I'm Naruto, Starting With Ashura.

Chapter 72 The Test Is Over


Hatake Kakashi, who opened the Sharingan, clearly locked onto the figure's movements this time.

"Huh? Why is there suddenly Chakra?"

The opened Sharingan allowed Hatake Kakashi to clearly see that a certain amount of Chakra was flowing in Uzumaki Naruto's body, but he had never felt any trace of Chakra in Uzumaki Naruto's body.

"Besides, the situation with this Chakra... is terrible!?"

A certain amount of Chakra in Uzumaki Naruto's body is flowing towards the center of the body.

This phenomenon made Hatake Kakashi instantly understand that things were in serious trouble.

Instead of approaching Uzumaki Naruto, he let his body retreat quickly.

Unfortunately, Hatake Kakashi's reaction was still a beat too slow.

At the moment Hatake Kakashi's body quickly retreated, Uzumaki Naruto, who had already come to him, suddenly swelled.


The explosion exploded, and the strong wind generated by the explosion blew Hatake Kakashi's entire body away.

Hatake Kakashi groaned and immediately adjusted his body condition in the air. Using the Ultimate Sharingan, he also saw two figures coming to his left and right sides.

With the help of the cover of sand and dust, it was a perfect attack.

There are no fancy moves, just extremely simple kicks with some Chakra's Nature Transformation added to them.

"These two brats are really here to kill me!"

Hatake Kakashi doesn't really care if the average Genin has this kind of consciousness, but are these two brats considered ordinary Genin?

Not even two Chūnin were as harsh as these two brats.

If he could turn back time, Hatake Kakashi would definitely give himself a hard slap in the face for saying "You don't have the attitude of killing me" a few minutes ago.

Hatake Kakashi was sure that he said these words at the time just to see the strength of Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, but now he feels that his words were a bit too loud.

With his hands crossed, a lot of thunder and lightning appeared on his palms.


Chakra Nature Transformation, only Chakra Nature Transformation can resist.

"Good weight!"

Just by touching them, you can feel how terrifying the Chakra on these two brats is, as well as the damage caused by the Chakra Nature Transformation.

Fire has no restraint on thunder, but wind actually restrains thunder.

Hatake Kakashi even felt that the unusually sharp wind attribute Chakra was about to break through his defense.

And at this moment, another figure sprang out from the dust.

Hatake Kakashi's pupils constricted, and Haruno Sakura, whom he hadn't noticed just now, jumped out from the dust, and a large amount of Chakra was still accumulated on his fist.

Hatake Kakashi, who was about to withdraw his hand, suddenly stopped.

Hatake Kakashi was not very surprised by such a coordinated attack, but the surprise was the two imps who feinted.

"Super strength and amazing Chakra, just entangled me, just for this punch of little Sakura."

"It's really rare to be able to achieve this level of collaboration for the first time."

"Consider them qualified."

The strength is seen.

The ability to cooperate is seen.

In this case, there is no need for Hatake Kakashi to continue to hold the qualification.

If the three students in front of him who forced him to use the Sharingan, or even reached the limit, could not graduate, then there would really be no students who could graduate from the ninja school.

Haruno Sakura's fist has also hit Hatake Kakashi's stomach.


The punch filled with Chakra hits the abdomen, Haruno Sakura's strange power combined with the high-density Chakra, just one punch can split the ground.

Since this punch can split the ground, it can also split people.

In fact, Hatake Kakashi was smashed to pieces by this punch.

It's just that this torn body quickly turned into a blue lightning.

"Thunder clone?"

Uzumaki Naruto frowned, changed his body position in the air, and kicked Haruno Sakura, who was about to be enveloped by lightning, and kicked her whole body towards Uchiha Sasuke.

Uchiha Sasuke backed up in the air with the help of catching Haruno Sakura.

Uzumaki Naruto also used the Body Replacement Technique to shift his position when Lei's clone was about to explode.


The thunder clone exploded just as the three of them had just evacuated.

High-density thunder and lightning wreaked havoc on the earth.

Obviously the ground can conduct electricity, but there is still a shallow pit with a diameter of more than ten meters left on the ground.

You must know that this is still the case where a large amount of lightning has been introduced into the ground.

If the lightning hadn't been introduced into the ground, this power could absolutely seriously injure the three people nearby.

Lightning Style·Ray clone.

This is Hatake Kakashi's last resort, because Hatake Kakashi himself is not a person with amazing Chakra. His Chakra is very limited. "And Shadow Clone is a ninjutsu that needs to share its own Chakra before it can be used."

Thunder Clone is a type of Shadow Clone, but when the Thunder Clone self-destructs, it will produce a large amount of thunder and lightning. The Lightning Style Chakra contained in it can not only stun people, but can even electrocute people directly.

The moment Uzumaki Naruto landed, he had found Hatake Kakashi's position.


Hatake Kakashi, who was hiding in the woods, was about to pop out of his eyes, and now he feels like there are question marks all over his head.

"Why did Naruto find me so quickly?"

"Could it be that this kid is so sensitive to Chakra?"

But thinking this way, Hatake Kakashi felt something was wrong.

"When the thunder clone detonates, it will release a large amount of thunder attribute chakra. People who are sensitive to chakra will also be misled by these chakras. They will never find my location so easily."

"Could it be that...Naruto is a sentient ninja?"

If you think about it in this direction, there is nothing wrong with it.

Perception-type ninjas and illusion-type ninjas are similar. They are ninjas who are very good at controlling Chakra. Either they have certain secret skills to sense the location of Chakra, or they are naturally sensitive to Chakra and can easily find the location of Chakra. .

But when he thought of Uzumaki Naruto's huge amount of chakra and his extremely strong aggressiveness, Hatake Kakashi would not regard Uzumaki Naruto as a sentient ninja.

"Or, Naruto found me in other ways?"

In the situation (Wang Nuo's) just now, Hatake Kakashi doesn't think that ordinary sentient ninjas can find his position.

"Or, the person who found me was not Naruto, but... that?"

Thinking of that answer, Hatake Kakashi immediately calmed down.

Yes, Hatake Kakashi did not forget that there is also a Nine Tails demon fox sealed in the body of Uzumaki Naruto.

"Maybe you can ask Lord Third Generation about this. Mad"

At this moment, Hatake Kakashi did not continue to hide behind the tree, but walked out openly.

".`Testing over."

There is no way to continue this test.

And there is no need to continue.

The strengths of Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke have been clearly seen, and even the somewhat transparent Haruno Sakura has shown her talents.

Of course, the most important thing is that Hatake Kakashi feels that he can't hold on any longer.

ps: Thank you for your concern. I feel much better when I wake up today. I will continue to take medicine this afternoon and I will probably have to sleep for another afternoon.

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