I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 41 Larvae

There was no danger, and the armored vehicle was delivered directly to the door of Li Pan's old apartment. Those giant wolves couldn't even catch up with the tail lights.

Li Pan got out of the car, vomited all the stomach acid, wiped his mouth and washed his face with rainwater, rubbed his almost unconscious right shoulder and walked into the apartment building.

It was already midnight, the rain was still pouring, and the wonton stall was closed. Li Pan, who was sweating all over, had no choice but to go to the vending machine and buy a bunch of protein bars, munching on them while waiting for the elevator.

"Wait! Wait a minute! Wait for me!"

As soon as Li Pan heard the voice, he knew who it was. He stretched out his hand to hold down the elevator door, letting Orange, who was also drenched, squeeze in.

"Thank you, thank you. Oh, Li, you worked overtime so late."

"Working overtime...well, it can be considered working overtime..."

At least I made 10,000 yuan...

Li Pan looked at Chengzi and saw that she had her hair loose and took off her wet jacket, revealing the shirt that clung to her body curves. Through the gap between the folds of the collar of her shirt, she could see the round flesh-colored flesh on her chest. I couldn't help but study it a few more times, and my anger couldn't help but rush up from my lower abdomen.

At this time Chengzi turned to look at him, and Li Pan quickly looked away.

"Ah, by the way, the city is not peaceful recently. Cheng Zi, you should be careful not to be affected by the battle between Ye Shi and Akainu."

“Well, we also received a notice that NCHC will temporarily suspend operations for two days until they finish fighting.

Alas, cyberpsychosis has actually reached the heart of the city. It’s really unfair. "

Orange took off the hair rope and tied her hair back, panting and wiping the rain and sweat beads that fell from her neck and collarbone with her elbows.

"Ah, speaking of this, there is no misunderstanding between you and Wallenstein, right?"

"Warren...oh, no, no. Thanks to their help, I have found what I was looking for. By the way, I haven't thanked you yet. Why don't I buy you a drink?"

"It's okay," Chengzi suddenly smiled, "What, are you dating me? Forget it, I'm already old."

Li Pan smiled and said, "Don't say that. I heard that the charm of a woman is like red wine. With the accumulation of experience and connotation, it can exude an even more charming fragrance. Although I only have some cold beer in the refrigerator, But it may not taste like red wine.”

Chengzi covered his mouth and chuckled, "It's all nonsense, who taught you this nonsense?"

Li Pan smiled and turned sideways, opened the elevator door with his left hand and said, "Of course it's the enthusiastic netizens."

Chengzi thought he was joking and didn't pay much attention, but at this moment he noticed Li Pan hanging his right arm beside him.

"Broken bones? Why don't you go find a prosthetist?"

"Oh, it's okay, just take a nap and you'll be fine."

"That's not possible. If you're not careful, your hands will be crippled. Come on, I'll bring a first aid kit and bandage it for you."

"Uh, thanks a lot."

So back in the house, Chengzi helped, driving bio-glue and degradable bone nails into Li Pan's muscles.

"Fortunately, there is no bone fracture, just a little dislocation. Do you feel it?"

Chengzi looked at the data in Li Pan's biochip and massaged his right arm.

The two of them sat next to each other on the sofa, and Li Pan was being massaged by her soft words, and the evil fire under her belly couldn't help but get ready to stir again.

He didn't respond for a moment. Cheng Zi raised his head in surprise and saw the other person staring directly at him. He couldn't help but react and realized that the other person was not joking just now, and he felt a little embarrassed for a moment.

But from the red cheeks of the other party, Li Pan could also tell that Cheng Zi was indeed a little moved. It was obvious that she also wanted to drink a few drinks and relax a little.

So Li Pan suggested, "Ahem, Sister Chengzi, your clothes are soaked. Do you want to take a shower? There is hot water."

It's a pity that she is a wife after all. In the end, Chengzi lingered for a while and shook her head.

"Forget it today, Yamato is still waiting for me, let's wait another day."

Originally, he wanted to invite her to practice dual cultivation together, but in this case, Li Pan didn't force it.

"Well, let's do it another day."

So he sent Cheng Zi away, Li Pan took a shower by himself, and was about to enter meditation practice when suddenly there was a knock on the door outside the house.

Open the door, Orange is standing at the door,

"That brat locked the door, probably went online, and didn't reply to my message..."

When she saw Li Pan's chest and abdomen, she was stunned and couldn't help but cast her eyes aside.

