I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 223 Blood Puppet Technique

"0791001, your meeting with Saburo Takenaka went well."

Li Pan raised his head and saw the bald head next to the operating table.

"Oh, don't worry, priest, we met him once and he's still alive and kicking."

"Very good, what do you think?"

"What do you think? Well, just now I smelled a fishy smell on that Saburo's cigar. He must have eaten sashimi on the private plane, right?

Priest, have you ever eaten salmon? "


Li Pan put his hands in his pockets and wandered to the operating table.

"I have never eaten it. I used to kill fish for others, but I have never eaten it myself after killing so many fish. Because if you eat it, your hands will be chopped off, and people will cut it into pieces and throw them into the pond to feed the fish.

Well, those fish were raised by the underworld, the Shanling Group, the Dongcheng Society, and the Tianlong Gang, subcontracted at various levels, and the genetic food produced from the illegal immigrant farms was exclusively for the wealthy families of Takamagahara.

Sushi, sashimi, salmon noodles, three meals a day must be prepared for them, no matter how slow they are, because they have to maintain their Japanese aristocratic lifestyle and traditions...

Mudd, the Pacific Ocean has been ruined like a septic tank by these Asians, and they actually still want to eat fresh salmon. Do you know how cold it is to kill fish in the freezer...

I really want to cut him into pieces, dip them in some mustard and eat them to taste what the fish tastes like..."

"Don't do this. If the dog dies, they can replace it with another one, but we don't have the energy to deal with more companies."

"Yes, yes, I know...huh? By the way, what is this? Demon God? Apostle? Monster?"

Li Pan frowned and stared at the pitch-black mass on the operating table. It looked like some kind of living thing, a bit like a cuttlefish covered in juice, and a bit like a big lump of intestines...

"Oh, can you see... He is the ninja you captured last time, Hattori Hanzo. I am performing transformation surgery on him to make him a usable apostle."

"A fish-man ninja..."

"...0791, how long has it been since you had a mental evaluation?"

"Why are you mentioning this all of a sudden? Priest, are you still a neurologist?"

"No, I am a priest, a healer of souls... By the way, 0791, how many people have you killed today?"

"I didn't count. Forty? Fifty?"

"Take a deep breath, stay calm, and go to a mental hospital to register. Your mental barrier is collapsing, your inhibitions are failing, your perception has crossed the boundary, and the deviation value should have exploded."

"Damn, I'm not crazy! I'm very normal!"

"You are now able to trace back the psychic link and talk to me directly, and even erode my spiritual sense and perceive my vision. This shows that you are far away from 'normal' in every sense."

"Psychic link? I seem to have heard of it somewhere..."

"Yes, I am communicating with you through the 'landline' now.

0791, you are an emotional person. Emotional people are usually very fragile and can easily be overwhelmed by cruel reality, but you are very strong and very emotional at the same time, which makes you very dangerous.

Because any cold-blooded behavior will arouse your disgust, irritate you, and cause you to lose control and run away.

This means that this underlying order is a cruel world maintained by cold blood. Not only can it not destroy you, it may even be destroyed by your impulse.

You are indeed not schizophrenic, you have antisocial personality disorder.

So I'm going to give you a piece of advice.

Next time you see the Black Pharaoh, close your eyes immediately and wake up. "

The priest raised his head, revealing his empty eye sockets, which were as deep as the abyss of the universe.

Li Pan closed his eyes fiercely.

Then open it again,

He woke up.

Li Pan found himself lying in the luxurious seat of AA-RS7, and the car machine was massaging aromatherapy for him, and using a mixed polymer cleaner breeze, gently blowing all over his body, removing dirt, ventilating, and cleaning the blood stains all over his body.

...is it a dream?

No, it's not a dream...

Li Pan turned his head. Outside the car window was a burning Zhutian Petrochemical Factory. The company's dog prosthetics were chopped to pieces and burned to pieces, hanging on the street lamps in pieces.

Li Pan slowly frowned and called up the built-in surveillance video of the prosthetic body to watch a section. He found that he had indeed suffered a short-term memory loss. After meeting Saburo Takenaka, the video was cut off for about two hours.

During this period, all communication requests from 0113007 showed ‘missed communication’.

Your mental barrier is breaking down! Inhibition is failing! Perception crosses boundaries! The deviation value should have exploded!

This law treats the symptoms but not the root cause! You must drink blood and eat your soul once every seven days! Otherwise, you will be bound by the law of heaven! The risk of falling back into reincarnation!

"Shut up!"

Li Pan angrily drove away the noise in his mind,

"Activate intelligent assistance system!"

"Intelligent assisted activation, dear platinum customer, belongs to AlphaGolem, HOHENHEIM system is at your service."

