I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 105 Bugs

In fact, Li Pan now uses a silver key and a handkerchief to forcibly transform. Each time he only unlocks one of Teacher Xian's talismans, which is enough to dominate this plane and defeat monsters in seconds.

He himself was also curious about how awesome the handkerchief transformation would be if he could undo all the seals at the back.

Anyway, my personal cultivation level has reached a bottleneck now, so I might as well find another way and consult an expert in linguistics from another world like 01044, maybe I can come up with some new tricks.

After all, there are so many talismans in Shangzhen Temple. If one word could change a key, there would be no need to complete quests in the future.

So he reached an agreement with 01044 and made a detailed plan. The two parties also decided to cooperate and collude with the contents of the daily report. Li Pan even returned to the city overnight to jointly report to the head office.

Roughly speaking, the 0791 local gang is not polite and moral. Not only did they plot to subvert the local branch last time, but they also tried to steal the company's property and imposed minor punishments. Now they still don't know how to repent!

Not only did he sneak attack, extort and extort company representatives several times, endangering his life and safety! Now it is getting more and more outrageous. They actually unite with collectors to help build websites, make malicious purchases to raise prices, seize company property, fine the company, threaten the company to ship goods, and demand an apology from the company!

So arrogant and arrogant, so arrogant and rude! Which one is intolerable? My uncle can tolerate it, but my sister-in-law cannot tolerate it either! Must be cleaned up! Please support us from the head office!

"Aqi, what do you think of writing it this way?"

Aqi said,

"Boss, you are so good at writing essays..."

"Hehe, it's just average. The writing skills are the result of writing too many self-criticisms."

Rushing back to the company overnight, Li Pan sent out reports, talismans, combat readiness applications, and combat plans by fax.

His plan was to apply to the company for the use of 'bee venom' and war fund accounts, use the company's money to hire Panlong for construction, and take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune. Then engage in some special operations, sneak assassinations, kidnapping and poisoning, etc., to teach the Tokugawa family and the Fabius family a lesson. The blame can be thrown around depending on the situation, it doesn't matter if the werewolf, ninja, and red tengu are blamed.

01044 was very smooth and transferred the three keys directly through the company contract. The company was a little confused and said that it would hold an online meeting to discuss the issue of mobilizing combat readiness.

Of course, Li Pan asked General Manager 0113 to participate in the combat readiness review.

0113 agrees.

So he prepared the information, turned off the lights and entered the conference room. Li Pan saw the profile of General Manager 01, 0113, who was responsible for the review this time, and the radio that symbolized the board of directors.

0113 said, "0791, the company agrees in principle with your application for combat readiness."

oh? but?


“But I think that just using ‘bee venom’ can no longer achieve the effectiveness of strategic deterrence.

Although our actions are very restrained in order to maintain public safety and order, as you reported, the technical level of the indigenous people in 0791 is too low, so that the last operation did not achieve the purpose of warning at all, and the other party still lacks awe of our company. .

By repeating their old tricks like this, Gao Tianyuan and Ye Shi will probably still only be suspicious of each other and hostile, and if you submit so many PLANA and PLANB, it will not achieve the purpose of admonition at all. "

Li Pan scratched his head, "Then what do you want?"

0113 suggestion,

"I just happened to have sent a dreadnought to pick up the goods. Why not make it simple and clear and just fire a few cannons at the Night City.

Sometimes you can't make the game too complicated with the natives, and the threats have to be simple and clear, otherwise they won't understand. "

Li Pan, "Ah, ah? Ah... you use the fearless-class naval gun to attack the Night City. What will be left after you sweep it away?"

0113 Hehehe laughed,

"Of course there's no need to use the main gun. It's enough to fire one salvo at the SMS automatic point defense system. I think it's better to sweep open the coastal defense dam and flood the Night City as a warning."

Li Pan was speechless for a moment, still thinking about how to persuade the other party to be a little more humane. Suddenly there were only two sounds of bang bang, and General Manager 01 rapped the round table with his knuckles and pointed at Li Pan's report.

"They want the company to apologize? What apology?"

Li Pan was stunned and looked at his report.

"Oh, didn't we buy shares in one of their hot spring sanatoriums? We probably offended them and want to refund the money and compensate them.

According to the custom here, you have to offer tea to make amends, bow and kneel down, cut off your little finger, etc. In addition, you have to pay 150 million in mental damages..."

01The general manager threw away the report in his hand.

"Kill these bugs."

Then he turned off the lights and left.

Li Pan was speechless,

"What does this mean?"

0113 sighed, spread his hands,

"You heard what 01 said. The permission has been approved. Now it's time to deal with the pests. Let's just mobilize the fleet and start fighting."

