I'm Naruto, Starting With Ashura.

Chapter 200 Heading To The Kingdom Of Whirlpool

After the mission to the Land of Waves, Class Kakashi once again entered a three-day holiday.

Uzumaki Naruto immediately started the Earth's Nature Transformation.

The two attributes of wind and water have been completely mastered, and the knowledge and understanding of these two Nature Transformations are quite sufficient. The third attribute of Nature Transformation can also be started.

After experiencing the baptism of wind and water, mastering earth has become simpler and more relaxed than before.

The Nature Transformation of soil is to change the hardness, which can also change the material composition.

The degree of this substance can include oneself. As long as one can skillfully control the earth attribute, one can change one's own hardness and subsequently enhance one's defense and attack power. You can also change the materials around you, allow you to sneak in the land, and even change the composition of the land so that the ground can restrict enemies.

The three attributes of wind, water and earth can produce unimaginable effects even without using any ninjutsu.

As for why we need to master the attribute of earth, in addition to the wide versatility of the attribute of earth, there is also wood, which is a combination of water and soil.

Three days passed in a flash, and Uzumaki Naruto had been focusing on the earth attribute during these three days.

Generally speaking, mastering more than one attribute requires a certain amount of time to adapt before you can further master it. However, Uzumaki Naruto completed the mastery of Earth Nature Transformation in three days, which was only the most preliminary mastery.


Using the earth attribute, my hands felt a trace of the heaviness of the earth.

He shook his hand slightly at the wooden table.


The wooden table let out a mournful cry, and the place where it was held slowly changed its original shape.

Letting go of his hand and looking at the wooden table, Uzumaki Naruto nodded with satisfaction.

"The strength has been greatly enhanced, and even the ability to withstand it has become stronger."

"However, any kind of ability has shortcomings. Thunder can easily disintegrate earth, and it is easy to be restrained with the same type of power. Moreover, after the endurance becomes stronger and the power becomes stronger, the speed becomes much slower. .”

"Use earth to increase strength at the moment of attack, and remove the earth after the attack. It needs to be used very skillfully before it can be used in actual combat. Otherwise, it will be easily seen through opponents of the same level."

This can be regarded as a preliminary mastery. The level of mastery is definitely not as high as that of Feng and Shui, but the basic application can already be done.

Of course, this level will not be satisfactory, but this is only what can be achieved at this stage.

In three days, this result is enough to be proud of.

Suddenly, Uzumaki Naruto paused slightly and looked in a certain direction with a smile (badd).

"It seems they are impatient to wait."

Uzumaki Naruto left a Shadow Clone, and he moved to the coordinates that responded.

Today Nara Shikaku, Akamichi Dingza, and Yamanaka Haiichi have all gathered together.

Normally, the Ino-Shika-Chō clans have a very good relationship. It is quite normal for the three clans to be together. However, the purpose of their being here today is not for a gathering.


The three clan leaders simultaneously focused their attention on the place where the figure suddenly appeared.

Uzumaki Naruto, who arrived at Nara's house through space transfer, was already sitting on the cushion opposite.

"Long wait, Mr. Shikaku."

"Welcome, Naruto-kun."

Nara Shikaku nodded slightly.

"In two months, our three clans have also made full preparations, and the next few things will trouble you."

Materials and substitutes have been prepared within two months.

In fact, all the things that should be prepared have been prepared in a month, and Nara Shijiu also wanted to find Uzumaki Naruto earlier. Unfortunately, Uzumaki Naruto had gone out on a mission two months ago. Otherwise, the three tribes would not have waited until now.

"no problem."

Uzumaki Naruto slightly sensed the location of the coordinates. It was a distance that Kagura could not see, but it was in a relative position to the coordinates left by the Country of Waves.

"Mr. Lu Jiu, Mr. Ding Zuo, and Mr. Haiyi, please stretch out your hands first."

The three reached out and overlapped each other, and Uzumaki Naruto pressed his hands on the backs of the three.


As soon as the surrounding space turned, four people appeared in a somewhat dilapidated room in the next second.

"Clan leader!"

Many members of the Ino–Shika–Chō clan stayed in this room.

Uzumaki Naruto swept away the people in the room, and the Ino–Shika–Chō clan had really arranged a lot of people here.


Nara Lujiu glanced at the people around him, and immediately calmed down the excited people.

"How is the situation around the Kingdom of Whirlpool?"

"It's very quiet. Neither the Kingdom of Water nor the Kingdom of Thunder pays attention to the movements of the Kingdom of Whirlpool. The Kingdom of Water has always been on guard against the countries adjacent to the Kingdom of Fire, and has not been on guard against the Kingdom of Whirlpool. We have also recently caused a wave of chaos in the Kingdom of Whirlpool. There are no signs of people living in the country, but no one has come to test it.

Nara Shikahisa nodded slightly. Uzumaki Country is indeed a quite quiet place, and it is also a place that is not easy to be noticed.

"How is the layout of the barrier?"

"We have teamed up with Yamanaka to arrange a simple sensory barrier around the area. The basic arrangements are ready, leaving only some more conspicuous barriers."

"Well, this is enough, there is no need to arrange more sensitive barriers."

The arrangement of those barriers can make the country of the vortex safer, but it will also expose a lot of things.

Nara Shikajiu didn't want to expose too much too early, and now they Ino–Shika–Chō evacuated from the Konoha as soon as possible are actually waiting for an opportunity. Just have three years and give Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke enough time to grow. As long as they reach the height of the shadow, they don't need to hide too much.

But not revealing too much before then.

"The internal transformation of the country of vortex is carried out after the Chūnin exam, and we will find an opportunity to conduct diplomacy with the country of wave.

As a country on the sea, and a small country on the sea, they also need a lot of things. Choosing a country for trade is the best result, and Nara Shijiu also chose the country of Nami at once.

"But patriarch, most of the Kingdom of Bo live by fishing, how to make a diplomatic relationship with them?"

The people of the Nara family are a little embarrassed, in his opinion, there is no real benefit to diplomacy with the Kingdom of Waves.

Uzumaki Naruto nodded slightly.

"The bridge between the Country of Waves and the Country of Fire has been built. We went on a mission to the Country of Waves before. Because of the dishonesty on the Country of Waves, we also owed Konoha a favor. I want to come to the Country of Waves to make peace with the Country of Fire. There is more sincerity in the country's transactions.

"There is nothing wrong with the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Country of Waves and the Country of Waves. You can also get supplies from many countries through the Country of Waves. And now that the Country of Waves is in dire need, now that the Country of Whirlpool is lending a helping hand, I think the Country of Waves The great names of the country will remember this sentiment."

Nara Shikaku also hopes so.

Nara Shikaku made such a decision just because he knew some information about the Kingdom of Nami before. The Kingdom of Vortex needs to find an ally, and the Kingdom of Waves is not dangerous

And an ally who is also waiting to be done is the best choice.

PS: I ask for flowers and comments every day.

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