I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 248 Calm and Calm

Since the Europa incident, there have been five consecutive days without large-scale corporate conflict. Although the streets are still noisy as ever, the universe is so peaceful that it makes people uncomfortable.

It is obvious that various companies are taking advantage of the SEC's preparations for the Jupiter expedition and the infighting in the Europa Parliament to temporarily rein in their minions, seize the time to reorganize the fleet, replenish ammunition and supplies, and prepare for a larger decisive battle.

Even Li Pan, who had nothing to do all day long, went into hibernation for the time being.

During the day, he clocked in, held various meetings with the company, signed and sealed, and handled various chores related to the company's fleet reorganization and expansion. While he was busy, he took some time to browse the Zhutian Mall and spend his 300 billion purchasing budget.

At the same time, we have to keep in touch with Orange Nana to purchase new berths, ship equipment, and oil supplies. We need to allocate various funds and raise salaries for Panlong Construction's security team construction team, purchase prosthetic weapons, and arrange for them to receive them. Two new cruisers were built, and the 'Nimitz excavators' that were delivered one after another were assembled and practiced.

After dealing with a bunch of chores until night, he sneaked out to hunt vampires alone to restore the strength of the blood maggot body.

It can only be said that fortunately Li Pan doesn't need to sleep at all. He can feel refreshed by meditating for a week, and the working time is barely enough.

After just five days of messing around and eating a hundred and eighty ghosts, Li Pan used the bonus of defeating the 'bride' to survive the inner demon tribulation, and almost re-condensed and refined his Blood God Son. Come out and basically restore the basic combat power of the cult monks in the 'Refining Qi and Transforming God' period.

This is actually nothing. He has already reached the realm, and he has been repeatedly destroyed and re-cultivated. He has practiced several times, so naturally practice makes perfect.

Secondly, the blood maggot Taoist body reshaped by the Blood Man Da Niu of the God Sect was indeed perfect.

It's as if Li Qingyun and Zhu Jiuyin's Taoist body perfectly match the "Nine Yin Manual". The body of the blood maggot that was reshaped by the blood man boss after his death was almost tailor-made for the "Blood God Son Dafa".

As we all know, the divine sect's Dafa is particularly self-inflicted. When practicing the exercises on the human body, you have to peel off your skin and experience cramps. If you are not careful, you may suffer from stiffness, paralysis, bleeding, and the risk of going crazy. But maggot bodies don’t have those worries. After all, it’s just a piece of maggot and meat, it’s just shaped into a human-like shape, and the blood-refining Taoist breath can be used as it pleases...

Of course, there is still something to be said for it. In the final analysis, it is the power of the divine religion that is so powerful.

Although these methods are endlessly catastrophic and extremely dangerous, on the other hand, the speed of cultivation is indeed fast and powerful. They may not be as strong as the Taoism, but they are outrageously fast.

Even if the Taoist body disintegrates and the physical body is destroyed at every turn, as long as a drop of the Blood God Son escapes, he can use the blood puppet to secretly reshape the Taoist body. And if there is a safe place and enough energy, blood and food, after a period of retreat and fierce cultivation, you can regain your strength in a short time, create new glory, and then you can achieve great magic and go wild.

But that's right, you worshiped a god, and you were already plagued by disasters, and you were hunted down everywhere. It could be said that you were angry and resentful. You were already unlucky enough. If the improvement in strength is still so slow, wouldn't it mean that there is no chance at all, and it should have been exterminated by the extermination sect and disappeared in the long river of history?

It can only be said that "Book of Blood" is worthy of being selected by thousands of people in Xuanmen. It has experienced the magic of chicken-eating for thousands of years. It can survive the cruel natural selection and immortal selection. It is really It can be said that every word is precious and every sentence is the essence.

"Boss, 0674 sent a battle report, the ground war has begun."

Shiba sent a new internal briefing to interrupt Li Pan's distraction.

Oh, that's right, now the entire plane of heaven has entered a period of turmoil. Although 0791 has temporarily ceased war, the wars in other worlds have intensified.

Li Pan waved his hand and closed the online shopping mall. He switched to the company's battle report and glanced at it. He saw an earth-yellow planet marked with dense key nodes, as well as various legion logos and attack plans. Just click on any battle point to holographically project a battlefield filled with artillery fire.

Well, the Spice Wars?

Currently, the most proactive managers of TheM Company are 0791 and 0674.

And in a sense, this guy's performance is actually more conspicuous than Li Pan's. After all, 0791 broke its head, which is the holy grail of garbage in a suburban dump. If it can't master the core "Whisperer" project and can't track down the ACA collector, it will be almost worthless to the company.

