I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 90 Arms

So the foreign team evacuated decisively. Li Pan, Aqi and Spider Shiba rushed to the Shura Group's secret warehouse immediately, planning to pack the robbed weapons into boxes and trucks.

Go to the place and take a look, ha! The Shura group has a lot of good stuff!

And many of them are Muramasa equipment. Although they are outdated and retired military equipment, Dongcheng Club bought them from Huaihe. The quality is guaranteed. They are at least level four military products, including various light and heavy rifles, machine guns, submachine guns, and various missiles. Rocket grenade launchers, grenades, mines, explosive ammunition, body armor, bulletproof inserts, night vision devices, military communicators, first aid kits...

Li Pan couldn't count them, but at first glance, it seemed that these things couldn't be accommodated in the floating car. He quickly called to make arrangements. Chengzi quickly used Panlong's company account to buy a warehouse and get a few trucks to load the goods. Aqi took the floating car first to pick up Lama back to the company. It was a good job to make money. I'll take the subway and come back later to help. He guarded the warehouse with a spider posture to prevent anyone from snatching goods.

Fortunately, both parties to the transaction were dead, and the three-headed dog intervened again, beating them violently and killing all the ghost soldiers. The Tianlong Gang also worked hard today, and now even the three-headed dog came out. , but also for fear of getting into trouble, so they avoided it, and no one came to compete with Li Pan all night long.

Chengzi has been looking for warehouses these days and has already talked to several. However, this sudden mission is urgent and requires enough space to store a large amount of ammunition and military supplies. In addition, in order to transfer the materials as soon as possible, it is inconvenient to be too far away from Tianlong City Walled City. Far. There aren't many options.

So Li Pan gritted his teeth and decided to spend three million to buy an abandoned factory in the industrial zone. He quickly signed a contract, drove the Emperor 620 over, used the on-board chip to set up a temporary host for Shiba, and urgently restarted the factory. Control systems, reset access rights, ICE firewalls and surveillance networks.

In order to evacuate the warehouse and avoid unnecessary back and forth, Chengzi rented two more heavy-duty trucks and bought 20 cargo robots. Lama and Chengzi drove, Shiba and Aqi went to hack the cameras along the road, and Li Pan and Spider Alert.

In short, everyone moved and worked all night, and the Shura Group's arms warehouse was looted without any danger.

In this way, a world where only Dongcheng Hui was injured was achieved. Well, although Shura Niangui was arrested, at least he sold the goods and probably saved half his life, right? However, Dongcheng Hui spent more money and died again. , the goods were looted, it was really a huge loss.

Li Pan was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth the whole time.

He took a rough inventory while carrying it. This one was really a profit.

There are about 300 assault rifles, 200 micro-rams, and 40 machine guns. The bullets are equipped with three base numbers, each base number is 200 rounds, and 50,000 rounds of various fourth-level ammunition. There are also 60 RPG rocket launchers with five rockets each, 30 launchers of various anti-aircraft, anti-tank, and anti-armor anti-armor missiles, and nearly 400 rounds of howitzer shells!

Be good! The Shura Group is really a cash machine!

But Dongcheng Club is actually so big in this game? This can at least arm an infantry battalion! It seems that we really cannot underestimate these lawless gangsters. If they lose their sight, they will cause big trouble...

Li Pan made an estimate based on the army's internal purchase price.

These more than 500 guns are all retired military products before the war. The technical content is not high, but at least they are well maintained. They can fire level four bullets. The average price is about 3,000, so let's count him at 1.5 million. Level 4 bullets cost about three to five yuan a round, and 50,000 rounds of level 4 bullets cost an estimated 200,000 yuan.

Rockets are cheap. Li Pan looked at them and saw that they were all explosive warheads. They cost about two thousand yuan each. Three hundred rockets cost six hundred thousand. Level four anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles range in size from 100,000 to 300,000, and thirty of them are worth at least five million. And one round of howitzer shells costs about 5,000, and 400 rounds is 2 million...

Not counting those bulletproof inserts and medical kits, it is estimated that the arms are worth at least 9.3 million! The low price of the army can be obtained by a few people, only a lot more!

Yaya bah, 9.3 million, but this is actually the supply of a battalion-level unit, and it is just a very ordinary infantry battalion, the kind of citizen reserve militia. One or two bases of ammunition will probably be used up in one battle.

Tsk tsk, tens of millions of military expenditures are easily spent, most people really can't afford it...

