I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 134 Toys

In this world, if people want to get something, they must pay for it.

But this is a cruel world. Even if you pay and sacrifice everything you have, you may not get what you want.

Even if you give too much, you will attract the jealousy of others and lose everything you have.

Huang Dahe understood this simple truth very early.

Therefore, even though he was born in the Night City, Huang Dahe never complained about others.

Because his luck is good enough, really good enough.

He has a very good mind, he has a very good family, and he seizes every opportunity to climb up.

Therefore, even if he was kicked down the stairs and awakened from this kind of life, he did not give up on himself, blame everyone and others, and was unable to recover.

Not even thinking about the simplest way to avoid the problem.

Because he understands very well that any feeling of despair and regret betrays his own hard work and hard work along the way.

Besides, he was not wrong!

Obviously he was not wrong at all!

In the whole thing, the only one who was not wrong was him!

Why should he pay the price?

Of course, Huang Dahe also understood his situation, and he knew even more clearly that pointless chicken soup and incompetent rage were of no use now.

His life is over.

On the eve of graduation, I was expelled from school and my file was blacklisted by the system.

He will never get citizenship rights in his lifetime.

It is impossible for him to be accepted by the order of the heavens under the rule of the Security Committee in his lifetime.

Unless there is a company at the level of the safety committee, someone is willing to give him a hand and help him cancel the penalty and restore his credibility.

But where in the world is there such a idle corporate dog willing to give him a hand?

To pull this poor boy who has lost everything before he even owns anything?

In fact, not to mention giving him a hand, he even bumped into him.

Holding my mother's ashes, while crossing a traffic light, I was hit by a company dog ​​who passed by randomly without even seeing his face clearly.

Probably the other party was also a drunk driver and a drug addict. Anyway, he didn't dare to call the police and ask for compensation, so he just put the person in the trunk and threw him into the garbage dump.

Huang Dahe was not killed because he was once a student of science and engineering. He had the most basic college prosthetic body. Although the function was disabled, the structural strength was still there.

But the urn was lost and hit God knows where.

So that day, lying in the garbage, looking at the starry sky above his head, Huang Dahe, who had lost everything, woke up.

His story has developed to this point, and if nothing is done, the ending is basically doomed.

You won't let me live a good life.

But I don’t want to die like this.

Then the only option is to overthrow the Safety Committee.

So Huang Dahe chose to join the Red Tengu.

Well, no one even came to recruit him or win over him.

It was he who crawled out of the garbage, found the Red Tengu branch on his own, and then walked in and asked to join.

This is actually not as difficult as the Security Bureau or NCPA imagined.

The Red Tengu was originally the fruit of the rotten tree in Takamagahara.

Although the big tree has been cut down, the fruit still falls to the ground and rots in the roots. It will not disappear out of thin air, let alone fly out of the sky.

Because their roots are in this city of night.

So yes, personnel, funds, ammunition, supplies, equipment, everything the Red Tengu has needs to be obtained from the huge garbage dump of the Night Capital.

They left too many clues.

So to put it bluntly, the Security Bureau can't find them with their eyes open, because they are bad.

Because they deliberately wanted to use the simplest and most violent method to clean up the rebels on a regular basis.

And NCPA can't find it, mainly because they are stupid. There is really no cure for brain damage.

So Huang Dahe joined the Red Tengu. He didn't even need to fake his resume to prove that he was not an undercover agent.

Just give your name and ask the other party to search online.

So much so that the recruiter of the Red Tengu said after looking at his resume, it would be really unreasonable for someone like him not to rebel.

All in all, in order to overthrow the Security Committee that controls the heavens, and to build a home where I can live with my chest raised.

Huang Dahe joined the Red Tengu and has been training in a secret base closed to this day.

After completing the training with the highest scores as usual, Huang Dahe joined his first Red Tengu raid.

Their goal is to take advantage of the chaos in the Night City to raid the Pacific Campus of New Tokyo University and destroy the weapon system being debugged in the campus laboratory by the Scientific Ethics Committee.

According to the intelligence, this imported weapon system is a new product developed by a top weapons dealer in the world. The technological level has not yet been determined. This time, 0791 was shipped with the intention of equipping the three-headed dog and testing it with the Red Tengu. Just because of TheM Company's interference, the plan was delayed for a while, and even the information was leaked.

