I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 329 Messenger

"Jingle Bell"

Li Pan woke up from his sleep, rubbed his eyes, and stared at the desk in front of him for a while while the phone rang, and then he gradually came back to his senses.

Oh, I just fell asleep...

Good guy! You never thought riding a horse could be so exciting! It can actually cause me a feeling of mental exhaustion that is no less than the overdraft of a magic weapon!

Well, that's right. After all, riding a horse mainly depends on waist strength, and your legs must be clamped, otherwise you may slip due to violent and rapid bumps and undulations during intense exercise, and endurance skills are also very important. Gee, I can only say that rich people really know how to play...

Ahem, no! It's definitely not that he's weak, but to be honest, 718 is really exciting! Too violent! How cruel! It's not a mouth that a newcomer like him can control!

It seems that in the future I will have to find Diana for more training, or get two black horses, import them and ride them for practice...

"Dingle, ring, ring!"

Well, the landline is angry...

"Ahem, Wai?"

"0791001, this is the Legal Department."

"Oh, yo, what's the matter, legal guy?"

"The committee passed an emergency resolution, and the newly elected peace officer and the specially dispatched arbitrator will arrive at 0791 within forty-eight hours.

The Sheriff is a cadre directly under the 01 General Security Bureau. He has submitted a formal note through the company level, requesting that you be investigated and interrogated, which may restrict your personal freedom.

This is a very serious case and the board of directors has agreed. Therefore, please cooperate as a company business and do not violently resist arrest or actively resist. Otherwise, they can deprive you of your legal rights and civil rights, and you will have to spend your own money to settle the matter. "

Li Pan, who had just added a new debt of 200 billion, swallowed his saliva.

"Mad, you've come to trouble me again... So what are they here to investigate this time? Tax evasion? Money laundering and bribery? Smuggling? Killing people for goods? Collaborating with the enemy and treason? Damaging public property? Violating moral order and good customs?"

legal affairs,

"What have you done..."

Li Pan, "No, no, no, I didn't do anything, I just asked casually."

legal affairs,

"... Anyway, remember to follow the process and ask for legal assistance to be present for all inquiries raised by the other party. This interrogation is raised at the company level, and I will be responsible for the connection. If the other party refuses, just choose to remain silent. An interrogation that does not follow procedures has no legal effect.

If the other party uses violence, please note that it is not a threat, but only after it has caused physical damage to you, you can defend yourself. Of course, you should videotape the injury as soon as possible to retain evidence..."

"Understand, understand."

The legal guy Duo Duoduo talked a lot and tried to educate Li Pan on the law. In short, the main idea was to persuade him to be kind, take the overall situation into consideration, and be patient. Silence is golden. Never do what he did last time. , slapped the table and tore the imperial envoy to pieces...

After all, now that the Holy Grail bid has been settled, if he jumps out to challenge the order and slaps the committee in the face, the legal department can no longer protect him with the company's banner.

Well, in fact, Li Pan was not surprised at all when the Safety Committee sent someone to investigate him.

After all, he has done so many things and made so much money. Regardless of whether he is good or bad, he is famous all over the world. The legion has fought with him several times, and predators like Peterson have already noticed him. However, if the committee still acts as if he doesn't exist and shows no reaction, it will make people suspect that there is another conspiracy.

However, because he had committed so many cases, Li Pan was really not sure what the other party was here for.

The legal guy speculated that judging from the submitted procedural documents, the tax bureau was not involved this time, so it should not be an economic issue.

In view of the fact that Li Pan recently obtained the sergeant major authority for defeating the apostle of the legion, it is most likely that the other party is here because of the legion issue of 0791.

So Li Pan arranged for his smuggling team to be stable for two days, so as not to be caught committing crimes and colluding with the legion. When he met, he would see what the higher-ups wanted, at least for the new tribune and security director. Let’s give him 10 trillion souvenirs...