Li Pan hadn't reacted yet, "Start the fight? How far will it go? Isn't it enough to destroy the Tokugawa sect?"

0113 chuckled and said,

"How much money are those lives worth? What 01 cares about is respect. Since they dare to challenge us, they must at least beat him until he goes bankrupt to show respect.

Don't worry, since 01 gave the order, I will now arrange for the navigator to link over to help you command the fleet.

In addition, I suggest you stop staying on Earth and move to Callisto as soon as possible. There was no large-scale ground landing operation in the last war. It is estimated that the 0791 Earth defense system is still alive. In order to avoid the loss of the company's fleet, I guess I have to take a serious trip first. Positive six. The company should suspend operations first. "

Li Pan took a breath of cold air.

"What the hell? Is it okay to just walk away from Su Zhengliu alone? No, you're not joking? Are you serious?"

"There's no need to be in such a hurry. There are also procedures for activating the Sovereign Agreement. Let me handle this. I'll give you one day to prepare. You can start firing when you go to work at eight o'clock tomorrow morning."

0113 stood up after sorting out the report.

Li Pan almost jumped up, "Wait, wait, wait! Is this so outrageous? Use the Solemnity Agreement on the Earth! Can the Security Committee agree??"

The shadow of 0113 put one hand in his pocket, seemed to give him a blank look, and corrected,

"0791, we are the Safety Committee."

Then he snapped his fingers and turned off the light.

Li Pan sat in the dark.

...oh grass?

Okay, it seems... it's a big deal...

Li Pan felt a little numb. He sat for five minutes before walking out of the conference room, sitting back at his desk, resting his face on his hands, and his mind was empty.

No, why is this 01 reaction so big? The natives are ignorant. If you want the company to apologize, will you start a war? Does this count as...a glass heart?

No, what should we do now?

Really start a corporate war and involve the entire 0791?

Ding ding, the phone rang.


A deep male voice came from the other end of the phone,

"General Manager 0791, I am 0113012, Director of the Logistics Department. Our Horus-class dreadnought has passed through the door and has arrived in the 0791 Callisto space. Your permission to enter the port is needed.

In addition, 0113001 named me to provide you with fleet command and advice, and you need to give access to the local fleet. "

"... With permission, how many days will it take at the earliest for the fleet to sail from Callisto to Earth?"

"The status of the Callisto fleet has been confirmed. There is one fully-equipped squadron, seventy-four Zhuyan-class battleships, four special service support squadrons, and a total of two hundred and twenty ships of various escort, destroyer, support, cruise and supply ships. The entire fleet It is in good condition and can complete material replenishment, strategic preparation and integration into the dreadnought command system within two hours. It can reach low-Earth orbit in one jump after leaving port.

However, I personally suggest that the battle fleet detachment be organized into the first and second fleets, each equipped with a support and supply squadron, and jump to the KBO belt to standby.

First Fleet firing parameter settings, Stargate, Second Fleet firing parameter settings, Mars.

Form a third fleet with cruisers, expulsors, and frigates at all levels to defend the Callisto base.

The fourth fleet of the special reconnaissance and special service fleet used stealth bombardment to jump to the moon and back to the Mare Orientale Eastern Sea, using the mass tumor gravitational field to conduct stealth lurking.

Once the agreement is approved, the Fourth Fleet can launch a ground raid and launch bombs in low-Earth orbit. "

"Uh, what about the local Starfleet?"

"Starfleet has no right to leave port without safety committee clearance. Anyone who violates this order will be considered a rebel strike down."

"...Okay, you are professional, you can do whatever you want, but you are not allowed to fire without my order."


Just after hanging up the phone, there was a knock on the door, and Li Pan rubbed his face.

"Come in."

Shiranui Kiriko walked into the office. After a day of indulgent rest, she had adjusted her mentality and regained her complexion. At this time, she had a formal suit on her arm and a wooden brocade box in her hand. She walked over with her waist twisted and put on the formal suit. and brocade box on the table.

"Boss, your formal suit has been mended, and the handicrafts you asked for have been completed."

"Oh, thank you."

Li Pan stood up to change his clothes. Shiranui Kiriko followed him and helped him change into formal clothes while whispering softly,

"Qian Ji has already gone to the village to meet with the elders. There should be results tonight, but don't worry, we have made an agreement. Even if the nineteen families don't agree, the two of us will leave the Ninja Village as individuals and join your command. .”

"Oh, actually it doesn't matter, it's up to you..."

Li Pan put on his formal clothes, opened the brocade box, and looked at the gold-inlaid wine glass in the box. There was nothing surprising about it. The Tianling lid had been lifted off, and it looked like a normal wine dish...



