I'm Not a Detective

Chapter 122 Am I worse than your broken pots and bowls?

In the pink suitcase, there are mainly some daily changes of clothes, hairpins and small accessories, suitable for various fraud situations. In addition, there are also Takeshi Nanahara's stolen magic wallet and an atlas. There is nothing else. Not even a little bit.

Probably Kakumaru Yuki could only use cash, and she always carried her wallet with her. All of it had been emptied by Takeshi Nanahara, so she became so angry that she came to the house to enforce the rules and wanted to get half of it back. Unexpectedly, Takeshi Nanabahara and Ruri Kiyomi were not moral at all. , and turned her over directly.

Takeshi Nanahara took a look, first explained the situation to Qingmi Ruri, put the magic money that had been stolen before back into his pocket, and then rummaged through his clothes, even the fat C vest underneath was turned out, Qingmi Ruri She quickly slapped his hand away and said unhappily: "You said you wanted to see what was hidden about her, so I allowed you to open it. What are you looking for?"

She saw that Takeshi Nanahara was actually twisting the fabric, and she was afraid that if he picked it up and smelled it again, his behavior would be close to abnormal, and she was afraid that she could not help but punch his head off.

Takeshi Nanahara didn't care. He wiped his hands with a disinfectant paper towel, then picked up the atlas and looked through it. Half of an old photo fell out, full of creases. On it was a young woman with a smile, but the other half was torn. It fell off, and I don’t know whose photo it was with.

Qingjian Liuli picked it up and took a look, and instantly deduced a TV series involving a series of plots such as family breakdown, parents' divorce, father's early death of mother's cancer, daughter's long journey to find her mother, and silent crying in a cement pipe in the dark night. He hesitated: "Is it her mother?"

Takeshi Nanabahara took a look at half of the photo, then turned it over and looked at it again. He nodded and said: "It's possible that the photo was taken at Sensoji Temple in Tokyo. This kind of photo paper has been discontinued a long time ago. The photo is at least ten years old. It can match."

After saying that, he flipped through the atlas and said, "The little thing's destination is the Asahikawa River. The people in the photo may be there."

Qing Jian Liuli was shaken and regretted slightly: "It seems that her life experience is very pitiful. Maybe she really went to find her mother, and she had no money, so she was forced to cheat and steal all the way... Is it a bit too much for me to send her directly to be interrogated? "

Takeshi Nanahara laughed dumbly and clicked on the clothes, hairpins and trinkets, "It's not too much. She should be taught a lesson. Except for a few sets of old clothes, including this suitcase and trinkets, they were all purchased recently. It’s not cheap, it’s low-key and luxurious, and the little thing knows how to enjoy it.”

As he spoke, he also showed the atlas, "And these, that little thing cheated and stole all the time, and even every time she went to a place, she would go to amusement parks and high-end hotels to spend money, and she lived a poorer life. A hundred times stronger, save your sympathy!"

Ah, this...

Qingjian Liuli looked at the circled dots on the atlas and was speechless. She felt that even if the child had a miserable life experience, it seemed that he really deserved to be taught a lesson, at least to avoid being crooked all the way.

She ignored this, looked at the suitcase and asked hesitantly: "Then what should we do now? Should this suitcase also be sent for investigation?"

Since she followed Takeshi Nanahara, her brain has further deteriorated and she wants to ask questions whenever something happens.

Takenori Nanabaru touched his chin and muttered: "I thought I could get a piece of the rat's nest. She wanted some money to keep the bottom of the box, but she turned out to be a pauper... Forget it, take it back, she can only learn a lesson at her age. , the orphanage can’t lock her up, just give it back to her when she comes back, you can’t wear these clothes either.”

Qing was surprised when she saw Liuli Xiaoxiao: "Will she really come to us again?"

Takeshi Nanahara glanced at her and said with an innocent smile: "Of course she won't come to us. Why is she looking for me? I'm just a little follower. She will only come to you, so you have been more vigilant recently. I think That kid is quite vindictive, so be careful not to get slapped."

Qing Jian Liuli looked at him expressionlessly, and began to scold him in her heart for what a piece of shit he was.

Takeshi Nanahara quickly comforted her softly: "Stop scolding, I can't help it. I have a house full of treasures, but she can't let her keep an eye on her. Breaking a bowl will make me heartbroken, so I have to sacrifice you. You don't have much at home." She can steal valuables, and she is a little thief and liar, but she is a bit unscrupulous because of no one to teach her. She is not vicious by nature, so you are not in much danger, so don’t worry too much.”

Qing Jian Liuli was too lazy to pay attention to him, packed the suitcase, and left with it.

The bitch is still talking nonsense, do you dare to say that I am worse than those broken pots and bowls of yours? Can you sacrifice it casually?

When she comes, I will tell you the truth and let her steal your house completely!


Takeshi Nanahara vowed that a place like the orphanage would never be able to confine a child like Kakumaru Yuki, and she would definitely come to take revenge. Qingmi Ruri had been really careful for a few days, but unfortunately everything was calm and nothing happened.

Kakumaru Yuki didn't come to slap her, but she became a little worried. When she followed Takeshi Nanabahara home from school, she hesitated and asked: "The kid hasn't come yet. Is something wrong? Should we go and see?" Her? I just don’t know where she was sent.”

Takeshi Nanahara was a little strange at this moment. Originally, he wanted to support his junior, catch her again, repair her, and finally teach her some rules, but she disappeared.

