I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 407 Brave

“A drowning person will grab at every straw that can save him or her.

The dying people will be ejected in large quantities, trying their best to leave their last genes in the world.

Most of the creatures born in this world want to continue living in various forms.

No matter how ugly and humble survival is, it is better than a lonely and pure death.

It is human nature to be greedy for life and afraid of death.

However, for the survival of the entire group, individual sacrifices are necessary.

When being pursued by superior predators, there will always be a small number of weak, old, diseased and powerless ones who will be sacrificed, sacrificed, and left behind, so that the entire group can survive.

Because I want to continue circulating in this natural world. Every contact with something that has never been seen before is a game between the entire species and the universe, nature, and rules.

Before reason, wisdom, experience or violence can solve the problems caused by the unknown, a choice must be made, a sacrifice must be made, a sacrifice, a part of the body, a tentacle or two, or one or two of the same kind, to test the unknown , may contain death and opportunities.

Therefore, when human beings really fall into the crisis of extinction, there will inevitably be pioneers who are willing to die and are generous in righteousness. They will risk their lives and step into death to find a way out for the tribe.

Life always finds its own way.

And those sacrifices, active and passive, sacrificed individuals, sacrifices.

That's what is called a brave man. "


In the speeding supercar, resting on 044's lap, the charred man's body spontaneously combusted without fire, and was roasted until it was almost unrecognizable. The invisible flame was still burning her soul.

"Very good, on time."

After looking at the time, 044 took out a light stick and a hand-held electric fan from the briefcase, and directed the breeze towards the lamp shadow, blowing the dots of light like fireflies onto the severely burned body to dispel the magic energy in the body. The body heals quickly, the scabs fall off, the muscles regenerate, and the face grows again.

"Cough, cough, cough...has it been solved..."

044 took off the blood scab from her hairline, nodded and smiled,

"One piece of good news, one piece of bad news."

Huang Quan gritted his teeth,

"Then it's not solved... Newcomer! Go back to the scene cough cough cough!"

044 turned his head and looked at the Tower of Night in the distance, which was lit up into a huge torch by Tianjiyang's electronic cannon.

"The enemy this time is unprecedented. The kind of top soldier with level seven combat power, a monster that can be judged as A-level difficulty, is just a subordinate. In the words of the game, it is a mid-boss.

As for such mid-bosses, I divined that there are at least two more. As for those demon gods who can be used as B-level tasks alone, they are too numerous to count and can only be counted as miscellaneous soldiers..."

When she heard that she had fought for half her life and only defeated one of the bosses, Huang Quan was speechless and looked at her.

"What's the good news?"

044 smiles,

"Isn't it good news that we can see real S-class monsters this time?"

Huang Quan stared at her silently.

044 smile,

"Just kidding, the good news is that this is a real human crisis, so it's rare that we don't have to fight alone. Although Pangu's fleet has left the solar system, Alaya will come out to help."


Does the so-called collective subconscious of mankind... actually exist? Huang Quan himself always thought that it was referring to Pangu...

Then at this moment, Huang Quan found that his body returned to normal and returned to normal.

"Humanity is also trying its best to save itself this time, and the magic power of the root was actively lent to me. Otherwise, the rented MT380 alone will not be of much use."

044 put away the electric fan and light stick, took out the glass ball and took a look, it was still dark.

“But it seems like it’s not enough…so the problem remains.

002. Where is the Holy Grail? "

Huang Quan also sat up, panting and wiping the sweat off his body, taking out his spare latex clothes and putting them on.

"I don't know, I'm not in the Tower of Night anyway.

What should we do now? Going to fight another mid-BOSS? After all, what are you looking for the Holy Grail for? That thing is just...a manager of the year trophy or something like that, right? "

"Holy Grail... 002, you were reincarnated from the spiritual world, right? It's really useless there, but in a world of magic rules, the 'Holy Grail' is the most critical fuse-link.