"General Manager, the express has arrived. It is expected to be airdropped from orbit in an hour."

As soon as I put down the phone, 18 reported over.

express delivery? Oh, by the way, it's ice cubes.

Well, that's fine, it doesn't matter if it's a committee or not, the overall plan remains the same anyway. First increase the combat effectiveness, then attack the legions, save the Eighteenth, and shoot to death whoever gets in the way.

So Li Pan set off directly to the farm area.

He had already dealt with the matter here before. This was not because of the recent plummeting of real estate in Night City, coupled with the recent fighting and quarrels, the protein farm was completely destroyed. This kind of land is no longer outside the suburbs, it is the rural area outside the urban area. It is almost the same as the garbage picked up for free.

Of course, Li Pan would not let the company take advantage of this in vain. Don’t you have to follow the rules? Then everyone should follow the rules.

So he also learned a little bit and used Sao to do it. He checked it through Uncle Chen first. Sure enough, Director Akagi had obtained the land deeds near Dalingshu through the leather bag company. It seemed that the capybara chose to live in the countryside instead of Summoning the Holy Grail in the city center is also due to cost issues...

Fortunately, the capybara is now dead, and Li Pan directly comes forward as the company manager, saying that I will protect this land!

Of course Uncle Chen has no problem with it. He wants these junk asset companies to go bankrupt and liquidate them, and prioritize the land parcels for auction.

So Li Pan went to the mayor of the administrative bureau, chatted, drank tea, made arrangements, and privately purchased Dalingshu in the farm area at a price of 4,000 yuan per acre. Three thousand acres of surrounding land.

Then he personally sold the land to Panlong PMC Private Security Company at a "market price" of one million per square meter. At the same time, Panlong PMC placed a military base construction order with Panlong Construction Company and purchased a large amount of prosthetic arms and equipment from Panlong Trading.

In the end, the entire military base and armed warehouses were packaged into assets worth tens of billions and sold to TheM Company as the monster warehouse for the monster "Li Qingyun Big Ice".

Well, it's just a small amount of money for tea. He doesn't make too much money. The main reason is to have a place to practice and wash his hands. What's more, just 10 billion will help you secure and store the core secrets of the company's Whisperer project. It's really a good deal!

finance? Finance Manager, when are you free? My classmate would like to chat with you and introduce family office and trust services.

Li Pan expressed his intention to block Taiwan! about! But these two days may be a bit busy, after all, I have to shine and shine for the company!

Financial means, you shine, you please shine.

Well, in short, Li Pan has basically finished these chores. The outsourcing team at the military base is working overtime, and the structure of the underground facilities is basically completed. Now the big ice block is thrown down, carried into the warehouse, sealed, and locked. Okay, a silver key is in hand again. .

Just chew the ice! After regaining his true Xuan Ming Qi, Li Pan felt like he was invincible again! There's no problem if the arbitrator or something can tear them apart one by one!

The ice cube thing here has just been finished, and Yulia sent photos again. It seems that she really can't wait to receive Li Pan's one million billion.

But this time she didn't meet at the Night Tower apartment, but in the underground city, some underground pipe near the Night City Dam.

What are you doing? It's so mysterious. You're not going to fight in the sewers, right? Are you kidding me? You are already a prince and consul and why would you want to go to a place like this? What kind of exciting XP do these chaebol ladies have...

For the sake of future business, Li Pan naturally had to save face to go to the appointment. Now that he was really angry, he naturally didn't need to take a car, so he sneaked over with a way to escape.

Then he found a group of legionnaires squatting in the spillway outside the dam near the meeting place, seeming to be preparing to ambush him...

What the hell? ? Yulia wants to find someone to fuck him? And they all found the legion? No, you should at least fall out after receiving 100 billion, right? ?

But Li Pan was not dazzled, because he scanned it with his spiritual consciousness, and even took a closer look with his soul.

That's right, a real legionnaire.