Li Pan doesn't plan to sell all these things. In fact, it is difficult to sell them. This batch of goods is too eye-catching. They are shipping at this time. Dongcheng Club is not stupid. He can't guess that he lost the batch?

In total, only rifles, bullets and RPGs can be shipped to gangs in small quantities, but that will have to wait until the limelight passes. And probably you can only receive black money, which is difficult to exchange for cash.

It is not even convenient for all kinds of missiles and howitzer shells to flow into the black market. General submachine guns and the like are just fine. Missiles and shells are too powerful and might provoke the Security Bureau.

Besides, with so many missiles and shells, wouldn't it be nice to keep them for himself? You want to buy it but you can’t!

But no matter what, after producing such a large number of goods, the hard-earned money still needs to be paid out. It just so happens that Yagyu Inujuro's head has been settled, and Tojo will be the heir! 1.2 million! 1.02 million after tax!

However, since Shiba hacked the surveillance near the parking lot during the battle and hid his identity, Li Pan had to hand the head to the Bounty Hunter Service Center to verify his identity before receiving the remittance. Tsk tsk, one million for one head, that’s really a good deal.

So Li Pan took Panlong Construction's account and gave each of Shiba and Aqi a Yin-Yang contract worth 300,000 yuan in cash. On the books, Panlong Construction spent 600,000 to buy the head and the head from them. The rest of the loot.

Of course, in private, this batch of goods followed the old rules of team division. Li Pan took half and the rest was divided equally.

Since the spider launcher can be used as a turret by modifying it, you can keep the missiles and grenades for use in the next team activity. With thirty missiles and four hundred grenades, you won't be able to blow them up.

So the main income is from this batch of guns, ammunition and rockets, which are probably worth more than two million. Of course, I will store them now. Anyway, I know a lot of cyberpunks in Chengzi. I will go through the Panlong construction channel in the future and slowly find them. The next house is sold.

In addition, although Chengzi and Lama did not participate in the battle, they came to help with the goods for one night and simply gave them 20,000 hard-earned money each.

And when I saw it opening so quickly and selling so many military products, even Orange was stunned. Just as the settlement day was approaching, she also explained Panlong's financial status to Li Pan.

It was actually a bit hasty to buy this old factory in the industrial zone. After all, it was so close to the Whirlpool Gang and there was no business to do. I could still negotiate the price and get it for more than ten or two hundred thousand.

But if the opportunity is too late, it won't come again. If it were another district, it might not be possible to sign the contract so quickly. Moreover, the factory itself was depleted of funds and was slowly dying due to shutdowns. The facilities in the factory were relatively complete, many machine tools and equipment had not been dismantled, and the wiring circuits were all usable, so the losses were not huge.

As for the two heavy-duty trucks, they were rented second-hand cars and could still be used for a month. Together with the purchased cargo robot, the total was probably around 100,000 yuan, plus the rewards given to Shiba and Aqi from previous missions. Panlong Construction now has less than 6 million left on its books.

Considering the security of the industrial area, the entire factory will need to be renovated in the near future, and a batch of security drones for the wall turrets will be installed. It is estimated that each one will cost more than one million.

But no matter what, in the first month after Panlong Construction opened, assets worth 10.5 million were added to its books!

good! Ten million a day! Ten days is a small goal! Keep working hard and tomorrow will be better!

So after a busy night, everyone returned to the company to work. Before Li Pan and Rama had finished their coffee, the front desk called to say that someone was coming to visit.

It’s really Liu Heitu.

"I'm here to apply for a job."

Phew, you really do mean what you say.

Li Pan smiled and said,

"Welcome, by the way, Master Liu, you know that temporary workers are two thousand five hundred a month, right?"

Liu Heitu nodded,

"I've already said it, didn't I promise this baby? Moreover, Wu Lamei told me that he can work privately with the manager to do odd jobs. If he has private work to take care of my brother, I can do it very quickly."

Li Pan also patted his chest, "Uncle Wu introduced all of them from his own family. Uncle Liu came to support me. I am very grateful. From now on, we will make money together. I have something to eat, and it is indispensable for you, uncle."

Liu Heitu smiled naively,

"That's good, that's good. By the way, manager, what, can I advance three months' salary? It will be settled in two days, and I'm still close to the loan."

Li Pan was surprised when he heard this,

"Uncle Liu, you won at least tens of millions in the last boxing match, right? You won't spend it all just now, right?"