Li Pan rubbed his brow and lay down, "Do a brain self-examination and mental evaluation for me."

"Dear platinum customer, your mental appraisal has been generated."

Red red red red red red red red

"...What the hell is this?"

"It's your psychiatric report, sir."

Li Pan sat up and said, "I know this is my mental evaluation report! Why is there a piece of aunt's red on it!?"

"The mental evaluation shows red, indicating that the deviation value exceeds the baseline. Do I need to help you make an appointment with the nearest hospital and nursing home?

You can also call your personal doctor. If you have not signed up with a private doctor, the medical insurance company can recommend one based on your insurance package..."

"Tsk, I don't want to see a doctor, I want a piece of blue, you know? A piece of blue! Is it okay if I pay? Please change the report to be blue!"

"Unfortunately, sir, the HOHENHEIM system does not have the authority and ability to modify and rewrite the mental appraisal system..."

"Damn, useless trash! Wait, you can't do it?"

Li Pan was a little confused for a moment.

"You are the VK Group? And I am a platinum customer. I spend hundreds of millions in your family, but you don't provide this service??"


"Unfortunately, the mental identification system is based on the underlying logic of chaos calculation. Committee members have already reached an agreement with Pangu. Editing and changing the underlying algorithm will trigger an SEC first-level ban. Therefore, our company cannot provide you with this service."

"Damn! That's easy to say! If you can't provide it, what should I do? It's illegal to travel with cyberpsychosis! No, it's illegal to even exist! Do you want your big clients to go to jail?"


"You can make an appointment with a private doctor and receive regular psychological consultation, and the other party can provide you with a "Cyberpsychopathic Certificate" and guarantee to the committee that you are receiving regular treatment. During the treatment period, the certificate can exempt you from relevant legal liabilities."

"I still work with a mental illness certificate, right! Well...can you change it to blue for me? How much does it cost?"


“Reports from the deviation system cannot be changed, but the results of the reports can be kept confidential based on physician-patient privacy regulations.

As a platinum customer of our company, you will receive double credit card points for out-of-parole medical treatment, as well as an exclusive private doctor and a luxurious king-sized bed room in the health center. One course of treatment is estimated to be RMB 30 million. "

"Wow! Why don't you grab 30 million a month! Wait, so my report last month is expired, right? Then these days, I've been running around with a smile on my face. ?Why doesn’t anyone seem to stop me?"


"Dear platinum customers, our AG-RS series are specially imported prosthetics and have the highest level of immunity. Unless the public security system formally files a case and issues an investigation permit, the local security agency has no right to conduct any form of search or arrest on you. If you are detained, you only need to pay the corresponding fine according to the public security management regulations, and you can freely enter and leave the high-security area.

And you have applied for our "Changyouzhutian" credit card and enjoyed the automatic processing service of small fines. So far, your total fines are 1,573,791, which is less than 1,000 of your total assets. 1%, so the consumption notification is not triggered. Do you need me to print the bill details for you? "

"I'm DNM%¥##**!! Turn on consumption notifications for me! Call that person immediately! Under Oak Mental Health Consulting Services Company!!"

"Warning, the channel you are calling is a private link that has not been logged in to the security system. The specific address cannot be located and the security of the link cannot be guaranteed. Please consider it carefully..."

"Turn off the smart assistance system!"

"Smart assisted shutdown, thank you for using it, AlphaGolem belongs, HOHENHEIM system wishes you a great day."

This piece of trash is asking for money...

Li Pan rubbed his brows and waited for a while. Fortunately, the connection was connected, and the young man's voice came from the other side.

"Hey, I thought this account owner was dead."

"Go away! I'm alive and well! Just follow the old rules and get me a psychiatric analysis."

The young man came over and was silent for a long time when he saw Li Pan's Aunt Hong's report.

"Damn, are you really dead?"

Li Pan was too lazy to talk nonsense with the stranger, "Just tell me how much."

That young man didn't bother to talk nonsense with the lunatic.

"It's not about money, right? You didn't go to the doctor last time, so now you're a lunatic who's ready to explode at any time, right?

Oh, I changed the report for you and you exploded. Wouldn’t the Security Bureau find out about me sooner or later? Don’t do it, don’t do it! "

So, if the VK Group cannot change the report, can you change it...

Li Pan narrowed his eyes,

"Wait a minute, you are registered as a mental health consulting service company. In addition to tampering with reports, you should also provide actual medical services, right?

In this way, if I receive treatment and you give me a report, you can also avoid legal liability based on the doctor-patient privacy agreement. "

The boy under the oak tree haha,

"Oh, you know a lot, but in your situation, psychotherapy through a network cable is of no use. Aren't you going to die sooner or later? Get a good baby as soon as possible!"

