I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 43 Borer Butterfly


Li Pan hugged his head and curled up into a ball and fell from the sky. Fortunately, in a wealthy area like Qingzhou, the ground was not reinforced concrete, but a park or a private park, with tall trees everywhere.

Li Pan fell headlong into the forest, rolled and fell, and was violently beaten by the trunk of the tree. Even though he had a fourth-level life, two divine skills, and was wearing body protection, he was beaten badly by this blow. Damn, I don’t know how many bones were broken, blood was spurting out from my mouth and nose, and I couldn’t get up for a while.

"Mader, Rama! Escape quickly! Eighteen! Eighteen!"

There was no response, and Fuxi showed that he was offline. Obviously, someone carried out large-scale ECM interference in the area, blocking network signals. Alas, there has been no public safety network or security network surveillance for the past two days, and now everyone is simply interfering with full-band communications.


"Click it"

"Ah! Fuck! Huh...huh..."

Li Pan was in terrible pain, but it was a good thing that it still hurt. At this moment, he was panting heavily and took the time to straighten his bent hands and feet and broken ribs. He also used his hands to grasp the broken wounds into meat paste and stick them together. Use the Nine Yin Scriptures to heal yourself.

No matter what, Li Pan survived a hard fall, and with the help of Jiuyin Refining, he quickly climbed back from the brink of death.

The true energy in the body is quickly converted into essence and blood, which stimulates the growth of skin and flesh and the healing of wounds. How much blood is vomited, how much blood is produced. As many bones as you break, you will grow back and become stronger than before.

But this comes at a price. Now Li Pan is so hungry that even if there is a plate of high-protein maggots in front of him, he will wolf it down and lick the plate. He is really hungry and panicking. Alas, if I had known earlier that I could have some dessert today, I wouldn't have consumed so much protein last night...

While Li Pan was struggling to come back to life, the woman in red, whose face was covered by her hair, stood watching him the whole time. Of course, she might have her back to him. Who knows...


Li Pan waited for half an hour before he repaired his flesh wounds and managed to get up. He was sweating profusely and hungry, and he looked around.

This was supposed to be a private park. The wreckage of the float vehicle crashed several miles away, and the debris scattered in all directions, igniting a blazing fire. Just for damaging so many real trees, if someone wanted to pay compensation, it would probably make him bankrupt.

At this time, the woman in red suddenly pointed in the direction of the wreckage.

Li Pan wiped the blood from his face, climbed up the tree and looked in the direction the woman pointed.

The person who ambushed him would definitely search near the wreckage.

Who did it, the Hashiba family?

It really doesn’t look like a drama directed and performed by President Toudo. After all, if there was no such thing as a "hair tie", they would still be drinking tea in the tea house. According to the general reception process of a trading company, after drinking tea and waiting for the work to be done outside, they might even treat them to a meal or a drink. After you drink it, take a bath, treat yourself to a health care service or something, and go about your normal business.

In addition, the attackers used laser optics to aim and attack with shaped laser cannons, and fired without any warning.

In other words, the other party's hackers did not break through the ICE electronic control unit firewall of Shiba Orochi. They neither tracked the coordinate signal of the spacecraft, nor even opened fire without knowing who was sitting on the ship. They looked more like specialized infantry. The air defense team is watching and alert nearby. They have visually confirmed the target. If they see one, they will attack one...

He couldn't be unlucky enough to run into the Red Tengu's air defense zone, right?

No matter, I just jumped ship in an emergency, and I didn’t have time to collect the compensation given by President Toudo, and the suitcase for keeping the hair tie is also on the ship. At this time, the things are probably in the wreckage. Those boxes themselves are explosion-proof, and the things should be Will not be damaged. Just recycle the things first and then withdraw from the ECM interference range.

So Li Pan pulled out the black kite and sneaked into the forest.

Fortunately, he has also participated in special operations training, and he has also been exposed to the night forest environment in simulated battles.

After all, he signed a contract like this. Military school students who work for the army are just pure bullshit. Because military salary is included in your loan and scholarship, not only do you not enjoy military treatment during school, but you may even die or become disabled during school. He will not receive the allowances and subsidies of regular soldiers. After all, military exercises have quotas for casualties. It is normal for a few people to die during training at school. You can settle it by filling in a few reports.

Therefore, some asshole deans drag students out to do private work as mercenaries, euphemistically calling it military internship. Not going? If you don't go, it won't be a matter of deducting your diploma. It will require military law to deal with you!

