I'm Naruto, Starting With Ashura.

Chapter 159: As A Daughter-In-Law...It’S Not Impossible

Uzumaki Kushina, who was not far away, had a blush on her face. Especially when she saw her son holding the hand of the founder of Chakra, she couldn't stop being excited.

I whispered to my husband with excitement.

"Husband, look at our son, is he about to take action?"


Looking at his son over there, Namikaze Minato always felt that his wife just thought too much.

You have to know that the other party is Sage of Six Paths's mother. If his son really has such a strange relationship with the other party, wouldn't Sage of Six Paths want to call their son "Dad"?

Namikaze Minato always felt shuddering when he thought of such a scene, so in order to prevent his wife from thinking wildly, he felt it was necessary to let his wife control his unrestrained thoughts.

"Honey, I think you're thinking too much."

"She already has an official husband. If she is really with our son, wouldn't it be an old cow eating young grass?"

"Besides, 10, at such an old age, are you so sure that our son's interests are so... big?"

Namikaze Minato tried his best to restrain his tone, but even if he restrained himself, he still felt that the scene was a bit strange.

Their son was talking to the goddess of the moon just now, and saw that the person involved was very excited when being talked about, but Namikaze Minato was more inclined to persuade.

If he goes by what his wife just said, then there should be some concern, some warmth, some worry, and a lot of love in his son's eyes, but Namikaze Minato did not see any of these emotions. .

Uzumaki Kushina's interest came when she talked about her son's interests.

"Is it big? Where is it big? Even if thousands of years have passed and there are no wrinkles on her face, I will believe that she is younger than me."

To be honest, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya's age seems really young. If he hadn't said anything, Uzumaki Kushina would never have regarded this person as someone who existed thousands of years ago.

"Besides, have you ever seen our son interact with other girls?"

"Now our son is only thinking about revenge, and then he has to think about resurrecting us after revenge, and even completely changing the state of the entire ninja world. Do you think that child still has time to get in touch with other girls?"


Namikaze Minato didn't know what to say to this question. He now understood his wife's thoughts a little bit. In this regard, he was actually a little worried after being awakened.

The things their son is thinking about now are no longer something ordinary people can think about. Just thinking about these things requires a lot of concentration. If their son really puts his mind into these things, then it will really happen in the future. No more contact with other girls.

Even if they come into contact with girls, they should be people who can help their sons.

But does such a girl really exist?

Even Namikaze Minato, who was very confident that his son inherited the genes from him, felt a headache. He had decided on Konoha, which had almost eliminated many choices for their son.

After all, not all girls are like Haruno Sakura, who fell in love with Sasuke as soon as she saw her.

"If there is such a girl who falls in love with Naruto at first sight, then we don't have to worry so much."

"That's right."

Uzumaki Kushina is also very envious of the fact that the son of the Mikoto family is so lucky. He met such a stubborn girl in the ninja school and had to follow her even if he became a rebel ninja. There are not many such stubborn girls.

"It would be great if Naruto could meet such a girl who can help him and defect with him. In this case, at least the child will not always be alone in the future."

From the eyes of the conscious space, they can see how their son lives. That boring life is simply more incredible than imagined.

Even if a ninja has a very regular life, Uzumaki Kushina saw that her son had no free time at all. Most of the time he had plans, and he also had to do a lot of research and exercise. He didn't even have time to rest every day. rare.

"If possible, I hope there is someone who can help with Naruto's daily meals. Those non-nutritious smoked fish and grilled fish really want Naruto to change completely, but the kid probably doesn't have time."

Perhaps these words could be said directly, and Uzumaki Kushina also believed that Naruto would do what she said. But it's because of this that she can't say that even more

Namikaze Minato understands his wife's thoughts very well, but because of his understanding, he cannot say this, nor can he expect this.

Their son has high ideals and has enough ability and mobility to realize those ideals. It is because they know this that they, as parents, cannot become a stumbling block for their sons, but need to think more about their sons.

Uzumaki Naruto, whose goal is revenge and changing the ninja world, will not have extra time for himself, especially before his ideal is completely realized.

If you think about it from this aspect, Namikaze Minato suddenly feels that there is nothing wrong with even this goddess of Uma.

Having two more sons can be considered.

Age is not a big issue either.

And have the same goals to a certain extent.

In fact, there are still many suitable places.

As for whether there will be offspring, it doesn't matter much. This matter can be discussed by the couple themselves in the future.

The awakened Namikaze Minato suddenly felt that the goddess Uno felt like a daughter-in-law.

"Honey, I think there's nothing wrong with this."

"Maybe my thinking is too rigid. There would be nothing wrong if that person becomes Naruto's future partner. Maybe their fertility status will become lower, but there is no need to have children so early."

These words made Uzumaki Kushina agree with her, and she thought so too.

The goddess Mao is the ancestor of Chakra, but their son will not be too bad in the future, at least he will be above the Sage of Six Paths, so the son and the goddess Mao are a good match.

As for the issue of fertility, as parents, they will not have this daydream for the time being. It will be difficult for strong people to conceive their own offspring.

Maybe you can't do it in one or two years, but in ten or twenty years, can't you always wait until the day you have a grandchild?

The couple now has a lot of time to wait until that day comes.

PS: I ask for flowers and comments every day.

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