But 0674 is different, spices, just a few trillions, to put it bluntly, this thing is the first pot of gold that made Li Pan rich, and he took three shots for this money.

Eighteen was giving a briefing on the side,

"In the previous battle, the Garden camp's fleet cleared the Earth-Moon space domain and broke through the lEOPORT defense circle. Just this week, one million bionics and 14 million drone combat vehicles have been airdropped, and ground operations have begun. Suppressed.”

"What the hell...14 million units? Did the money in the garden really come from the strong wind? Or did it grow from the ground?"

"All of them."

Shiba explained with reference to the 0674 Earth star chart,

"Spice is a special compound, and its origin is inevitable, but it mainly exists in the earth and soil of 067, 0674 and several other planets surrounding the earth. It may be brought by some meteorite from outer space, or it may indeed be the movement of underground rock layers, accidental It's synthesized.

In the days of the previous Legion, people discovered that the plants in the 067 colony had unexpected psychedelic and stimulating effects, so they carefully cultivated various flowers and fruits. This is also the origin of the Garden Group.

But later, as the demand in the Zhutian market grew day by day, the speed and output of spice extraction using plants could no longer meet the demands of the Legion. At the same time, the local companies and indigenous people in the Garden also relied on the wealth gained from the spice trade to launch several independent wars against the Legion with the support of the Zhutian Company.

Therefore, after the four spice wars, the Legion finally lost patience and completely destroyed the surface of the 067 series earth. They adopted a more straightforward method and directly broke ground to mine and refine the spices in the earth's crust. And the Legion completely monopolized the spice trade, significantly increasing prices and suppressing the wealth of companies and colonies.

This behavior also led to the complete breakdown of the relationship between the Legion, the colonies on Earth, and the companies in the future, which directly led to a large number of companies abandoning the Legion and joining the committee..."

Li Pan has learned this background knowledge. Now that there are stable star gates, fully automatic transportation systems and interstellar highways, the role and value of spices are actually not as good as before.

You must know that in the Legion's era, humans had just begun to leave the earth, and the transportation system in the solar system had not yet been fully completed. The factions within the Legion were still in the Cold War, researching various messy FTL engines and jump methods, and multiple technical routes for galaxy exploration coexisted.

At that time, the emergence of spices was like a bright light, which directly led to the huge expansion of the galaxy that humans could explore. The various messy deep space bases of the Legion were also established in that era.

Of course, any force that expands beyond its limit will tend to collapse and separate. As the territory becomes larger and larger, companies in the heavens and colonies on the earth have sprung up, and the organization of the Legion has become more and more bloated, demanding colonies and monopolizing resources to the point of The limit was reached, and the human civil war broke out with the Spice War as the fuse.

But this time the focus is not on human civil war, but on spices.

067 The native indigenous people of the earth were exterminated as early as the era of Legion War. What remains now are the descendants of the workers who were originally sent by the Legion to collect spices. There may be only a few hundred or tens of millions of people, all residents of Europa.

Since the technology in the Legion era was still very rough, and it was also influenced by the subjective emotions of the upper-level decision-makers, the Legion used a near-destructive method to completely deal with the 067 Earth colony to serve as a warning to others.

They built thousands of space-based microwave destructor cannons on the 067 orbit, scorched the earth with directional microwave beams, exploded rock formations, evaporated the oceans, completely destroyed the ecosystem, turned the garden into a scorched earth, and the earth's crust The rock formations shattered into fine gravel, and eventually the entire surface turned into an endless sea of ​​sand.

Since spices are special compounds at the molecular level, their components will not be destroyed by microwave cannons. After the rocks are bombarded into gravel, the microwave cannon will continue to bombard the earth with directional pulses, creating an air pressure difference to bombard the gravel, so that the soil sand layer will be blown away. Flying, the sand and gravel with a large spice content and relatively light mass will be blown upward along with the troposphere, forming a flowing sandstorm haze in the stratosphere.

Then customized spice collection ships and spice collection trucks will rush into this sandstorm from the sky and the earth. Collect and refine the spices. It is then transported to a refinery on the surface for secondary refining, and finally launched to an orbital factory for final processing.

Repeat this over and over again, bombarding inch by inch, plowing the ground repeatedly, and sifting out the remaining spices.

Although this collection system is actually outdated, it is effective and expensive to build. More importantly, no one can afford the price of discontinuing the supply and production of spices in Zhutian Market. So to this day, we are still making repairs to maintain operations.

And even after the Legion was destroyed, the company committee took over and continued the project. Not only 067, but also 0674, and all the earth with spice resources, were all turned into such a sea of ​​sand. Anyway, the local indigenous humans have long been extinct in the twenty-four spice wars, so no one has raised any objections.

