I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 290 Forty-Eight Hours Part Two

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, colorful light spears pierced from the deep sky, like sharp needles piercing a water bag, igniting the alloy battleship and exploding, burning brightly in the vacuum, blooming into flowers of steel.

The iron rain shining with gold and silver was like teardrops falling in heavy rain, like hail in a storm, piercing and tearing apart rows of fleets, tearing them into iron filings in the stars, and turning them into garbage all over the universe.

Although they accumulated wealth bit by bit by acquiring retired ships of the Citizen Fleet, secretly building smuggling in deep space, and circumventing the armistice treaty, they also gained a little bit of a first-hand advantage through unexpected tactical sneak attacks.

However, when the All-Heaven Citizen Committee secured military funds, the Takamagahara fleet lined up on all sides immediately became a piece of cake on the chopping board. The cash machine of the operation was attacked by numerous firepower from all directions, and was bloodbathed as expected. With almost no ability to fight back, it was destroyed after the first wave of fire.

Under the comprehensive technological differences in enemy detection, interference, firepower, and defense, the Takamagahara fleets in each SIDE space domain were like targets for shooting training. They were overwhelmed and destroyed quickly and silently.

But these are all to be expected. The Space War Space Fleet does not receive a morale bonus. It does not mean that you shout a few words, "The barrage on the left wing is too thin!" "Full-ship salvo!" "Front Arrow Formation! The whole family has a cock!" "For the sake of a blue and pure world!!" You can activate any super powers and increase the combat effectiveness of the entire fleet...

However, Takamagahara's death squads were not stupid. They threw colonial satellites to the earth. They were simply crazy.

At this moment, these samurai death squads, wearing Muramasa's samurai-style SBS armor, holding hot-wire swords, wave axes, and with the family's family honor and Takamagahara flags on their backs, are also watching the destruction of the fleet in the O'Neill cylinder colonial satellites. , lined up to give speeches.

"Comrade, gentlemen! I, Gao Tianyuan, will rise and fall in one fell swoop! Let us fight bloody battles side by side! Expel the aliens from space!"

"Ban Sai! Class Sai! Class Sai! Class..."

"Banima has done something..."

The warriors turned around and saw a flea-type drone that had released its optical cloak, carrying a flashlight-like transmitter on its shoulder and pointing it at them. Then they pressed the switch, and a green light exploded in front of their eyes.


Amidst screams and screams, the warriors in the high-strength alloy protective suits were torn apart and their bones were broken apart, emitting bursts of corrosive stench and ammonia gas exploded, leaving only a mixture of feces and blood. of pus soup.

After confirming that there were no survivors, Flea opened the door.

"SIDE4-cylinder 12 has been cleaned and the disassembly operation has begun."

The three-headed dog commando led the mercenaries to file in. After ensuring safety, the miners were allowed in, installed explosives, dismantled the propeller, and under the coordination of engineers, blew up the cylinder, dismantled it, and pushed out the acceleration track.

Because his boss was in an accident outside the solar system, the idle security guard Wangshan also secretly opened the company's VK prosthetic body and mixed in with the team to make quick money. Unexpectedly, all the bounty targets were cleared without firing a single shot, so he jumped up Come over and chat with the three-headed dog who is recharging the fleas and changing his clothes.

"Hey melon skin!"

As soon as the other party saw the gangster wandering over with a sniper rifle in his arms, he recognized his former colleague.

"What a thief! The hammer is still alive! Pay back the money!"

"I'm a coward, I know the harm will last for thousands of years! What the hell is this?"

Wangshan randomly scattered a few black gold cards, and the three-headed dog soldier also threw the dismantled fort to Wangshan to play with.

"It's a test weapon given by the company. It's an organism dissociator. It's a gamma droplet. Here, it turns into phlegm like phlegm."

"Zinima! Now we have a handheld gamma ray cannon? Can it be used repeatedly? How much does it cost?"