Naturally, the Red Tengu cannot sit still and wait for this super weapon to hit him on the head, and he will risk his life to destroy the opponent's magic weapon.

Huang Dahe's mission is not the most dangerous. As one of the few professional and technical talents that Chitengu can recruit, he is also protected, with professional veterans and mercenary commandos leading the way. He followed the support team and provided technical support at the rear, helping to open doors, unlock, blast, and disarm automatic defense systems.

Since New Tokyo University also has internal agents, from teachers to students to cleaners, the Red Tengu's actions were very smooth, and they almost smoothed the way for security and defense drones to enter the laboratory.

But now that there was a nuclear explosion in the city center, neither the NCPA nor the company's troops had time to care about the alarms on the university campus, so Huang Dahe followed the team directly into the laboratory, and then he saw the weapon system in the hangar...

"Huh? SMS?"

There are a total of four large SMS, carrier-based mobile armor for space warfare, all unpainted prototypes. At this moment, they are like silver knights, kneeling quietly on the reloading truck in the hangar. Under the cool light, the alloy armor wings shine brightly.

Captain Akatengu urged in the encrypted channel, "Team Sichuan installs bombs! Team Mountain implants golems! Quick! I'll give you ten minutes to blow them all up and evacuate immediately!"

Huang Dahe and the engineers immediately dispatched. With the help of the exoskeleton, they climbed onto the mecha with a few small jumps, turned over and got into the cockpit numbered X10A.

"ICE is made of HT technology. It can't be broken in two hours. Just blow it up." "Damn it, this is a ship-based military alloy. You have to use naval guns to break it!" "The hangar has been reinforced with shelling, and it's all made of steel. Concrete, even if it takes half an hour to use a chainsaw to cut into the load-bearing wall..." "The explosives are installed in the cockpit?" "These are modular components, they just need to change them..."

Listening to the report on the communication channel, Huang Dahe suddenly interrupted,

"There is no need to break into ICE! There is no need to destroy it! These are unauthorized prototypes! And they have already been activated. We can just drive away!"

The Red Tengu were silent for a moment, and then the captain opened his mouth and cursed,

"Shan 04! What nonsense are you talking about? How do we have the authority..."

Huang Dahe started directly, his fingers dancing like the wind,

"Bypass the security firewall and fleet authorization, open an engineering test system and run Pilotrun, start it and drive away!

I'll write it! Give me ten minutes. When I compile the OS and send it to the channel, you can just load it. You can operate it if you know how to open the three steps. "

"What nonsense..."

The captain cut to his camera and saw the code bursting out of the screen. He was stunned for a moment.

"You, why are you so skilled..."

Huang Dahe gritted his teeth, "Of course I'm proficient. I wrote this set of underlying framework and action modules for the fleet!"

The Red Tengu were hesitant for a moment. There was another discussion, and then the captain decided to prepare with both hands. One team of personnel carried out the original plan and used explosives. No matter what, they would blow up a wave first and try to paralyze these weapon systems, while the other team...

Huang Dahe, "Okay, load and start!"

So the Red Tengu turned their heads and looked at the huge silver knight. Blue light flashed in their eyes and they stood up from the heavy truck.

Captain, "Wow... so handsome..."

Huang Dahe, "Hiss... zero-point reactor, full-field ECCM to withstand magnetic explosions, high-energy particle deflection stance, full-effect anti-gravity field, ultra-wide-area gravity wave radar, micro WARP engine... WARP200???

Just kidding...how on earth did these battleship-level systems get crammed into an SMS..."

"Sentinel alert! Army! There is an army coming this way! It's the armored division of Takamagahara!"

"What! Didn't you tell them not to take action?"

"Said there was a direct order from the committee! They are coming for us!"

Huang Dahe, "I'll stop them! Get on the plane quickly!"

Captain, "Okay! Shan 04, I leave it to you! Give me one!!"

Huang Dahe, "X10A! YAMA! Attack!"


The silver mecha knight broke through the night sky, spreading its wings in the smoke. The light blue plasma shined like the wings of an angel, scattering M particles into the night sky.

Huang Dahe quickly scanned the status of each system while rewriting the weapon operating system.

