I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 46 Death Insurance

With the full support and assistance of this group of Red Tengu rebels, and learning and practicing through actual combat, Li Pan has now become more proficient in the use of Jiuyin Divine Art, and his understanding has reached a higher level. It's really gratifying.

In short, let’s compare it with the monkey skill taught by the green-robed weirdo. The characteristic of the monkey skill is that it emits cyan breath from the fingertips, which can enchant the weapon to form a cyan energy blade, increase the attack power, cut through the barrier, and cause effective damage to monsters. Referring to its use in dreams, it seems that it can also release the air blade outward and launch long-range sword energy attacks. It is a technique dedicated to attack.

Although Jiuyin Divine Skill does not have so many gorgeous special effects, it is more comprehensive. It can not only stimulate nerve reactions and accelerate time sense, but also possess the body to protect the body and resist impact, not to mention the gain of strange power, making it easy to lift a weight with ease. In short, it adds attack, defense, and agility, and the basic attributes are improved in all aspects. The gain in combat power is really huge.

Although there is currently no chip test and biometric monitoring cannot be used to confirm the specific strength, Li Pan estimates that his parameters during exercise must be at least that of a top-level fifth-level enhanced person.

This is not a level 5 ninja with a single acceleration enhancement, but a level 5 superman with full attributes! Casually tearing apart a company of infantry is more than enough to warm up.

And to reach this kind of data, if we use modern prosthetic technology to convert it, it would have to be at least 100 million smaller to achieve combat effectiveness, right?

But in the past few days, he just slept, practiced dual cultivation, and then he had a monster bride pressed into his stomach, and he had achieved his small goal...

And this level is not a 'limit' at all, but just an 'entry', right? There are three volumes of Dharma, Sutra and Book behind it!

So a question couldn't help but pop up in Li Pan's mind, lingering in his heart and unable to let it go for a long time.

Who wrote this "Nine Yin Manual"...

Just as Li Pan was practicing his skills and observing the gray mist shining between his fingers, he suddenly had a strange feeling.

It was like a small flash of lightning flashed across his forehead, and Li Pan seemed to 'see' this indiscriminate killing as he moved across the battlefield, leaving behind a hazy gray mist.

These 'fogs', the body-protecting Qi cultivated by Jiuyin Divine Art, actually seemed like a part of his body. It could even be said to be some new organ. It was like opening a map in his mind, allowing him to feel it. In an environment shrouded by the Nine Yin True Qi, any disturbance can be detected and perceived.

He can even recycle the Nine Yin true 'mist' released in the battle bit by bit into his body, and it is not limited to true energy. In the gray mist, it is clear that from the remains of the dead soldiers, It emits some strange 'white mist', which seems to be similar to the gray mist. It can be carried back, swallowed and refined into his own true energy.

This seems to have opened a new door to practice. Although it is not as happy as dual cultivation, it is at least more effective than sitting in the office.

So Li Pan was not in a hurry to leave for the time being, and sat down cross-legged in the battlefield of corpses, hissing, swallowing clouds of fog, spitting all the gray fog back into his stomach, and running the Nine Yin Refining Form After refining the white mist provided by this company, he felt that his energy and strength had actually recovered a lot.

It seems that after this battle, not only is there no loss, but there seems to be a small profit.

Having regained his energy in this way, Li Pan stood up and walked towards the burning castle tower.

At the gate of the Shukaku Castle, there was an old man who committed seppuku. He had a hairy muzzle and looked like a poodle. The kimono on his body was printed with the Shibata Taitaku family emblem that was very familiar to Li Pan. Yes, this was the chairman of Shibata Heavy Industries. A clone of...

Li Pan kicked the body away, walked into the sea of ​​​​fire, lifted a trap door, and revealed the old man hiding in the floor, wearing a pair of underwear and hiding in a secret compartment, shivering.

Yes, this is also an unexpected gain from Gray Mist's reconnaissance. There is no 'white mist' on the clone corpses. This old man is quite shrewd. He used a substitute to fake his death and hid in this temporary biological cabin. Even the soldiers outside were... He had been bluffed, but Hui Wu had found out.


When he suddenly raised his eyes and saw a shameless evil spirit, the old man almost had a heart attack.