"Is there any cold beer..."

"Of course."

So Li Pan smiled and turned sideways to let Chengzi enter the room.

There’s no need to talk so much nonsense. Everyone has needs after work is so stressful.

So I won’t go into details about the specific process. In short, Chengzi is really Li Pan’s lucky star. With her strong assistance, Li Pan found out the next day that not only had his internal injuries been cured, but he had also broken through to the second level of Jiuyin Refining. !

The direct bonus to physical fitness in the second turn is not that noticeable, and cannot compare with the huge change in the first turn, but the improvement in the efficiency of refining energy can be clearly felt.

In the past few days, Li Pan had mixed all kinds of messy monster energy in his body, and the cold and flaming energy that had accumulated in his organs had been refined and transformed into internal power that he could control at will, or to put it more anciently, it had been refined. The Jiuyin Qi was released.

He had tried to slap the floor before, but his palm power was sometimes ineffective. A punch to the head of a dog could break his right hand. But now I can send and receive it freely.

Moreover, Li Pan also discovered that his physique had also changed, no, it was changing.

Through the health monitoring of Fuxi 15, Li Pan could detect that his body was rapidly gaining weight and muscle, and his metabolism was significantly increasing. He could also feel that his heartbeat was racing too fast, and he was hungry all the time. At the same time, in that regard His 'fire' is also getting stronger, which may be some kind of side effect.

Now Li Pan felt like he had been given an overdose of combat-enhancing hormones, and his entire body was under high load for a long time.

But he also knew that this was not 'overloading', but 'growing'.

It's like going through puberty again. It's obvious that you have blood drawn and internal injuries, but once you break through the second level, you almost come back to life, full of energy and extremely excited.

After all, as mentioned before, this "Nine Yin Form Refining" is to refine the form of Nine Yin.

So the further you practice, the more naturally you will feel that the current 'human' skin is like a cocoon, restricting the growth of the 'Zhu Jiuyin' in the skin.

To describe it, the first turn is like the foundation laid for building a house. During the second turn, the inner "Nine Yins" begin to take root and sprout and grow vigorously. It is estimated that by the third turn, it will break through the ground. He shed his skin once and transformed.

I wonder if it will turn into that giant snake with a human head by then. If it does... it should be able to fly, right?

Thinking about it, I'm still a little excited.

So Li Pan happily came to work, as usual, first went to beat the sheets and then drank coffee.

Then Ah Qi brought him bad news.

"Manager, Kotaro was caught."


Then Aqi made a report. It was probably last night when all parties were fighting and there was chaos. In order to understand the current situation in Gao Tianyuan, Kotaro also tried to sneak into the search and explore Qingzhou City at night. Unsurprisingly, he was accompanied by ninjas from the imperial court. They were discovered and arrested.


No, you just said that you turned into a ninja and infiltrated the prosecutor's office and was arrested. This kind of plot is already very familiar to everyone, but you couldn't stand it! Not only was he caught by the other party, but he couldn't hold back and extorted a confession. He was forced to give out the contact information of TheM company and came to demand a ransom! It’s too embarrassing!


Eighteen, "I checked. Kotaro should not have rebelled at present. The hackers on the opposite side have found our communication channel through the chip. They have not yet broken through Orochi's ICE gateway, nor have they found our real address.

But Kotaro probably fell into their hands and was directly hacked into the database. The custom-made chip of their Feng Mo family is also quite high-end. As long as it is rescued within forty-eight hours, the company's affairs will not be leaked. "

Damn it, okay, Kotaro has been in jail for too long after all. It is inevitable that he will make a mistake when he encounters a serious ninja. Anyway, the infiltration investigator has probably learned his lesson, so don't delete his file. Just get him if you can.

So Li Pan nodded,

"Qingzhou, let's go there. Shiba will arrange a meeting place with them and redeem Xiaotaro. Rama will go on a business trip with me. Aqi will stay at the headquarters. If there is no agreement, he will be deleted directly."

However, the imperial court should not be underestimated. A professional fifth-level ninja like Kotaro will be arrested at any time...

Just as Li Pan was about to set off, he suddenly stopped and an idea suddenly came to him.

You said that 0791 Monster Company is located within the sphere of influence of Takamagahara, and it has gone through thirteen New Tokyos. It is impossible that it has no contact with the imperial family at all, right?

That Akiyama asshole tried to steal Warehouse No. 7, which shows that Takamagahara has been eyeing Monsters Inc. for a long time. Could it be that the company was unprepared? impossible.

