I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 181 Xuan Ming

"Welcome to call TheM Company branch 0791. Due to technical and equipment adjustments, our company will temporarily suspend operations from now on. If you have any business inquiries, please leave a message after the beep. Our business will..."



My head hurts so much...

It’s so hard to make some money! It’s so hard to lie down!

After hanging up the public Internet phone, Li Pan picked up the five-dollar-a-cup moonshine liquor from the drunkard next to him and swallowed it in one gulp. He wanted to numb the stinging brain a little, but his mouth was still as light as water, which made his headache worse. .

So what to do now? The destination of the freight was copied. Where should the eight billion goods be delivered?

And is the bidding war so fierce? Just slap the door in my face and smash up my office?

Is the company still there? What about filing cabinets? What about the shredder? I don’t know how to practice a lot of magical skills, but someone deleted me for no reason, right?

It's too much to feed your competitors. Do you really think I'm not angry? Don't you dare raid your home?

But then again, taking two and a half thousand a month and ransacking other people’s homes seems a bit too much...

Just when Li Pan was in a tangle, he couldn't extricate himself.

The noisy tavern fell silent for a moment, and then a group of men started to whistle as enthusiastically as baboons.

Li Pan turned around and saw Akiyama Ayako and Leticia walking into the store. The two of them had good foundation. At this time, they were wearing SBS tight-fitting protective clothing purchased by Panlong Group. They had uneven curves and slim curves. In the wasteland The men had never seen such a top-notch product before. Immediately, a group of hairy wanderers gathered around and started chatting with them.

Li Pan hurriedly stepped forward, stretched out his hand and pressed their shoulder blades and squeezed them, causing a group of homeless people to feel numb all over and collapse to the ground, so that this murderer and a mad dog would not draw their swords and claws and destroy the scene. It was too bloody and brutal and difficult to clean up.

"Why are you guys? Didn't I ask Orange to send professional security guards? There is no one in the factory?"

"Hey! We are also security guards, okay! Why are you so unprofessional! Those retired people went up with her. They said they were going to salvage the boat."

Caiko raised her eyebrows and looked at him,

"And we took a taxi, so I'll reimburse you 1,200 yuan."

Leticia sniffed, "What kind of job is this time, stealing?"

Li Pan had no choice. After all, these two bumpkins had not received special training in space operations. Going to the ship was a waste of supplies and would not be of much use. So he opened the door, took them to the parking lot, and pointed at the trailer.

"This box of goods is contraband. Take the Whirlpool Gang's route and transport it back to our warehouse. Be careful, it's fragile, and drive it like a tanker truck. Deliver it to the warehouse safely. Each person will receive a bonus of 100,000. You can pay half of it in advance and win it with oranges. .”

The two got into the truck without saying a word.

At this time, Caizi saw Li Pan climbing into the cargo hold in the rearview mirror and couldn't help but poke his head out.

"What, you're coming too? Did you really just ask us to drive?"

Li Pan cracked his neck and made a kaba kaba sound.

"This batch of goods is too important. How can I rest assured if I only give it to you two? But I am too tired these days and have to rest for a while to avoid being unable to exert my full strength in the event of a fight later.

I'll take a nap in the cargo hold. Don't worry about me. Just drive. If someone robs the cargo and you can't handle it, just run away. "

So when he entered the container, Li Pan checked that the seals and packaging of each box were intact, and then he saw that the bottles were all white with frost. They felt very cold to the touch, freezing into the bone marrow, and the cold breath lingering in the meridians was refreshing.

I simply opened a bottle and took it out, hugged it in my arms, sat cross-legged, opened the bottle cap directly, put my nose to the mouth of the bottle to absorb the Xuan Ming Qi, meditated and fell into concentration, and quickly restored my physical strength and cultivation.

Then while sniffing, Li Pan suddenly felt something was wrong, as if he could vaguely smell the fragrance of red pepper, and opened his eyes. I saw pens, ink, paper and inkstones on the desk, mountains of books and calculations, and an alchemy furnace with green smoke curling up.

Okay, I'm wearing it again...

However, the layout of this study seems to be no longer Penglai, right? Have you returned to Shang Zhen Guan?

I looked around and found no trace of Teacher Xian, and recalled carefully. It seemed that Li Qingyun had stayed in Penglai for a long time to make up for classes, but finally he not only passed the exam, but also went from the last to the second last!

