I'm Naruto, Starting With Ashura.

Chapter 67 Rest Before The Battle

Uchiha Sasuke opened his eyes again and looked at Uzumaki before him. Naruto felt more grateful in his heart, but he quickly hid this feeling in his heart.

Uzumaki Naruto nodded slightly, his emotions restrained quickly.

"Under control?"


"Control your emotions first, and you will fight Hatake Kakashi later, it is not time for him to see something."


Uchiha Sasuke nodded slightly, and continued to control his emotions for about three minutes. Now he really controlled his excitement just now.

The souls of both father and mother remained in his body, and it became much easier to see father and mother in the future.

"It's still the same as we said before, don't deliberately expose too much."

Uchiha Sasuke nodded slightly.

"I know, don't use calendar areas other than Sage Mode."

"There's nothing wrong with me, what about you?"

Uzumaki Naruto had already thought about it.

"This time I will transform my inner power into Chakra by 10, so I won't let him see some problems."

The power of nature can be converted with Chakra, just like the Ōtsutsuki family planted trees, which is to condense the natural power of a planet into the fruit of Chakra.

As long as you master the force of nature, you can convert the force of nature and Chakra into each other.

Uzumaki Naruto, who has mastered the power of nature, can already do it.

It's just that Uzumaki Naruto, who successfully transformed the power of nature into inner power, would not be so stupid as to re-transform inner power into Chakra.

Converting your inner power into chakra is deliberately lowering your own energy quality.

Although the quantity has become a lot due to the downgrade, the quality has been reduced to another level.

Uzumaki Naruto itself can rely on the tree of yang power and yin power to create natural power, and external natural power can also be absorbed. It can be said that what Uzumaki Naruto lacks most is the energy zone.

It's just that this time in order not to over-perform himself, Uzumaki Naruto made some compromises.

Transform your own inner power into a lower-level Chakra for use.

For the purpose of hiding oneself.

Namikaze Minato, deep in Uzumaki Naruto's body, was a little speechless at this moment.

"Don't use Sage Mode?"

"That means that both Naruto and Sasuke have completed learning Sage Mode? And can they still use Sage Mode in actual combat?"

Even he couldn't use Sage Mode in actual combat.

It takes too long to enter Sage Mode.

Although entering Sage Mode has various benefits, it is not easy to enter Sage Mode in actual combat.

"How on earth did Naruto and the others do it?"

Namikaze Minato was more curious.

"Naruto doesn't have any Summoning beasts, and he hasn't been to Wetbone Forest, Mount Myōboku, or Ryūchi Cave. Naruto probably hasn't had the chance to touch Sage Mode."

Normally, if you want to get in touch with Sage Mode, you need to enter the three holy places to have a chance.

There is a certain chance, but it doesn't mean that one can easily master Sage Mode after entering the Three Great Sacred Grounds. The force of nature is quite difficult to control.

Uzumaki Kushina is also very curious about how his son did it.

"Minato, Sage Mode, is indeed the power controlled by that old pervert Jiraiya, right?"

Namikaze Minato's mouth twitched, but he did not correct the "old pervert" statement, after all, this is the fact.


"Sage Mode is the power mastered by Jiraiya-sensei. As long as you enter that state, the body's various abilities will be greatly improved. Sage Mode has a strong increase in ninjutsu, taijutsu and genjutsu.

"However, it takes a long time to enter this mode, which is very fatal in actual combat."

I also know something about Mr. Jiraiya’s Sage Mode Namikaze Minato.

Even Mr. Jiraiya has not entered the complete Sage Mode, and some parts of his body will have the characteristics of a toad.

Of course, Namikaze Minato knew that he was in the same situation as Mr. Jiraiya.

In fact, his Sage Mode is worse than that of Mr. Jiraiya. It takes at least three minutes to get ready to enter Sage Mode. This time is really impossible to use in actual combat.

"But as far as I know, the way to enter Sage Mode is controlled by the three holy places. Naruto has not had contact with Mr. Jiraiya, how can he know how to enter Sage Mode?"

"And listening to their conversation, Sasuke can already use Sage Mode in actual combat."

"Although Naruto didn't say that he wanted to use Sage Mode, he did say that he wanted to convert the "inner power" into Chakra. "

"The inner power Naruto mentioned should be quite related to Sage Mode and Chakra, otherwise the word transformation would not have appeared.

There is not a lot of information available now, but the amount of information is quite explosive.

Sage Mode, this is definitely not a word that two Genin who have just graduated from ninja school can say.

But now that Namikaze Minato heard this word, he could only believe that these two children were really planning the destruction of Konoha, and they were still growing at an abnormal speed.

"Konoha, a new storm has arrived."

As the former Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato couldn't do anything.

The person who planned all this was his biological son.

Feeling guilty about his son and lamenting Konoha's inaction, even if he knew that Konoha's tragedy would happen in the near future, Namikaze Minato would not do anything, just because 287 he had to think about it as a father this time own son's emotions.

Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke took a break after that.

The formal trial is not now, maybe it will start at noon.

There are still nearly seven hours before noon. This time is inappropriate for doing other things, but it is just right for resting.

Now it is no longer time for them to strive for seven hours of exercise to become stronger. What they need to do now is to adjust their state.

Almost half an hour later, Haruno Sakura returned to the entrance of the training ground.

"Are Naruto-kun and Sasuke-kun both taking a rest?"

Looking around, I didn't see the figure of the instructor Jōnin.

"It seems like what Naruto-kun said, our instructors Jōnin deliberately told the time too early."

Haruno Sakura felt angry when she thought of this, but she quickly suppressed the anger. Her eyelids were already fighting and she could hardly hold on.

"No, I have to take a rest, otherwise my spirit will not be able to hold on."

Haruno Sakura spread the blankets and quilts prepared at home on the ground. What she needs to do now is to get proper rest and replenish the sleep she got from exercising all night last night, otherwise she will not be able to function even more.

ps: Ask for flowers and comments every day.

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