So he picked up the landline and asked,

"Hey, does Curry have any special attack on ninjas?"

"Normal temperature warehouse, F43, gaucho bolas/trip, F44, mohawk flying ax/right between the eyebrows, F45, gypsy ball/finding person."

Hey, there really is!

So Li Pan went to the normal temperature warehouse, took the three monsters onto the shuttle, and gave Rama a brief explanation.

"Divination ball/person search, identification yellow, touch this ball and ask 'Where is the ninja?', you can 'see' all the 'ninjas' in a spherical space with a radius of ten kilometers with yourself as the center. The most questions you can ask in a day Three times. If you use it too much, it will affect your vision and you may go blind.

The flying ax/hits the center of the eyebrow, and the appraisal is yellow. This flying ax will definitely hit someone when thrown. If there is no enemy within 30 meters, don't throw it randomly. It is said that it may bounce back and hit you.

Meteor rope/trip, identification blue, this is very similar to the throwing axe. The recorded effective range is thirty meters, and it will trip people if thrown. In fact, you may be able to hit it farther away, but if it is too far away, it may lose its special effect and lose its monster-level effect. "

Rama wondered, "Why do we need to set it to thirty meters?"

Li Pan speculated,

"For the light weapons thrown by ordinary people with one hand, this distance is about the same to ensure accuracy and damage. Of course, it may also be the rules of the 0791 plane that suppress the attributes of these two monster projections to the realm of mortals.

In short, these three items are not too dangerous, and they have certain attributes. They may be able to restrain those ninja assassins with high agility and high attack. Let them be used by you. "

Of course, he also picked up the equipment himself. Considering that the activation of the 'bracelet' requires a prerequisite below the surface, and the 'stinger' and 'bee venom' can kill people at every turn, it is too violent. This time, Li Pan himself only brought a 'hair tie' with a certain killing attribute, which was packed in a metal box and carried in his hand.

"Okay boss."

Rama also nodded seriously, put the big bag containing the monster on his shoulders, and wore a formal suit, just like a doorman.

Li Pan looked at him and asked curiously,

"By the way, Rama, have you... dreamed of anything recently?"

Rama suddenly looked a little dazed, then grinned,

"Yes, I dreamed about my mother. She said she would always be by my side to protect me."

Oh, it seems like he has signed a contract with the Guardian. Mother, she really fits the protective attribute. Then let’s see what Rama is capable of this time. You have to bring up new people from time to time, so it’s not like it’s better to train some cadres.

The company's floating ship sailed out of the Night City, flying from west to east towards Qingzhou City.

Looking out from the congested urban areas of the Night City, beyond the high-voltage electric fences and highways on the border, in the distance is a jungle composed of white towers, and on the ground is a metal ocean that emits sunlight and blue sky like a mirror. .

It was Rama's first time out of the city. He was lying on the glass window and his attention was immediately attracted.

"Boss, what are those?"

Li Pan glanced at it,

“The molten salt tower photothermal power station, those below are liquid solar cells, which use nanorobots to micro-manipulate the direction of the liquid surface to emit photothermal power from the top of the lighthouse tower. It uses solar energy to provide power and is also the moat of the night city.

It can be said that this technology is environmentally friendly and will replace cold fusion reactors. In fact, during the production and use of these liquid batteries, the environmental pollution is more serious and the toxicity is very high. Wanderers living in the wild basically cannot survive for a few years. Many of them suffer from metal poisoning, cancer, tumors, and a large number of deformed children. Therefore, They desperately want to move into the city. "


Rama looked at it for a while,

"Boss, what is that?"

After crossing the metal ocean, the ground was covered by a vast expanse of white.

Li Pan didn't even need to look at it.

"It's a plastic greenhouse, Fuji Farm. The volcanic ash after the volcanic eruption is rich in minerals and organic matter, and combined with the synthetic fertilizers from the agricultural company, it finally created this organic farm that can support the entire Night City."

Rama was curious, "It's so big, but vegetables are still very expensive. What do you grow here? Potatoes?"

Li Pan shrugged, "What else can you grow these days, maggots?"

Rama turned his head and stared at him,


"LARVA, larvae, protein protozoa produced by Целина Virgin Land Company, I would say it is a genetically modified maggot, after all, it looks like a big fat maggot.

This is an artificial life created by top gene editing technology. Currently, it is the farmed animal with the highest protein conversion rate. It can almost be said to be living protein.

