I'm Naruto, Starting With Ashura.

Chapter 119 Don’T Get Involved With People Like Me

"Yamanaka Ino" looked at Uzumaki Naruto in confusion, is it necessary to be so picky?

"I am different from your big families. Even a kunai will take a long time to be used. I will recycle any ninja that can be recycled."

"Yamanaka Ino" doesn't remember having too many worries about Ninja. The Yamanaka family's background is still quite sufficient, and she doesn't know much about Uzumaki Naruto's troubles.

"Um...Naruto-kun, are you so short of money?"

Uzumaki Naruto sighed slightly, he talked a bit too much today.

"Whether I have enough ninja tools does not depend on whether I have enough money, but whether the shops in Konoha will sell me ninja tools."


Uzumaki Naruto looked at the confused "Yamanaka Ino" with a strange expression.

"You must have heard of it too, right?"

"People used to call me "Nine Tails Demon Fox", and I am the container of "Nine Tails Demon Fox".

"Your parents should have told you before you entered the ninja school not to have too much contact with a brat named Uzumaki Naruto.

"Yamanaka Ino" nodded slightly, she had heard her father and mother talk about it before entering the ninja school.

"I'm a "very unpopular" type of person in Konoha10. It's not easy for me to buy things like kunai. "

"So, my kuka is not something that I can use once or twice and then ignore."

"This is quite expensive for me."

"Yamanaka Ino" looked slightly startled, and looked down at the kunai in his hand. It can indeed be seen that this kunai is not that sharp, and you can also see a lot of scratches. It must have been used for a long time.

Looking up at Uzumaki Naruto suddenly laughed.

"Naruto-kun, it turns out you are quite good at talking."

"I thought you were just like in the ninja school, always like Menghulu who couldn't speak.

Uzumaki Naruto's mouth twitched slightly.

"Ino, it would be better if you finish what you are doing first and then talk about it."

"Seeing a middle-aged man smile obscenely at me, I can't help but want to punch you."

"Yamanaka Ino" touched her face, and now she felt that Uzumaki Naruto was more popular.

"Is it that bad?"

Said "Yamanaka Ino" and showed a smile that she thought was cute.

Just seeing this made Uzumaki Naruto feel his fists itching.

It's like a wretched middle-aged uncle putting on a girlish smile. This is definitely not a scene that can be appreciated, but a scene that makes people want to punch.

Uzumaki Naruto held his forehead with a slight headache.

"I don't think there's a worse picture than right now."

"You'd better not let me continue reading. Maybe I'll have nightmares today."

"Yamanaka Ino" felt a little amused, but she did not continue to laugh, but took the kunai and walked towards the bandit who fell on the ground.


He raised his kunai and dropped it, and a column of blood spurted out from the robber's neck.

Uzumaki Naruto observed the whole process and found that "Yamanaka Ino" was only a little stiff when he started, but he recovered quickly after he started.

"You are worthy of being an heir trained by a big family. His psychological quality is indeed good."

"Others have more or less greater reactions, but she is the only one who reacts so little."

"Is it because I've seen it before?"

"Or is it because individuals have different acceptance abilities?"

Uzumaki Naruto is not very clear about this. After all, he and Yamanaka Ino were not very familiar with each other in the past. The only communication was four and a half years ago, before visiting Uchiha Sasuke in the hospital.

However, Uzumaki Naruto quickly gathered his thoughts.

If the people of Konoha can have as little contact as possible, it is best to have as little contact as possible.

I chose to take Haruno Sakura away because Haruno Sakura was not the heir of a big family, but was just one of the common people in Konoha and a common person with outstanding personal talents.

But it won't work if the idea is to target those big families.

Although the Yamanaka clan's Heart Turning Technique is a very good secret technique, if you can't take it away, you won't think too much about it, and even your contact will be reduced.

Uzumaki Naruto's mood instantly calmed down.

"Naruto-kun, your kunai.

"Yamanaka Ino" handed the used kunai to Uzumaki Naruto.


After calming down, Uzumaki Naruto returned to his past quiet state.

After taking the kunai and putting it into the pocket behind his back, Uzumaki Naruto stopped talking.

"Yamanaka Ino" felt a little regretful.

"You are obviously a person who likes to talk, so why do you keep pretending that you don't like talking?"

"Naruto-kun and Sasuke-kun are really the same people. They are both very thoughtful people, and people can't guess what they are thinking."

Although it is a bit regretful that Uzumaki Naruto no longer pays attention to her, but she must continue to do the follow-up things.

After releasing the ninjutsu, the bandit who had been controlled just now collapsed to the ground unable to move.

Yamanaka Ino, who was leaning against the tree, returned to consciousness.

"Then, the next step is the ending."

Yamanaka Ino, whose consciousness returned to her body, took out a kunai from the pocket behind her back and came to the bandit she had just controlled.

After an experience, Yamanaka Ino did not hesitate this time and aimed at the robber's throat with a forceful stroke.

A large amount of blood spurted out instantly.

In such a remote forest, ordinary people who have their throats slashed have no chance of surviving, 740

If it were a medical ninja with Grandmaster medical ninjutsu, there might be a chance of survival, but this person is just a bandit, and he still doesn't have any Chakra strength.

"That's it."

Uzumaki Naruto nodded slightly.

"Let's go back and gather."

The patrol team on the outside has been cleaned up, and the next step is the situation inside the camp.

The inside is different from the outside. There must be more security inside, and there are also more people living there.

Kagura's inner eye has already helped Uzumaki Naruto confirm the situation inside the camp.

Just when Uzumaki Naruto turned his head, Yamanaka Ino suddenly pulled the corner of his clothes.

"Hey, Naruto-kun, you can talk more in the future."

Uzumaki Naruto glanced back and pulled back the corner of his clothes without leaving a trace.

"Ino, it's better not to get involved with someone like me."

After saying this, Uzumaki Naruto turned and left.

Yamanaka Ino looked at the back of Uzumaki Naruto leaving, and suddenly felt uncomfortable.

She could feel the same alienation that she felt for everyone.

It's just that this way of actively staying away from others really makes Yamanaka Ino very unhappy.

"What do you mean by "a person like me"? How can anyone belittle themselves like that? "

After complaining slightly, he followed.

PS: I ask for flowers and comments every day.

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