Well, it is a fuse. When the current abnormally rises to a certain intensity and heat, the fuse itself will melt and cut off the current to protect the safe operation of the entire circuit. "

044 flew his hands, as if holding invisible threads, pulling the magic elves between his fingers, weaving a holographic map of the night city, thinking and explaining,

"Similarly, when the magic circuit of the entire world is overloaded and too much energy fills the world, exceeding the safety threshold, the Holy Grail will be activated. Its specific manifestation is that it can cast the so-called 'Great Wish Technique' ', guide the huge magic power that may lead to overload, and consume this magic energy by distorting the source and the present world to realize specific wishes, so as to avoid the collapse of the entire magic network and the explosion of magic power that destroys civilization.

You may have never seen that kind of explosion. Not only all magic users with magic power, but also all magic creatures and magic props with magic circuits, as well as the heavenly wheel and earth veins, the planet's magic network, and all the magic elves in the atmosphere, resonate in unison. Converted into pure light and heat..."

"The explosion of light and heat like a nuclear explosion, right? Got it."

Huang Quan rubbed his brows, the ways of human extinction are really colorful and diverse...

044 glanced at the several huge light cores in the City of Night on the map, and explained absentmindedly,

"Well, this can be regarded as the design flaw of the ancient magic elves and the fundamental reason why they were eliminated.

Heh, magic elf... That thing is standard human technology. It was originally produced as an infinite renewable energy source, Nanogenerator, a nanomotor, a magical device that can realize the mutual conversion of light, heat, electromagnetic kinetic energy, and the crystallization of ancient human science and technology.

However, with the development of civilization and the update of technology, the demand for energy has increased exponentially. The Legion has invested in the production of high-concentration NANOGEN without restraint. At the same time, in the arms race, the nanobugs of various countries are constantly being refreshed.

Those nanomachines that are suspended in the air and cannot be detected have too high frequency and too high intensity, which has exceeded the safe zone. Therefore, once the comprehensive management and control of the AI ​​power control system is missing, it is easy to cause overload due to various reasons. out of control.

Therefore, after the Legion's system was breached by ICE and shut down, many of the Legion's colonial star cities were destroyed through 'nano motor out of control'.

Even if Pangu later developed a fuse safety device like the 'Holy Grail', the equipment is still just equipment. Theoretically, as long as the magic wave spectrum set by the fuse is hacked and rewritten, and the threshold limit is lifted, the nano energy network can be exceeded at any time. contain, thereby destroying the entire civilized world.

Therefore, the nanocircuit engineers who used to be on the street were also strictly restricted by the SEC after the war, and a large number of technologies and permissions were blocked. Now, they have become wizard-like existences like "magicians". They used to be compulsory courses in universities, but now It has become a god-like technology, which is ironic enough...

found it. "

044 waved his hand and pulled the map directly to the Fuji area.

"Here, at the nanogrid node, the concentration of NANOGEN exceeds the standard, and the deviation value is off the charts, and it is still increasing violently. This is the battlefield that determines the future of human science."

"Is the target the Demon King Project?"

Huang Quan lowered his head and looked at the crystal ball.

"It seems to be still dark..."

044 chuckles,

"Because we have no chance of winning. Looking at this energy intensity, the safety valve of the Holy Grail has been opened.

So what, do you still want to go? If we take a shuttle and escape now, it might still be too late..."

Huang Quan shook his head,

"I will never run away again in this life."

044 nodded,

"Then open the door."

So, in the endless orange-red ocean, on the huge battleship stranded, the door of the silver key opened, and 0791002 and 01044 came to the final stage.

044 stood on the tarmac, curiously looking at the black hull without paint.

"Takamagahara's ship?"

Huang Quan nodded. This time it was her turn to explain.

"Super advanced invincible battleship, Yamato-class warp dreadnought, and No. 4 ship. However, at the end of the war, the financial resources had basically collapsed. The project was canceled and all the hull parts and equipment in stock were used. They have been abandoned for twenty years, right? …”

"The waves in Miluo Yuan are turbulent, and clouds are flying beside Wushan Mountain..."

At this time, a war song came from the ship's radio, echoing on the empty deck and the silent sea.

"Heh, it seems that the old thing from twenty years ago can still be used."

The two of them looked at each other and walked onto the bridge together, where they met the final BOSS in the command room.