So regardless of whether you are transferred to the engineering corps or the cooking corps, as long as you are not superior to others and are a Starfleet master who started as a sergeant, you must receive infantry training.

And someone as ostracized as Li Pan naturally has rich experience in cannon fodder and hiding from hidden guns. Even without the support of Shiba's hackers, he still knows how to hide his movements in the wild and track his opponents backwards.

Fortunately, the other party is also very cautious. In a strong interference environment where the ECM is fully loaded and the entire network segment is blocked, drones and automatic turrets cannot be used. Therefore, as long as you pay attention to avoiding infantry mines, you don't have to worry about being hunted by the alert robot.

In addition, he has a hang-up.

The woman in red suddenly turned around, teleported to the treetops, and pointed to the empty forest beside her.

When Li Pan saw her reminder, he immediately sneaked carefully, crouched behind the tree and made a big circle, glancing in the direction of the empty space.

Nothing can be seen with the naked eye, but that doesn't mean there is nothing. In all likelihood, it is optical camouflage.

Judging from the size of the crushed marks on the surrounding vegetation, there should be an SMS space mobile armor lurking here.

The conflict between spears and shields is eternal. In this era of cosmic wars in the heavens and planes, armor and weapons are also being updated. The infantry equipment commonly used by the army now includes three categories: SBS, SMS, and SAS.

For example, the military exoskeleton protective gear that Li Pan bought from the CSI mercenary before, as well as the knight armor of the Night Walker Knight, can all be classified as SBS space combat uniforms. This category is mainly protective clothing for infantry, as well as auxiliary plug-ins for prosthetics, special warfare equipment, miniaturization and individualization, which can be regarded as the most advanced weapon system in modern times.

The SAS space arsenal system is closer to an individual turret. It is equivalent to separating the turret, radar, and energy system on a Star Destroyer into a system that can be operated by a single soldier. It also has absolute lethality and deterrence against the fleet. An independent weapon system used to achieve various tactical and strategic intentions.

As for the SMS space mobile armor, it belongs to the tears of the old era.

The traditional SMS mobile suit originally evolved from a space suit. In order to build and maintain large space facilities such as space stations and orbital elevators, astronauts in the old era combined space suits, exoskeletons, mobile devices and engineering equipment to develop them. A general-purpose engineering system that can flexibly maneuver in the space environment has been developed.

Although more advanced engineering robots can be remotely controlled later, there are always some precision tasks that require astronauts to perform space walks in person. Moreover, sometimes the electromagnetic interference is too strong and the drone cannot be remotely controlled, requiring manual control.

Therefore, considering the cost, from the beginning of design and construction, these engineering mobile armors are like a sturdy and durable space excavator. They generally use chemical fuels and solar cells, vector nozzles, can be remotely controlled, and can also be driven by a single person. It is a drone equipped with a special cockpit and independent operating system that can be remotely controlled or operated by hand.

In the era of space wars, mobile armor has also developed rapidly as a weapon category. And because the independent operating system can ignore the strong interference environment on the battlefield, when the two sides are close in strength, ECMECCM makes each other dumb, deaf and blind. They can only get close to the generation where the artillery battle roll call is at visual distance. They use mobile armor to stand out, and even once even It has become the mainstream mode of space war, and at one time some people even created brilliant results such as single-machine melee fleet destruction, so that for a long time, the elite pilots of SMS were respected as space knights, and they did not have to spend money to go to the bar. That kind of hero.

However, with the development and progress of the times, although SMS produced by various brands and companies in various dimensions are also developing and updating, the overall trend is still gradually withdrawing from the stage of history, or in other words, developing specialization in the two directions of SAS and SBS.

After all, in the space battlefield, the SMS obviously lacks firepower compared to the SAS. In complex urban environments and space stations, compared with the SBS space combat uniforms of individual soldiers, the mobile uniforms are too large and clumsy, which is not conducive to camouflaged movement. Compared with the Japanese The advanced prosthetic technology is already an antique of the previous generation.

However, there are still a large number of obsolete SMS equipment among the civilians for engineering support, and military academies still specialize in training SMS pilots. Engineers like Li Pan are of course required to take SMS courses, although his SMS experience is mainly in building bridges and paving roads. It's a chore like building a house out of garbage, but it's still considered familiar.

