I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 96 Synthetic Body

K and two Flea-types were conducting stealth reconnaissance at the front, and Li Pan followed behind as a drone operator. He was responsible for drone control and quantitative analysis of environmental data, and provided battlefield data support to K, allowing her to Can fully cope with possible battles.

There is no trap signal underground, and K himself is better at gunfighting than drones. He needs Li Pan, a drone engineer, to follow the team and maintain a close-field communication link with the Flea.

In fact, this kind of tactical team is best equipped with a hacker to defend against electronic warfare, but good hackers are really hard to find. Even though that brat Shiba is annoying as hell, she has scarce resources. This time, he and K used an encrypted channel to operate. Without the support of Shiba, Li Pan was quite worried.

But fortunately, the Flea itself has excellent military ECCM and ICE defense systems, so Li Pan doesn't have to worry about the werewolves living in the sewers who have the ability to hack into the drone and burn his brain.

But to be honest, hacking skills are really Li Pan’s shortcomings now. This time he was almost killed by Chitengu’s hackers. He still has to update the built-in ICE and firewall software. It’s a pity that HT Chaos Technology’s network security The service is a monthly subscription, and the personal economic package costs upwards of 199,000 yuan a month, and it is not as good as the technical support provided by Shiba. It is really useless...

"K, I traced the genetic information of the werewolf and marked it for you."


This mission is quite simple. Li Pan only needs to follow the military academy training and control the drone to conduct battlefield penetration, frontline reconnaissance, and fire support tasks. So whether the target is a werewolf, a red tengu, or some other target, find it, lock it, confirm the order, and fire, it's that simple.

Of course, in most cases, unless it is a special mission, engineers do not have to go into battle with the team. An engineer can be responsible for maintaining the drones of an entire company or even a combined battalion-level tactical unit.

However, frontline engineers are not like those Marines who are armed to the teeth with military prosthetics and emergency implants to protect their lives. On the contrary, they also need to carry various engineering equipment and replacement parts to urgently maintain various types of drones. , the signal radius is particularly large, and it is often a priority target.

In addition, high-tech equipment must be maintained, and there are strict requirements for the academic ability of engineers, but at the same time, the salary is not very high. I have never heard of engineers being promoted from the officer rank. The more powerful the technical backbone is, the more they are held back by the military. , technical noncommissioned officers work until death, so most of them refuse to stay in the army after serving, and are poached to become engineers. After all, although the factory is very tiring, at least they will be given more overtime pay.

In short, learning mechanics is so hard, tiring, poor and miserable...

"Li, are there any signs of a living werewolf?"

Li Pan came to his senses, retrieved the signal from the drone, and drew a three-dimensional map of the nearby terrain and sent it to K.

"This is indeed a werewolf lair. There is a lot of DNA information and there are about twenty people. However, no active targets other than cockroaches and mice have been found so far."

K was surprised, "Twenty? So many? But where did they go?"

Li Pan checked the exit, "Did he go out to hunt? Or is the nest abandoned?"

"It won't happen at this time..."

K obviously didn't expect it and jumped in vain. In fact, her guess was correct. According to common sense, Baitoutou was fighting for a long time, and a sky city was smashed down. Now the three-headed dog of the Security Bureau Ye's NCPA is all over the street catching people. As for the Tengu, aren't these werewolves still staying in their lairs and wandering around when they're free?

But the problem is that there is really no one and no wolf in the lair.

Li Pan suggested, "Expand the search radius and try to analyze the biological information to pursue? Or continue to ambush here?"

K thought for a while and stuck to the original plan.

"This is their main nest. If nothing happens, they will definitely come back and ambush."

Li Pan didn't care. Is K a professional wolf hunter? Of course he believed in her judgment, so he controlled the drone to set up an ambush in the nest.

Who would have thought that something unexpected would happen? This squatting lasted all night, and when it was almost dawn, K spoke first,


"Ah? Are we going to withdraw now? We'll be in ambush for at least three days, right? It's okay. Anyway, my wages won't be deducted for my absence."

Li Pan was not joking. It was quite common for the army to squat for days and nights in icy and snowy swamps and jungles to conduct ambushes.