Well, progress has been made, although it seems that the original penultimate sword fight with his colleagues, Yuan Shen Heavy Damage did not perform well, but no matter what, good luck is also part of the strength! Moving up a ranking is a huge improvement, isn't it?

Moreover, the head of Zhou seems to be particularly 'stupid'. Thanks to the enlightenment of Taozu himself, he still can't understand the heavenly book of Taishang Dao. Teacher Xian can't keep delaying the hungry dragon Li Qingyun in the mortal world to practice vegetarianism all day long.

Since he was not embarrassed by being the last one, he spared Li Qingyun and sent him back to Daiyu to study at Zhen Guan.

For a moment, Li Qingyun also put the heart he was holding back into his stomach, relaxed greatly, yawned, stretched, shook his wrists and legs, danced around and stretched his muscles, and took a handful from the alchemy furnace. Jin Aodan ate while feeling the cultivation level of the interior scene at this time.

Well, there is no need to talk nonsense. As expected, Li Qingyun is still as stable and strong as ever.

Even in those days in Penglai, when I spent all day doing math and doing math, I didn't practice much at all. I just smoked clouds, puffed up mist, drank pills and took medicine. My Taoist body was already at the seventh or eighth level, and the skills of the Taishang Jiuzhen lineage were not as good as those in Penglai. I practiced casually between answering questions, and I saw that I had reached the middle stage of "Refining Qi and Transforming into God" and the "late stage of infant formation".

Alas, Li Pan is being hunted day and night, and he can get very high just by holding a bottle. There is no time to breathe and practice.

Li Qingyun's side is the other extreme. In his ordinary daily life, apart from practicing, he just studies, eats elixirs for three meals, occasionally uses Ganoderma lucidum as an appetizer, rolls calculations in his hands, and randomly learns magical skills from the Heavenly Book. The gap between the two sides is naturally huge. There's no way to compare.

But it doesn’t matter, what’s mine is still mine after all.

As long as Li Qingyun has a small degree of success in Taishang Jiuzhen and other Taoist treasures, it is equivalent to Li Pan having a small degree of success in Taishang Taoism!

Anyway, Li Pan is also at the fourth level of Nine Yins, refining Qi and transforming into God, so he can learn some miscellaneous skills.

So Li Qingyun quickly recalled all the Taoist techniques he had learned over the years, scanned them through the Shangzhen Guan Taoist Canon, and taught the clones in other worlds the skills on the spot.

Forget about the kind of ultimate super-kill, you must give priority to picking out the one hundred and fifty bottles of Xuan Ming Zhenqi that can be used after you go back. And we have to consider whether Li Pan's qualifications can be achieved...

In this way, from the Shangzhen Taoist Canon, we can quickly filter out forty or fifty complete "Gong", twenty or thirty chapters of "Dharma", and a lot of various Taoist secrets and techniques. In short, all of them are scriptures carefully selected by the ancestors of Taishang Taoism and qualified to be stored in the Taoist canon.

At this time, Li Qingyun was no longer a weakling who had just entered the mountain gate and was the last one. It's second to last!

In short, after doing so many exercises and fighting with the company dog ​​in his dream day and night, he also has some discernment and understands his current needs very well.

There was no need to hesitate, his mind was like lightning, and he immediately learned a piece of "Shangzhen Xuanming Qi Refining Technique".

This method can be compared to "Nine Yin Refining Forms" and can be regarded as an introductory Qi training method for Penglai Mountain outer sect disciples and boys. But it's not the dual cultivation of Qi like Jiuyin, it's just the Xuanmen internal skill that specializes in refining Qi, and it specializes in refining Xuanming Zhenqi for one's own use.

Because those outer disciples are all grown from gourds and jars. Those natives from the rural world with thin spiritual energy suddenly enter a place like Penglai Immortal Sect where the Tao is permeated. It is inevitable that they will not be able to adapt, and they may become obsessed with it. , if severe, the body will explode and die.

Therefore, generally those who are registered disciples in the sect must first go to the foot of the mountain to practice Qi refining. Based on their own spiritual roots and qualifications, they must practice the Five Elements Qi Refining Technique, refine high-concentration Xuanming Qi, and expand their meridians to the point where they can adapt to the fairyland. Learn other things.

And this "Shangzhen Xuanming Qi Refining Technique" is the introductory Taoist method of Taishang Shangzhen Palace lineage. There are a lot of Taoist annotations available, which is suitable for Li Pan to practice.