This engineering prototype is just an SMS platform. Naturally, it has not been used as a military weapon before the test modulation is completed.

But as long as it is an SMS, especially a large ship-based SMS used for space warfare, it will definitely be equipped with M-CUP, an M particle compression energy storage tank. This is a device used to produce and store M particles, adjust input and output specifications, and control the spread range and concentration of M particles on the battlefield.

After all, the previous uses of SMS were to rush into the enemy fleet, spread M particles, interfere with the naval gun radar defense system, and engage in close combat with the ship. But now as the range and accuracy of the naval gun exceed the battlefield specifications, the mainstream fleet fighting style has changed. Whoever is discovered first will die first. The scene of the mecha knight spraying M particles and rushing towards the bridge is already a tear of the times.

Although Huang Dahe has never come into contact with military M-CUP before, Army SMS such as Type III also has corresponding slots and program ports, and because of the Polytechnic University celebrations, festivals, maintenance, decoration, etc., he needs to turn it on. When doing construction in Sanji, sometimes it is necessary to spray paint or launch fireworks to create an atmosphere, so he once modified paint cans and other things into the M-CUP system. Now in actual operation, I have experience in using it, so it is not particularly difficult.

In short, just change the output frequency and band, compress the M particles into high-energy particle beams, and then use the gravity radar to correct the shooting parameters...

So the X10A, which was flying high into the sky, spread its wings and fired twelve light arrows.

With the help of the mecha's own precise computing power, the twelve light arrows accurately hit the military's ammunition and fuel trucks.

In fact, Huang Dahe really didn't need to do anything. The SMS auxiliary system was so advanced that it not only completed the scanning and locking of the entire Pacific area in an instant, but also prioritized military targets for system landing. The only restriction was M- There are not enough injection ports in the CUP, and it takes about ten seconds to accumulate pressure and charge an ion cluster.

But it's enough.


X10A is like an angel of death, floating in the sky and scattering death light all over the sky.

The Takamagahara Army troops, who waited for a long time to get the order, entered the town from all directions to suppress the riots, and suffered a devastating blow almost instantly. Some were stuck in the military camp, some were blocked at the intersection, and more were even waiting in the warehouse before being captured. High-energy particle beams hit fuel tanks, ammunition depots, and control systems.

Continuous explosions, rising mushroom clouds, monstrous fires, and burning cities.

"The people in this place are so crazy..."

Wearing a formal suit, a man with the number 0213007 on his badge was sitting on the roof of the abandoned Pacific Building holding a sniper rifle, overlooking the doomsday scroll-like world. With the help of optical invisibility, he merged with the night.

Suddenly, an anonymous message requested to contact him.

"Hey, QVN is blocked, who is calling me?"

Orochi.18, "...IP positioning, reverse tracking, confirm BRW official certified 4S store customer service."

0213007 frowned slowly, showing the expression of an old man looking at his mobile phone.

“4S store???”

Idle time is also idle. With the support of the brain tank of the company's technical department, 0213007 is not afraid of hackers. When he connected to the communication, an old man wearing glasses appeared in front of him.


"Hello, excuse me for interrupting, I am Dr. Nimitz, SEC member."

"SEC? Ethics Committee? Isn't it a 4S store??"

0213007 can’t even react.

The other person smiled,

"I'm sorry to bother you, but it's like this. I have a little personal trouble right now. Some thieves are stealing my things. But I am loading the prosthetic weapon module in the 4S store and I can't get there for the time being.

But judging from BRW's database, you happen to be nearby.

Therefore, I have taken the liberty to contact you. Since I am also a member of the Safety Committee, could you please provide me with assistance? Of course, I will be grateful for your help. "

0213007 saw the identity confirmation sent by the brain can and shrugged.

"Dr. Nimitz, as a member of the Security Committee, it is our obligation to provide assistance to the SEC. But unfortunately, our company also has ongoing tasks, and I am afraid that I will not be able to get away for the time being."

Nimitz smiled and said, "Don't bother you to go there in person. I'll send you the coordinates and just take one shot. I'll pay you five million for one shot."

0213007 raised his eyebrows and looked at the altar in the parking lot. 0674007 and 0544007 were still investigating at the collector's site. Everything was normal. Then he shrugged.

"make a deal."