"Do you think this thing can save the world?"


"Maybe just for this one, the sincerity of the apology is not enough...is it respectful..."

Li Pan rubbed his brow,

"Oh, let's treat a dead horse as a living doctor. You should sort out the information about the Tokugawa family immediately, and don't miss any information.

Ah Qi, notify all members to gather for a morning meeting! Come today if you can!

Shiba created a group, and 01044 also joined online, and then created an encrypted communication channel for Gao Tianyuan and me. "

After patting his butt and driving Shiranui out to work, Li Pan went to the rooftop to contact Toudouemon. He didn't hide it anymore.

"President Toudou, can I speak directly to the head of the Hashiba family?"

President Todo hesitated for a moment, "Wait a moment."

After a while, more than a dozen signals were connected.

Eighteen, "Boss, it's the hacker from the other side who came to confirm the communication security."

Li Pan was not in a hurry and waited patiently for a while. The hackers exited one after another, leaving only one encrypted account to maintain the link.

"I, Mitsuya Ishida, am the CFO of Hashiba Financial. Manager Li, you can talk to me directly, or you can use my prosthetic body to meet His Highness directly."

Li Pan also understands the other party's caution. After all, he is the head of a chaebol. How can he have direct contact with you casually? However, this Ishida is the chief financial officer and the private secretary of the Hashiba family, so he takes it seriously.

"No, just ask you to convey the same thing. Today, our company is going to bulldoze Tokugawa. We hereby notify you to show our respect."

Ishida was silent for a moment, "I understand."

Okay, then we’re done talking to Gao Tianyuan.

Then Li Pan thought for a while and contacted Emilia again.

Emilia seemed to be in a meeting and it was difficult to talk on the phone, so she directly sent a selfie. Well... it probably meant that she was already horny and thirsty...

Li Pan clicked Save and then notified,

"Ahem! Today I am going to level the Tokugawa. I hereby notify you as a sign of respect."

Emilia, “…???”

Okay, anyway, both sides have been informed, let’s start the morning meeting.

All employees of the company were pulled into the communication group of the technical department by the 18th connection.

"Everyone, for some reasons, the superiors have decided to reprimand some local forces that do not respect our company.

We have 24 hours to bulldoze the Takamagahara Tokugawa family, make their heads into tea bowls, and present them to General Manager 01 as an apology, otherwise the company's fleet will come to 0791 to burn the glass.

Therefore, this operation can be regarded as saving the world. If you have any opinions and suggestions, please feel free to speak freely. "

Everyone was silent.

Yamazaki Ayato raised his hand first, "Boss, I seem to have heard wrongly. Did you just say that you wanted to burn glass?"

Just as Li Pan was about to speak, the landline phone rang. He picked up the call and hung up the phone.

"Yes, it's a joking name in the military. It refers to the standard process model six of the Suzheng Agreement. It uses ship-based fusion-induced ray cannons to shoot at strategically valuable targets in the atmosphere, triggering fusion reactions, hitting targets indiscriminately, and ending war with opponents. Potential, annihilate the enemy's vitality.

After sweeping through it like this, the flesh and blood on the battlefield will be melted by nuclear radiation, leaving only some glass slag. The Martian MM who descends to fight will collect some good-looking ones as souvenirs, which are quite valuable... Ahem, this is not the point. ! anymore question. "

Yamazaki Ayato was at a loss,

"No, then the Security Bureau..."

Li Pan, "Oh, they have been notified by the committee and are now preparing for an emergency evacuation, and will open customs and space rights to my fleet. The person who called to inform me just now, um, even scolded me, stupid."

Yamazaki Ayato, "..."

Shiki Ashiya said, "Then what are we still discussing? Should we evacuate immediately? Call a shuttle and go directly to the airport? Is the moon within the strike range?"

Li Pan rubbed his brow,

"Sigh, but I don't want to be blamed for launching a corporate war for no reason, okay... If any of you want to leave, you can leave. Once you're offline, fly directly to Jupiter. The inner ring is within the range of naval guns, so it's not safe.

If you don't want to leave, do me a favor. Let's try to kill the Tokugawa family in advance. Can we calm the company's anger and save the world, or at least put the blame for the war on the other side? "

No one was offline. It was probably early in the morning when the general manager suddenly told you that the reality of our company's decision to fight a world war was not strong enough.

Li Pan clapped his hands, "Well, don't wait any longer. The twenty-four, twenty-three and a half hour countdown starts now, Shiki! Where is Kotaro!"

Ashiya Shiki quickly sent a map of Edo District, marking the locations of the characters.