"The devil knows, one CD takes ten minutes, and three rounds are replaced with nuclear triggers. I estimate that one set will cost tens of billions. But it needs to be controlled by drones or intelligent people, and biological organic prostheses are too far away. Almost cancerous.

Hey, you can do well! VK-TU prosthetic body, multiple Kevlar and ceramic steel protective suits, this equipment is quite luxurious! It seems like the treatment there is pretty good! "

"It's not bad. The boss is an idiot. He just stamps the equipment purchase without looking at the price. If you want to come, we are very short of people."

"Okay, after this task is completed, I will apply for retirement pension, buy an android, go back to my hometown to get married, and live with you in my old age."

"Bah, bah, bah! You can say this on the battlefield!"

"What are you afraid of? Just look at it. It took only an hour for Takamagahara's fleet to be wiped out. I think it takes eight hours to dismantle all these cylinders. It's easy for you, you're making money for nothing."

Wangshan looked at the reports of each team in the communication channel. There were reports of successful completion of the cleanup and the start of cylinder destruction operations. Although there were extremists from Takamagahara in each cylinder, they were crushed by the three-headed dogs and the company's elite soldiers. pressure and encountered almost no decent resistance.

At the same time, the stars were still bright in the universe, as if there was a meteor shower, batches of stars flashed down, and ships from the moon and the asteroid belt were constantly jumping over in groups for reinforcements.

Wangshan also felt strange.

"This mission is too simple. They say they are going to throw a space station to the earth. I thought Gao Tianyuan was going to have a decisive battle, but there is no organized force in the area. If we really want to throw a satellite, the defenders will be too weak, right?

And there are thousands of ships jumping over, right? Is it necessary for so many people to come? "

The three-headed dog did know some inside information, and chatted with Wangshan.

"Because the hackers in Takamagahara have cut off the connection between SIDE and the outside world. Now we can't contact here from the outside. We don't know the specific situation. We can only use satellite monitoring to see that the cylinder is being pushed out of the orbit and onto the acceleration orbit. On the earth The people were so frightened that all the fleets in their hands were sent over."

Looking up the mountain is also strange,

"Cut off the connection? But there seems to be no electronic interference in the battlefield? Is the link to my prosthetic body normal?"

The three-headed dog shook its head,

"I don't know exactly what happened, but our hackers said that it may be that virus software was installed in the central communication base station. It may also be the work of the Orochi hacker team in Takamagahara.

In short, there is no problem within the LAN. As long as you enter each SIDE universe and access the subnetwork through near field communication, you can communicate normally. It is just that the communication between the local gateway and the outside is cut off and fragmented into pieces.

The people at HT Communications are currently troubleshooting the scanning code, and it is estimated that it will be fixed soon, and it will definitely not take more than 48 hours anyway. "

Wangshan shook his head after hearing this.

"If you really want to destroy the earth, wouldn't it be the same if you dropped a nuclear bomb and released a virus? Smash some crappy satellites, make such a big noise, and it will take so long 48 hours. Do you really think that others are fools and let you act?

How could this tactic be successful? Which idiot designed it to make a movie? What about show? The only reasonable explanation I can think of is that this is simply to disperse the strength of the space fleet and defeat them one by one, right? But where did Gao Tianyuan get his fleet?

And those parliamentary gentlemen were actually fooled? Sending over these batches of fleets is a complete waste of force, right? "

The three-headed dog chews a protein energy bar,

"I'm so idle for the gentlemen. Anyway, as long as they are willing to pay me, that's enough. If they send me to Sagittarius, I'll go too."

Thinking about it, Wangshan shook his head. He opened a pack of battlefield meals and threw two packs to the three-headed dog next to him.

The three-headed dog was shocked,

"Holy shit! It's actually an A-grade military ration! A big meat set! I haven't eaten synthetic meat in three years! It can be sold for a hundred yuan a piece on the black market!

