I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 244 Swan Lake

"SU01 group, enter combat position."

"SN04 group, enter combat position."

"Group RA07, enter combat position."

"Team one, get into combat position."

"Second team, airdrop, 10, 9, 8, 7"

"Team 3, enter the combat readiness position! Equipment inspection! Set the time!"

The ivory-white warship burst into orbit and projected large meteors. Some of these stars were scattered on the sky, while others fell into the atmosphere like fire rain. For a time, the sky was filled with starry rain, as if the starlight of the entire night sky was gathered here.

And under the starlight, the Swan Lake Park at night was shrouded in a deathly silence.

On the outside of the park, the armored corps mobilized by the Star City Council built an inner ring of fortifications overnight and deployed a large number of spider turrets in fire support mode.

In the night sky, snipers wearing night clothes and activating optical stealth and anti-gravity systems swayed in the night wind like suspended kites.

The troops in the first wave of attack sequence entered the attack position one after another, and the second wave of attack sequence fell from the sky and accurately landed in the battle zone. In the third and fourth sequences, preparations for airdrops began.

Beside the quiet lake, countless invisible flea-like robots swarmed like swarms of drinking insects, and sand crabs after the tide swarmed in. They stepped onto the beach and began to inject special powder into the lake water, bit by bit, turning the water into a viscous one. Gum.

This is the first step in rounding up the 'turtle'.

Yes, the target of this operation, the armored soldiers hidden in Swan Lake, "Rampage Capital", was codenamed by the Kelman family as Pelodiscus, turtle.

'Tie' is just 'Tie'. In short, although there are phased weapons to supplement the real damage of armor and defense, the output power and killing range of individual-level weapons are limited, and the top-level military system built into 'Tie' cannot be used by smart radars. Lock, and the performance of the prosthetic body is obvious to all, and the maneuverability is too strong. If it is not restricted, it will inevitably cause heavy casualties in a short period of time.

So the first step is to slow it down.

Those powders are the nanorobots that the Kelman family urgently ordered from the laboratory, microrobot systems that look like larvae under the microscope. According to Chen Xu, they will convert the lake water into a highly viscous liquid with non-Newtonian fluid properties, which is based on AVNDS protection. The system principle is a natural cage designed for high-speed moving objects, such as turtles.

In this way, the water of Swan Lake is transformed silently. When the turtle is overloaded and runs wild, the transformed lake water will be as hard as reinforced concrete, greatly limiting the mobility of the turtle.

Then the frogman troops will sneak into the lake and search for the 'turtles' at the bottom of the lake with the cooperation of drones. Then, depending on the target's reaction, choose to capture or attack with artillery fire.

Of course, this is just the first level. After all, even custom-made non-Newtonian fluids have strength limits. It is impossible to capture the 'turtle' with this. It is just to delay as much time as possible to collect target information for the intelligent locking system of the phase weapon.

Therefore, after the frogmen group is completely wiped out, there will be a second group and a third group that will enter the field with a series of band attacks and restraint capture equipment. Almost all kinds of changes and plans have been designed and planned by the cataracts.

In fact, the arrangements of the MENTATs of the Kelman family have indeed reached the level of a 'dragnet'. If the calculations are carried out completely according to the plan, the chance of winning is at least 80%, or even 90%.

However, the winning rate in simulated combat performances is still only 18%.

Because all the current arrangements and plans are based on the fact that the 'turtle' will stay in place and let them catch it.

Yes, what if ‘turtle’ doesn’t tangle with them?

If Turtle tried his best to escape as soon as he got ashore before the preparations for the encirclement were completed, rushing out in one direction and escaping outside Swan Lake Park, wouldn't a lot of preparations have been in vain?

So even though the 'turtle' has no reaction at the moment and is ready, Kelman's turtle catching team is still cautious, approaching slowly, slowly approaching.

After all, no matter how prepared, Swan Lake Park covers more than 600 square kilometers, which is equivalent to a district in the Night City. There must be weak points in defense.

With the performance of the Turtle, as long as they choose to escape, few people can catch up. Once they break out of the designated area and reach an urban area where they cannot fire at will, the variables will be too great, so many simulation calculations have been carried out. Finally, the overall success rate of the task is indeed not high.

However, considering that this lunatic was wandering around before, killing a whole room of people was not enough, he also had to cut off the heads and build a mountain. Maybe he would not escape directly. I chose to do a frontal performance test. This task is still feasible to a certain extent. .

So the cataracts were also cautious, sending out their troops in groups one by one, so as not to swarm them and scare the madman away.

Fortunately, so far, the plan seems to be going very smoothly. The first wave of frogmen troops and drones successfully launched into the lake, and the 'turtles' are still squatting and not escaping. As troops and equipment arrive one after another, the expected winning rate is also increasing. Significant improvement.

