I'm Naruto, Starting With Ashura.

Chapter 63 The First Meeting Of Four Souls After Death

Suddenly, two more human souls appeared in this space.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Uchiha Mikoto, Uzumaki Kushina rushed forward.

"Mikoto, long time no see!"


Uchiha Mikoto, who was suddenly jumped by her friend, was also confused. She looked at Uzumaki Kushina who jumped on her, and then at her husband beside her. There was only one thought in her mind.

"Aren't Fugaku and I already dead?"

"Didn't Kushina die earlier than me?"

"How come we are conscious again?"

Uchiha Mikoto was confused, and Uchiha Fugaku was also a little weird about becoming conscious after he and his wife died.

But after seeing Namikaze Minato standing not far away, and a child with the same color as Namikaze Minato but younger standing not far away, Uchiha Fugaku suddenly woke up.

"Uzumaki Naruto...is much older than I thought."

"Really? Has it been so many years since Mikoto and I died?"

He didn't know what the reason was for him and Uchiha Mikoto to see their old friends after death, but Uchiha Fugaku understood that there was definitely a reason for this meeting.

Uchiha Mikoto, who was being held next to him, also came to his senses.

"Kushina, you, how did you..."

He reached out and pinched Uzumaki Kushina's face. There was a clear touch, but he couldn't feel any warmth.

"You're resurrected? But why are Fugaku and I here?"

There are thousands of ninjutsu in the ninja world, and there may be a ninjutsu that can really resurrect people.

But even if such ninjutsu exists, Uchiha Mikoto doesn't think she and Uchiha Fugaku should be resurrected.

What's more, the person who appeared in front of her was Uzumaki Kushina, who died earlier than their family.

Uchiha Mikoto is still somewhat self-aware. She and Uzumaki Kushina are indeed best friends, but they are not good enough to help them resurrect.

Uzumaki Kushina pouted.

"Resurrection? How can resurrection be so easy々々!"

"This time you have benefited from my son, okay?"

Having said this, Uzumaki Kushina came directly to her son and held her good son in her arms.

"Look, if it weren't for my son, you and your wife would still be fighting for the throne."

Regarding Uzumaki Kushina's son-in-law look, Uchiha Mikoto is depressed just looking at it.

The word "son" is the last thing she wants to mention now. Her eldest son is really filial and sent all the Uchiha clan underground to reunite.

Now my younger son still doesn’t know how he is doing up there.

Uchiha Fugaku noticed his wife's sad look and coughed slightly, took a step forward and answered the question.

Kushina, let’s talk about other things.


Hearing this, Uzumaki Kushina also felt that something was not normal.

"Why do you look like this?"

Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto both looked complicated. They really didn't want to talk about what their eldest son had done.

Although they had taken the initiative to welcome death during their lifetime, when their eldest son faced them like this, the couple could not bear it, at least deep down in their hearts.

They all hope this isn't true.

Uzumaki Naruto, who was being held, knew exactly why the couple looked like this.

"Uchiha Itachi killed them with his own hands, and also successfully united Konoha's Hokage, roots and external enemies to successfully eliminate the Uchiha clan."

"Now, only one Uchiha Sasuke is alive among the entire Uchiha clan."


This news shocked Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato.

They have always been in Uzumaki Naruto's body and don't know much about the external situation.

In fact, Namikaze Minato still knows better. He is sealed with Chakra, which is part of the surface seal. He can see some situations through the seal.

It's just that since Uzumaki Naruto sold Ashura's soul and obtained the power of Yang, the seal has been completely reverse-eroded. Almost any Nine Tails' Chakra cannot be revealed to the outside. Naturally, Nine Tails and Namikaze Minato will not be seen either. Picture outside.

So Namikaze Minato was shocked that the Uchiha clan was exterminated.

And he was even more surprised that the people who destroyed the Uchiha clan turned out to be an arrangement between the Third Hokage and external enemies.

"Is he involved?"

Namikaze Minato immediately thought of the Uzumaki masked man who came to cause trouble when Uzumaki Kushina was giving birth. That guy had a contract with Nine Tails and could control Nine Tails with Sharingan. He was very likely to be involved in Uchiha's genocide. .

Noticing the sudden change in Namikaze Minato's expression, Uchiha Fugaku realized that Namikaze Minato knew something.

"Minato, do you know something?"

This sentence attracted the attention of both Uzumaki Kushina and Uchiha Mikoto.

Namikaze Minato nodded solemnly, he did know something.

".When Kushina was giving birth, a guy wearing a mask attacked us.

"That person uses space ninjutsu, and can also control Nine Tails with Sharingan."

"According to my guess, that person is probably... Uchiha Madara."


This bold guess surprised everyone.

Uchiha Madara, this is a legend from a previous era, a being who is treated like a god among the Uchiha clan.

When the Nine Tails Rebellion occurred, most people saw Sharingan in Nine Tails' eyes, and almost no one would doubt that Nine Tails was controlled by the Uchiha clan.

But it is simply impossible to use Sharingan to control Nine Tails. Do you really think that tailed beasts have low resistance to illusions?

Not even Sharingan can do it, unless the legendary Mangekyō Sharingan is used.

Uzumaki Naruto who knew the truth did not say anything. Saying these words now is of no use, but is a trouble.

"But I didn't expect Konoha to unite with outside forces to exterminate the Uchiha clan."

"Has Uchiha's situation really escalated to that point?"

Namikaze Minato was once a Hokage and knew what kind of conflicts existed between the Uchiha clan and Konoha, but he never thought that Konoha and Uchiha had intensified the conflicts to this point.

Uchiha Fugaku sighed helplessly.

"I don't want to plan the conflict between the tribe and Konoha to this point, but I can't do it even though I think so.

"Konoha didn't give us Uchiha any chance. We who are in charge of the police department are just going astray with Konoha.

"If Konoha could give us the basic dignity of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha wouldn't have reached this point."

ps: Ask for flowers and comments every day.

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