Obviously mashed potatoes and electrolyte rice can fill your stomach! You actually gave your subordinates such an expensive set meal! Is your boss really a bad guy? "

Wangshan ate a meat burger and shrugged.

"That's not true. He eats this himself, saying it is a protein supplement and the most cost-effective. For a period of time, he ate it every day, hundreds of pieces a day, and wholesaled it to a warehouse. Now that guy is staying in a hotel to eat lobster, so he asked us to sell the inventory …”

The three-headed dog said, "Needless to say, I will quit after this battle."

Wangshan threw all the supplies to him.

"You're such a loser. I bought you with just a few meat buns. I'll give you all these. Really, I thought this battle would end with the destruction of the earth. What on earth is Gao Tianyuan planning to do..."

"It's not an ambush. There are no troops in Qingxu City."

Caizi removed the optical camouflage, returned to the aerial vehicle, and broadcast the footage just captured during the reconnaissance outside the city.

"There are only minimal security drones, not even a ninja unit, and there should be no important shareholders living in this city now."

"Now you believe it, the Oda family has long been destroyed, and now the center of power in Takamagahara has been transferred to Kansai Hashiba's territory."

Koga Yuzuki was lying on the motorcycle with her butt raised,

"Although the Qingsu has been repaired long ago, it is a Titan after all. The target is too big and too sensitive. It has been closely monitored by the Security Bureau. Gao Tianyuan did not have the opportunity to make a big fanfare of armed transformation, so he only secretly repaired the main structure and engine. It can barely be operated in an emergency.

But now that the war has officially begun, presumably once Gao Tianyuan has finished handling the affairs in the sky and is free, he will re-arm this Titan and organize it as the flagship of the fleet. It is my mission to steal this ship before they have time to act. "

K thought for a while and asked,

"First, how to steal. Second, how to escape. Third, how to settle the bill."

Koga Ozuki patted the motorcycle,

"The Kusanagi Sword is the key used by Gao Tianhara to activate the Titan. It is the commander's throne. As long as you reach the core of the Titan and complete the insertion of the throne, you can directly control the Kiyosu through the Kusanagi Sword.

My employer is the company of the All Heavens Safety Committee, and I have already told LEOPORT that we just need to quickly set sail on this Titan, fly out of the earth's orbit at full speed, and jump directly to deep space. On the orbit The company's fleet will cover us and stop the pursuers.

Now Gao Tianyuan's attention was elsewhere, he was completely unprepared, there was no time, and he would not waste his firepower on this empty ship. When the time comes, the Titan will be delivered directly to the company. Each of you will take away 50 million in cash, and I will never blame you. It’s a good deal, right? "

Upon hearing her words, Cai Zi couldn't help but said,

"You can buy a Titan with 250 million. This is such a good deal..."

K glared at her, and Caiko quickly shut up.

Koga Ogyue chuckled and said,

"I'm different from you. I'm not doing it for money. This Titan is a letter of recommendation that I accepted to change jobs in a big company.

However, these days, there are very few people who dare to go against the company, and even fewer who can complete the task beautifully.

It just so happens that I will be working for a large company in the future and I will be short of help. If you can help me complete this task, there will be many opportunities for us to cooperate in the future.

Believe me, the benefits of having a relationship with a company employee are indispensable to you. "

K gave him a look, discussed internally with everyone for a while, and then bargained.

"Five hundred million. This time we also borrowed equipment from the company for private work. We stole the Kusanagi Sword before, and our ammunition loss could not be compensated for by a mere fifty million."

Besides, with such a big deal, no one can tell what may go wrong later. Only 500 million is worth risking our lives and paying a 100 million deposit first.

In addition, before inserting the Kusanagi sword into the Titan control core, this operation will be directed by me. If you don't want to, don't talk about it. "

Koga Ozuki thought about it for a moment and shook hands with K.

"Deal. But do you have a local money laundering channel you can trust?"

K said coldly, "Don't worry, I'm familiar with the bank's connections."

"Jingle Bell!"

Li Pan suddenly raised his head from the pool of blood and wiped his face.