Of course, this kind of Taoist qigong and qigong techniques place great emphasis on qualifications. Even basic qi refining techniques have the risk of going crazy and becoming paralyzed by wind. Moreover, although the Tao, Dharma, and Qi techniques of the Taishang Jiuzhen sects reach the same goal through different paths, they are also different. It should be said that even after practicing to an extremely high level, each one has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, otherwise the Nine True Meridians would not be separated.

So don't look at it. It's as simple as refining from Xuanming Zhenqi to the supreme Xuanming Zhenqi. There are two more words. The power of that technique is really increased dozens of times. Just like a car engine, to put it bluntly, it burns gasoline and releases heat to produce work, but the output of your turbocharged engine is different from that of naturally aspirated engines. The output of an eight-cylinder engine is incomparable to that of a three-cylinder engine!

And Li Qingyun flipped through it and discovered that this Shang Zhen Dao technique was really an eight-cylinder machine in Jiu Zhen, and the modulation was quite radical!

During the days of tutoring in Penglai, Li Qingyun actually came into contact with many classmates. He has dabbled in the techniques of other branches, but none of them are as extreme as the Shangzhen branch. Although they are both from the Taishang lineage and are disciples of Penglai, they all also practice Xuan Ming Dao Breath. However, there are some paths in the Shangzhen Qi Refining Technique that are too dangerous, and they often go to the blind spots. Although the skill is stronger, the difficulty of practicing Qi Refining and the risk of going crazy are much higher than those of the same sect.

It seems that there is a reason why the Taoist ranks are so thin, and only Li Qingyun's lineage remains.

But it doesn't matter, Li Qingyun, the penultimate person with his Taoist qualifications, is here, so what a fright!

So Li Qingyun himself performed the Shangzhen Qi Refining Technique first, turning the refined Taishang Dao breath all over his body and instantly transformed it into the Shangzhen Xuanming Dao breath, and directly copied the meridian path template for Li Pan, ensuring that there would be no more Risk of going too far!

Cheating is fun!

Then from various Taoist methods, he selected the Xuanming Escape method of Taishang Jiuzhen Sect, "Penglai Yixianyou". Li Qingyun glanced at it, memorized it in his chest, made the formula with his hands, and sang it in his mouth,

"The mountains are high, the rocks are dangerous, and the fog curtain opens, and the vast sky appears on the pavilion. From the red clouds in the sky, cloud sails are coming over the waves."

Immediately, a white light flashed in his eyes, and he soared into the air, turning into a cold wind. He passed through the wall and passed through the room silently, roared out of the room, and moved into the Alchemy Courtyard in an instant.

The so-called escape method, simply put, is the flash displacement skill. To put it simply, it is "you are stupid! You can also fly! And fly very fast!"

On the side of cultivating immortals, escape techniques are also essential techniques for chasing enemies and escaping, dodging sword fights, and avoiding disasters. The disadvantage is that it consumes a lot of money and needs to be adapted to local conditions. According to different environments, water escape, earth escape, etc. need to be prepared. As a disciple of Xuanmen, if you can't even practice the basics of Five Elements Escape Technique well, you are not qualified to go down the mountain to practice it.

But it’s a land of the end of the law like Li Pan’s place. Don’t make any fancy Five Elements Escape Technique. It’s good to be able to do this one.

As for the characteristics of this "Penglai Immortal Tour", to put it bluntly, it is a traveling escape method for traveling around mountains and rivers. It is also an introductory escape method taught to disciples. They can quickly move around in the Penglai Immortal Mountain territory and adapt to the escape method. Basic skills.

Relatively speaking, the consumption of this escape is low, the effect is long, and as long as there is air and water, you can escape. Although the speed of escaping light is indeed not comparable to those of powerful sword cultivators, and it does not have the powerful special effects of soul-seizing and body-occupying like the Blood Shadow Divine Walk of the Divine Sect, the advantage is that there are no side effects such as skinning, and the worst is that it will get stuck in the wall or Falling from the sky. Enough is enough.

After all, in Li Pan's current situation, he actually doesn't lack that bit of output, he just lacks displacement. It was really easy to be shot at from a distance, and the company dogs were all locked up, so it was difficult to miss even one shot. By the time he ran to someone else's house, he had already been filled with bullets and shot into a sieve.

Now there is an escape method. You can come and go without a trace. You can teleport to someone's back, and then you can hold the company dog's head and recite his lines.

Wow, that picture is not too beautiful.

After completing the "Jue" and "Dharma" in this way, you can output skills and various magical "Gongs".

