I'm Naruto, Starting With Ashura.

Chapter 110 C-Level Crusade Mission

Yuhi Hong was also mentally prepared to come to the reception desk to take over the task today.

Why is it called psychological preparation?

It wasn't yesterday that I witnessed the Chakra control and skill that Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke used to complete the task.

As a special Jōnin, Yuhi even finds herself inferior to the two newly promoted Genin.

You must know that she is a special Jōnin who is good at illusion, and she is very strong in controlling Chakra.

But even so, Kurenai Yuhi still feels out of touch with the times after seeing the abilities displayed by Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke.

"Master Hokage, we are also here to pick up the mission today."

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded slightly.

"There are still many D-level tasks today.

"It's just simple tasks."

The "simple tasks" Sarutobi Hiruzen refers to are tasks that don't require a lot of energy and can be completed in one class.

Like child care.

Quests like finding lost kittens and puppies.

They are all tasks that ordinary Genin needs to do.

Speaking of which, Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head helplessly.

"It's a bit too wasteful for you two classes to take on such a simple task now."

It is indeed a bit too labor-intensive to perform these tasks with two shifts.

Originally, it was only intended to allow the seventh and eighth classes to see the real ninja world, but after a closer look, there were really no D-class tasks suitable for these two classes to perform together.

The tasks performed by the two classes together must at least be decent like yesterday's special task of tempering patience.

Tasks like finding lost cats and dogs are not a good fit for two classes to do together.

What's more, this kind of task is not to exercise Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, but to exercise the search ability of the eighth class.

From this point of view, Sarutobi Hiruzen also let go of those tasks of D level.

He took out the C and other task books that were just selected and handed them to Yuhihong.

"So, what I've arranged for you today is a class C crusade mission.

Kurenai Yuhi was also shocked by this C-level mission.

After taking a look at the task book, Yuhi Hong knew what this task was about.

It's just that Yuhi Hong is still a little worried about this C-level task.

"Hokage-sama, we have just been on a mission for one day and can we carry out missions such as C?~?"

"Currently, Class 7 and Class 8 have just become Genin. Now they are taking on missions such as C, which are still crusade missions.

Crusade missions require bloodshed.

Yuhi Hong knew after seeing the introduction in the mission book that she was just going to conquer Ren Luo from a bandit camp.

There are no good people here, and they have just robbed a village near Konoha, which is basically a complete crusade.

A very pure blood trial.

Maybe this is a road that every Genin must walk through.

But having to take care of six students at the same time, Yuhi Hong is worried that she will get into some trouble.

After all, both Class 7 and Class 8 are new Genin.

Yuhi Kurenai knew that Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke were not Genin in the traditional sense, but seeing blood was a hurdle for every ninja.

No matter how powerful a ninja is, there will always be some psychological changes when he comes into contact with this kind of mission for the first time.

And that's the big problem.

Yuhi Hong believes that the two classes she leads will have varying degrees of problems.

So it was very stressful for her, especially Jōnin, to lead two classes.

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned slightly and ignored the question.

The task of seeing the blood is undoubtedly a very educational task for the seventh and eighth classes, but if the two classes go to see the blood together, once there is a problem, Yu Hihong can't hold it alone.

Although Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke are excellent, it is not a problem to deal with a bandit camp with their strength.

But this time the crusade mission is mainly to let the new Genin gain an understanding of the life of a ninja.

This understanding is quite profound, and this profoundness will also cause some temporary problems.

After all, everyone's acceptance is different.

Some children accept it faster, but some children accept it slower.

But Sarutobi Hiruzen is not sure whether Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke accept it quickly or slowly.

I'm not sure about this aspect, but it's indeed a bit too reckless to accept a C-level subjugation mission.

Once there are some troubles in the mission, it is really a big trouble.

Sarutobi Hiruzen started to have a little headache.

"Master Hokage, Squad Ten has come to accept the mission."

Just when Sarutobi Hiruzen had a headache, Sarutobi Asuma came to the reception with Class 10.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes lit up slightly when he saw his son.

There is already a decision in mind.

The bloody task is something every Genin has to face.

Now that there are no D-level tasks suitable for Classes 7 and 8, let the three classes jointly carry out this C-level task.

Sarutobi Hiruzen had a smile on his face when he thought of this.

"Asuma, you came just in time."

"Today, you and Hong will be responsible for completing this C-class subjugation mission.

Suddenly, Sarutobi Asuma's cynical look calmed down.

C and other tasks?"

"Master Hokage, is the newly promoted Genin undertaking such a task so early?"

Sarutobi Asuma also knew what a C-level expedition mission was. After all, he also came up from Genin.

C-level crusade missions will not encounter enemy ninjas, but they are missions that require facing blood.

It can be said that the level C tasks are too difficult for new Genin.

Sarutobi Hiruzen has also made a decision.

"That's why I asked you and Hong to take charge of this task together."

"Three classes perform a C-level task together, which is also an exercise for your students.

Sarutobi Asuma had a strange look on his face.

"What's going on today old man?"

"In the past, we wouldn't be so anxious to assign C-level tasks to new Genin, so why are you making such an exception today?"

Of course, this does not mean that tasks such as C are so difficult.

It's just that for new Genin, most of them (Li Lihao) take on tasks such as D that test their patience and teamwork.

Arranging a C-level task so suddenly is really not like the old man's style.

However, Sarutobi Asuma soon glanced at Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke.

"The old man is here for Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke."

Thinking about Sarutobi Asuma brings back the flavor.

"Indeed, neither Uzumaki Naruto nor Uchiha Sasuke are Genin in the ordinary sense."

"They can send Kakashi to the hospital, and there will be no problem facing missions such as C."

Sarutobi Asuma, who wanted to understand, understood it.

However, this is not a bad thing for Class 10, which he is responsible for.

Seeing blood earlier would also be of great benefit to the growth of his three students.

"I see."

"Hong and I will be responsible for this task."

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded with satisfaction.

PS: I ask for flowers and comments every day.

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