Kelman House, Cataract, Security Bureau agents, and the staff commanders of the rear team, watched the clear water at the bottom of the lake through the live broadcast of the scout drone, and the hunting net was tightened silently until the 'turtle' was Caught in a net...

Found! 'turtle'!

Well, they didn’t hide it at all.

The four-meter-tall iron man stood at the bottom of the lake holding a Guandao, like an ancient demon god that had been sealed away for a long time.

The drones surrounded the 'turtles' and approached quietly, forming a dense encirclement...

In the royal court of the battleship, everyone looked at the holographic image. The cataract butler bowed and saluted.

"Madam, preparations have been completed, and the chance of winning is now 97.3%."

After a brief silence, the Kelman House clicked their fingers and approved the mission plan.

The operation of catching turtles in the urn has officially begun.

So in an instant, there was light at the bottom of the lake.

The dim bottom of the lake was instantly lit up by bright blue light. The densely packed crab-like underwater drones turned on their lights and activated high-voltage electricity. The flashing electric light lit up a firework in the lake water. In the flash of light, it was revealed that In all directions, there are layers upon layers of single-molecule filament restraint networks.

So Hengchongdu Li Pan also opened his eyes in confusion.


So how the hell does this all work? Is this really the beginning? Are there no other off-board moves...

In fact, Li Pan was very confused when he listened to the cataracts announce their battle plan.

Do these guys really think that the "Hengchongdu" is just a bigger, harder, faster and stronger "Xuanjia Army", with no other weapons except holding Guandao to chop off their heads?

Well, beheading for six hours at a forty-fold speed is indeed dazzling, but that’s the record set by Li Pan through his personal abilities, isn’t it? It has nothing to do with ‘Heng Chongdu’! An ordinary person would never be able to generate such data!

This BYB prosthetic body is used to promote weapons, not to participate in sports games! How can extreme testing only measure physical movement performance?

Come on, it doesn’t matter what kind of backhand these cataracts were hiding at the beginning, everyone is in trouble anyway.

So, let’s open the cards.

At this point, it's over.

So at the moment when the fishing net fell, Li Pan raised his middle finger and said hello to the approaching drone.

The iron armor on the waist of 'Hengchong Du' was opened, exposing the ribs. There were four rows and three rows in front and behind the body, a total of thirty-six metal plates, which looked a bit like an induction cooktop.

‘Rampage across the capital, nuclear war mode, activated’

Then the metal plate turned from silver to red, from red to gold, and finally the dazzling golden light bloomed and turned into dazzling starlight.


At this moment, all the video signals of the underwater troops disappeared.

At this moment, all signals from the lakeside support troops disappeared.

At this moment, the support troops at the end of the park watched quietly as the lake surface evaporated instantly. Thirty-six huge plasma fireballs rushed out of the water, forming hundreds of meters high water columns and cauliflower-shaped clouds. Huge waves exploded with shock waves, flattening the tidal flats.

But don’t wait for the cataracts to close their jaws!

‘Heng Chongdu’ moved at a speed that was at least eighty times overloaded! Break out of the clouds!

The spider turret hidden in the jungle and carrying a heavy electronic cannon module was cut in two with one knife! Just slash through the defense line! Rush out of the encirclement quickly!

Yes, this is the core selling point of ‘Heng Chongdu’!

Nuclear war mode!

Note that it is not anti-nuclear mode, nor is it self-destruction mode! It’s one side’s core! Side war mode!

Nuclear fusion impulse generator, fusion nuclear pulse generator.

Well, it’s the cold fusion engine that used to be installed on starships. Although the technology is a bit outdated, isn’t it improved into a man-portable one? It’s probably a new technology supported by TSC, who cares...

In short, this thing is a small-yield nuclear weapon that can trigger nuclear fusion at room temperature. It can basically be understood as an individual nuclear bomb rocket launcher that is repeatedly charged and launched. No, Katyusha...

The shortcomings are obvious. First, close-range nuclear explosions will cause great damage to the prosthetic system. Only the level of 'Heng Chongdu' can withstand it, but basically other precision weapons and equipment cannot be used. They can only be chopped with a knife.

In addition, the power of fusion is limited by heavy hydrogen such as deuterium and tritium, so Li Pan squatted in the lake to 'charge up'.

So the plan to catch turtles in the lake capsized from the very beginning, and Lake Ya was gone...

"What! You can still move!"

"Plan B! Plan B!"

"Send the corporate monster down!"

"Don't let him get away!"

Only then did the crowd hiding on the battleship behind come back to their senses.

Councilor Kelman roared angrily, and the cataracts in the royal court were even more frightened. Even Uncle Chen in the corner frowned.

Because the opponent's plan was so outrageous, we overturned, but now there is no time to change the battle plan.