There are eight mantises, centipedes, and wasp-like insect men in close combat, and four helmeted lizard men with shoulder cannons and spears that are invisible in the long range. Of course, there is an octopus-headed magician who arranges magic barriers for support.

These three races are obviously the main force of the Legion's vanguard arriving from the direction of Mars this time. They are squad-level tactical teams similar to special forces. It is not surprising that they appear here to try to assassinate Li Pan, the guardian of the gate.

But there is also a vampire among the legions.

What appeared at the date place turned out to be a prince-level female vampire!

She is dressed in the Gothic style of Night Knight, and her facial features do look a bit like Yulia's. No, they are exactly the same in appearance and physique, but I don't know if it is an illusion caused by the light and makeup. His appearance is subtly different from Li Pan's impression.

But this must be a fake, after all, Li Pan also gave Yulia the Blood Punishment Seal. And apart from the subtle differences in appearance, the body, although I don’t know where I found a prince-level one, is probably not the same one.

After all, Yulia's body was studied closely by Li Pan in the spirit of exploration. The blood prince-level magic is naturally very strong, but Yulia is not a blood knight, but a mage. Mainly concentrated on the fingers and eyes.

Well, although Li Pan can't use it himself, he can see the brilliance of magic and knows that Yulia has some social charm and mind control magic, such as some kind of magic eye magic that discharges electricity from both eyes. He can command everything with just one look, and even He is so "charming" that other elders vote for him. Well, maybe even he was actually "enchanted by magic", and it was definitely not because he couldn't help being greedy for beauty.

On the contrary, the magic power contained in this fake body is distributed in the limbs and heart and lungs. Similar magic power is spread. Li Pan has also seen it in elves and bull demon warriors. They are probably the kind of knights with both magic and martial arts. I am afraid they are better than K. I can fight.

Well, are you trying to use a honey trap to trick him out and assassinate him? There is nothing unusual about the tactics. It is not difficult to find out about the behind-the-scenes deal between him and the female prince. After all, Monsters Inc. clearly signed the contract to support Yulia. was elected to power.

But the question is, can Legion actually send private messages to Li Pan from Yulia's personal terminal? This is Pangu's QVN system. Can the Legion have this kind of technology? ?

So there must be something wrong with Yulia, either her personal terminal has been infiltrated by legion hackers, or she has been hijacked and controlled, or the entire vampire clan has rebelled...

Li Pan thought for a while and walked directly into the trap from the front.

As a manager, you have to have the tone of a manager.

Now that there is blue, invincible, Li Pan literally has hundreds of ways to roll these monsters into flat and round shapes, and probably to avoid being discovered, these legionnaires are squatting in the submarine pipelines, lurking in the sewage In fact, if you really raise your hand and hold a black ice palm, you can kill them.

Therefore, Li Pan decided to wait and listen to what they had to say before taking action...

However, to be on the safe side, Li Pan first drew a few strokes, placed a few talismans, cast a few spells, and made a few palm prints to customize the black ice formation for the legion. He showed up after being fully prepared. It also prevents him from having a "big flash!" blast out as soon as he shows up, causing him to flip over in the gutter again and again...

"Hey, isn't this Her Majesty the Princess of Transylvania? What are your orders?"

The female vampire raised her head, looked at the man in front of her, and said the first thing she said,

"Dear Guardian, I am not a member of the Julius family, nor do I have any title. I am just an ordinary magic user who uses this appearance to facilitate my movements.

You can call me Elena. "

Li Pan was ‘shocked’,

"Nani! You're not Yulia? Impossible! I didn't see it at all! What did you do to the Archon!"

The female vampire Elena didn't react at all, and said calmly,

"Please be patient. I just wanted to meet you and deliver a message, so I used a little charm magic. The female prince was not harmed in any way. She will wake up soon."

Oh, use charm on the Archon in the Tower of Night. The security of Ye's Group is really a public toilet, where you can come and go as you please, and flush it at will...