"General Shibata?"

Li Pan looked at the old guy in front of him with indifference. It's no wonder that those red tengu wanted to show dignity, firing guns and saluting. This old man was a representative of Takamagahara's military industry department. Although he retired, he was also a fleet admiral. On the wall of the military academy Here comes the principal with the portrait hanging.

But I really didn’t expect that the Red Tengu was so crazy that he even killed Shibata, an old dog? He had always thought that Shibata Heavy Industries was the financial backer behind the Red Tengu.

Seeing that although the other party looked disgusting, he did not seem to be a rebel soldier, the old man finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"No, no, yes, I am none other than Shibata Rokubei! As long as you escort me out of the city, I will reward you generously, eh? You! What are you going to do, ah——!!"

"Don't make your rubber shoes so thick in the next life!"

Before General Shibata could react, Li Pan grabbed him by the collar and pulled him out of the secret compartment. He broke his back with his knees, causing the old man to howl in agony and snap into an obtuse angle.

He threw the broken old man into the fire and burned it. It was considered that he had fulfilled a small wish he had made when he was beaten in the military academy. Li Pan stopped staying and quickly left the scene of the murder to talk to La La. Ma and the others meet.

The Red Tengu really went out in force tonight, even the backbone of students like the Chandie Club were sent out. One can only imagine how many people they planned to kill tonight.

General Shibata, a veteran of the military and business circles and a celebrity in Takamagahara, barely gave you face, allowing you to commit seppuku, fire a gun salute, and sing a funeral song for you, and other national thieves who are still dead But life is not so good.

Li Pan came all the way, and there were corpses everywhere that were pulled outside the house and shot. Not a single one of the men, women, children, and the whole family was left alive. In order to ensure that their personality chips were completely destroyed, after execution, their heads, spines, and hearts were expertly dismantled and burned together.

But if you think that this is the end, you are totally wrong. In fact, the Tenchu ​​Zaibatsu is far more difficult than it seems to be a headshot, beheading and burning of corpses.

What the Red Tengu rebels are doing now is just the most basic and simple task, which is to physically eliminate the chaebol bodies who came to attend the Kiyosu Conference.

Because this meeting was to discuss the legacy of the Oda family and the reorganization of the Takamagahara board of directors, all those attending the meeting were naturally registered in the Takamagahara system and had the 'ontology' with board qualifications and shareholder rights.

Take Rokubei Shibata as an example. In addition to his 'original body', he naturally has various prosthetics and clones. It doesn't matter even if they are all killed, because there are so many ways for such a top chaebol to be reincarnated. For example, the most commonly used service in Zhutian is private medical insurance.

Yes, insurance, insurance these days can really protect you against 'accidental death'. Through the QVN virtual network, chaebols can purchase insurance from private medical companies and upload backups of their consciousness to private servers in other dimensions. If they have money, they can upload and update memory data every month, or even every day, to refresh their consciousness. Body backup.

When the 'ontology' is confirmed dead due to various reasons, these 'backups' will be downloaded to the legal prosthetic body that is registered and reported to the Security Bureau in accordance with the contract and in advance in accordance with the laws and regulations of the public security system.

In this way, as long as you pay a considerable amount of inheritance tax to the tax bureau and perform military service, or pay a citizen military service sponsorship, you can be legally reborn, become a citizen again, and legally and compliantly inherit all the things left by your 'previous life' legal assets and authority.

Although the medical premiums for this kind of "death insurance" are astronomical, as long as you have money, you can literally renew them forever and live forever.

Therefore, even if the Red Tengu launches a surprise attack this time and successfully overwhelms all the big guys in Takamagahara and kills and burns all the family members and even the family dogs, it will be useless.

Because if you don't have 'bee venom', which can be traced back from the genetic level, and all legal prosthetics can be physically eliminated, there is also no 'hairband', which can be obliterated from the rule level, and all autonomous backups can be made clear to the consciousness. 'monster'.

So unless the other party is pursued until the account goes bankrupt, it will be difficult to achieve true and complete punishment of the chaebol from a legal perspective.