So he estimated the size of the open space and studied the nearby traces. He estimated that the hidden SMS in front of him should be the Type III mobile suit produced by Muramasa. This is a four-meter-tall general-purpose mass-produced machine. There are many military academies with miscellaneous military uniforms, and it is not difficult to get them at 0791.

As a standard military product, the Type III can be replaced with various components and modified into various nonsense items ranging from tractors to rail guns. However, considering that the basic Type III itself uses rechargeable batteries and has a limited energy grid, if Li Pan guessed right. The SMS in disguise was just an ambush on the periphery. There were at least two or three Type IIIs nearby, equipped with ECM jamming equipment and shaped laser cannons respectively.

Li Pan didn't find any security infantry or sniper positions nearby. He didn't know whether the opponent had limited manpower and didn't equip the Type 3 infantry squad, or whether they sent people to search the fallen wreckage of the float vehicle. In short, it was a God-given opportunity.

So Li Pan raised the Black Kite, calculated the structure of the three-type weapon in his mind, checked that there were three rounds of five-level explosive shells he bought from Wallenstein in the magazine, and then shot decisively.

"Bang!" "Boom!"

As expected, the old-fashioned armor could not withstand the level 5 armor-piercing projectiles. One round penetrated the cockpit and exploded, blowing the hatch cover off.

The optical camouflage immediately expired, and the four-meter-tall mecha emerged from the night. The steel giant was lying on the ground, carrying a huge rectangular track on its back, like a container. Li Pan often dismantles equipment, and he recognized at a glance that the weapon system modified by the opponent was a rapid cannon. This is an electromagnetic projection cannon that can fire high-density high-speed projectiles and is an anti-aircraft weapon that can annihilate swarms of drones in a limited amount.

Li Pan jumped to the cockpit again and took a look. The blast bomb hit and directly blew up the pilot in the cockpit. The quality of the helmet was not bad, and his head was well protected. Although the driver's death in the mask was tragic Ugly, but the head is intact.

But this idiot was probably too hot and crowded, and thought it would be okay to hide in the SMS, so he didn't wear an SBS suit. He only had a layer of shock-proof and breathable tight-fitting protective clothing. Of course, it couldn't withstand a level 5 bullet, and he was suddenly torn apart by shrapnel. It turned into two big lumps, and the broken intestines and internal organs were everywhere on the dashboard.

When he saw the opponent's protective clothing and military helmet style, Li Pan immediately recognized him, "Hey, this is a junior from the School of Engineering."

Sure enough, for such a lifeless thing as mutiny and rebellion, the academy's brainless cannon fodder is best used.

Li Pan picked up the helmet from the rotten meat and directly connected it to the port on the back of his head to read the chip data.

Although there is a risk of poisoning through such forced insertion, Li Pan has a built-in ICE firewall plug-in, and Fuxi 15 also has a dedicated virtual machine slot, and the computing power is enough to read the third-level chips of these military cadets.

The deceased First Class Nagata was a member of the student union. Although the opponent's military channel was encrypted and Li Pan could not crack it for the time being, he only needed to look at a few of the opponent's frequently used contacts and then look at the tattoo of a white-winged butterfly on the flesh of his severed arm. Li Pan knew the pattern well.

Humph, it turned out to be them.

I am tired of leaving the filthy world, and I am happy to seek the pure land. I leave this world like a butterfly dancing.

Borer butterfly society

Well, these people are Li Pan's old enemies.

The Butterfly Society is an extremist organization in the military system in the 0791 plane. If the superior officers of the fleet are hereditary from the Gao Tianyuan chaebol family, then there are beetles everywhere from the military academies in various places to the middle and lower-level officers of the fleet command system at all levels. The figure of Butterfly Club.

This is a young officer organization directly funded and strongly supported by Gao Tianyuan.

Because many aristocratic families, including the Oda family, generally use various flowers as family crests, the founder of the Butterfly Club also took the meaning of "Butterflies Love Flowers" to express his loyalty to Takamagahara, just like butterflies can chase flowers. Even if he dies, he swears allegiance to protect Gao Tianyuan.

This organization specializes in recruiting capable and ambitious young officers of Eastern and Western races in the military, and uses group building methods to increase cohesion by beating up 'foreign' people like Li Pan. Members of the organization are inspired to become eagle dogs of the big family and serve Oda. Shi is like the work of dogs and horses.

And their core propositions are not limited to such vulgar personal pursuits as becoming a general manager, marrying a rich and beautiful woman, and reaching the pinnacle of life.