Li Pan put away his expression, held his chin and looked her over.

"Oh, so you're the Legion? Or the Collector?"

Elena salutes,

"I am a member of the Collectors Association, and this time I am here to send a message on behalf of the legion to convey the ceasefire proposal to you."

"...Huh? Why have you finished talking now?"

Li Pan waited for a while, but didn't hear the second sentence, so he couldn't help but confirm again,

"Are there any additional conditions for the truce? For example, do you want me to apologize publicly, bow, pay you millions or billions, or something like that?"

"There are no other strings attached."

Elena said,

"As long as you agree, the legion will send an official envoy to conclude an armistice contract and cease all hostilities against you."

Li Pan sighed,

"If you don't agree, you can kill Yulia, right?"

Elena neither admitted nor denied.

Li Pan looked at his watch.

"Then go ahead and do it. When are you going to start? I'll see how long it takes you to complete the Tower of Night and see if you can break my speed record."

Elena, "..."

Li Pan looked at her and smiled,

"Then why don't we start with my employees? It's not convenient for business these days anyway, so I just want to arrange a killing for everyone."

Elena, "Your Excellency Guardian, the legion proposed to stop with sincerity..."

Li Pan took off his right glove, clasped it with five fingers, turned his hand over and grasped it.

"You'll die if you stop!"

The Xuan Ming Taoist script written in the palm of the hand is infused with the Tao breath from the five fingers, and is stimulated like being plucked from the strings of a piano.

In an instant, the blood light bloomed, and the power of Xuanbing Palm exploded. One hundred and twenty-seven claws were grabbed from all directions. Without even giving you a chance to read the message, they dismembered the octopus, lizard and insect hiding in the water and tore them into pieces. Broken sashimi.

Well, it’s seconds. The legion’s magic is quite destructive. If they blow up the dam, it will be very annoying to flood the Night City. It will interfere with everyone’s normal attendance and deduct wages!

Elena was shocked!

"Wait, keep..."

"The hands are so big!"

Li Pan waved his hand and swiped it with his knife.

The hand knife used to scrape fish, not to dissect Quetzalcoatl, was literally a layer of air blade condensed on the alloy nail clipper. Now that Li Pan had eaten and drank enough to regain his energy, he swung the knife out and slashed out a Four feet long, a white air blade condensed by Xuan Ming's ice breath!

Cut it in two! Cut off Elena's sloping shoulder!

Uh, okay, Li Pan originally thought that for you to dare to appear in front of me openly and openly, there must be something extraordinary and admirable, so I would like to use a little more force to show my respect. The result is not like killing someone with just one knife! O! Already...

But just in case, this knife just cut off Elena's sloping shoulder. Blood spattered everywhere, and the whole person fell backwards. Before the half of the shoulder that was chopped off hit the ground, Li Pan chased after the finishing blow and turned his hand. Shooting a wave of palm wind, whistling and enveloping the ice wind air blade, the black ice divine claw pinched Elena's head, crushing her whole head to explode, holding the flesh and blood mixed with bones in the palm, and struck it against the dam wall. physically.


Elena's upper body turned into blood-colored ice shards that exploded and disintegrated, and the radioactive blood splashed on the wall, like a scarlet ivy.

Li Pan frowned, twirled his fingers, and made some calculations.

"Is this... magic of yours?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the blood stains and flesh pieces that were blasted into ice shards by Li Pan turned into thick plasma, slowly gathered, and took shape again, gathering Elena's female body.

"If you reject the Legion's offer..."

The remains of plasma on the ground formed Elena's head, staring at Li Pan with two black eyes.

"...I'll just reply like this, why bother attacking the letter..."


Li Pan took out his gun and punched it in the face with a burst of fire. The orbital electromagnetic bomb fired by Baofeng's smart pistol burst into bright blue plasma flames, condensing amazing light and heat, and blasted away the bloody humanoid body.