Even if the 0791 plane is currently offline from Zhutian QVN, there will be a certain delay in the 'medical insurance'. There is no additional payment, and it will probably not take effect until the next loan settlement date. But this 'death' will only cost a rich man like Shibata Rokubei a month (or even a day) of memory and a large amount of inheritance tax and citizen tax.

But for most people, killing to vent their anger is not the real purpose in itself. If Akatengu had a prior agreement with certain people on the board of directors, the "short-term death" caused by this sudden mutiny would be enough.

After all, the saying "people leave with tea" is not just talk. If it is normal, that's all. Shibata, Akechi, these big guys have connections on the board of directors, shares, and trump cards. If they shed a little blood after rebirth, they can still come back. to the core of rights.

But now it’s the Oda clan’s inheritance division meeting!

If all this was done by Yu Shiba in conjunction with the Red Tengu and assassinated all four big bosses, even if the other party was only temporarily 'reincarnated in another world', it would cause their respective representative forces to lose power on the board of directors, making the Yu Shiba family become The biggest winner of this feast!

So why did the ‘Oda family’ perish?

Yes, there is an interesting paradox here.

That is, the more core leaders of a super company like Gao Tianyuan are, the less they dare to use the medical insurance services of companies in other dimensions.

Because this is equivalent to uploading your consciousness, information, memory, and the company's core secrets and permissions to a server in another world, and handing them over to someone else's hands.

Why, do you still think that there are not enough hackers in the Deep Web and that the companies in Zhutian are not ruthless enough? Are they unable to steal your data permissions or something?

If someone were more powerful and directly tampered with your consciousness, and then assassinated the main body, then the entire Gao Tianyuan might have been given away!

That's why the Oda family has been developing their own 'Mikoshi', Takamagahara's unique consciousness backup technology, and trying to make progress, allowing Takamagahara to become a member of the safety committee and have legal 'medical insurance services'.

It's a pity that they failed. As the "war criminals" of the last corporate war, although they were not short of money, they were restricted by the tax bureau and lost their citizenship rights. They did not want to lose Gao Tianyuan, so naturally they did not dare to use those illegal methods. Different world medical insurance services. He lost the opportunity to be reincarnated in another world, put all his eggs in one basket, was reported by Li Pan for a while, offended the Monster Company, and was naturally destroyed by the Shunshou Clan.

So it’s very difficult for chaebols these days. The big fish eats the small fish, and the small fish eats the shrimp. If you are not a rule maker like the committee, you are just a link in the food chain in the jungle of safety rules compiled by others.

So Li Pan was sentimental while killing all the Red Tengu rebels who blocked his way, slapping them to death, and then absorbed the white mist to practice.

Moving like this, Li Pan quickly crossed Qingzhou City and arrived at the coordinates of Kotaro and Rama.

This neighborhood is probably where the Hashiba family and their allies live. There is not a single rebel, and there are even many bodyguards and drones standing guard. Obviously, the city-wide Tenchu ​​and ECM interruptions did not cover the Hashiba family. It seems that they are the masterminds and final winners of this struggle.

At this point, Li Pan no longer had to force his way in. He took the initiative to show up, accepted the drone's iris check to confirm his identity, and entered the safe area with a blue light all the way.

Even after the other party received the news, a supervisor hurriedly ran to deliver a medical kit, nodding and bowing along the way to send him to first aid.

Seeing the other party's reaction, Li Pan had a rough idea. Rama and the others were probably not in danger, and his being ambushed might have been an accident. It doesn't matter if the students of the Chandi Club have trembling hands. But no matter what, he remembered this grudge and settled it later.

Li Pan casually wrapped his head into a mummy with a hemostatic bandage, and went directly to find his two subordinates.

I almost lost my temper when I saw the result.

Well, he was being sniped with laser cannons and fired randomly with machine guns, beating him until his skin was peeled off, but these two boys were at ease.

But just a short time after he came over, Rama was actually dragged away from the business by someone else's publicist. Kotaro had probably been fighting since yesterday and passed away directly. But Rama, this kid, had learned a bad lesson and was actually giving him A group of geisha perform a fire-breathing performance...

Now that Li Pan had no skin left on his body and could not join them, he asked his supervisor to arrange a floating vehicle. He dragged Rama, who was still unfinished, and Kotaro, who was in a semi-conscious state, onto the vehicle. He took an external device and started calling. .