Liu Heitu sighed,

"Where did the tens of millions come from? We are all in debt. Those who join the gang have to pay a membership fee every month. If you can't pay, you have to fight. The money belongs to the gang. If you join the gang, I will give you 25,000. If you win a game, get an extra 50,000 yuan, hehe, this little money is not enough for painkillers."

I have to cut the grass! The Tianlong Gang is too damn dark!

Li Pan also sighed,

"Okay, I will personally lend you ten thousand. Welcome to join."

So I saved Lao Liu's file.

"Eh, eh? There's a lump on my forehead!"

Old Liu was so shocked that he jumped up and made a hole in the ground with his feet.

Li Pan explained,

"Master Liu, this is the company's entry benefit. Your external injuries have been healed, but the internal injuries can only be treated slowly by yourself.

If you think there is no problem, Master Liu, you can talk to your friends from the Tianlong Gang to see if you are interested in joining our company..."

Lao Liu raised his foot again and said, "Pah!" He stepped into a hole.


Li Pan was also speechless.

"Okay, okay, don't stomp on me. You're so good...Lama, the person you recruited will be temporarily assigned to the logistics department to bring Master Liu on board and learn the rules for newcomers."

"Okay boss."

Liu Heitu laughed for a long time, then happily followed him and whispered to Rama,

"Boy, do you want to learn my skills from me?"

Rama looked fearful,

"Let's learn to play mahjong again. No, no, no, I'm not interested."

Liu Heitu laughed and said,

"What's the point of playing mahjong! Learn kung fu, I'll teach you."

Rama scratched his head,

"It's fine if you don't play mahjong. How much tuition will it cost? The course is too expensive. I'm afraid I can't afford it..."

Liu Heitu's joy blossomed,

"No, no, no, the tuition has already been paid. As long as you are not afraid of hardship and tiredness, you can learn my skills."

Rama really didn't care. He had been kept in a dog cage since he was a child, so he was afraid of suffering and tiredness.

Li Pan looked on with envy, Rama was really lucky, everything he did went smoothly, maybe this was because he was very lucky.

By the way, Kotaro and the Shiranui team are still out of touch. Come on, Li Pan is used to it.

In addition, Yamazaki didn't come to contact me. I don't know if he was too happy at the party last night and was drunk and didn't wake up, or if Sky City was already cold.

Whatever, let nature take its course.

So Li Pan stretched himself, went to the office and took a nap. He slept until noon when he was woken up by hunger. He wrote a few reports and updated the progress of the mission, including the current situation of 'Yiguan' and 'Holy Grail'. A supplementary report was made, and K was also updated on the werewolf maid and the opera house.

But K just replied "Okay" and nothing more happened. It was as if what was hiding under the nose of the opera house was not a horde of werewolves but a horde of rats.

I really can’t figure out this woman...

So Li Pan was happy to browse the net and touch fish, good! Clock in and get off work on time! One day passed in confusion.

The first thing I did after get off work was to go to the nearby bounty hunter service center and collect the bounty on Yagyu Inujuro's head.

The risk of this matter is quite high. Li Pan is not afraid of their Dongcheng meeting. If the gangsters come to seek revenge, they will be blamed for it.

But Yagyu's matter involves nearly ten million in arms transactions. If the news is leaked, it won't be just their Dongcheng Club who will cause trouble.

Therefore, Li Pan also disguised himself a little, changed into a military combat uniform, put on a mask, glasses and helmet, dressed up as an ordinary mercenary, put Yagyu's head in a box, and sent it to the center for identification.

The decoration style of the Bounty Hunter Service Center is very similar to that of a fast food restaurant. In fact, it is also chain-operated with some fast food brands.

For example, Li Pan completed the task and submitted the biological tissue such as the head as physical evidence to the robot at the counter. At the same time, he uploaded the kill video, chose the private notary service, and paid the 500 appraisal fee.

The notary office will go to the backstage to identify the organ you are using to collect the reward, and whether the DNA is that of the reward target. Even if the other party has multiple prosthetics registered in the system, the reward can be paid by beheading one of them.

Of course, if the physical evidence is only fingers, ears, eyes, etc., death must be confirmed, but if the entire body or the entire head is turned over, the identification will be much faster, and one hour is enough.

During the appraisal period, you can order takeout or something, go to the table next to you to eat and wait, and after confirming that everything is correct, the system can pay directly.

On the side panel, there are also scrolling menus and task tables. Hunters can have dinner and chat while handing over tasks and forming teams.

Li Pan spent 50 to make a three-piece hamburger, fries and baboon set, and while eating and drinking, he looked through the updated task list of the Hunter Center.

