I'm Naruto, Starting With Ashura.

Chapter 36: Everything You Need Is There

After taking one look at the tiny crack that led directly to the bottom of the lake, Uzumaki Naruto took his mind back.


The wind attribute Chakra Nature Transformation is completely completed.

The wind attribute Chakra that can completely separate the middle of the lake symbolizes everything.

Coupled with the amazing Chakra control, this cutting is even maintained in a very small space, to the extent that even onlookers cannot notice it.

"It is feasible to complete one Chakra Nature Transformation in one year, and then complete the other four Chakra Nature Transformations."

"In addition, the power of nature is also felt."

As he grows older, the saplings that symbolize the power of Yang and Yin are also growing normally, and along with this is the rapid leap in physical and mental abilities.

Yes, a complete leap.

Both physical and mental abilities have reached incredible heights, a level that Uzumaki Naruto would never have dared to imagine in the past.

The improvement of physical ability mainly lies in the body. All aspects of the senses have been improved again. The improvement of the five senses is very amazing.

However, compared with the improvement of the five senses of the body, the improvement of the spirit is actually the most critical.

Well, it is very crucial.

Because when his mental abilities were improved, Uzumaki Naruto seemed to have awakened his special abilities.

That is the ability belonging to the Uzumaki clan, the most powerful secret perception skill in the entire ninja world - Kagura's Heart Eye.

"Well, thanks to Kagura's inner eye and Tenseigan, I unconsciously received too many messages, and even saw the power of nature that permeates nature."

"...Although we still need to think of ways to absorb these natural forces."

"No matter how difficult it is, we must first create a compromised version of Sage Mode that balances the three energies."

Of course, Uzumaki Naruto, who pursues perfection, will not use this Sage Mode. Only by perfectly accepting the power of nature can he truly master the power of nature, and only by perfectly mastering the power of nature can he find a way to use it. Into the Truth-Seeking Ball.

"But the situation now is much better than a year ago."

"Chakra will continue to grow with age. At the current rate of improvement, Chakra may surpass Senju Hashirama's level in just a few years."

"If we continue to improve, maybe the quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes."

"It should be a good thing for me."

After smoothing the cracks in the lake, Uzumaki Naruto patted his pants and walked towards the edge of the lake.

"I didn't expect you to do it."

"If you want to do it, you can do it, but it's not that easy to hide it from others."

"Doing it the ordinary way doesn't make any sense."

Of course Uchiha Sasuke knows that if Chakra's Nature Transformation wants to be achieved, he may be able to complete a Chakra's Nature Transformation without considering exposure and working hard for a few months, but this is meaningless.

"This is also a Chakra exercise. If you can do it without being discovered, it will definitely be much more meaningful than if you can do it normally."

After a year of training, Uchiha Sasuke also knows how important the control of Chakra is, and how useful it is to control Chakra carefully.

Compared with the ninjutsu he had learned in the past that were purely used for attacks, to be honest, it was not as useful as training Chakra control.

Minimal consumption maximizes the effects of Chakra.

The punch exploded by condensing Chakra in the hand is no less lethal than the Fire Style, and the Chakra consumed will be less, and the hit rate will even be higher.

Therefore, it was only this year that he understood the beauty of Chakra control, and hoped to complete the Chakra Nature Transformation like Uzumaki Naruto, that is, in full view of the public, but without being discovered by Anbu.

After all, this is also a Chakra control exercise.

"Hey~ what about today's exercise? Is it still the same as usual?"

"No, today is different from usual. Today I will tell you my latest discovery. If it is correct, as long as we can successfully use that power, then our ability should be increased several times, even dozens of times. promote."

Uchiha Sasuke's eyes lit up instantly, this was what he liked to hear most.

"It's just that even I just discovered that thing recently. It will take a long time to try to absorb it and use it."

"Given the time, it should be enough."

The most indispensable thing now is time. The affairs of the Ninja School are left to Shadow Clone to handle. What they usually have the most is time.

And there are still four years left until graduation from ninja school. There should be a lot of things that can be done in these four years.

Uzumaki Naruto did not object to this statement, four years was indeed enough.

"Then you should complete the second phase of that as soon as possible. Although I also have to complete the other ones, but after gaining experience, I will try to complete the one I just mentioned within half a year."

Uchiha Sasuke thought for a moment and nodded.

"Have you reached the second stage in half a year? I will try to complete it as early as possible."

"But do you have to rush it? Is it so difficult to complete?"

Is there any magic that is not difficult?

Uzumaki Naruto sighed slightly. In fact, this time was also very urgent for him. He could develop a compromised version of Sage Mode within half a year, which meant that he needed to find a way to stably complete Sage Mode at least within half a year. This is also very rushed.

"After all, after it is completed, the power can be increased several times or even several times. It is very difficult to develop, and it will also be very difficult to learn."

"Of course, the corresponding difficulty, benefits and difficulty are the same. If you can master that kind of power, you will be fundamentally different from other ninjas."

The benefits and difficulty are equal.

If it can be improved several times or even dozens of times after mastering it, then even if it has a certain degree of difficulty, it still makes sense.

Uchiha Sasuke doesn't think there is any problem with this. It is like a very lethal ninjutsu. Although those ninjutsu are very lethal, the difficulty of learning is also the same as the lethality. It is not easy to learn it. An easy thing.

Uchiha Sasuke, who had thought of something, lowered his voice a bit.

"Naruto, didn't you say that we don't study ninjutsu other than Three Body Technique?"

Uzumaki Naruto nodded slightly. Of course, Xianjutsu is not ninjutsu, but just a kind of Chakra's control.

"What I'm talking about is not a ninjutsu, but a special energy that has something to do with Chakra. What I'm talking about is just a control of power, not a ninjutsu that requires sealing."

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