Roussey has agreed to Jiang Liu's request.

But who knows, Jiang Liu's expression was beyond Rousai's expectations.

Jiang Liu shook his head and smiled and said: "Mr. Rousey, first of all, I am very grateful for your invitation to this dinner, but I cannot agree to your terms."

After Jiang Liu said, he got up slightly, and when he was about to leave the room, Jiang Liu turned his head and said, "Mr. Roussey, not everyone can win by profit."

Jiang Liu turned his head and left. Rossi looked at Jiang Liu's back with no expression on his face, but he clenched the wine glass in his hand until it couldn't bear it bursting on the spot.

Luo Sai couldn't think of the reason for Jiang Liu's refusal. In his opinion, this was a win-win thing, but Jiang Liu refused in the end.

Maybe there is only one possibility.

Rossi's expression was gloomy, Jiang Liu and the forces behind him wanted more, and even wanted to change the current situation in which the top ten consortia controlled the Federation.

Rossi slowly let go, the crystal clear glass shards slowly fell, and a 19th century British royal cup of the old era was crushed by him.

Rossi picked up the knife and fork and slowly tasted the delicious food on the table, and his brain was thinking fast.

There should be another force behind Jiang Liu, and at the same time, this force should have contact with the federal front line, otherwise Yule would not be able to hand the license to Jiang Liu.

At the same time, this force should be extremely hidden, otherwise Jiang Liu's background identity cannot be explained at all, and there is still a connection between this force and Zhao Changan.

If this is the case, then everything can be explained. When Jiang Liu came to the front line with a plan, Zhao Changan's sudden acceptance of disciples should also be instigated by others.

At this moment, Rossi suddenly realized.

If Jiang Liu knew what Rossi had guessed at this moment, he would definitely give a thumbs up silently.

Niu, this is a real cow. Just because of one sentence, you can make up so much. I admire it.

It only took less than an hour for Jiang Liu to leave and come back. As soon as he walked in, Jiang Liu threw his tie aside and yelled, "Angina, there is nothing left to eat, so hungry."

Angela emerged from the kitchen with a little tomato sauce on the corners of her mouth: "Boss, do you eat Martin's pizza?"

"Eat! Save me some!" Jiang Liu's eyes lit up.

"Boss! Keep your voice down!" Angela trot forward and covered Jiang Liu's mouth.

"Sister, she is asleep. If we wake her up at this time, it won't be enough for us to eat."

Jiang Liu:? ? ?

He looked suspiciously at Angela in front of him. Are they sure this is a sister?

Jiang Liu followed Angela into the kitchen. Just after eating two pieces of pizza, Jiang Liu's terminal suddenly sounded.

When he picked it up, Jiang Liu's expression was condensed, and the contact displayed above was something Jiang Liu would never have thought of.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Liu chose to connect the link.

The screen projected on the terminal changed as a result, and Diana's figure appeared in front of Jiang Liu.

"Long time no see, Mr. Jiang Liu, I don't know how you are on the front line?" Diana smiled.

Jiang Liu said softly, "Not bad, I wonder what Ms. Diana is looking for at this time?"

Diana stretched out her hand and squeezed: "Remember the college competition you participated in at the Basic Academy? The 0860 dungeon has now fallen, but the results of the college competition have come out."

"Congratulations, Mr. Jiang Liu, you have successfully won the first place in the Federation College Competition."

"I guess Ms. Diana isn't just here to wish me first place, right?"

In Angela's aggrieved gaze, Jiang Liu smoothly put the last piece of the game in the mouth, and Angela stomped her feet repeatedly.

Angela sat on the chair and slowly raised Erlang's legs, leaking out the slender and slender legs.

"Then I'll be straightforward. I hope Mr. Jiang Liu can hand over this research and development product to our steel core consortium to be responsible."

Diana slowly approached the camera, with an inexplicable smile on her face: "In addition, I have heard of Mr. Jiang Liu’s recent situation. Facing the pressure of Lima, Tengma, and the three parties of Star Heavy Industries, I am afraid that even Mr. Jiang Liu should be very It's hard, isn't it?"

"If Mr. Jiang Liu agrees, I can extend a helping hand to you on behalf of the Steel Core Consortium."

After hearing this, Jiang Liu looked at the holographic screen: "Reason, give me a reason. Just because of a source force shunting device, the Steel Core Consortium dares to help me under the pressure of several other consortia? Does this seem unrealistic?"

Jiang Liu still felt a little compelling. He knew who he was now, and he didn't believe that the Steel Core Consortium would help him so easily. There is a saying in the old age that God has secretly marked everything as a bargaining chip.

What you want to get, you will inevitably give. If you like salted fish, you have to accept that you have no success in your career. Of course, for some people, salted fish can also be successful in your career, but what he consumes may be everything his parents have.

Jiang Liu knew this very well, so he knew that the reason for how Diana cooperated must be something he wanted to gain from him, and it was not just a source force shunting device.

"Then I'll be straightforward. I want you to have 50% of the original shares of Jiye. At the same time, the steel core consortium will try to help Jiye stand firmly on the front line of the Federation. However, we need to sign a contract. The civilian industry, at least in the field of the steel core consortium."

Diana made a series of requests, while Jiang Liu's expression was quite complicated.