K was silent for a moment,

"Something's wrong, this isn't the first time. I know that someone within the Ye family must be watching my actions and tipping off the werewolves, so I only looked for you, but they still escaped in advance.

I thought about it and found out that this time I deployed the Flea type, and no more than ten people left the team, but their authority was too high. If there are werewolf traitors among them, then the problem is not something that I, a knight, can handle. Already..."

Li Pan thought for a while,

"You're being watched so closely, so just don't come to the scene. If there is a nest, just send me the coordinates. I promise to help you catch one."

"It seems like this is the only way to go...I keep these two Flea-types in the garage. Next time you find a werewolf's lair, remember to assign them for fire support."

"oh oh."

K had nothing to do. After all, the Ye family only had a few big knights and so many enemies. The spies, agents, hackers, intelligence dealers and middlemen all over the city were all watching her, so there was no need to think about covert operations.

Although I didn’t hit a single shot, it’s normal to not find the mission monster when doing missions. Old hunters will also come back empty-handed. There are also times when fishermen can’t catch anything except fish. This time, let’s treat it as a date with K in the sewer. .

But now that they have come, K also gave Li Pan a payment of 700,000 yuan. Didn't this just settle? She also received her salary and paid the balance of the batch of refrigerated blood in installments.

The other members' contributions were transferred directly from Panlong to avoid taxes, so Li Pan also had 2.4 million in his personal account. Li Pan thought that he could go to the prosthetic supermarket to strengthen his body and insert the orange anti-gravity spine.

And after using it for the past few days, Li Pan feels that the price-performance ratio of bulletproof armor is quite high. It costs 100,000 yuan to save a life, so he still needs to wear it. In addition, he can also consider optical invisibility.

So the two returned the same way, and Li Pan asked K what model he recommended.

But K instead suggested that he should stop pretending to be a prosthetic body.

"When I first met you, you didn't have any implants. You've had to modify and strengthen your body too frequently in the past two months. Are you really not worried about cyberpsychosis?

If you must strengthen your combat readiness, I suggest you customize a set of SBS armor, or simply buy a specialized combat skeleton. At least it won't affect the main body due to excessive modification.

By the way, I heard from L that Panlong Construction was commended by the group for Sky City this time. If you are interested, can I help you apply for a vampire's prosthetic body? "

Li Pan really didn't expect to have such an opportunity.

"Night Knight? Are you like this? Wait, you want to transform me into a vampire?"

K shook his head,

"Of course not. Most of the components of Ancilla Blood Knight's combat prosthetic body are imported from this plane. They are specially customized according to each person's genes after being promoted to knight.

The first transformation of Fledgling babies is also a genetically customized surgery, which can only be performed on members of the Ye Group, and the quota requires the permission of the prince.

If you are willing to resign from TheM, I can help you apply and introduce an elder to help you get married for the first time. I don’t have the qualifications yet.

However, the Ye Group originally had specialized vampire combat prosthetics for sale. Do you know ‘Blood Mourning’? "

Li Pan remembered,

"Oh, it's the vampire's cyberpsychosis. Once it attacks, it will be swallowed up by the memories of others, and may even completely lose itself and become a blood beast that runs out of control. It can only be cured by using the Blood Holy Grail."

K frowned and stared at him,

"Why do you know so well? Did you check it online again? No, this isn't on the Internet, is it?"

Li Pan coughed quickly,

"Ahem, our company has a record of the Blood Holy Grail."

K stared at him suspiciously for a while without asking any more questions.

"Since you know, I won't explain much. In short, vampires cannot really live forever, and replacement of prosthetic bodies is also common.

We will transform the "mad blooders" who lose control due to "Blood Mourning" into "blood beasts" and sell them as biological weapons.

In addition to the 'Blood Mourning', some 'Neonate children' were unable to control their own power and went crazy while growing up.

Some 'Ancilla Blood Warriors' were seriously injured and on the verge of death in battle, or were executed for violating the commandments, or were promoted to knights and obtained new prosthetic bodies, and their original bodies were also replaced.

There are also rare cases where the ‘Elder’ is sealed due to failure in political struggles.