"Dingle, ring, ring!"

"Come on, come on! I'm so annoyed. It's at the critical moment of the plot... crooked?"

A slightly hoarse female voice came from the landline,

"0791001, I am 011003."

"Oh, hello, hello. Nice to meet you. How can I help you?"

011003 was silent for a while,

"It seems like there's quite a fuss over there, is that okay?"

Li Pan quickly said,

"No problem, no problem! Please rest assured, company! You are just some clowns, trying to get things done! Everything is under my control!"

011003, "...Okay, I have received your company's proposal. I think it is a very good idea to directly build the 0791 Company Star City into a psychic temple dedicated to the Black Pharaoh.

Not only ordering the components of Star City, but also using Callisto's remains to maintain the Pharaoh's Temple in the orbit of Callisto, and using it as the core to build a new psychic center and monster warehouse. If there is a chance in the future, you can even use This is the foundation upon which the newest psychic titan will be built...

OK, I will fully support you. "

Li Pan was overjoyed, "Hey! That's a great relationship! Third sister, you also know that my psychic abilities are at the kindergarten level and I can't help much, so I'll leave this matter entirely to you!"

011003, "...I understand, but in order to better worship the Black Pharaoh, I also need to order a batch of psychic equipment from 011. Of course, I will apply with the company for the relevant approval and funding process, but you may be required The ship will take a detour to pick up the cargo."

Li Pan, "Don't rush, don't rush! Take your time! If there is anything you need me for, just give me your instructions! I will fully cooperate with the company to carry out business!"

011003, "Okay, thank you for your assistance, but in order to ensure the smooth progress of the project. The android rebellion currently entrenched in the Jupiter space needs to be suppressed as soon as possible, so I will trouble you to handle it."

Li Pan, "...the android rebellion? Isn't it Gao Tianyuan? Why is there another android rebellion?"

011003, "Oh, Dawn Space Technology Group just issued an official statement, noting the Security Committee of the Heavens, solemnly claiming that the company has no connection with the rebellion of Takamagahara, and also accused Takamagahara of possibly being spies who contaminated the genes of the sons of Dorn in the 0791 plane. Chi, instigated the android rebellion, which seriously affected Dawn's brand reputation."

Li Pan also sneered.

"This is such a good excuse. It's also a rebellion of artificial humans. The person I created and shot has nothing to do with me, right?"

011003, "This is not necessarily true. Liming seems to be serious this time. They not only strongly condemned it, but also expressed their willingness to personally send troops to suppress the rebellion of 0791.

They also took the initiative to apply for technical assistance from the SEC, offered a reward to investigate the origins of the android rebellion, and even disclosed the genetic source code of the Sons of Dorne in the 0791 rebellion. Now any company can produce targeted genetic weapons for this batch of androids. . "

"...You actually had such a huge reaction? Are you really being wronged? Or are you trying to hide it?"

Now Li Pan was a little doubtful. Logically speaking, the company has done a lot of small things like throwing a few satellites to hit the Earth, the Stargate, and Europa. Even if it is a bitch setting up a memorial, there is no need to jump out and clear it out now, right?

Moreover, Liming's business is currently declining quite seriously. They actually disclosed the genetic source code of the Sons of Dorne, one of the few star products of their company that has good sales. Then this entire generation of Sons of Dorne androids in the heavens will be released. , are equivalent to scrap products with serious quality defects. Nowadays, there are so many companies that can produce artificial humans, and this loss is not small.

Li Pan thought for a while, "But no matter what, this time Dawn took advantage of the committee's troop mobilization to surprise the Star Gate and destroy Europa. All the heavens and universes saw it. Even if you say that the son of Dorn rebelled and participated in the security meeting Not an artificial human, right?