Li Pan, "One course of treatment costs 500,000 yuan."

The boy said, "How many, how many!?"

Li Pan gave him 500,000 yuan.

The boy said, "...We are a small company, and the corner of 0791 is too far away. We don't have a cooperative clinic, and we don't receive flying knives that far away."

Li Pan, "What about Earth 016?"

The boy said, "Kool baboon? That can be arranged...but do you really want to go to another world for treatment? There is no doctor there?"

Li Pan, “I can get a tax deduction for medical treatment abroad, and I get double credit card points.”

The boy said, "Damn, you damn rich guy... OK, I'll send you the report first. I'll let you know when the visa is processed."

The other party sent a revised appraisal report and hung up the communication.

Li Pan looked at the blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue.

"How do you know this person under the oak tree?"

"Them? Yamato contacted them."


"Well, I said I am a friend I met through online chatting. It is cheaper to get a fake ID than others."

Oh, if you chat online, you can recognize friends who have the courage and ability to violate the SEC ban, tamper with the underlying code of Chaos, and modify the psychiatric report...

Gee, there are so many people paying attention to the Whisperer.

"By the way, Yamato hasn't answered my calls recently, could it be..."

Cheng Zi rolled his eyes at him,

"He is hanging out with the Red Tengu people and hiding in the underground city. By the way, Li, Zhutian Shihua contacted me through an intermediary."

When Li Pan heard this, he also sneered,

"What, they want a truce?"

Orange nodded,

"After thirty days of armistice, they withdrew their cadres from the earth, stopped business, revoked their commissions, and will no longer send people to besiege Panlong Construction."

Haha, if he hadn't known what Zhutian Shihua was planning, Li Pan would have thought that he had killed him into submission...

"Okay, promise them, I will arrange for mercenaries to escort you back to Hakone. In addition, on behalf of Panlong, you will meet with Okubo Jubei."

"From Okubo Mining? I heard that these old members of the Tokugawa family were fighting fiercely among themselves. The Okubo and Honda factions fought bloody battles over the inheritance."

"It's not just them. The Tokugawa family's whale has fallen. A large group of sharks are having a feast. You can offer him an olive branch for me and see if he accepts it."

Li Pan also understood that Takenaka Saburo and his Shanling Group represented Yu Chai, and a head-on confrontation would not work. He can kill as many as he wants, how can he have the spare time?

And his appearance now as the general manager of Monsters Inc. will only have the opposite effect, and even help Yu Shiba, facing a Takamagahara who is united again.

So now, if we want to contain the Hashiba family and prevent them from being stabbed in the back at this time, we must look for agency partners from within Takamagahara.

Okubo Jubei is a good person. He was very understanding last time and even gave me a ‘jar’ and a bunch of small gifts...

Of course, there is Lieutenant General Maeda as an alternative, but the power of the ‘Yellow Spring’ represented by the other party is probably the same as the group of people who preside over the Whisperers. Although he took the initiative to contact and showed his willingness to cooperate, Li Pan did not trust the other party at all.

After all, Li Pan now understands that he is a lucky survivor of the other party's human experiments, and he almost died many times.

Li Pan is not that generous.

When he was tracking the Whisperers, it was not only to find similar people, but also to put the group of people hiding behind the scenes on his death list.

If Takenaka wants to be killed, Maeda must also be killed. All the people related to the "Whisperer" project from top to bottom in Takamagahara will be able to satisfy their hatred by killing them all.

But doing this requires a combination of work and rest. If he continues to kill like this, he himself may have a mental breakdown first.

In short, let’s go hunting first, then see a doctor, and wait until the mental state stabilizes...

"Automatic navigation, search for Ye's blood..."

"One hundred and forty matching targets were found for you."


Hunting vampires is very simple, first find the blood that the vampires feed on.

Vampires also have to look for food. Not all ghosts are willing to drink artificial blood honestly, and not all ghosts have the money to raise private slave blood animals.

So those low-level, immature working ghosts who are young, have just joined the job, and have no savings, often go to bars to pick up corpses, and bring out those young men and women who are dizzy with alcohol, drugs and super powers, and open a more sophisticated place. house. If you are not particular about it, just find a blind spot on the surveillance camera and start chewing.

Of course, this is illegal, and often some young and immature people can't control themselves and suck people dry and throw them into nearby trash cans, but NCPA generally doesn't care.

After all, the 'blood bar' is marked on the map, but I can't help but there are still some idiots who have been brainwashed by those movies, novels and TV series. They have dreams of falling in love with vampires, and actively go to others to suck blood, seeking the pleasure of being sucked. .

You brought it to your door to get high. If you accidentally suck it to death, isn't it just like a drug overdose? Do you still have to blame society?

