I'm Naruto, Starting With Ashura.

Chapter 171 It’S Great To Be Young


Opening her eyes again, Haruno Sakura smelled the familiar smell of disinfectant.

The light coming from the window also made her realize that it was morning.


Haruno Sakura quickly looked around.

"Is it... a hospital?"

"who is it…………"

The memories in her mind reminded her that she seemed to have fallen on someone before she fell into unconsciousness.

It's just that her consciousness was no longer clear at that time, and she really couldn't remember who the person she saw when she finally lost consciousness was.


The door to the ward opened, and the person who walked in was a girl she knew who was studying at Konoha Hospital with her. It's just that she is studying to be a doctor [This girl in the city is studying to be a nurse.

"Miss Yamashita."

Kasumi Yamashita and Haruno Sakura are both trainee nurses studying at Konoha Hospital.

Seeing Haruno Sakura so energetic, Yamashita breathed a sigh of relief.

"Little Sakura, do you know how serious the situation was when you were sent here yesterday?"

"Several doctors took turns to treat you, and the Chakra meridians in your body were restored to normal. If you continue to work as hard as before, your body will not be able to support it."

Haruno Sakura smiled bitterly and nodded, but if you asked her if she dared? Then her answer would definitely be "I dare." This is her only way forward. Once she has grasped the only rope to climb up, she must not let go.

It's just that she wouldn't say so.

"I understand. In fact, I have just reached a bottleneck in my recent training. I hope I can go further.

Yamashita shook her head helplessly. She was not a ninja, so she didn't understand the ninja's thoughts very well.

"In short, you need to protect your own body. If it weren't for the boy who sent you here yesterday, you might not have passed out somewhere.


Haruno Sakura's eyes lit up, and he immediately looked at Ms. Yamashita expectantly.

"Which boy is it?"

"Uh, who am I, the blonde boy, or the brunette boy?"

As soon as these words came out, Yamashita received a slightly amused look.

"Ah, little Sakura, which boy do you want to send you here?"

This question immediately made Haruno Sakura blushed. Of course, she hoped that the person who sent her here was a boy with black hair.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. It was a black-haired boy who sent you here. And he sent you here in a princess hug. He was very anxious when he called the doctor."

"Sasuke-kun sent me here."

This time, the faint figure that Haruno Sakura saw before she fell into a coma became clear. At that time, she remembered that there was a person by her side. According to what Ms. Yamashita said, the person who brought her here must be Mr. Sasuke.

"Besides, Sasuke-kun is still very anxious..."

"Is that so, Sasuke-kun is in a hurry."

At this moment, Haruno Sakura felt that the hotness of her face had become more serious. She curled up, and the pain that should still be felt at this moment could no longer be felt at all.

There was an indelible smile on his red face, and he couldn't restrain it even if he wanted to.

Yamashita looked at Haruno Sakura's smile and couldn't help but laugh and curse.

"If you control yourself a little, the little Sakura you used to be has turned into a little nympho.


Unable to refute, Haruno Sakura covered her face and hid under the quilt.

Yamashita smiled and shook his head. Judging from Haruno Sakura's current mental state, she should be fine. He placed the prepared medicine on the bedside table next to him.

"These medicines are all medicines to regulate your physical condition. Also, you need to rest well in the hospital during these three days. Your instructor Jōnin has already informed you."

...Miss Yamashita, I'm sorry to trouble you. "

Because his head was covered by the quilt, the sound made was a little hard to hear, but Yamashita still heard what he said. She smiled, turned around and left the ward

After walking out of the ward, Yamashita returned to his office. It's just that her face is no longer the natural smile just now, but a face that is extremely cold.


Hearing what Yamashita said, the female nurse working next door nodded slightly. With a simple seal, the female nurse just now became "Kasumi Yamashita", and the real Yamashita took off her nurse uniform, revealing the jet black ninja costume underneath, and then put on a fox mask, completely transforming her into "Kasumi Yamashita". Cover yourself up.

He looks like an Anbu ninja.

Anbu female ninja opened the window of the office. This is the backyard of the hospital and no one will be watching. She just jumped out of the window with a slight jump, and disappeared outside the window in a few flashes.

In the Hokage office, Sarutobi Hiruzen is dealing with some related documents today.


There are still a lot of documents that Konoha has to deal with every day, such as reports on daily happenings and the situation in other villages. As a first-generation Hokage, the only place he can care about is Konoha's own village, but he cannot completely ignore the conditions of other ninja villages outside the village.

For example, a small ninja village recently appeared in the Land Country adjacent to the Fire Country.

This kind of thing happens often in the ninja world. Those small ninja villages are likely to be completely destroyed soon after they are established. After a ninja village is destroyed, a new ninja village will be built on the corpses of the past. This kind of thing is really common in the ninja world.

Originally, Sarutobi Hiruzen would not care about this kind of small ninja village, but the Chūnin examination to be held in Konoha was about to begin soon, and many small ninja villages sent applications to Konoha. Most of these small ninja villagers came to take the Chūnin exam to show off their faces, and also to get close to Konoha.


Sarutobi Hiruzen naturally knows the thoughts of these small ninja villages, and he himself is happy to see such a situation. After all, the Chūnin exam is actually an opportunity for Konoha to show off how many talents it has in this class, and of course it is also a warning to other ninja villages.

These documents related to the Chūnin exam are what Sarutobi Hiruzen needs to review and judge the most now. After all, the Ninja villages from other villages who come to take the Chūnin exam have already sent over the list of people to come and the guidance Jōnin information.

"It seems that everyone is doing a lot this year. Except for Kirigakure, most of the other ninja villages have decided to take the public examination."

Kirigakure is still a ninja village without foreign diplomacy. Kirigakure has never taken the Chūnin exam in the past, and this year seems to be no exception.

However, Iwagakure, Cloud Shinobi Village, and Sunagakure have all decided to participate.

It's just that Sarutobi Hiruzen looked through the list, his face slightly disappointed.

"Both Tu and Lei have arranged for some capable ninjas to come over. It's just a formality as in the past."

"On the contrary, Sunagakure...didn't you expect that the Kazekage also decided to come?"

"It seems that they are preparing to change the attitude of the daimyo of the Wind Country towards Sunagakure."

The Daimyo of the Wind Country and Sunagakure have always had a bad relationship, especially after Sunagakure was defeated in the last Ninja World War.

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled and did not refuse the Kazekage to come and watch the Chūnin exam.

"It seems that we need to prepare well."

PS: Ask for flowers and evaluate small prices every day.

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