I’m Making Equipment In Wasteland

Chapter 179: Red sickle invasion

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As the room door opened, Diana appeared in front of Jiang Liu.

Diana subconsciously stepped back and pinched her nose with one hand. "You haven't been out in this period of time? How long have you not taken a shower?"

Jiang Liu was taken aback for a moment. He raised his hand and handed over the terminal. Through the terminal, Jiang Liu realized his current appearance.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as unkempt. At this moment, his hair has been tresses collocated with messy stubble, making him a homeless man.

Jiang Liu sniffed carefully, and a strong sour smell directly caught him.

He smiled awkwardly and said, ‘what’s the matter, what can I do? ’

Diana angrily said: "You are ashamed to ask, the red sickle is almost hitting the door of the house, don't you know it now?!"

Jiang Liu:? ? !

Jiang Liu never expected that the red sickle would hit the door of the house. Before he had arranged everything, he directly chose to retreat. In addition, he specifically asked Sister Angelina and Martin not to disturb him no matter who they were.

But Martin and the others were too sincere, and they didn't bother him.

The frightened Jiang Liu quickly asked, "What happened?"

Diana said directly: "You can adjust the terminal to see."

Jiang Liu hurriedly clicked on the terminal. Before, he adjusted the terminal to the do-not-disturb mode. Even Safia could not enter Jiang Liu's terminal.

As the Do Not Disturb mode was closed, a lot of information appeared in Jiang Liu's line of sight.

"The red sickle is invading, and the federal front is about to fall!"

"The elite front-line troops of the Federation encountered an ambush, and 30,000 soldiers died tragically."

"The federal emergency mobilizes professionals to go to the front line, the war situation is not optimistic."

Pieces of news and internal battle reports appeared, and Jiang Liu quickly scanned the information.

One of the battle reports attracted Jiang Liu's attention.

"On August 12, the Federal Information Fortress was destroyed by the Red Scythe. On the same day, the Federation Living Dead Division of the 05796 Region encountered near the Red Scythe. The whole army was destroyed after three days of fierce fighting."

Jiang Liu really took a breath when he saw the news.

The Division of the Living Dead is one of the major permanent divisions on the federal front. Although most of its members are disabled, the overall combat effectiveness is quite strong and it ranks among the top five on the federal front all year round.

The history of the Legion is also very long. Since its establishment, it has received countless honors. It was even a nightmare of the Red Scythe, but now such a division has been wiped out by the Red Scythe, which is incredible.

"How is the situation now?" Jiang Liu asked.

Diana said in a low tone: "Most areas of the federal front line have been lost. The Red Scythe is attacking with all the power this time. According to previous estimates, the team will arrive at the front line station in three days."

A series of news left Jiang Liu's mind blank.

Although the Federation has a vast territory, its northern part is flat and almost plain. In the face of the red sickle's intrusion, the frontline station is both the first and last line of defense of the Federation.

Once the front line of the Federation is broken by the Red Scythe, the Red Scythe can rush all the way to dungeon 0001. By then, almost half of the Federation will be exposed to the Red Scythe fire.

"I'm going to find the teacher, do you want to go with me?" Jiang Liu said quickly.

"Together," Diana said.

Jiang Liu took Diana out of the laboratory. He didn't even have time to change his clothes. Jiang Liu spent ten minutes on the journey that had been close to half an hour.

When arriving at the courtyard gate, Jiang Liu found that the original ten-member team had expanded to twenty.

This is actually very easy to understand. As the previous commander-in-chief of the federal front, Zhao Changan would definitely deal a major blow to the federal front if he had any accident. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to strengthen manpower for security.

The appearance of Jiang Liu and Diana instantly aroused the vigilance of the security members, but when several of them saw that it was Jiang Liu, the people who had been wary of them immediately relaxed.

The situation was urgent, Jiang Liu didn't exchange too much greetings with these people, and directly pushed in.

Compared with the increasingly strong smell of gunpowder smoke outside, the courtyard where Zhao Changan lived is still as comfortable and peaceful as before, and Zhao Changan is sitting in the small water hole fishing at this time.

Jiang Liu, who was still anxious in his heart, gradually calmed down after seeing the indifferent expression of Zhao Changan, and even the pace was no longer as hurried as before.

"Teacher, do you know the situation outside?" Jiang Liu asked.

Zhao Changan still held the fishing rod, even his posture did not change.

"Nonsense, of course I know." Zhao Changan replied.

"You two stop standing, find a place to sit by yourself."

Jiang Liu simply sat directly on the ground, and the cold slate calmed Jiang Liu's anxious heart again.

"Teacher, do you think we can win this war?"

"Then you have to ask Yule, it's no use asking me, he is now the commander-in-chief." Zhao Changan was very calm.

Jiang Liu was speechless for a moment.

"What's your kid doing lately?" Zhao Changan turned his head and asked.

Jiang Liu muffled and said, "New weapons have been developed during the recent period."

Jiang Liu suddenly looked stunned~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He suddenly thought of a way to solve this crisis. The most powerful thing about Frostmourne is not its power, but its control ability.

As long as the mental power and source power are strong enough, you can control countless dead people to fight for yourself.

The only drawback is that holding Frostmourne will be controlled by the Lich King, but in this world, Frostmourne itself is created by Jiang Liu himself.

Do you control yourself?

"Teacher! Maybe I have a solution to this crisis!" Jiang Liu said suddenly.

Zhao Changan raised his brows and asked, "What can you do?"

Jiang Liu rubbed his hands and said excitedly: "There is a way for the weapon I cast this time!"

Standing next to Jiang Liu, Diana looked suspicious, what kind of weapon can solve this federal crisis, can the space-based gun? Or what weapons of mass destruction?

"Then go to Yule." Zhao Changan said slowly.

Jiang Liu couldn't help but wonder. He suddenly didn't understand why Zhao Changan had such an attitude. As the former commander-in-chief of the Federation, Zhao Changan's affection for the front line of the Federation was absolutely unmatched by anyone, but now Zhao Changan doesn't take it anymore.

"Teacher, it is impossible for the red sickle to defeat the federation, right? We actually still have weapons that can determine the battle?!" Jiang Liu said his guess.

Zhao Changan sneered: "Don't guess, no, if the red sickle really breaks through the federal resident, I will send you away at the end."

"What about you, teacher?" Jiang Liu stared at Zhao Changan, trying to see what was wrong on his face.

Zhao Changan stretched out slowly and said, "Me? Of course I will keep it till the end."

"The federal front is my home, I won't leave."

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