"Eighteen! Eighteen!"

Then Rama said, "What boss?"

Li Pan turned his head and stared at him for a while.

"...Why, was it you just now??"

Rama XVIII smiled and said, "Yes, it looks quite interesting, so I gave it a try."


Li Pan was speechless for a while, well, everyone has already canned it, so what else can't be put away?

So Li Pan took out the disassembled parts from his pocket.

"This is my brain chip. I have read the compensation given by Yu Chai into the chip. If you check that there is no virus golem, then submit it to the company for credit.

Also, this one is mine and it broke accidentally. Is there any way to repair it? "

Rama XVIII looked at it,

"I'm afraid I have to find a professional prosthetic engineer to repair the chip first, and then I can restore the data. Let me give it a try...

But boss, how did you take out this brain plug? And even the neural links are disconnected? Did anyone do the craniotomy for you? "

"Oh, just leave it alone. By the way, take advantage of the moment to contact Ah Qi and ask him to help me reset the file. It hurts so much..."

This time when they were hitchhiking back to the Night City, the Hashiba family was also cautious, fearing that they would plot against the Monster Company manager again and hurt the harmony of the Night City, so they directly sent a bunch of drones to escort them, so the sky was still dark, and everyone Facing the morning light, we returned to the company headquarters smoothly.

Okay, after working all night, I can just clock in and go to work, okay...

Arriving at the roof of the company, Aqi was already waiting on the apron.

"Manager, Ye's representatives are waiting for you."

"I saw it. Let's ignore them for now. Ah Qi, you haven't helped me back up yet?"

Li Pan didn't bother to care about the Nightcrawler troops who surrounded the park with bat formations and were confronting the CSI troops. He was still bleeding and torn, and the amount of bleeding was so huge that the gauze on his formal clothes was stained red.

"This... I got the notification from Miss Eighteen and immediately reset it with the filing cabinet? Has your wound not healed yet? I'll get the first aid kit!"

The filing cabinet couldn't be reset for him?

That's right, the skin that has just shed off in the third round will be reset if you say reset it. Wouldn't it be very shameful for the Nine Yin Manual?

Li Pan looked at his bloody and fleshy palms with pale fascia. It seemed that he could only wait for the skin to grow back slowly.

So back to the company, Li Pan scanned the terminal twice.

Ye's side seemed to be impatient, and not only sent people to block the company's gate. Even all of the company's registered assets and the entrance to the outsourced warehouse and nuclear power plant have people from Ye's family appearing in closed-circuit surveillance.

And this time, Emilia didn't wear an evening dress. Of course, it wasn't that she didn't wear it. Instead, she changed into a black rubber tights, covering every inch of her body. It was obviously the vampire's daytime uniform, so she only wore it. The mouth has flaming red lips and an opening for sharp teeth, probably for the purpose of sucking blood. Her figure is indeed outstanding. Li Pan recognized her at a glance when he walked to the gate station.

All in all, judging by their attitude, if the QVN network link is not opened today, they will rush in and ransack the house.

So Li Pan took another look at the information collected from Shiba.

Qingzhou has been completely suppressed, and a lot of people on the board of directors have died. It was finally announced that Hashiba Tokichi was elected as the executive officer at the meeting. Although other remaining forces will inevitably riot afterwards, it seems that Takamagahara is completely under the control of the Hashiba family.

Coupled with the fact that Ye Shi did not interfere in the Qingzhou incident throughout the whole process, if nothing else, the two families have already reconciled.

So Li Pan found Emilia's business card and made a call using a landline phone. Although this thing wasn't even connected to a phone line, it was quite outrageous that it could connect to various channels.

Immediately, Emilia's lazy and magnetic voice came from the opposite side.

"Good day, Manager Li, I think you have good news to tell me?"

"Will Shura be your horse boy?"


"There is a man named Shura Niangui. He has offended me and must die. I found out that he has a concubine who is an elder of the Ye family, so I will let you know."

"What do I care about? It's just bedding. You can do whatever you want. Then QVN..."

"Go to work at eight o'clock, wait for notification."

So Li Pan hung up the phone.

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