The 'turtle' was running wildly, cutting through the weak points of the encirclement.

After spending so much money, we must catch the 'turtle' at all costs.

As a result, the plan had to enter the stage of heaping human lives as expected.

According to the plan that had been rehearsed for a long time, meteor showers fell from the sky, and the elite commandos charged towards the mushroom cloud at the core of the park, facing the blazing nuclear wind and radiation rain.

"The target turns to the southwest! The speed exceeds Mach 20! C3E3 artillery fire preparation! R5R6 interception! The support team follows up! Full firepower! Don't let it rush out!"

The Iron Queen's roar penetrates the battlefield and directly takes over the scene. The temporarily panicked troops immediately regrouped and surrounded them according to their tactical plan!

Li Pan also laughed and fought in the front line with a knife. He rushed through the barrage like a forklift and bulldozer, smashed the line of drones, and beat the armored fighting vehicle and SMS to pieces like a bowling ball, flying all over the sky. dance!

"Wow, I'll go too!"

"Damn it, he really ran away. Did someone really leak the secret... huh? That's..."

Vajira, who was flying rapidly in the sky and observing the battlefield, suddenly noticed a star falling rapidly towards the battlefield from the depths of the sky.

Is it an ambush arranged by Mention? No! No, that's not the planned reinforcements!

"Sniper team! Intercept that..."


Suddenly, a strong electric current penetrated the lobe of his brain, and half of Vajira's head was blown off, like a shot black hawk falling from the air.

But at this time, in the battlefield where bullets were flying, no one had time to care about her death, because something strange happened.

After a sudden nuclear explosion cleared the area, disrupting the Kelman family's plans, the 'escaping turtle' who had penetrated the battlefield did not follow any further, breaking through the defense line and taking the opportunity to escape.

The iron soldier holding a big sword charged for a while, then suddenly stopped, and then ran back to the park...

However, there is a horn inserted into the helmet, between the forehead and the eyebrows.

The severed horn of a bull.

Okay, the outcome is decided.

First of all, we must admit that these chess pieces and cannon fodder thrown down by the Kelman family are really the best troops that money can buy in the 0791 universe.

Even with the advent of a single-soldier nuclear pulse cannon, the first wave of attacking troops was almost wiped out instantly, but they still strictly followed the plan and charged towards the mushroom cloud.

And if the target acts strictly according to the plan, it may not be impossible to fight.

However, when the 'Turtle' showed speed and strength that far exceeded those of the simulated battle, and also opened a new weapon, then everything was a foregone conclusion.

Yes, at this time, with the protection of the horns and the use of a silver key, Li Pan truly reached the theoretical limit of 'Hengchongdu'!

Equivalent to the AG-RS series, the killing god with eighty times overload attributes is rampaging on the battlefield!

While barking and charging at the same time, it was like a mad bull, trampling everything it passed into dust and tearing into a sea of ​​blood.

Break through the iron rain! Tread the mountains and rivers to pieces!

The dense hail of bullets, the flashing laser hot wind, and the ultra-technical phase rays are completely useless to it!

Well, it can’t be said to be useless, it’s just the moment when various laser plasma cannons directly hit the ‘turtle’ and cause damage. The opponent's body will be protected by the unscientific principle and recover instantly!

Even the electric arcs fired by various high-voltage electromagnetic cannons, the electric energy bombs fired by snipers, and the exploding lightning were actually attracted to the broken horn, and in turn charged the opponent, immediately attracting fresh shots to the entire audience. A nuclear pulse strike!

Unparalleled, like divine help!

Invincible...really invincible...

No matter how powerful your skills are, how sophisticated your tactics are, how experienced you are, and how well prepared you are.

But when your opponent recharges, continues to kill, opens the map, and takes the board.

I know all your preparations, all your methods, and all your bases very clearly.

I would like to ask you, how should you respond?

Give it twenty, don't make it a fool's errand.

So the 'turtle' burst into flames! A burst of abuse! A trampling!

First, clear out the heavily-equipped turrets that are hidden in the projectile cannon spider groups and carry plasma cannons, positron cannons, supersonic missiles and the like.

Then, large-scale nuclear explosions were fired one after another, clearing away the invisible snipers overhead.

Then, under the dense rain of bullets, the yaksha group was chopped into headless yaksha groups.

They rushed to the airdrop point as soon as possible, and opened the cans and guts of the night knights who had not yet had time to climb out of the coffins, crushed them into pieces, and smeared the plasma on their bodies, dyeing their armor red.

With one final charged jump, he soared straight into the sky, blasting one of the countless bolides that had just entered the atmosphere.

Well, okay, finished.

This was the scene that appeared in front of everyone in the royal court.

He was beaten cleanly and neatly.

The village's last hope.

General Manager of Monsters Inc.