The environment outside is too harsh, with radiation, acid rain, and heavy metal pollution. Apart from these genetically coordinated maggots, you can't survive raising anything else. If you survive, the pollution will exceed the standard, and you won't be able to pass food safety inspections at all. These maggots have been genetically edited to handle pollution, improve protein conversion rate, process and breed them very conveniently, and have extremely high economic benefits.

Those steaks, meatballs, and almost all the meat in Night City are seasoned with maggot protein. "

Li Pan didn't care that Rama's face turned green, he stretched and sat up to educate him.

“Of course potatoes can also be grown, but potatoes, corn, soybeans, etc. are generally grown on Mars now.

The land on Mars is not valuable. A little atmospheric modification can turn it into a huge greenhouse. Nowadays, most of Mars in the world has been contracted by food companies to transform it into a farm planet. The scale is super huge, with fully mechanized and automatic production, and starch products are directly packed into boxes. It is thrown into low-Earth orbit using an orbital accelerator, and then processed into various foods by the OP orbital processing plant, which is enough to supply the needs of the entire plane.

However, maggots cannot do that. Although their genes have been adjusted, they are still biological species. They must comply with food safety laws and use expensive biological cabins for transportation. They must also undergo multiple customs quarantines. Transporting organisms requires additional safety identification and taxation. The transportation cost is too high. .

Therefore, the general practice is to place protein farms near cities so that they are close to the market and do not need to undergo transportation quarantine. They can also directly recycle organic fertilizer from urban waste treatment plants for farming and receive environmental protection subsidy tax rebates..."

"Ugh...Boss, stop talking, stop talking..."

Rama has been eating meat in the CSI cafeteria these days and can't stand it anymore.

Li Pan smiled and said, "Don't worry, this is just the company's environmental protection propaganda. It is actually a deception to get policy subsidies. Waste sorting is as expensive as transportation costs. It is not worth it to breed maggots and process and kill viruses. So, In fact, they are all raised on synthetic fertilizer feed from factories, and their food is much cleaner than that of humans.

Don’t underestimate these maggots. Their protein conversion rate is hundreds of times that of ordinary livestock, and they support targeted gene editing. Their taste can be customized, making them better than the real thing. They can also add vitamins and minerals, supporting the entire food processing industry. material requirements.

In addition, artificial organs for medical use can also be cultivated using maggot protein. This is an amazing genetic engineering. The enhanced prostheses on your body are actually made of maggots. This Fuji Farm alone can provide the carnivorous protein needed by the Night City.

Maggots are really full of treasures. "

Rama was greatly shocked;

"It's actually like this. But, isn't it right? Most people can't afford meat at all?"

Li Pan also looked at the farm outside the window.

"Whether you have enough to eat is one thing, whether you can afford it is another. I've told you too much about this and you still can't understand it.

But as for maggots, all you need to know is that Virgin Land Company itself also wants to make money. Although maggot breeding is low-cost, the technology for gene-editing LARVA protozoa is sky-high. If you want to use this technology, you have to pay sky-high patent fees.

At the same time, fundamental environmentalists, led by the Marist Church of Zambogo, and the Extreme Vegetarian Alliance are joining forces to suppress LARVA technology. Sometimes they say that editing proteins will pollute the human gene pool, and sometimes they say they need to protect the rights of maggots.

In short, it is a comprehensive suppression of economic, technical and public opinion to prevent maggots from flowing directly into the market as food. Therefore, currently only some meat processing plants and prosthetic manufacturing companies have raw material import licenses. The steak you ate has changed hands several times. , can that be cheap? "

Rama's vision was shaken.

"What, protect, protect the rights of maggots..."

Li Pan stretched his waist.

"Isn't it? The rights of maggots, pure nature, pure genes, organs made from maggots don't have to be original. Haha, there are a lot of fools like this, otherwise you think there is no market for organ sales.

The struggle behind this is very complicated and cannot be explained in a sentence or two. In short, this technology was originally prepared for border troops. Later, with technological breakthroughs, large-scale production and targeted gene editing were realized, and it directly became a technological revolution that could impact the entire agricultural product market in the world.

The Environmental Cult and the Vegetarian Alliance are just clowns who have been pushed to the forefront. Behind them, there are a lot of biological and food companies instigating, and they have joined forces to suppress the stock price of Virgin Land Company to defend their market share.

Even when this technology was first launched, there were two corporate wars. Anyway, the water is very deep. "

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