What? What is a baboon? Baboon is Super Cool Baboon. This is a carbonated drink, a product of Cool Baboon Group. The brand image is all kinds of cool baboons, fruity, mint, and various synthetic flavors. The original flavor tastes a bit salty. Flavored soda.

However, it is different from ordinary soda drinks and various imitations. There is something added to Baboon, some kind of mysterious formula. It is a short-term stimulant that is said to have low side effects. It enhances reactions and reduces pain. It is very suitable for bounty hunters and For professions like the military, people drink a can of baboon during missions. Advertisements usually promote this, for example, a soldier is besieged by aliens, and then drinks a can of Baboon, then immediately goes berserk, transforms into a super cool baboon, and kills the alien. Tear them all to pieces and kill them all.

Fifty yuan basically buys 300ml of Baboon, and it comes with burgers, fries, etc. After all, this thing is indeed very effective. Even if you don't go to the battlefield to fight, you can still have a bottle before having sex. Of course, one can is enough. People who drink too much will indeed be as excited as a baboon. There are also some enthusiastic netizens who say that cyberpsychosis is caused by drinking baboons. However, Cool Baboon Group is also one of the top ten giants in the world, so these rumors have basically been deleted by public relations.

In short, back to the bounty missions, NCPA bounties are very low. Only occasionally when things get serious and the company dog ​​is killed, will they increase the money due to the pressure of public opinion, and they will only give a lot of money to popular criminal stars who are involved in major murder cases. High rewards range from 100,000 to 500,000.

The basic bounty for gang members is too low. A few hundred dollars will simply kill people, and many hunters are unwilling to take action.

Therefore, in order to alleviate the problem of insufficient local police force, the system also allows citizens to seek help from vigilantes and offers rewards to those who have direct criminal litigation disputes with them.

For example, if you are beaten up by a gangster while clubbing, you can add a few thousand yuan to your account. If a hunter sees it, he can help you fight him back. Or if you have any financial disputes, go to court with someone, and the other person runs away, you can also add a reward, mark the person who needs to be alive, and ask the hunter to help you capture the person for a trial, and so on.

Li Pan looked at the mission panel. In fact, the public missions released by the Hunter Service Center were really not many about chasing murderers for revenge, killing people and stealing goods. Most of them were about catching mistresses and short-term workers such as bodyguards and escorts.

But yes, the tasks here are entrusted by corporate dogs, and gangsters generally bully the weak and fear the strong, and specifically focus on the poor, but will not bully the rich.

Rich people are consumers. Gangsters still want to make money. If they offend customers, then who will sell so many prohibited goods and illegal services to them? Do you really think that these underworld gangsters are just a pain in the ass, and that beating them up is not enough to destroy their families? To put it bluntly, it's not like someone paid them to do it.

Maybe you just blocked someone's road, rubbed someone's car, or even someone just didn't like you and paid a few thugs to mess with you. You didn't even have to use a knife or a gun to hit you with a car, or hit you from the roof of a building. Throw it down. Give NCPA another red envelope and the matter will be settled.

Of course, if your family is rich, you can also find hunters to catch gangsters, or even hire gangsters to fight back.

However, gangsters and hunters are nothing more than tertiary industry service personnel in this economic chain.

This is how it is these days, as long as you have money, you can buy anything and do anything.

By the way, the task with the highest reward currently is to retrieve a pet cat. The reward is 1.5 million, and the reward is 10,000 for providing information. Damn it, it is worth more than the young master of the Yagyu family...


"Citizen Li Pan received a security bounty of 1,020,000.00, which has been received. The current account has cash of 2,023,480.49."

Well, I already have an account of two million. I feel like it’s hard to die now. How about I stop decorating my prosthetic body or something?

Speaking of which, before handing over Yagyu's head this time, Li Pan dug out the cyclops' prosthetic eye.

This thing is a rare sixth-level custom-made military body. It not only has ECM/ECCM for battlefield illusions, but can also directly resist and interfere with the opponent's identity scan. The most powerful thing is the built-in latest miniature moving target compressed pulse radar, which is extremely accurate and can even clearly capture the ballistic trajectory of level 5 bullets. It is the most cutting-edge technology of Wise Optics, and it is a top-notch product that even money cannot buy.

It's a pity to sell this kind of thing, not to mention that if someone discovers that you dug out Young Master Yagyu's eyes and sold them, you are simply looking for trouble.

So Li Pan thought about it, why not install it himself? If it feels inappropriate, just dig out the eyeball and go back to reset it.

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