The ultimate goal of the Butterfly Society is to prompt 0791 to break away from the multiverse system and establish a dimensional military empire with Takamagahara as the core and the Oda clan as the leader.

In short, they are a group of NCs.

The Red Tengu and the Chandie Society are naturally inextricably linked. After all, they are both a group of martial arts lunatics, and their members are naturally highly overlapping. After the elite backbones trained by the Chandie Society left the army, they were absorbed by large chaebols in the past. But after Gao Tianyuan was reorganized, these people were naturally recruited by the Red Tengu in all likelihood.

Li Pan held Nagata's head and read the data while walking through the mountains and forests, and basically figured it out.

Due to the comprehensive surveillance of the public security system and the suppression of Ye Shi and the Three-Headed Dog, the Red Tengu actually did not have many weapons of mass destruction in his hands. Even if there were, it would be impossible to deploy them in a hurry to attack Qingzhou.

So if his estimate is correct, the other party should take the path of the Butterfly Society. Military students like Nagata will bring these three-type SMS stand-alone machines out of the military academy in the name of internship. After arriving in Qingzhou City, they will use the support behind the scenes to We obtained weapons in our hands and carried out a full set of armed transformation to provide off-site fire support for this mutiny.

Originally, this kind of thing has nothing to do with Li Pan. Who cares if the five old dogs bite the dog and beat it to death.

But now the other party has knocked down all his ships, and his future in the army was, to put it bluntly, ruined by these bastards. And the most outrageous thing is that he jumped out of the car and fell to the ground, crushing the data card in his arms! !

With these new and old grudges added together, Li Pan naturally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Die to me!"

"Bang!" "Boom!"

Under the guidance of the woman in red, she raised her hand again and blew up one of them. Now the people of the Mannequin Society finally came to their senses.


The line of fire swept across the mountain ridges, breaking large tracts of trees. Fires were everywhere, shrapnel was flying randomly, and all kinds of armor-piercing and incendiary bombs were projected instantly, turning the forest into a blazing purgatory.

Li Pan lay on the ground and crawled toward the point of fire. Although shrapnel and sawdust hit him like hailstones, luckily, as long as he was not hit directly, these scratches could be completely blocked by his formal suit.

But are these fools really newcomers? When someone touches the position in a night battle, they should immediately stop the wide-area ECM, turn on the night vision goggles and bioradar, and then use shotgun bombing to eliminate the sneak attackers, instead of Opening fire hastily without knowing the target exposes one's position. Of course, it could also be that the commander is too stupid and doesn't know how to adapt tactics.

He won anyway,

After all, a target as big as SMS also has a female ghost aiming assist! Who the hell would miss the target?

"Bang!" "Boom!"

Three shots knocked down three Type-3 SMSs. Li Pan made a circle and approached the wreckage of the aerospace ship from the other side.

There were click-click, click-click gunshots in the forest, which sounded like infantry weapons. It seemed that the Mannequin Society had also arranged a squad-sized infantry guard before, but they were just attracted to search the wreckage. Now listening to the direction of the gunfire, it was obvious that he was drawn to the direction of Sanshi to mow down the attackers.

What a group of newcomers, let me teach you a lesson.

Li Pan immediately jumped into the wreckage of the ship and found two boxes with the help of the woman in red.

Li Pan quickly opened the box and read all eight data cards directly. Yu Chai's family was in finance, so they naturally knew how to evade taxes. They were all given account password coordinates, and they couldn't see the value for the time being.

At the same time, Li Pan tied the 'hairband' on his right wrist and found the boy from the trunk who had blunted the blade and threw it in the car.

Li Pan waved the knife twice with his right hand, wow! Seeing a ball of green fire coming out of the blade, he held Private Nagata's head in his left hand and Doji Kiri in his right hand, and rushed into the forest like a storm.

Before he had taken a few dozen steps, he encountered an infantryman, carrying a radio that looked like a small refrigerator, and wearing an iron helmet with multiple pipelines like an octopus, and he was chattering for communication.

This set of equipment is an ECCM device for infantry, a professional military "ghost shell". When ECM interferes with the entire frequency band, a specific communication band will be left with low interference intensity. The "ghost shell" can be used to achieve short-distance communication command.

So this is a signal corpsman, maybe even a commander.

What else is there to say?

Li Pan threw his hand and smashed the head of Private Nagata, knocking him unconscious. Then he rushed forward, raised his hand and chopped off the ghost shell with his head.

Let’s kill, let’s kill.

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