However, it is also due to this special environment. In all the spice wars, the space war part was not the main one. What matters is the ground war.

Now Li Pan clicks on the video everywhere. The center of contention between the two warring parties is the vast Gobi desert, those huge refineries that stand in the sea of ​​sand and are as tall as the Tower of Night.

On the periphery of these refineries are fortress-like fortress military camps. On the inner level there are a large number of airport parking lots and repair shops, where spice collection ships and trucks are stored. On the inner level is the refinery. The tall tower at the core is an acceleration track for refining and packaging. Highly concentrated spice ores are launched directly into orbit from here.

These ore ships and mine carts are not bad, but the key is the part of these refineries hidden under the sand sea. This is an extremely complex system that goes deep into the ground like a long needle. It will create seismic waves through resonance and stir up the sand sea. , creating a large-scale earthquake every day, flipping the spices hidden in the bottom layer to the outer layer to facilitate collection the next day.

Therefore, the locations of all refineries are specially selected. If they are built elsewhere, they may be destroyed by earthquakes. In order to ensure that the production of spices is not affected, the committee issued a ban very early, even during the Spice Wars. Both parties also try their best not to use weapons of mass destruction to cause damage to the refinery's production schedule and facilities, otherwise the attacker must compensate all committee members for their losses.

Therefore, in today’s Spice War, everyone relies on bionic soldiers, infantry fighting vehicles and drones to rush forward. Don't dare to throw nuclear bombs and shoot gamma cannons randomly.

After all, the whole class was waiting for this sip of soup, and you came up and kicked the pot. Are you looking for a beating? ? ?

"But 0674 is so strong. It has captured three refineries?"

Li Pan looked at the daily report submitted by the other party and praised it.

It’s not like he hasn’t played the ‘Spice War’ and the refinery map during military academy training and games. Those factories are all fortresses from the legion era, and they have trenches, tunnels, and underground fortifications. They cannot be cleared with heavy weapons. If both sides have similar technical capabilities, they are basically meat grinders that can only pile heads. But Hard to beat.

Eighteen, bring out the troops of 0674,

"Because General Manager 0674 is bringing with him the elites sent by the company. Those 007s who were originally intended to be sent to 0791 to fight the ACA must not be weak."

Tsk, these guys are being fooled here, why are they just beating chicken blood when they change places? Are they fooling him...

Well, it's actually normal. After all, in the Spice War, as long as you attack the city and help the garden build a refinery, and hold on until the war is won, you can win a share of the spice share for the company. Just counting the two thousandths of the commission is a huge profit, not to mention the war bonus from the Garden Group. That's not like a male dog in heat.

But to be honest, the performance created by 0674 for the company has already overwhelmed Li Pan's efforts and brought huge pressure to him.

"Wow, there's someone in this shitty company actually trying to get involved with me? I'm afraid I'm not guaranteed to be the performance champion..."

"Our company doesn't have this indicator... Ahem, boss, don't worry, you still have a chance."

Shiba sent a news report to Li Pan,

"Look, Zhutian Petrochemical purchased at least 100,000 units of AG-RS4 from VK, and Huayuan also ordered 10,000 units of the latest 'Heng Chongdu' from BYB, preparing to send them to the 0674 battlefield. This battle has just begun. .The winner is still undecided.”

Li Pan, "Oh shit! I feel like I have lost trillions!"

why! Why is it that every time he works so hard to make wedding clothes for others! Why is this?

Li Pan turned off the report from 0674 and rubbed his brow.

"Oh, leave him alone! Shiba, didn't I ask you to keep an eye on Saburo Takenaka's situation before? Have you found out the details of the spice trade between Takamagahara and Zhutian Petrochemicals? Can we mess with him again?"

Eighteen, "It's very difficult, boss. After Takenaka Saburo came to the Night City, he met too many people. He is now representing the Hashiba family, liaising with Tokugawa's old troops, and recruiting all the forces in the Night City. I don't have it either." I can’t find out if there is a person who has been turned into stone hidden among them, and I am secretly contacting him.”

Tsk, no wonder, after all, it has been done once. If there is another problem with the spice trade this time, the people who are petrified in the sky can really find a tree and hang themselves.

"What about Okubo Jubei? Is he willing to come to our side?"

Eighteen, "It's difficult, boss. Although I sent the message, he didn't dare to express his position clearly at all. The current situation in the world is in turmoil, and Yu Chai is at the top of the sun, everyone is busy showing their loyalty.

To be honest, I don’t think Okubo is very good at commanding his subordinates. After all, he is not an orthodox local aristocrat. He only relies on performance, marriage, and ability to get ahead. The funds in his hands and the connections between the middle and lower classes are not what he wants. Compared with those big families, now that the backers have collapsed, it is already difficult to protect themselves. "

"Isn't that why I want to choose him? Alas, Mad, nothing goes as planned."