To put it bluntly, there is still a core figure at the top who leaked the strategic mobilization and authority information, right? If it wasn't Dawn, wouldn't there still be a traitor in the committee? "

011003 thought about it,

"Indeed, the Dawn Society has traditionally had some friendship with Gao Tianyuan. They used to cooperate with Muramasa to develop SMS. It is inevitable that they will be regarded as accomplices and cannot explain clearly. But do we really want to say that Gao Tianyuan is an accomplice in the committee...

Compared to Liming Society, I am afraid that the VK Group needs more attention. "

Li Pan was stunned for a moment, and was shocked for a moment.

"VK Group? Prosthetic body maker? Gao Tianyuan's backstage is VK?"

011003 had heard about 0791001's lack of knowledge and skills, and patiently explained,

“Actually, we can’t call it the ‘VK Group that makes prosthetics’. Their slogan is people-oriented and people-centered, and they do everything derived from it.

This industrial group has almost a monopoly on technology patents in various aspects of ergonomics, including human-computer interaction, human-computer integration, and human-machine linkage. The huge market built with the basic theory of cybernetics as the core is all in the hands of this group. inside.

Did you know that Earth 07 is the headquarters of VK, and this cosmic ray is controlled by the VK Group? Gao Tianyuan of 0791 was able to develop in the first place by providing VK with modern factories, taking over VK's industrial upgrading, and relying on a large number of transferred orders.

It is also because cyber prosthetic equipment involves the production of a variety of electronic devices and industrial products, seriously polluting the environment, and also requires a large number of high-quality and low-cost engineers and programmers, that it became such a cyber world.

There is also a theory that Gao Tianyuan's first rebellion was usurped behind the scenes by VK. After all, it was not only Gao Tianyuan who wanted to join the committee, but VK also hoped to get a share of the pie, completely monopolize the prosthetic body market, and seize Pangu's subcontract from the committee's tax bureau. This is an order for military prosthetics from BYB.

Therefore, Gao Tianyuan can actually be said to be VK's pawn. "

"There are still these old things, ah, no wonder 0791 has never been open to BYB..."

011003 continued,

"So the truth about the trouble in Gao Tianyuan is uncertain. After all, no matter how the Spice War goes in the universe, VK and BYB are still competing for military prosthetic orders on the ground.

I estimate that the committee will have to wait until the two of them decide the winner and divide the market before they can make a decision on how to deal with Gao Tianyuan. "

Well, after talking for a long time about wanting freedom, independence, and expelling the aliens from the universe...

But in the final analysis, it is still a dog that listens to people's commands...


"It's too far off topic. In short, in view of this, I'm afraid there won't be a company fleet coming to provide assistance in a short period of time.

Faced with the extreme situation of the Takamagahara rebellion, in order to protect the company's property, you can actually apply for combat readiness supplies, such as retrieving the archived combat body. "

Yes, yes...

011003 saw that this guy seemed a little slow, and suggested,

"And don't you have 'bee venom' there? I'll send you the source code of the Sons of Dorne later. If necessary, just get rid of all the artificial humans."

Oh, yes, and bee venom... fuck...

Tell me, when Gao Tianyuan was still using the inefficient, uncontrollable, long-window, easy-to-expose, and interruptible technique of blasting the earth with satellites. Monsters Inc. can open the backend at any time to enter cheat codes and perform population-level erasure and deletion.

"Thanks for the reminder...I'll look into it."

After hanging up the phone, Li Pan actually felt a little sympathy for Gao Tianyuan. Think about it, generations of people have worked hard and fought hard, but in the end they couldn't even die. From the beginning to the end, it was just like a joke in the eyes of others, but It's a vicious dog that always has a rope tied around its neck, pretending to be a vixen and a tiger barking for its owner. Isn't it quite sad?

But this little bit of sympathy disappeared like smoke in a matter of seconds.

After all, destroying the earth, even if it is just an 'attempt', is a capital crime that warrants the extermination of families and genocide, right?

Well, anyway, let’s apply for ‘resurrection’ first. After being resurrected, I will go to Kansai and follow the list signed to declare war. One by one, everyone will die.

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