Of course, Li Pan is not here to save the lost boys and girls, he is also here to eat.

After two circles, he found his prey, stopped, turned invisible, accelerated, broke his limbs, packed the box, and all in one go, got in the car and ran away, trying to escape before the night crawler arrived.

Then find a place where no one is around or under surveillance, behead the person, cut out the heart and draw blood, take a full bucket back to the apartment to drink, and burn the rest cleanly without anyone noticing.

Sorry, if you have money you can do whatever you want.

After using the RS7 for a few days, Li Pan felt that he had basically mastered all the functions of this prosthetic body. It was no exaggeration to say that his own body was not so good at it. I'm afraid everyone in this night city can kill him head-on.

Not bragging.

Because things like AlphaGolem have developed to the current level of prosthetic performance, they are too much for most people. Although rich people can have one, they basically just buy it to show off. People only use the comfort mode with a sensitivity of three A thousand times more powerful...

As for the sports mode that unlocks the upper limit of output, in fact, few people can control it. Only three-headed dog veterans, specially trained cyber mercenaries, and long-trained athletes, experts who have been training with prosthetics for many years, can control this. A prosthetic engineering monster designed to compete with other brands.

Again, without the assistance of advanced intelligent systems and automatic scripts, an ordinary person could suddenly take a pill and become a superman. He might not even be able to walk. Without a protective mechanism to restrain himself, he could destroy all his muscles and bones. Tear off.

But for a cultivator like Li Pan who has gradually become a superman, the performance of this prosthetic body is just right, and the more the better.

Now that he has gone through so many scenes of petrification in the sky, Li Pan can now control this super combat prosthetic body at will.

In sports mode, 10 times the performance can be easily overloaded, which is enough to beat BBA prosthetics of the same level on the market. 20 times the overload load is a bit heavy, but in this state with the customized mantis knife, he is even confident that he can instantly kill and practice to the peak state of 'Qi Transformation into God', Nine Yin and Five Transformations, full of Qi and full internal energy bonus!

But 20 times overload is only Li Pan’s upper limit! The paper upper limit of RS7 is 70 times overload! Moreover, Li Pan also spent money to unlock the protection mechanism. In theory, it depends on how bold the person is and how productive the prosthetic body is.

Of course, basically every time this kind of overload of dozens of times is opened, you have to go to the 4S store for a complete overhaul and maintenance worth tens of millions. In this era, combat effectiveness is ultimately built on money.

However, what surprised Li Pan was that he found that this RS7 prosthetic body could actually enjoy plug-in bonuses!

The technique given to Li Pan by the blood man of the Blood God Sect is a secret technique that involves refining and manipulating the corpse of a puppet, which is called the "Blood Puppet Technique". It is specially used to make a container that can temporarily hold the blood essence and soul of the Blood God Son.

And the blood puppet that houses the Son of Blood God is not only the human body, but also the demons, ghosts, puppet props made of stone and wood carvings, and the Blood Puppet Dafa also has its own unique method of refining the possessed body.

This method is also recorded in the Shangzhen Dao Zang. It seems that the divine sect was hunted down by Xuanmen at the beginning. Because they were hiding in XZ, they were panicking and couldn't find a Tao body that could seize the body and reincarnate. Therefore, except for human beings, they used all kinds of messy things. Possession, this is the skill that was selected.

But no matter what, this technique is also effective for RS7!

When Li Pan injected the blood of the vampire into his body and practiced the secret method of blood refining taught by the blood man, he could clearly feel that his Alpha doll itself was also evolving with his practice!

Yes, evolution!

Because Alpha Doll is not a robot! It's an android! Maggot protein!

In fact, it can be regarded as a ‘humanoid organism equipped with various implants’! It’s a ‘living creature’! You can even say that this is a maggot monster that cultivates human form...

After the blood human seal was transformed, Li Pan directly refined the blood of the vampire clan into his own blood essence using the method of 'Blood Refining Dao Breath'.

Unexpectedly, this maggot monster would also actively cooperate! Gradually, a large number of capillary-like lines appeared that did not exist in the original prosthetic design! This allows Li Pan's essence and blood to flow like a river into the sea, spread throughout the body, and merge into one. It seems to have truly become a natural part of the operation of this prosthetic body!

He also turned into a weird being that was almost half a cultivator, half a technology!

Super evolution! Blood refining maggot man!

It's so unexpected...

They obviously have the same origin, but the mysterious magic method is blocked everywhere, while the magical power of the divine religion can advance by leaps and bounds! Not only vampires can practice it, but even bionic man-made maggots! All can practice super evolution!

What the hell is the way of heaven in this world? It has been completely broken...

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