Diana does have her purpose, but from another perspective, Diana also has a little kindness.

"I want to know, why are you so optimistic about my polar night?" Jiang Liu asked once again.

Diana Lengxia said: "It's not about your optimism, but disappointment with other consortia."

On the holographic screen, Diana slowly got up, she was standing in front of a floor-to-ceiling window, her voice was a little vague.

"When everyone's eyes are on the internal indulgence, usurping rights, and there is no open and enterprising heart, this country will decline."

"Unfortunately, we are now in this period. Although the top ten consortia firmly control the entire federation, I can clearly smell the smell of corruption."

Jiang Liu secretly complained when he heard this, but couldn't tell that the man in front of him was still a young man...

"Other than that?" Jiang Liu interjected.

"Besides, I believe you. The federation at the moment is a pool of stagnant water. Your appearance can bring about a catfish effect, so that this pool of stagnant water can gradually come alive and even complete the reshuffle. Then again, let the steel core consortium become a new one. The head consortium, why should I not do it?"

Diana blinked at Jiang Liu, the occasional purity that made Jiang Liu feel a little lost.

Jiang Liu did not answer, he was thinking carefully about the gains and losses.

The entry of the Steel Core Consortium has advantages and disadvantages for him.

First of all, Jiang Liu knows very well that it is simply unrealistic to fight against the top ten consortiums alone. Let alone the top ten consortia, the two-horse consortium of Lima and Tenma alone is enough to destroy him. Of course, the premise is that he leaves the federation. front.

The advantage of working with the Steel Core Consortium is that he can obtain a lot of resources. These resources exist in all aspects. Even when he is targeted by other consortia, the Steel Core Consortium can occasionally help. This is a good side.

The downside is that the joining of the Steel Core Consortium will make him lose a certain degree of dominance, and may even bury hidden dangers in the future. In addition, there are many more.

But overall, the advantages may outweigh the disadvantages.

Jiang Liu was silent for a moment and then said: ‘10%, at the same time, it’s just stocks and no management rights. This is something I can accept. ’

Diana pretended to be surprised: "Little brother Jiangliu, you are a big lion. 10% of the equity will be exchanged for the help of my steel core consortium. This transaction is a bit of a loss for us."

"How about this, why don't we have an interview? Three days later, I will arrive at the federal front."

Diana couldn't allow Jiang Liu to refuse, and she hung up the terminal.


The Federation 0001 underground city was once called Peiping, Yanjing, etc. in the old era, and after the new era, it was also the place where colonial beasts raged the most. But thanks to the Chinese system at the time, this place was also the place where order was restored most in the new era.

Later, relying on the entire city at that time, the first dungeon of the Federation was created, which is now the 0001 underground city.

Here gathers the most powerful military guarantee in the entire Federation, as well as more than half of the Federation's consortia and dignitaries.

Diana was in the 0001 dungeon at the moment. She hung up the interruption and got up and walked out.

"Miss, the Patriarch hopes you can come and see him."

A one-meter-eight waiter stood respectfully in front of Diana. He kept his head down from beginning to end, without the slightest gaze falling on Diana's body.


Diane Lin moved slightly, and a moment later she came to an office.

This is the office on the top floor of this building. The room is a little empty. The most striking thing is the bookcase that occupies the entire wall. It is filled with various paper books, some of which are even old. Epochs are all books out of print.

"Father, here I am." Diana changed her previous frivolousness.

"Come and sit down, let me take a good look at my girl!"

The man slowly raised his head, revealing joyful but blaming eyes.

"At that time I didn't let you go to such a remote place. As a result, you had to go. This time, if I didn't send someone to rescue you immediately after knowing the situation of the beast tide, you said you wouldn't be able to come back!"

The man with white temples blamed.

Diana forbidden her nose and made a face at the man.

"Father, didn't I come back alive now." She sat opposite the man. "By the way, Father, what I told you before, do you think it's okay?"

The man slowly raised his head without anger: "I don't agree. I have been indulging you to fool around before, but this time, there is no way."

The man then said bitterly: "You are also a big girl. I know you have always wanted to make a career, but this kind of thing is absolutely not possible. Your father, I took over the steel core consortium from your grandfather back then. You are so Once you do it, you will get rid of the Steel Core Consortium."

Diana said: "Father, you haven't seen the small actions of the second and third rooms~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you really make them successful, will the steel core consortium still be the steel core before?"

"Also, father, don't forget, the original intention of grandfather grandfather's founding of the Steel Core Consortium, and what is the current federation you know better than me. Just how long do you think you can hold on to such a federation?"

"The internal and external troubles are endless. This beast tide is the best witness. So many dungeons have been destroyed because of this. In the long run, this is an immeasurable loss. Can those consortia really not see it? No, but I don’t want to manage."

Diana said with a sneer: "Only for the benefit of the moment, for fear of being surpassed by others, what is the difference between this and the old man, father, I guarantee that if this continues, within 20 years, the Federation will not be If the colony beast is wiped out, it is swallowed by the red sickle."

"Father, I will go to the federal front in three days." Diana threw a bomb again.

The man stretched out his hand to touch the top of his sparse head and smiled wryly. His daughter really threw him a big problem.

For a long time the man said: "You grow up and have your own ideas, then I won't stop you, but I have a request."

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