In short, depending on the severity of the situation, I will be punished by banishment, imprisonment, sealing, execution, etc. And the remains of their remains can be sold as commodities.

The 'vampires' who use these second-hand 'prosthetics' are collectively called the 'Anarch rebels'. After all, they are just bought to use as biological prosthetics, and are not really loyal to the Ye family and the parliament.

Of course, 'Blood Mourning' cannot be cured without the Holy Grail, so most of the 'Crazy Blood Beasts' are generally only raised as biological weapon synthetic beasts. The number of 'rebels' that can be used as prosthetic bodies is still very small. If there are clean prosthetic bodies, most of them have been digested by the human cadres within the group.

But hasn't the war with Gao Tianyuan been fierce recently? A lot of people have died on our side, and some of the orders have extra names. If you are lucky, you might be able to choose a specialized battle corpse.

Although the vampire prosthetics sold by the Ye family will undergo genetic adjustments and cannot be strengthened over time like real vampires, and will be subject to the policy of bionic human prosthetics, with regular quarantine requirements and mandatory scrapping time limits, and some customized genetic weapons cannot be used, but The strength of the body itself is still much stronger than that of ordinary bionic humans.

Moreover, in the plane under the banner of the Ye clan, if you use the vampire's prosthetic body, you do not need to pay additional prosthetic body purchase tax and alien creature insurance. There are also discounts on annual quarantine and maintenance fees. "

"Wow, the Vampire's fighting body, it sounds good, how much does it cost?"

"It depends on the family the remains belong to and the specific circumstances of death. However, the 'Ancilla Blood Warrior' is basically a level five enhanced person, and the internal price should be within 20 million.

You just use it as a backup prosthetic body to avoid the risk of cyberpsychosis. If you modify the prosthetic body yourself, a level 4 one like 'Neonate Child' is more cost-effective. Five million is enough.

If you are interested, I can take a 10% commission, which can be deducted from the remaining amount of the refrigerated blood. I also have second-hand coffins, synthetic blood, etc. that I can sell to you. "

Wow, it’s really cheap. The android prosthetic body is almost the same price.

In fact, when it comes to androids, in this era, in a sense, pure humans have reached the end of evolution.

Although those chaebols can live almost infinitely as long as they have money, due to the past wars, those elves, demons, beasts, insects, etc. who independently evolved superpowers were regarded as wild animals and pests and were completely exterminated. .

The technology of human autonomous genetic mutation and evolution has also been sealed by the ethics committee. It can be said that the door to individual evolution has been closed.

But it’s not a pity. From the perspective of civilization evolution, there must be choices and specializations.

The current mainstream upgrade direction for human beings is to combine the cyberghost with a synthetic body.

Of course, there are also various divergent routes in this general direction.

Nowadays, what is popular in the 0791 plane is Cyborg, which is the so-called cybernetic organism. It is equivalent to standing at the crossroads of different routes.

For example, Li Pan is now a standard Cyborg. He can not only use a chip to connect to the Internet, but also perform implant enhancements on the basis of the body. At the same time, he also practices the "Nine Yin Manual" for biological evolution. It is outstanding that I want it all.

At this intersection, if we evolve in the direction of cyberspace, we will end up like 18, a typical ghost in shell, directly into the canning machine, intelligent uploading, electronic soul, and networked consciousness. As long as there is a backup server, the real world It doesn't matter what your body is like.

If you want to take an "evil path" and go in the direction of genetic mutation, you can connect the "Nine Yin Manual" to the end, and turn the Nine Transformations into a candle dragon. It may be similar to the nature of the blood clan's "Blood Sorrow" losing control and turning into a blood beast.

Of course, there is another direction which is 'reincarnation', like K, changing the synthetic body.

Not only robots and intelligent humans are artificial humans, but also these cosmic beings from other worlds, werewolves and vampires, they can all be considered bionic humans, carbon-based synthetic bodies.

Different from the ghost in the shell like Shiba, this route is equivalent to not treating QVN as the final home and lair, but just a temporary bridge, abandoning the fragile human body, and directly reincarnating into those artificial, stronger and more outstanding ones. , in a more perfect synthetic body.

It can be said that this is the mainstream technology currently being researched by the top Zhutian company.