Li Pan was also scratching his head. The company war was getting more and more intense. Gao Tianyuan took advantage of this moment to integrate, so he really didn't have time to intervene.

But if he can't seize the current opportunity to find out the Whisperer project, then when Yushiba completely integrates the internal affairs and takes the Whisperer project as a trump card again, the room left for him to operate will be even slimmer. .

Li Pan is very self-aware. In fact, there is nothing outstanding about him. There are many people who are more diligent, hardworking, smarter and more dedicated than him.

He had only one thing to rely on.

‘The Whisperer’.

This is Li Pan's biggest trump card and secret.

He has now relied on this ability to open various functions of 'Xuanmen', 'God's Cult', 'Super Power' and 'Psychic Power', which has attracted the attention of Zhutian Company.

Now he is an Internet celebrity who does whatever he wants, and everyone rushes to send him money and women.

But in the final analysis, Gao Tianyuan is a bunch of losers, and other companies are also busy fighting, so they can't spare any time to deal with him for the time being.

But once they are idle by other companies, they can completely grasp the whole picture of the Whisperer project, and then completely reveal the secrets of the 'Whisperer' just like thoroughly analyzing the 'Superman' and 'Psychic Man', and make it replicable at any time. , when it comes to 'specialty products' that can be restrained at will.

He, Li Pan, is nothing special.

At that time, will it be put in a jar? Or be a dog? I'm afraid 016001 is a lesson for him.

So no matter what, you have to take the ‘Whisperer’ project into your own hands first.

It seems that we still have to break through from the Reagan family.

Tonight's engagement dinner between Erin Regan and Ryoma Ito may be the last chance in the near future.

Well, Ryoma Ito also worked hard to have two eggs grow. As soon as he was discharged from the hospital, he immediately followed the instructions of Yamada Reika from Sage Company and tried his best to propose marriage to the Regan family.

He was originally one of the son-in-law candidates favored by the Reagan family, and Eileen Reagan had already put on her engagement ring. Naturally, her parents had no objections, so even though Li Pan had warned her, the other party had bad intentions. thing, but it seems that the golden-rumped swallow still bit the bait.

But yes, after all, Li Pan and her have no serious relationship, and Eileen Regan is also an adult. It is impossible for any man to just say something and break off the engagement without evidence, right?

But whether she really didn't believe it, or whether she had other plans, or whether she had been taken advantage of, Li Pan didn't know. He was not a roundworm in a person's belly.

So it's not like Li Pan hasn't considered doing something big with him. For example, taking advantage of the engagement dinner, he could catch all of Yamada, Ito, and Ragen in one fell swoop, kill them all, and then use his soul-grabbing hand to kill them all. Hidden secrets, information related to the 'Whisperer', were tortured to extract confessions.

However, this plan just passed through Li Pan's mind. He was secretly happy and quickly gave up.

Firstly, he hasn't found any reason to ask the company to help him take the blame. Secondly, his Panlong people are still useless, so he feels a bit in a hurry.

Third, there are many things in this world that cannot be solved by violence alone.

It would be easy for him to go in alone and turn everyone into sashimi. But it would be difficult for him to peel off the cocoons and torture out all the secrets hidden by the Reagan family.

The information was unequal. Even if the other party confessed, it would be difficult for Li Pan to tell whether what the other party said was true or false.

And the key point is that this local is too weak. A group of Xiyi people will be stunned if they are not careful. Can you believe that the control skill of the Soul Catcher can be used to kill them?

Under this situation, Li Pan didn't dare to use the advanced spirit method to search for souls at all, for fear that he would accidentally lose his soul, lose the clues, and even be blinded.

What should I do if my opponent is so weak that he doesn't dare to act rashly...

Sigh... If there was a plug-in with super powers like mind reading... Oh?

Li Pan grabbed the phone.

"Crooked! Landline!"

Landline, "I am landline."

Li Pan, "Does our company have the kind of monster that can read minds or read other people's memories?"


"Warehouse No. 20, juicer/memory extraction,

Identification, yellow, controllable.

Use 'Juicer/Memory Fetch' on temporary workers.

The derivative sub-item produced by drinking monsters, 'Juice/Memory'

Drinking 'juice/memory' can obtain the memories of temporary workers.

The drinker must drink all the 'juice/memory'. "

Li Pan, "...you said using a juicer on temporary workers, is that what I think..."

Landline, "Yes."

Li Pan, "Gan! You still have to drink it all!? It's so disgusting!"

Oh, forget it, let’s think of other ways first…

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