Dr. Nimitz nodded and thanked, "Thank you for your support. I have sent you the coordinates. Because the target has a smart lock alarm, you need to manually adjust the shooting parameters. In addition, it is recommended that you load the full performance output of BRW-X5. Well, it is overloaded. 300%.”

0213007 is a little interested.

"Doctor, what I have is a Rank 7 Achilles anode focused particle laser. It has naval gun-level firepower."

Nimitz smiled and said, "Yes, I can check your prosthetic body registration, but the escort-class light naval gun is not enough. At least the cruiser-class cannon is needed."

0213007 whistled, released the optical invisibility, and adjusted the shooting parameters to aim. The reactor of BRW-X5 began to overload, blue radiation bloomed all over the body, and high-energy rays converged on the ray cannon in his hand.

"Can I ask what it is I'm about to hit?"

Dr. Nimitz shrugged, "A toy for my grandson."

0213007 slowly pulled the trigger, "Oh, do you want a toy that can be fired with a cruiser cannon..."

Orochi.18, "081007 confirmed death."

0213007, "What...!"


A bright blue light pierced the sky and disappeared like a bolide breaking through the atmosphere.

Dr. Nimitz, "Well, you missed the target."

0213007 frowned and had to retreat from the bomb bay. The joints in his body opened, and a large amount of heat was emitted to radiate heat. At the same time, he jumped off the building and moved around.

"I'm sorry, doctor, I was distracted. Do you want another shot?"

Dr. Nimitz, "No, although it's a little off, it has successfully neutralized the target. Well, maybe it's better this way. I can take care of the rest myself. The money has been sent to you. Thank you again for your assistance."

"You're welcome. It's my honor to serve you." 0213007 closed the communication, jumped to the rooftop from another building, "Hey can! What are you doing! What's going on with 081007!"

Orochi.18, "...081007 confirmed death."

0213007, "Nonsense! How did he die? Collector!?"

Orochi.18, "...The cause of death of 081007 is unknown. It may have been affected by a nuclear explosion."

0213007, "Fart! Did the nuclear bomb kill Wei Wu's soldiers? That was a custom-made military prosthetic body! And how long has it been since the nuclear explosion, and you didn't report it until now! What a waste!"

Orochi.18, "...reported electromagnetic interference and QVN channel blocking..."

0213007 thought for a while, "No, no, no, it's so inexplicable... Hey! What are you still doing? Pull out his last call records! There must be a backup in the cloud! Or you've lost your mind. !?"

Orochi.18, "...file collection requires authorization from the general manager..."

0213007, "I force the permissions to be opened with the authority of a formal employee and project correspondent!

Mud, what the hell is going on with you! ? Why is it so difficult to do things! Did that agent retain your independent personality? A waste that fails to succeed but fails to succeed! "

Orochi.18, "...081007, the file is damaged, data is being restored..."

"The file is damaged?"

0213007 frowned,

"How is it possible? How could the data uploaded to QVN be...fuck, the Security Bureau..."

Then he suddenly understood, because when he raised his head, 0213007 could see a flash of white light falling down.

Of course he knew that it was a nuclear warhead that was dropped from a low-Earth orbit platform, maneuvered at supersonic speeds to break through defenses, and broke into the radar warning system.

"Uh-huh, use nuclear bombs to attack individual soldiers..."

boom--! ! !

People in this world are absolutely crazy.

Although after reaching level six and above, most of the prosthetic bodies that cost hundreds of millions to purchase have top-level safety protection capabilities to survive a nuclear war.

But carrying a tactical nuclear warhead head-on is definitely not that comfortable.


Not even able to escape the formal attire, 0213007 groaned in the ruins, almost being burned into a piece of withered flesh.

Yes, he is not dead yet. The company's 007 is not that easy to kill.

But to be honest, 0213007 has never seen this kind of play.

"Brain, brain can... go back... go back..."

Orochi.18, "Crooked? Crooked? Crooked, what did you say? I can't hear you clearly. I'll hang up now."

"You...you...you are looking for death..."

Then a shadow covered 0213007's head.


0213007 raised his head, and the last thing he saw was a blood-red palm stretching out from the flame wind in the billowing, burning mushroom-shaped cloud, grabbing his face.

Then his vision fell into eternal nothingness and chaos, and he could no longer climb out of that darkness.

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