Unfortunately, 0791 does not have mass-production-level bionic human technology and companies. The Oda family's Demon God project was not finally completed due to the defeat. However, due to early accumulation, Takamagahara developed a large number of implant technologies to realize partial prosthetics. The low price of mass production has made it possible for a large number of cybermen to appear in the 0791 plane. Of course, due to the lack of a stable synthetic system and the incompatibility of various accessories, the problem of cyberpsychosis has become particularly serious.

At the same time, this also causes those synthetic androids with complete systems to be imported from other worlds. They are subject to high import taxes, mandatory scrapping periods, and biological quarantine fees. If there is no designated local 4S store maintenance center, You need to purchase a specialized genetic biology cabin.

So after calculating this, if you can get a mass-produced prosthetic body with an internal price from the Vampire Clan, you can save a lot of money on follow-up maintenance, which is really a good deal.

But it seems like a lot of people from the Ye family have died recently...

So Li Pan also reached an agreement with K to create a vampire composite body that rebelled against the party. After all, his line highlighted the idea of ​​"I can do it all."

And things have changed now. From now on, 0791 will be Ye's territory. There is a vampire's righteous corpse. It will be more convenient to go out to do missions in the future. I can handle any dirty work.

However, if you want to use the second prosthetic body, not to mention the system processing chip, you must also upgrade it. There are also some specialized equipment that need to be purchased.

For example, the virtual biological cabin used to save the body after changing the body is equivalent to the QVN game console. The body is placed in the cabin and soaked in LCL maintenance liquid. It is remotely controlled through QVN, just like the remote control of a remote control car.

This thing is also quite expensive. The level 5 technology prosthetic control cabin costs at least millions. Of course, it is not without the super miniaturization. It can be directly implanted into the skull and activated at any time. The implant control chips are controlled on both sides. , but they are all sixth-level products with prices starting at eight figures, and the import tax is 200%. Basically only sky people can afford them, so there is no need to consider them at all.

Besides, you can't put such a big machine in a suburban apartment, right? But fortunately, I bought a factory in the North District before, and I can also renovate a basement for prosthetic body replacement, and the second prosthetic body can also be used as a company asset reimbursement tax...

In short, these days you can spend as much money as you want.

"Boss, 01044 has arrived, waiting for you in the manager's office."

Climbing out of the sewer and saying goodbye to K, it was during the rush hour for work. Li Pan had just squeezed onto the subway chain to surf the Internet when Aqi called.

"Oh, where's that guy from ACA?"

"I'm doing morning exercises with Rama, Master Liu is watching."

"Okay, just come and let her wait."

"In addition, the principal of Wuche Academy, an agent from the Security Bureau, the president of Todo Industry, Knight Commander Aemilius of the Ye family, and a lawyer from the Paradise Group are also here. They are queuing up in the living room. The company's coffee is not enough. Can you Can you bring some along the way..."

"...What the hell? Won't they call in advance to make an appointment??"

"Oh, TSC Tianhan Starship Sales, the wife of Akiyama Gym, and the female general from Saito House also called to make an appointment. When do you think you will be free?"

Damn it, didn't you just defeat Sky City, didn't you just get commended by the Security Bureau, why are you so fawning, and suddenly you become a hot commodity?

"Let the salesperson handle the reception! Why are you asking me to do it all by myself! Just say that I will return visits one by one. If you are not in a hurry, try to persuade a few to come back. If you want to wait for the rest, just wait and come in line one by one!"

Li Pan was also helpless. He just crawled out of the sewer, and now he was wearing a camouflage uniform and squeezing the subway. His body was covered in wolf excrement from the underground city, ahem, biological genetic information. The social animals around him covered their noses and stared at him. Anyway, It's not the kind of state suitable for receiving guests.

But there was nothing he could do. The formal clothes were also sent to be washed. In order to maintain his image, Li Pan had no choice but to grit his teeth and spend 15,000 yuan on a cheap formal suit in a commercial street, and another 100 yuan to have it washed at a shopping mall fitness club. Had a shower and dressed up like an estate sale.

Although it still smells a little bit, it can only be dealt with like this for now.

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