After firing a round of ammunition, Li Pan put away his pistol and looked at his watch. About ten seconds later, the plasma condensed and condensed again, forming a solid blood person.

Elena seemed a little dissatisfied,

"...haven't you heard that the two armies were fighting and Bu Zhan came to envoy?"

"Oh! Are you calling me uneducated?"


Li Pan untied his belt, unlatched the safety latches of a string of individual thermobaric bombs, threw them into Elena's arms, and then jumped away through the spirit world.

Specialize in flash bombs for the prince! Also added holy mercury needles and garlic!


The high temperature, high pressure and shock wave generated by the detonation and deflagration swept over and burned the underground water into coke.

Li Pan jumped back through another spiritual world and took a look into the smoke and hot wind.

From the ashes of the burnt humanoid, a bloody snake like firewood emerged, trembling and crawling out.

Oh, he's not dead yet. This guy is okay. Although he's not as strong as the monsters coming, he still has to be an apostle.

And this skill is indeed somewhat similar to the divine religion.

Li Pan was also a little surprised. After all, everyone is interested in playing with blood. They just rub the blood around and change it.

So at first he thought that the opponent's blood rebirth was probably just similar in tone and effect to the techniques in the Blood Book, but in fact it was just some kind of garbage vampire magic.

But looking at the vitality that could not be destroyed by the Xuanbing Palm, the ion cannon, and the thermobaric bomb, Li Pan did not expect that the magic of the blood clan was so similar to that of the Blood God Son?

No wonder sucking the blood of vampires and practicing the Blood God Son method can greatly improve your skills. Could it be that this is also a kind of return to nature, different paths to the same goal?

Li Pan reached out to grab the blood snake on the ground and took it into his palm. Well, the body of the snake was blood, and the core of the magic power was a ruby ​​ring on the snake's head.

Is it a familiar, or a monster...

Li Pan rubbed his hands to smash the blood snake, and used Xuanming Ice to form a thick layer of frost on the ruby ​​on the ring, freezing the whole thing into an ice lump. However, it seemed to have a good effect, so it was temporarily stopped. The vampire's resurrection magic.

Okay, I got another key.

Thank you, Legion.

He threw his formal clothes out and turned into a dog, letting Xiao Hei quickly clean up the battlefield. Li Pan stopped by to take a look at the Tower of Night.

After all, after such an episode, it was natural to go and see what was going on with the prince.

If the vampire finds the female prince dead on his bed the next day, then he and the Ye family will really not be able to talk calmly...

Fortunately, the situation was not serious yet. Li Pan rushed to the apartment and took a look. Yulia was still lying in the coffin intact. Not to mention the bloody mark, even the silk pajamas she had just changed had no wrinkles.

Everything is normal in the Tower of Night. There is no big news about someone breaking into a speedrun or the Archon being kidnapped. If there is anything unusual...

"Hey housekeeper, did I have this dressing table in my apartment before? Where did it come from?"

This is an old-fashioned Europa dressing table, ancient furniture made of agarwood, tables and chairs decorated with gorgeous patterns and carvings, and jewelry boxes filled with layers. The huge floor-to-ceiling dressing mirror is facing the bedroom.

Apartment smart housekeeper report,

"Dear guest, these are the personal belongings signed by the consul, including furniture, a change of clothes and jewelry. Prince Pompius specially sent someone to deliver them from the villa on Earth 077."

"...What? Damn, send it to my house??"

No, sending the makeup mirror and jewelry to the apartment of the cheating wife's mistress is a bit too much...

Li Pan was a little stunned for a moment, but after staring at his reflection in the mirror, he suddenly came to his senses.

Oh, no wonder I just thought that Elena's face was slightly different from Yulia's facial features. They were probably reflections of mirror images. And doesn’t this also come with a jewelry box?

This dressing table must be a monster.

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