I'm Naruto, Starting With Ashura.

Chapter 55 Self-Introduction Of Three People

“Well… let’s start with you.

After Hatake Kakashi announced his name, he set his sights on Uzumaki Naruto.

Now Hatake Kakashi is very interested in the teacher's son. The Third Generation adult said that Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke have been together for more than four years and are still doing the most basic exercises together. He really wants to see Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke. Did the exercise result in something?

Haruno Sakura immediately pricked up his ears, this is when he got information from Uzumaki Naruto.

Of course, Uchiha Sasuke doesn't care much about this.

He and Uzumaki Naruto have been training together for more than four and a half years, and they know all too well about each other's intel.

Not to mention the information on the surface, even the information hidden by them is still a lot.

Uzumaki Naruto, whose name was called, didn't have much thought. After all, Hatake Kakashi must have known something from the Third Hokage.

"Uzumaki Naruto, I don't really like anything in particular. What I hate most is that he is a self-righteous person. He is good at Shadow Clone and Three Body Technique."

"I hate self-righteous people...it must be because of Danzo."

Ninjutsu like Shadow Clone is also a B-level ninjutsu. It is impossible for Uzumaki Naruto to obtain such ninjutsu. However, Hatake Kakashi knew that Uzumaki Naruto had this way to obtain the Shadow Clone Technique.

"The Three Body Technique is learned from the ninja school, and the Shadow Clone is obtained from Sasuke?"

Uzumaki Naruto worked out with Uchiha Sasuke a long time ago.

Shadow Clone Technique may not be an easy ninjutsu for Uzumaki Naruto, but it is not so difficult for Uchiha Sasuke.

"I remember Itachi is very good at Shadow Clone Technique, probably itachi gave it to him."

"However, Sasuke can pick up the Shadow Clone Technique. It seems that Naruto and his estrus are really different."

Hatake Kakashi can generally understand how deep the relationship between Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke is.

That was clear enough when Uchiha Sasuke was willing to take out the Shadow Clone Technique.

This level of friendship can never be concealed.

"That's a good thing."

"Whether it is for Sasuke or Naruto, it is a good thing."

The identity of Uzumaki Naruto is a big question.

Jinchūriki is an unpopular object no matter which village he is in. He is always in that disgusted state. Once he cannot control it, Uzumaki Naruto will completely go berserk in this state.

Hatake Kakashi knew from the Third Hokage that Uzumaki Naruto was different from the kid who loved to play pranks and used pranks to attract others' attention five years ago.

This is actually not a good phenomenon.

Yes, Hatake Kakashi always knew that it was the absolute worst when Uzumaki Naruto stopped thinking about connecting with others.

Because this means that Uzumaki Naruto is perfect as Jinchūriki, but it also means that Uzumaki Naruto is in an unstable state at any time and is on the verge of going berserk at any time.

But as long as there is a bond, this situation can be largely avoided.

"It's also a good thing for Sasuke."

The destruction of the Uchiha clan has always been the biggest inner demon in Uchiha Sasuke's heart.

Uchiha Itachi, who caused the genocide of Uchiha, is also the biggest obstacle in Uchiha Sasuke's heart.

Revenge is an inescapable topic in the ninja world.

After all, the world of ninjas is full of vendettas, and ninjas with insufficient strength are in danger of being killed.

Uchiha Itachi, who destroyed the Uchiha clan, is Uchiha Sasuke's biggest enemy.

This is also a topic that Uchiha Sasuke can never escape.

Hatred will pull people into a bottomless abyss. Once you step into this abyss, you will never be able to get out easily with your own abilities. Therefore, what is needed at this time is the power of fetters. Only enough fetters can pull people out of the abyss. The man in the dark pulls out.

Therefore, it is the best thing for Hatake Kakashi that Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto can have a good relationship.

Uchiha Sasuke can influence Uzumaki Naruto, and Uzumaki Naruto can also influence Uchiha Sasuke.

Hatake Kakashi nodded slightly, then looked at Uchiha Sasuke.

"And then there's you."

Uchiha Sasuke glanced at Hatake Kakashi slightly, and then continued.

"Uchiha Sasuke, whose likes and dislikes are not specific, is good at Shadow Clone, Three Body Technique and Fire Style Ninjutsu."

"Well, except for one Fire Style ninjutsu, everything else is basically the same as Naruto's."

"I have been studying the basics and basic ninjutsu for four and a half years, and I don't know how far this study has gone."

Hatake Kakashi is even more looking forward to the strength of these two children.

As an Elite Jōnin who came all the way from the ninja school, Hatake Kakashi never thought that body skills were useless ninjutsu.

Any kind of ninjutsu has its value, and the same is true for Three Body Technique as a basic ninjutsu.

The Three Body Technique is an easy ninjutsu to master, but it is not an easy Grandmaster ninjutsu.

0Please give me flowers...

Among them, the Body Replacement Technique is the best life-saving ninjutsu. This is a ninjutsu reserved for students who have graduated from the ninja school and have just begun to formally contact the ninja world.

It can be said that as long as you practice this ninjutsu to a proficient level, you will have the capital to survive when you start to get involved in the world of ninjas.

Haruno Sakura was a little surprised by the introduction of Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto, and the ninjutsu she was good at was the most surprising to her.

"Have you mastered B-level ninjutsu like Shadow Clone Technique?"

"Are Naruto-kun and Sasuke really strong?"

It's no wonder that Haruno Sakura has such doubts. After all, Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto both reserved a lot during the ninja school exams and only showed just passing grades.

Naturally, very few people can see it. ,


"They have been exposed to ninjutsu so early. It's so powerful."

Haruno Sakura's eyes suddenly lit up. She was really surprised. She really didn't expect that both Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto had come into contact with ninjutsu in advance, and it was a very difficult ninjutsu to learn.

Hatake Kakashi nodded and then focused on the last girl.

"The last one, it's your turn."

"Well, my name is Haruno Sakura [I like things... rather people...

Haruno Sakura's eyes consciously shifted to Uchiha Sasuke.

This behavior was an obvious enough answer, and the last thing he hesitated and didn't say was probably the girl's barely-maintained reserve.

"Girls now."

Hatake Kakashi saw this behavior in his eyes, but could only sigh helplessly in his heart.

Girls in the ninja world mature relatively early, and it is normal for girls of this age to have someone they like.

Not to brag, but Hatake Kakashi was also very popular back then.

"The annoying person.....is Ino!"

"good at……………"

Haruno Sakura paused slightly when she said this. She could only use the Three Body Technique briefly and was not particularly good at it, so she couldn't be said to be very good at it. The only other thing that could be mentioned was her written test scores. .

But Haruno Sakura also knows that this cannot be mentioned. What I want to talk about now is the strengths that can create an attack for the entire team.

Then, Haruno Sakura thought of something that she was good at that she didn't pay much attention to in the past.

"I'm better at Chakra control."


ps: I ask for flowers and comments every day.

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