Li Pan.RS7.

The signal disappears, die.

Just blow it up and turn into fireworks, just like pebbles thrown into the water, making no sound and nothing.

There was dead silence in Kelman's court.

What's 97.3%? The entire game took less than nine minutes...

It was a complete massacre.

The gap between the two sides was so great that the burning earth, blood-stained corpses, and a one-sided battlefield were in front of them.

It just makes people feel that it is extremely pitiful, pitiful and ridiculous...

What can I say? I can only say that some people dare to stand in line, dare to bet, and dare to stud.

That's because he not only knows his opponent's cards! He also knows the trump card in his hand!

But what is the reason for Kelman Stud?

With a few stinky money, passion, the pain of losing a son, and a noble soul?

Take a shower and go to sleep...

"Photon mine discovered!"

"The defense system is activated! The interception is..."


"The shield is broken! The defensive armor is disabled by 15%!"

"What's going on! Railgun? Who dares to shoot the Senator's ship!"

Before the ministers could discuss the matter and come up with the answer, the royal court screamed and trembled amidst the roar, the holographic image stopped instantly, and the battleship tilted sharply.

Then the entire holographic scene illuminated the bottom of the cabin, and the launch hatch was blasted through with a punch.

The horned war ghost covered in blood dragged his broadsword and slashed open the hatch.

Ouch, I just stood still and jumped directly onto the track...

But that’s right, eighty times overload, superman jumping, breaking through the first cosmic speed, whatever!

"Ms. Kelman! Please evacuate immediately! Why are you still standing there! Go and stop him!"

Cataract Butler yelled.

Councilor Kelman also reacted, "Stop! Go and stop him!"

The knights in white robes immediately activated their lightsabers, accelerated their activation, and filed out to die.

"Protect the members to evacuate!"

"Where to retreat! He is going to chase you soon!"

"Now the only option is to take refuge in GEN's Titan!"

"Quick! Prepare the shuttle!

The cataracts gathered around Senator Kelman and fled the royal court in panic.

But the housekeeper who was at the end suddenly stopped, turned his head and rolled his eyes, looked at the little old man who was still standing there, and said with a smile,

"Director Chen, time is limited, why don't you evacuate together?"

Chen Tan looked at each other silently,

"Who the hell are you."

The cataract housekeeper smiled and said nothing.

Chen Tan narrowed his eyes.

"The data of 'Turtle' far exceeds the simulation given by you, and knowing every layout and arrangement of yours, it defeated all threatening opponents immediately.

In the short time just now, no one could remember the entire plan instantly. Only you, only those of you who formulated the tactics, can leak all the information.

Moreover...the output power of those phase rifles is seriously insufficient...

Who are you? "

The cataract housekeeper clasped his hands behind his back, tilted his head and looked at him with a smile.

"What are you talking about, Director Chen? We are Kelman's servants, GEN's MENTAT."

Chen Tan snorted coldly,

"You can't laugh because your nerves are shut down when MENTAT is calculating. You still want to coerce the congressmen and infiltrate GEN's Titans. Are you a hacker from Chaos..."

The housekeeper nodded, wiped his face, put away his smile and said coldly,

"Thanks for the advice, I will pay attention. If you don't want to come, please feel free to do it yourself."

Chen Tan sneered,

"Can you let me live?"

As a result, the other party ignored him at all and turned around and walked away.

Chen Tan stayed for a while, confused, but when he saw that the other party really turned around and left, the holographic projection was still playing the bloody scene of the turtle dancer's sword cutting the lightsaber knight into sashimi in real time, so he also There was no choice, so he quickly boarded the escape pod.

However, Chen Tan thought for a while, and still set the coordinates to Swan Lake, and directly airdropped onto the tragic battlefield.

It was really tragic. In less than ten minutes, the encirclement and suppression troops of thousands of people were torn to pieces by repeated nuclear explosions and the ravages of super soldiers.

There were exploding chariot wreckage everywhere, broken limbs and broken arms that had been burnt by radiation, and headless corpses that had been instantly killed and beheaded.

The elites of the Night City were completely defeated. This was not so much a bitter battle as a complete disaster.

And when Chen Tan found the wreckage of the cabin that crashed on the battlefield based on the coordinates, he understood.

The crash cabin of Li Pan, the general manager of Monster Company, is empty.

Not a drop of blood, not a scrap of flesh.

Sure enough, the direct cause of all this was that the person who should have stood up and stopped all this did not take action.

Chen Tan was silent for a while, sighed, took out the phase pistol in his arms, and shot the remaining cabin wreckage with one shot, eliminating all traces.

Then he looked up and looked around, looking at the Swan Lake Park that had been razed to the ground by the bloody wind and sea of ​​fire, and sighed.

This is what happens when your trump card, the guardian of the world, comes out.

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