I'm Naruto, Starting With Ashura.

Chapter 142: Investigation Of Konoha

The next day was a rest day, and Uzumaki Naruto did not continue to be idle, but went out to explore the situation in various places.

I simply walked around the various shelters in Konoha. These shelters usually do not restrict people from entering. After all, these shelters are very cool in the summer. These places are suitable for most villagers. It's a summer resort.

It is because of this that Uzumaki Naruto can better enter these shelters.

"I see."

"What a nice place."

After entering the shelter, Uzumaki Naruto noticed that the surroundings of the shelter were reinforced with Earth Style. The walls were very hard and it was very difficult to break them from the outside.

However, if it explodes from the inside, this solid shelter can easily kill all the members taking refuge inside.

"These solid walls are a nightmare for everyone inside the shelter."

Thinking of this, Uzumaki Naruto lay down next to him for a while with great interest.

Although the weather is not very hot yet, it is very refreshing to lie in the shelter. The cool breeze in the shelter refreshes his spirit a lot.

Uzumaki Naruto had no intention of visiting other shelter situations.

There are a total of five shelters in Konoha. These five shelters are completely open to the public, so most of the structures are almost the same, but the locations are different.

In order to avoid there being a shelter hidden in some hidden places in Konoha, Uzumaki Naruto almost ran through the entire Konoha and confirmed that there was no extra space in the entire Konoha that could replace the shelter.

"Very good. As long as the plan goes smoothly, most people hiding in the shelter will have the same treatment."

"Most of the detonating talismans hidden throughout Konoha Shinobi explode together, and the destructive force caused together can lift up a layer of Konoha's skin."

After getting this answer, Uzumaki Naruto continued to wander around Konoha.

Keep all the details of Konoha's layout in mind, these details will be used when the time comes.

Especially outside the hospital and school, Uzumaki Naruto paid special attention.

After writing all this down, Uzumaki Naruto returned to his home.

I took out a scroll and started painting many details that I remembered today.

Draw the general structure on the scroll, and then use another color to outline the route where the detonating talisman is located.

"That's almost it."

Looking at the scroll in his hand, the map picture in it is perfect enough.

After checking the map, Uzumaki Naruto nodded.

"Very well done."

"A large number of detonating talismans can completely lift the entire Konoha."

"Needless to say, a large number of detonating symbols have been hidden in shelters, hospitals, and schools."

"It seems that the person who buried the detonating talisman had the same idea as me."

Uzumaki Naruto grinned at the thought.

He was not old enough to calculate the entire Konoha from scratch, so these calculated detonating symbols really helped him a lot.

"Although I have forgotten who the person who buried the detonating talisman was, I still want to thank you for your outstanding contribution."

When he first saw it, Uzumaki Naruto was also very surprised as to what direction it would take.

But the result is still the same as the name of this anime. This is a passionate anime, not a revenge anime.

The theme colors will not change much from the beginning, and any kind of revenge is impossible to achieve.

But after the past anime became a reality, Uzumaki Naruto would not be as kind as the person who buried the detonating talisman. After hiding it for so many years, these detonating talismans have not completely exploded in Konoha.

He literally flips the switch for all the detonators together.

"Naruto, here I come."

Hearing Uchiha Sasuke's voice, Uzumaki Naruto drew his attention back a little.

Uchiha Sasuke, who came back from the outside, looked at the scrolls spread out in the room, and he already understood the whole territory of Konoha clearly depicted on it.

"Has the map production been completed?"

"Ah, just finished."

There is a little joy in Uzumaki Naruto's voice, which is different from the smile revealed in normal speech, which is an emotion in speech, and this time the emotional component of joy is very high, not when speaking height reached.

"Konoha's refuge is almost as I predicted."

"There are a lot of Earth Style reinforcements inside. It is still very difficult for the outside to affect the inside. At least A-level ninjutsu is needed to do it."

0Please give me flowers...

"But there are very few internal ways to combat attacks."

"In other words, this is a shelter that can easily collapse from within."

Uchiha Sasuke's eyes also flashed with light. This is indeed good news.

A long time ago, he hoped to recover the interest from Konoha for the genocide. It seems that it won't take long before he can recover the interest from Konoha.

"But before that, what we need to do is continue to wait for the Chūnin exam to come."

After hearing this, Uchiha Sasuke forcibly suppressed the desire in his eyes and immediately returned to calm.

"Well, the Chūnin exam is the day we start planning. We need to be patient before then."

Uchiha Sasuke knows that everything needs a sound plan.

Destroying Konoha is not something that just the two of them can do.

Only by acting on the special occasion of the Chūnin exam can they maximize their benefits.

As long as you wait until the Chūnin exam, Jōnin and Genin, the guides of other ninja villages, will come to Konoha. If something happens to Konoha, without these ninja villages as an attraction, they will not be able to maximize their benefits this time. .

Therefore, no matter how strong the desire is in your heart at this moment, you need to endure it.

"Very good, I have completely controlled my emotions this time."

Looking at Uchiha Sasuke's state, Uzumaki Naruto nodded slightly, this state is the best.

Facing any situation requires a more calm approach.

There is no need for excited emotions. That kind of strong emotion will make your mind make wrong judgments.

As a ninja, it is necessary to think calmly at all times.

"Already familiar with the simplified seal?"

These days, Uzumaki Naruto once again simplified the number of seals for the newly mastered ninjutsu.

Both Great Breakthrough and Water Barrier are applied more quickly.

At the same time, Uzumaki Naruto also helped Uchiha Sasuke simplify the knot seals of several techniques he mastered.

"no problem."

Simplified stamping is a more complicated process, but Uchiha Sasuke has already been familiar with the simplified stamping set, and it is not very difficult to get familiar with the new stamping now.

At this point, most of what Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke could do is done.

PS: Ask for flowers and comment on prices every day.

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