The captain's chair was dismantled and thrown aside, and a motorcycle-like device was replaced and plugged into the interface. A man was lying under the motorcycle wiring the pipes. When he saw the two people coming in, he got up and started to adjust the equipment.

"Wait a minute. I've probably skipped two branches. Gouri's system is updating itself, but the version here is quite old. It shouldn't take long..."

"Qiu Shan..."

Although she saw an unexpected person, Huangquan SAYA did not seem particularly surprised. Instead, she regained her composure after a moment of surprise and thought about it.

"You...could it be that, after you obtained the inheritance of the Akiyama family guard and the shrine of Lord Oda, you want to usurp the entire Takamagahara and become the new Demon King?"

Li Pan hesitated to speak, hesitated to speak, and finally simply shrugged.

"Wow, you figured it out."


Huang Quan only felt a headache and took a deep breath.

"Don't do so many things for me just for the inheritance of a rich country man!!"

Li Pan couldn't help laughing and said,

"Hey, rich man? Do you know how many people died in Guan Yuan for the inheritance of this rich man from the countryside?

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. I think Gao Tianyuan's asset valuation is A15 rather than A16!

Of course, I am not a stingy person. Since you are here, as long as you don't hinder me, everyone who sees the treasure of Gao Tianyuan will have a share. I will give you one thousandth of it each. It is generous enough. "

"You idiot! Don't you understand?"

Huang Quan is angry,

"The 'Devil King' plan is simply impossible to succeed! It failed once last time! Do you also want to become neither a human nor a ghost?"

She looked like she wanted to roll up her sleeves and pounce on him, and slap him awake with a sober pussy fight.

But 044, who was silent the whole time, held her back and pointed to the cup under the motorcycle seat that contained engine oil and had a few wires plugged into it, which was being used as a motor to generate electricity for "Oh Oh Waves~".

"Holy Grail."

Huang Quan was stunned, cold air rushed up from his back, and he stared at the man in front of him.

"Qiu Shan, what on earth are you..."

044 interrupted directly,

"002! Don't you understand? He is the S-class monster!"

Li Pan leaned on the motorcycle and smiled at them.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to pretend, so what's next, 'communication', 'contact', or 'suppression'?"

Huang Quan bit his lip and stared at Li Pan without saying a word.

Li Pan shrugged and looked at 044,

"Well, anyway, I have tried various positions with her, how about you come this time?"

01044 was not polite. Following the company's standard procedure, he bowed first and then handed over his business card.

"This is the first time we meet. I am an employee of TheM Company, 01044. I don't know what you call me."

Li Pan took the business card and looked at it.

"Hehe, it's our first time meeting you. Let's call him Akiyama."

044 nodded,

"Then Mr. Akiyama, can I ask what you want? After all, we also want to solve the problem as peacefully as possible. What do you want?

substance? money? Power? Or the domination of mankind? "

Li Pan smiled,

"I want to change the world."

044 also laughs,

"Do you mean to become a supreme being like a god? Then let our company serve you, build temples and pyramids in the Kingdom of God, offer sacrifices regularly, and hold celebrations. Can this satisfy you?"

Li Pan shook his head,

"I'm no longer interested in humans. I just want to change this world into the shape I like. It's enough that you don't block my way."

044 frowned, looked at Huang Quan, and then said with a smile,

"If you say this, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to reach mutual trust. After all, so far, Your Excellency has been plotting in secret, and it seems that he has not spoken a few truths.

So how can we be sure that if we sit back and watch your actions without intervening, it will not lead to serious situations such as the destruction of mankind? "

Li Pan shrugged and pointed at the crystal 044 held in his hand.

"You can't change anything by intervening. Even if you can really defeat me here, banish me, or seal me up in some warehouse. There will be no change in the future. The demise of mankind is already doomed.

But if I win in the end... Whatever, I'm too lazy to talk to you anymore. I've lost interest in the old humans and so on.

If you perish, then perish. If you want to live, just evolve. Evolve into what I like. This is called actively adapting to the environment. Do you understand?

Although many people will be eliminated in this process, I have also figured it out. After all, is there any creature in this world that remains unchanged... horseshoe crab?

