I'm Naruto, Starting With Ashura.

Chapter 104: The Three Holy Lands Can’T Be Forgotten

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya doesn't think that much about his two sons.

After receiving the "blessing" from this world and giving birth to two children, becoming a mother was actually a very new experience for Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

Ōtsutsuki Hamura and Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo are a part of the power separated from her body, mixed with the "blessing" of this world to be born, otherwise she would not have given birth to two children so easily as a member of the Ōtsutsuki clan.

Now, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya still remembers how complicated his mood was when he saw a part of his separated power turning into a young child little by little.

There is another life connected with her blood in the world.

It is different from the opposite relationship like Ōtsutsuki Ishiki, but they have the deepest connection with each other.

It is because of her love for these two children who are connected by blood that she wants to resist the attack of the Ōtsutsuki clan even more.

But in the end, her two children chose to stand on the opposite side of her, just like herself and Ōtsutsuki.

Therefore, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya kept resenting in his heart, resenting why he had to separate part of his power, and why he accepted the "Blessing 10" to allow Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo and Ōtsutsuki Hamura to be born.

Perhaps she would be better off without these two children.

But every time she thinks about this, Tsutsuki Kaguya always thinks of the first two children that moved her.

Therefore, facing the two children who sealed her, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya still felt strong sadness as a mother.

Uzumaki Naruto glanced at Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

"It's almost like Timmy in FGO."

"As the mother of all things, all she wants to do is return, but it is a problem that humans have to face."

"Ōtsutsuki Kaguya is also in the same situation as Tima."

Without that identity, without that force field, Uzumaki Naruto would never have understood how Ōtsutsuki Kaguya felt.

It's like no one can understand Tiamat's feelings.

Because it is not in the same force field, it is impossible to understand at all.

Uzumaki Naruto didn't want to understand, he wouldn't think about the problem from the other person's perspective, he could only look at the problem from his own perspective.

Because Uzumaki Naruto knew that he couldn't change his perspective, so he didn't need to understand other people's feelings.

Just find your own goals and move forward. Even if the world becomes more chaotic, it is inevitable in this world.

Uzumaki Naruto doesn't have any entanglements, nor does he think about the world.

"Black Zetsu, what you need to do now is very simple."

"Continue to proceed with your plan and let Ōtsutsuki Hamura and Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo feel that the mastermind is behind everything."

"Then, the most important thing you need to do is to find out where the Ertian Holy Land is."

"Toad, snake, and Katsuyu, these three creatures that belong to this world also stand with Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo."

"And it was also because of the toad's "prophecy" that Ōtsutsuki Hamura and Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo chose to betray. "

Uzumaki Naruto plans to attack the three holy places.

Sold the souls of Ashura and Indra, perhaps the present Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo doesn't know yet.

But once you know it, you will eventually stand on the opposite side.

Instead of starting preparations at that time, it is better to start a series of preparations now.

Ōtsutsuki Hamura's body was buried on the moon, but Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo's body is not known.

It’s just that according to the relationship between Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo and that toad pill, maybe Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo’s body is still on Mount Myōboku.

Continuing to keep their bodies is definitely a trouble, if it can be dealt with earlier, it is better to deal with it as soon as possible.

"However, if you consider this issue, then going to the moon is not a wise choice."

"Once Ōtsutsuki Hamura discovers some problems, it is equivalent to letting Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo know."

This gave Uzumaki Naruto a little headache.

We can't go to the moon for the time being, at least not until the Fourth Ninja War begins.

"Sure enough, can I still only choose Dragon Vein?"

Dragon Vein has an effect that transcends time.

In Uzumaki Naruto, this seems to be a more abnormal power than the power of Six Paths. At least the power of Six Paths cannot make people transcend time.

There are actually many things you can do with this ability to transcend time.

Black Zetsu also silently remembered these words spoken by Uzumaki Naruto.

Especially after hearing the toad's prophecy, Black Zetsu's eyes flashed with a trace of scarlet.

"I forgot about that toad."

I had been busy thinking about ways to get my mother out of the seal, and for the sake of caution, I had no plans to cause trouble in the three holy places.

But now that his mother has escaped from the seal, Black Zetsu also feels the need to pick up the issues that he once did not think about.

Black Zetsu will never forget that sealing his mother was largely the result of those toads' meddling.

Uzumaki Naruto's eyes flashed with a chill.

"Let that person put in more effort."

"Tell him about senjutsu and the relationship between the Sage of Six Paths and Mount Myōboku's toad, and let him go and make some noise inside."

Just like Black Zetsu will not forget that the toad on Mount Myōboku has the seal of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, Uzumaki Naruto will not forget that Uchiha Obito was the culprit who killed his parents.

Use wherever you can.

After using it to the point of being worthless, throw it into the trash can like a piece of rag.

This hatred will not be settled.

Black Zetsu glanced briefly at Uzumaki Naruto, whose face was full of frost, and already understood what Uzumaki Naruto meant.

However, this arrangement was exactly what he wanted.

Black Zetsu would not let go of those toads on Mount Myōboku.

It just so happens that Uchiha Obito's abilities also meet the requirements. Just talk to him about Sage of Six Paths and Mount Myōboku when the time comes. He will definitely be interested in things like senjutsu.

After all, Uchiha Obito is not a chess player.

But now, Uchiha Obito's restlessness is the best bait.

"I know."

"He has always wanted to escape from Uchiha Madara, and if he knew some stories about the Sage of Six Paths, he would definitely be interested in Mount Myōboku.

Uchiha Obito is a very clear chess piece.

That is to say, it is easier to control because you understand too much.

What Uchiha Obito hopes to do most is to save his beloved woman, but his beloved woman is already dead, and even he himself is controlled by Uchiha Madara with a curse seal.

With just a little guidance, Uchiha Obito will start taking action.

But it just needs a little bit of work.

PS: I ask for flowers and comments every day.

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