I'm Naruto, Starting With Ashura.

Chapter 182 The Sorrow Of The Country Of Waves

For big countries, small countries are not important.

But the effect is not important, it doesn't mean that the people of the small country are all important, especially the prefix "Nation of Fire" in front of the people, I am afraid that the name of the country of Fire will know that its people have been wiped out by a wealthy business group His face will also be dull.

This is not a question of whether you care or not, but a question of face.

For the sake of his own face, the Daimyo of the Fire Country knew that such a bad thing had happened in the Country of Waves, and because he couldn't help but order Konoha to be involved.

And once the Fire Nation and Konoha are over, who will trade with Kado?

No matter how good the black business is, it cannot withstand the pressure of the entire Fire Nation.

So Cardo himself knew what he could do.

He can intimidate the people of the country of Bo, and he can wantonly massacre some people in the country of Bo, but he must not directly attack everyone in the country of "350".

Therefore, Cardo cannot directly cause the people of the Kingdom of Waves to collapse. Doing so would just completely collapse him.

Uzumaki Naruto understood this after thinking about it.

But just because I understand this truth, I feel even more ironic.

The people of the Land of Waves could save their lives simply because their death would bring shame to the Daimyo of the Land of Fire.

Think about it this way, human life is really not a valuable thing.

It's just that this is not a problem that Uzumaki Naruto doesn't need to care about. After all, he doesn't regard this kind of powerless rule as a kind of rule at all.

The word "monkey wearing a crown" actually refers to the name of the Fire Nation.

To raise one's status in front of ninjas, to be honest, it is the most meaningless thing in the world.

They are just a bunch of monkeys who are unable to maintain their rule.

"Then, the country of Waves didn't save its life because of the face of a monkey?"

"It feels even more ironic."

The boat also approached the Country of Waves little by little at this time.

The sky gradually became brighter, and the fog on the sea began to dissipate.

The middle-aged man who was punting the boat changed his expression and quickly jumped on the boat.

"Dazna, I'm leaving first."

Dazuna nodded slightly.

"Be careful when you go back. Be careful not to be discovered by them."

The middle-aged man nodded slightly, holding the boat and leaving quickly with the last bit of fog.

Dazna looked back at several people.

"Go to my house first, and we'll talk about the rest later."

This is really not a place to talk. Dazna knows that ninjas don't have to be afraid of Cardo. But Ninja is not worried, but he is the one who needs to worry.

Once his family is targeted, his daughter and grandson will face unnecessary danger.

In this way, Inzner led the way to his home.

The Kingdom of Waves is just like what I said before, this is a relatively poor country. After being deprived of the fishing business, the entire Kingdom of Waves has become even more impoverished.

Along the way, you can see some children digging for something in the woods everywhere.

"It's a group of children who have lost their families. They usually can only find some simple things to eat in the woods. But even so, they can only barely survive."

In fact, they were a group of children begging in the Land of Waves.

But the country of Wave itself is a poor country, most of the people who don't have enough food and clothing, even if they go begging on the street, they can't get anything.

Dazna lowered his head as if he hadn't seen the group of children, and hurried towards his home.

Haruno Sakura glanced slightly towards the direction of the woods and gave up the idea of ​​rescue.

Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke don't even have mood swings.

Is such an encounter rare in this world?

Isn’t that how they came here in the first place?

Uzumaki Naruto has deep feelings about this kind of life. There are more things to eat in the woods. If you let a group of children wander around in the woods, they might be able to find something to eat, but there is a high probability that the children will die in the woods.

Children who are incompetent do not have the power to conquer nature.

If you cannot conquer nature, you will be swallowed up by nature.

Under Dazna's guidance, the group of them quickly arrived at Dazna's home.

This is not a very flashy home.

"Knock knock knock!"

After dozens of seconds, the door was quietly opened a crack.

"who is it?"

An eye poked out from the crack in the door, and there was a trace of fear and fear in his voice.

"It's me, Tsunami, open the door."


The people inside quickly opened the door, and what appeared in front of everyone was an ordinary woman with long black hair. She was not very old. She sounded like she was Dazna's daughter.

"Dad, you are finally back."

Seeing her father alive, Tsunami almost burst into tears.

She knew that she needed to be strong, and her son still needed to rely on her.

But she really didn't dare to imagine the moment when the news of her father's death came.

Fortunately, my father was able to return safely.

Tsunami looked at the people around her father, an adult with white hair wearing a forehead protector with the Konoha logo on it. Seeing these people, she knew that her father had really succeeded this time.

"Well, I'm back. This time, I also brought back the last hope of the Country of Waves."

Dazna was glad that this time he was able to make up his mind.

"Tsunami, these are the ninjas who escorted me back."

"We have been on the road for a long time. Please prepare a rest room and some food. We all need to take a rest."

Although Dazna hoped to start work today, his body really couldn't support it.

He had just experienced the murderous threat of a ninja yesterday, and he was really busy on the road these days. His body and spirit were already at their limit. If he didn't take a good rest, he wouldn't be able to stay in good spirits and speed up the progress of building the bridge.

"Well, I'll go get ready."

"Thank you so much."

Hatake Kakashi didn't refuse, and only nodded slightly to express his gratitude at 5.2.

"You don't need to be so polite. You can escort dad back. I should be the one to say thank you.

Of course, Tsunami would not accept this thank you rudely.

To be honest, the family is actually just living a simple life, and there is nothing good to give out for entertaining.

There are extra rooms and quilts at home, but they just need a little tidying up before they can be used.

After Tsunami walked in, a child wearing a hat walked out.

His face was gloomy, like a lifeless person.

With a doomed tone, he stared at the few people brought back by his grandfather.

"Grandpa, they will die."

"They will never be a match for Cardo."

PS: I ask for flowers and comments every day.

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