Ahem, in short, I won’t run around trying to save your fate anymore, all of them look like fools..."

Li Pan suddenly shut up, because a silver light flickered outside the window.

So he shut his mouth, patted his butt, walked to the bridge and looked down, and saw a series of silver key doors appearing on the battleship deck.

The company dogs in formal suits filed out. The first one to walk was an old bald man with gray beard and gray hair wearing a black kimono. He wore the formal clothes on his shoulders like a shawl. Behind him was a man named four or five who carried a nodachi. Ten gangster-like burly men looked like they were leading a gang fight with a gang boss.

A group of men in black stepped on the alloy deck of the dreadnought with their leather shoes in the passionate singing of "The waves are coming oh oh oh oh~". If it rains again, take an umbrella, wow, that tone is so old. Buried...

"Why, it's about 'suppression'."

Li Pan pressed his nose and looked at the old man, uh, I don’t recognize him...

"Hey auntie, is that your 001? What's its name?"

Huang Quan looked at him,

"Yamamoto Ittosai."

"Wow, Ittou Saiya, why is he so stupid? He only kills people with one sword? Is this the Sword Master?"

Huangquan look at 0791001’s shining bald head,

"That's not true. He is an ordinary company employee. All the front-line combatants died in his turn last time. Because he had no fighting ability, he took the initiative to become the apostle of the monster. He signed a contract and bore the name of a sword. All he had to do was draw the sword. He will merge with the sword masters of the past and present and transform into a sword soul."

044 Use ‘Why did you tell him? ? ’ He glared at Huang Quan.

Li Pan also frowned,

"Not a combatant... Let me ask a digression, in your company files, who has completed the most tasks?"

Huang Quan really knows this question. After all, she is the personnel director.

"You've seen it before, Tetsuya."

"That newcomer? Serving tea and pouring water is not a task, right?"

Huang Quan was silent for a while,

"He is actually not a 'newcomer'. He is the real guardian of the gate in this world. He seems to have joined the job earlier than Yamamoto. He is protected by certain death-related characteristics. So he will not die, which is very useful.

However, the company monitors that his mental deviation value is often red. It is judged that he has too much justice and compassion. It is speculated that there is a high possibility that he will go berserk because of seeing the injustice in the world, and then carry out extreme acts on society. Retaliatory actions affect the harmonious relationship between companies and the normal development of local business.

Therefore, during the regular rollback process, the company will reset his memory. About every six months, he will start from the beginning again. Since a reset has just been carried out recently, the training period is temporarily unavailable. Attendance…”

Li Pan was shocked.

"Go to bed...you are so poisonous..."

Huang Quan defaults.

At this time, 044 had already retreated to the door, looking at Li Pan and Huang Quan coldly.

"When did you control her..."

Li Pan looked back at her,

"I really haven't 'controlled' her much, it would be better to say that I removed her control. I just gave her back all the 'reset' memories in the past and let her make her own judgment.

But you know what’s most interesting, I found out that she is also a brave person.

It seems like your company really likes to recruit brave people? And you? Well, but the first time you think about Run, you are probably not a brave man. "

044 said nothing, Huang Quan said calmly,

"Whether they are brave or not, someone has to make the necessary sacrifices, right?"

Li Pan chuckled,

"Haha, sacrifice the lives of the vast majority of people to protect the interests of a very small number of people, right?"


0791001 opened the door and walked into the captain's room. The company dogs filed in, and 01044 also stood over there.

"Death to serve the Lord! It is for loyalty! It is for serving the soul! It is for! BUSIDOU!!"

The old man turned red and roared, spitting foam all over the floor.

Li Pan was also speechless and rolled his eyes.

"Fuck, you're still busy... I'm too lazy to deal with you idiots. That's all. If you want to die, come along and play with you..."

Then Huang Quan slashed out from behind with a sword, cutting it in two, cutting off the phantom of Dairo Akiyama.


Then the great Bodhisattva in the sea of ​​blood raised his head, looking facelessly and without compassion at the battleship held in his palm.

"I feel hurt, mentally traumatized."

The female demon stood on the ship's guard, facing the huge Buddha, clenching her left fist,

"Don't mess up with me!"

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