There is no shortage of output in Xuanmen. Li Qingyun flipped through it and found eighteen kinds of weapons, including swords, guns, sticks, fists, and various martial arts, including hard Qigong and internal martial arts. It was dazzling to see.

In fact, with his current cultivation level and the physical quality of "Nine Yin Refining", he can produce huge output with just three punches and two kicks. Just the kind of True Dragon Breaking that Master Xian teaches you is enough to charge up every second. If that doesn't work, you can still use monkey swordsmanship.

But since we are here anyway, and there are so many bottles of Xuan Ming Qi, we might as well pick out two Xuanmen's large-scale destructive techniques and learn them. It also saves my younger brother from complaining all day long about him using Beichen Sword Sect's Taoist methods to kill people.

Your brother and I know Penglai's Taoism too! !

However, there is no need to learn too much, especially Xuanmen's internal boxing, which is extremely difficult to master and has many variations. It requires proficiency and proficiency. The more you reach the realm of Dacheng, the more powerful it will be. It is a model of biting off more than you can chew and striving for excellence.

So Li Qingyun casually flipped through a few volumes, and based on Li Pan's situation, he chose two for him that were relatively simple to operate, and the focus was on making up for remote output.

One record is "Shangzhen Jiu Ming Breaks the Demonic Finger". From the annotations on the page, it turns out that this skill is not original to Penglai, but from the ancient times, a certain demonic path that caused trouble in the East China Sea, the Jiu Ming Sect.

Legend has it that the head of the Jiu Ming Sect relied on this unique skill to dominate the world. He gathered millions of people under his command and once wanted to divide the territory and compete in the Central Plains.

Then one day, a senior of the Shangzhen Sect was traveling to the sea and passed by this place. He watched the masters of the Jiu Ming Sect perform a move and thought, oh, this move is not bad.

So he wiped out the entire sect, killed all the devils in the family, captured the devil leader, searched for the soul and used each move to extract his secret move. Because it was so easy to use, I kept it and improved it, turning it into something that belongs to you and me.

Ahem, in short, it is an advanced fingering method for attacking with one point. The fingering method is generally based on tapping acupoints and sealing pulses. If you have deep skills, you can drive your own energy into the opponent's body, ignoring the defensive armor. If you practice it well, it is very good. To restrain the Qi Refining monks.

The special feature of this "Shangzhen Jiu Ming Breaking Demon Finger" is that it can receive dual skill bonuses from the external Qi of "Nine Yin Divine Skills" and the Xuanmen Qi of "Shangzhen Xuanming Zhenqi". It can still be used even if the infuriating energy is not enough, and it will be even more powerful if it is supplemented. Even if you don't hit acupoints, hitting someone's head will still make a hole. The attack is sinister and vicious, and the power is very fierce.

Moreover, the fingering routines of this set of exercises also have something in common with spear skills, so it can also be used with the True Dragon Breaking Technique. If you open a lock and hit wherever you point, it is basically equivalent to a sniper rifle. What a lot to say.

The other one is "One Hundred and Thirty-Seven Roads of Black Ice Palm".

The name of Xuanbingzhang, a popular product, sounds like a typical internal palm technique produced by Xuanmen authentic sect, which is combined with arithmetic and one's own cultivation.

Corresponding to the realm of Tai Chi, there are four seas, nine rivers, three rivers, four lakes, five lakes, and twelve streams, a total of thirty-seven water mansions. There is also a saying that the water of the world is one hundred and thirty-seven, so "Xuanbingzhang" also has one hundred and thirty-seven basic routines.

Of course, each Xuanmen sect also has its own secrets to enhance the sect's characteristics. In fact, there are far more than one hundred and thirty-seven changes. Instead, there are targeted countermeasures for each sect, each monster, each environment and each battle situation, specially designed to be used as a backboard for those disciples who lack actual combat experience and combat talent.

For entry-level disciples, practicing this method does not require merit, but does not require faults. Even if you cannot defeat your opponent, you can still cope with various battle situations by following the routine and fight for hundreds of rounds until the master comes to support you.

And no matter how you say this skill, it is also the crystallization of the combat experience of the predecessors of Xuanmen in the past. As long as you are willing to study hard and practice hard, master this "Xuanbing Palm" thoroughly, accumulate a hundred years of cultivation, and practice it to greatness, it will be freezing. The power is unparalleled, and can rival those with extremely powerful magical powers.

