I'm Naruto, Starting With Ashura.

Chapter 20 A Classroom With A Different Atmosphere

"Different seals will affect the flow of Chakra. This flow of Chakra is very subtle. Each seal will cause Chakra to move in different directions."

There are Chakra meridians in the human body. As long as Chakra is used, Chakra will move in the Chakra meridians.

And Uzumaki Naruto discovered that the Chakra in the Chakra meridians will change the flow of Chakra due to the formation of seals.

The twelve seals have varying degrees of influence, causing the flow of Chakra to flow in different directions and along different meridians.

Uzumaki Naruto, who noticed this, immediately recorded it bit by bit with the blank scroll he carried.

Maybe this is a way to simplify the ninjutsu seals.

It’s just that Uzumaki Naruto, who just recorded these things, was a little dumbfounded. Although he can use pictures to describe which Chakra meridians his Chakra has passed through, he doesn’t know much about Chakra meridians.

"Will there be any information related to the Chakra meridian in the library?"

Things like the Chakra meridians are difficult to see, they are like the blood vessels of the whole body, as long as they are not people who must understand, then no one will ever look at such complicated things.

"It became necessary."

It is very necessary for him to learn these things now that he will inevitably embark on the path of the Lone Ranger in the future.

Chakra meridians are something that must be understood, which will be of great help in the future.

And mentioning the Chakra meridian, Uzumaki Naruto also remembered a very important thing, medical ninjutsu.

Poisoning is a very common thing in the world of ninjas.

Although the ninja's physique is extraordinary, he has been able to withstand some simple poisoning problems since he was a child.

This is not a very unusual thing, almost every ninja has a certain degree of resistance to poison, and those with strong physique are more resistant to poison.

But that's because ninjas are very resistant to poison. If they really encounter poison that can poison them, it will be a real big trouble.

Therefore, medical ninjutsu became very necessary.

Recognize the poison, recognize the poison, and detoxify.

These are issues that require great attention.

"It's just that my identity should not allow me to come into contact with medical ninjutsu."

Thinking of this, Uzumaki Naruto felt particularly upset, this damn identity always delayed him from doing some things.

He didn't expect Konoha to teach him something at all, but he also hoped that he could make some preparations in advance.

It's just that it's not okay to think about medical ninjutsu now, at least not when these Anbu are staring at them.

"Put this thought aside for now, and find a book explaining the details of the Chakra meridian after today's class is over."

It's not ninjutsu, it's just a book explaining the Chakra meridian. You should still be able to find it.

After temporarily letting go of this thought, Uzumaki Naruto continued to start the homework just now, continued to try the seal just now, and recorded all the changes in the flow of Chakra that he perceived.


"This guy is indeed a bit weird."

Uchiha Sasuke, who returned to his seat, felt that Uzumaki Naruto was very strange. He couldn't express this strange feeling, but it just felt very strange.

"Is there such a big change in just a few days?"

Uchiha Sasuke remembered that when he saw Uzumaki three days ago, Naruto was the same as usual, playing pranks and trying to establish bonds with other people, but today was completely different from the past.

Yes...becoming a little more mature.

It's not like sleeping in the back when the teacher is giving lectures as usual, but I'm writing something.

Because of the distance, Uchiha Sasuke didn't quite understand what Uzumaki Naruto was writing, but it probably had nothing to do with the content of the teacher's lecture.

He glanced at Umino Iruka who was still working hard on the podium.

This teacher's level is the same as his ability. What he teaches in class are all things that he has seen countless times, and they are completely useless.

Glancing at the situation in the classroom, he found that most of the famous families he knew were not listening to the class. Only a few civilian families were still listening to the class seriously, and even taking notes very seriously.

"Does this theoretical stuff have any practical significance?"

Although he is young, Uchiha Sasuke is a member of the Uchiha family.

Having received elite education since he was a child, he has long been familiar with the routines in ninja schools, but that set of theoretical knowledge is only suitable for the group of people who have no ability and are only suitable to become teachers in the future.

As a practical person, Uchiha Sasuke only memorized everything he needed to remember. As for other theoretical knowledge, he had no interest at all.

After looking at it for a while, Uchiha Sasuke also looked away.

He was very curious about Uzumaki Naruto's strange behavior, but it didn't attract all his attention.

Although he himself felt that he did not need to learn these theoretical things, he still needed to pass the school time.

After Uzumaki Naruto, who was usually noisy, stopped making noisy at all, the atmosphere of the entire ninja school became much calmer.

Uzumaki Naruto, who was usually responsible for activating the atmosphere in the classroom, was focused on the influence of seals on the flow of Chakra. For a whole day, the atmosphere in the entire classroom could be said to be lifeless, especially with Umino Iruka's Explanation makes the classroom even more boring.

"Usually at a time like this, that idiot would have been unable to bear it."

Uchiha Sasuke was also very irritated by this lifeless class. Normally, he didn't remember such a difficult class.

In the past, he could listen to any boring class quietly, but today he felt something was wrong.

Not only Uchiha Sasuke, but the entire classroom felt something was wrong.

Many people subconsciously looked at Uzumaki Naruto in the corner of the last row.

They saw the usually noisy Uzumaki Naruto sitting quietly in his seat. It was at this moment that they noticed some changes in Uzumaki Naruto's face.

"Shikamaru, did Naruto shave off his beard?"

"You can tell by looking at it with your eyes."

Nara Shikamaru had already noticed the man with six missing beards, but he thought it was Uzumaki Naruto who wanted to change his style, so he didn't say anything.

But now that he was paying serious attention, the way Nara Shikamaru looked at Uzumaki Naruto, he couldn't help but think of another person.

Especially when there is no beard bonus today and Uzumaki Naruto is not stupid, he is even more sure that Uzumaki Naruto is very similar to that person.

"Are there two people so similar in the world?"

ps: Please give me some flowers and comments

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