"Both the divination ball and the shikigami have been confirmed, and I have been watching them all night, but there is a ninja leader of the Iga ninja army inside, led by Hattori Hanzo, one of the three imperial families. They are guarding them all night long. They may be interrogating them, or it may be a trap. "

"He's not dead, right? Well, then, you can contact Tokugawa directly to ask for the person! Make an announcement to NCHK and ask Tokugawa to release the person immediately, otherwise you will be responsible for all the consequences! Don't say that you didn't predict it!

Mist! Where do all the Tokugawa clan live? "

Shiranui Kiriko quickly shared the map,

"In addition to Edo, the capital of the night, the direct Tokugawa family of Sunfu, there are also three clans of relatives. When the governor has no heirs, the heirs are selected from their families..."

"Fuck, are you so fertile? Go and tell the people in Koga that whoever catches me a Tokugawa family member can be the company's dog. Don't miss this opportunity!"

In addition, you should leave now and go to Hakone Mountain to take out the company's things. Yamazaki went with him and brought the 'eclogite and gabbro bracelet'. Tokugawa refused to let in, so he sneaked in through a detour underground. If you can't get 'Tai Sui', people from 0113 won't give up!

01044, how long does it take for you to prepare? "

01044,"Five days."

Li Pan, "I don't have five days. I'll give you five hours. Once things are settled here, move over there. Can you do it?"


Li Pan nodded, formal employees are really reliable.

"Eighteen, contact Ms. Lin from TSC Tianhan and ask her to rent two fleets as reserve teams. In addition, she has a lot of good things. Buy whatever you want and the company will reimburse you. Give Gao Tianyuan ICE before dark. I'll kill it!"

Eighteen, "Okay!"

Li Pan said, "Aqi, follow me."

Ah Qi hurriedly caught up, "Boss, do you want to take 'bee venom'?"

Li Pan shook his head while changing his clothes.

"We can't use 'bee venom'. What the company cares about is respect. If these bastards die too quickly, the company will not feel the pleasure of being respected. Let's go to the red zone and see what stuff is available..."

Jingle Bell!

"Tsk, you go first, Wai? What's the matter?"

"This is the CSI security department. There are unscheduled visitors who want to visit your company. Do you want to meet with them?"


Li Pan walked to the glass window and took a look outside. Phew, there were quite a few visitors, and they completely surrounded the park gate.

At a glance, there were at least a thousand people gathered outside the office building. There were bosozokus dressed in fancy clothes dragging iron chains and bats, thugs carrying tachi and ripping open their collars, and many middle-aged and elderly people wearing Japanese kimonos. At this moment, a large group of people were "oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh," and cross-eyed with the CSI security forces!

Yes, Dongcheng will! Everyone assembles!

Li Pan was shocked.

Ah, ah? No, isn't the central area the Ye family's territory? Aren't we negotiating martial law now? The situation is so tense, how did so many of you get here? Take the subway? Doesn’t NCPA even dare to take care of this?

Then he glanced with his prosthetic eyes, "Hey, don't tell me, NCPA really can't do anything to them, because they don't even have a gun!" We just made an appointment with a large group of citizens. Why don't we all come to 'shopping' together and take care of your business?

Seeing this group of high school students fighting like a gang, Li Pan was so angry and funny.

"Made, what a period drama... let them in!"

So CSI no longer stopped, the gangsters pushed past the security guards, rushed into the park, and went straight to the building.

The bosses took the elevator, the juniors climbed the stairs, and a group of people lined up in the corridor at the entrance of the company...

Li Pan also stood at the door of the company hall, with his hands in his pockets, confronting the Dongcheng Club minions, waiting to see what tricks they could play.

After waiting for a while, the elevator finally dinged. An old man with a white beard, white hair, and a white kimono walked out at the lead, followed by several strong men with tattoos. The younger men on both sides bowed at a 90-degree angle and howled angrily.

"General! Will! Long!"

Li Pan, "..."

The old man walked to the door of the company and stared at Li Pan for a while with his eyes narrowed.

"It's indeed A Quan's eyes..."

The old man opened his eyes suddenly, chopped the crutch in his hand, and his pupils shone horribly!

"Yagyu Tajima! Come and seek justice today!"

"Hey shit...that's fair..."

Li Pan took out his hand, raised his middle finger, and rubbed his prosthetic eye.


The gangster behind the old man immediately shouted, Chi! Tear off your shirt with one sound! He showed the word "loyalty" on his left arm and the word "righteousness" on his right arm, "Ouch--!" Degui shouted and rushed forward! Li Pan was hit with flying fists by a superman!

…and then he boom! I had to hit the light wall at the entrance of the company, like a fly hitting the glass window, and then bounced back...

Li Pan couldn't help but sigh.

"Made, a group of insects..."

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