Similar to "Demon Breaking Finger", "Xuanbing Palm" can also get double bonuses, and the palm wind is a range output. In addition to basic palm skills, there are also air control methods to teach you how to use Xuanming palm power changes. , as well as a large number of training notes and explanations from the Shangzhen sect, and combat tips recorded by seniors. I don’t know how many versions have been enhanced.

Although "Black Ice Palm" is a bit of a mess in the fairy world, if you go out and buy a pill, eight out of ten people you meet will know how to play it, but it is perfect when you get the science side! There are so many variations of one hundred and thirty-seven, I'm afraid it's not a brain trick, and I won't be able to analyze them for a while!

So Li Qingyun chose these two new skills, waved his sleeves, turned into cold wind, escaped from Shangzhen Temple Turtle Island, and headed overseas, intending to fry some fish and practice the exercises to get familiar with them.

Finally, after escaping into the air and turning around, Li Qingyun stopped in mid-air and appeared.

It turned out that when I looked at the Void Star Sea outside the island, I couldn't see the water surface. What I could see at a glance was the endless snow sea and ice ocean, countless icebergs and snow rivers, and the mountains and mountains spread all the way to the horizon, as if I were on a frost continent. .

Li Qingyun was stunned to react.

By the way, when I went to Penglai, the Shijue Formation that sealed off the islands and seas was still confiscated.

Looking towards the icy wind and snow soul, and the boundless mountains and rivers, I saw gusts of cold wind and soaring icy wind, as if the entire Void Star Sea was frozen.

Li Qingyun suddenly had an idea.

Yes, there are many mysterious and mysterious methods in the Supreme True Taoist Treasure, but in terms of murderous intent and fierce power, this "Ice Soul Formation" has reached the extreme. Otherwise, why would Teacher Xian not use his own Taoism and have to use the "Ice Soul Formation" to seal off the island?

Then just practice this. Otherwise, my younger brother will yell again when I get back, "Brother, why do you always use Xuanmen's magical skills to kill people!"

Your brother also knows the techniques taught by my god!

Ahem, of course it would be too difficult for Li Pan to come to the Ten Jue Formation. Anyway, he only needs to copy one or two killing moves in the formation, which are plausible and powerful enough, and can be used as a bluff.

So Li Qingyun pinched his fingers, chanted silently, moved his hand, and a piece of icy wind and snowflakes blew away, and the "Ten Jue. Ice Soul Array" floated from the sky and fell into his palm.

Then he held the array diagram to protect his body and used the Yixianyou Escape Technique to float into the array to observe.

I have to say that the Ten Jue Formation is really powerful. Once you step into the formation, the color of the sky and the earth changes, the stars move around, there are ice fronts everywhere, frost swords are all over the sky, snowstorms, ice currents, hail and snow whistles, all coming towards your face. Such as landslides, tsunamis, landslides and ground cracks, cold wind blowing to the bones, no arithmetic, even if you are an immortal, if you take a wrong step, your soul will be shattered and you will die.

Even with the formation diagram protecting his body and trying to avoid danger, Li Qingyun still walked tremblingly. He finally walked through the formation, feeling uneasy and frightened. Sitting on the sea outside the formation, I practiced calmly for a long time before I regained my composure.

This is a god-killing calamity. With the realm of 'refining qi and transforming into a god', I am afraid that I will be knocked down and killed by just one ice-flow snow sword. It is really too fierce.

However, after personally experiencing the power of the Ice Soul Formation, Li Qingyun gained a lot, so based on his impressions of observing the Ice Soul Formation, he started practicing the "One Hundred and Thirty-seven Paths of Black Ice Palm" on the sea.

"Xuanbing Palm" is not difficult at all. It mainly requires hard study and practice, and the understanding of the Ice Soul Formation. Li Qingyun also used the palms to make fans whirring. With the addition of Shangzhen Xuanming Zhenqi, he was able to quickly produce ice blood. Violent special effects create glaciers on the surface of the Void Star Sea. Then he used the "Devil Breaking Finger" to shatter these glaciers from a distance, which was a comprehensive test of the lethality of these two moves.

Well, let's put it this way, strength is very strong. With just one finger and a palm, it can blast mountains and seas with every move, as ferocious as a ship-borne rail gun bombing.

But to be honest, this is mainly due to Li Qingyun's own cultivation. Even with just these two moves, combined with the Yixian Travel Escape Technique, he can fight alone in the group and clean up the Night City.

But if it were Li Pan, it's hard to say how much strength he would be able to display. But there is no way to improve hard power in a short period of time. I can only seize the time and try to become more proficient in these combat skills.

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