He touched his chin and muttered: "It's indeed a bit weird. A place like an orphanage is not a prison. It is impossible to lock up a child and guard it day and night. If you want to escape, you can find countless opportunities. If you count the time, she should have escaped long ago. .”

Qingjian Liuli asked in confusion: "Did she give up on revenge and continue to the Asahikawa River after escaping?"

Takeshi Nanahara thought for a while, shook his head and said: "It's hard to say, probably not. At that time, I was... you were going to piss her off. She definitely wouldn't give in, but she has cross-dressed before, and I don't know her well either. , this possibility cannot be ruled out now.”

"Maybe she really left. I hope she has learned this lesson and can restrain herself in the future and stop..." Qingjian Liuli was talking when she suddenly heard a loud noise and was startled, and the second half of the sentence was cut off. When she reacted again, she found that Takeshi Nanahara beside her was missing. When she turned around, she saw him standing behind her, looking warily to the southeast over her head.

It seemed like something exploded. Fortunately, it was far away, otherwise this coward would have used me as a shield again.

Qingjian Liuli glanced at Nanabaru Takeshi with disdain, but this was not the time to argue with him. She looked directly to the southeast along his line of sight, and saw a thick black smoke rising from there, straight into the blue sky. Sky.

"Is there a fire?" Qingjian Liuli took one look and ran over there, saying anxiously, "Let's go take a look. Maybe someone needs help."

Takeshi Nanahara stretched out his hand to pull her but didn't hold her back, so he had to follow behind, but he didn't object to rescuing people. He just reminded: "Be careful, it may not be a simple fire. The sound just now was not right." There was a muffled sound, It's a bit like the sound of an early popcorn machine, not like the sound a normal fire would make.

They had just finished school and had not yet reached the station. They were in a bustling area near the city center. They crossed a street and arrived at the site of the incident. It was a six-story leisure shopping plaza with a large area. The explosion and fire It was located on the second floor, and there was a big hole there, and black smoke was spitting out.

But it was better than before. The emergency fire protection system of the shopping mall was already working. The automatic sprinklers suppressed the spread of the fire. However, it could not completely extinguish the fire for a while and had to wait for the firefighters to arrive.

The streets were full of surprised people watching the excitement, and many people were fleeing from the leisure shopping mall with frightened faces. Qing Jian Liuli didn't dare to rush in to save people even if his head was strong. It would most likely cause chaos. This kind of thinking She still had it, but she just tried her best to help evacuate the crowd. She took a stroller from a young mother and pushed it away from the shopping mall for protection.

"Thank you, thank you." The young mother was in shock and her hair was gray. She first checked that her child was okay, and then quickly thanked the two college students.

"It's nothing." Takeshi Nanahara teased the child, then naturally held the young mother's hand, gently rubbed it to help her relax, and asked with a smile, "What happened?"

The young mother relaxed a little, glanced at the shopping mall, sighed and said, "It seems... it seems like the supermarket exploded. It should have exploded."

"Are there any casualties?" Qingjian Liuli immediately asked with concern.

The young mother shook her head blankly: "I don't know, I... didn't pay much attention at the time."

She was so frightened at the time that she instinctively lay down on the stroller. When she realized what she was doing, she found that everyone was running away, so she quickly ran away with the stroller without caring about anything else, and at this time, the shopping mall was empty. Otherwise, there might have been a stampede - or there had already been a stampede, but she was just lucky enough not to be injured and escaped smoothly.

While they were talking for a while, three fire trucks lined up and were the first to arrive. Subsequently, two ambulances arrived at the scene one after another, and finally it was the Japanese police, known as the "salary-only gang", who rushed to the scene - if you don't count the people who came from nearby. As for the patrol policemen, they are indeed the slowest in action. This shows that it is not without reason that they are always scolded.

After the police team arrived, they immediately began cooperating with fire fighters and medical staff to rescue the injured. They even sealed the street and began to disperse the crowd to prevent secondary injuries. Takeshi Nanahara left with Qingmi Ruri.

Seeing that Liuli was still a little reluctant to leave, Qing kept looking back and asked in a low voice: "Could it be an explosion? I seem to have seen Miss Nakano's car. Why don't we go over and help?"

Takeshi Nanahara glanced at her sideways and said angrily: "Don't worry about joining in the fun. Even if it is an explosion case, it is a simple criminal investigation case. You can just follow the explosives and find out what's going on. You don't need the help of us two college students."

Seeing that Liuli was speechless, Qing Qing looked back at the shopping mall angrily, and then followed Takeshi Nanahara to catch the train.

She was still thinking about it when she got home. She had never seen what a bombing looked like, and her heart was very itchy. Unfortunately, there is no Internet now, and everyone does not have mobile phones, so she can't take pictures of big things. The photos were posted directly to the Internet, and the news was transmitted very slowly. It would probably be at least as long as the evening TV news could report it. If you want to know the details, you have to at least wait until tomorrow to read the newspaper.

Their daily routine was as usual, Qingmi Ruri did housework, Nanahara Takeshi went out to set up a stall for a while, and when they came back, they cooked, ate, performed, and drank health and digestion tea together. Qingmi Ruri was about to put out textbooks for self-tutoring when there was a knock on the door. .

She regained her energy, got up and went to open the door. As expected, Eri Nakano looked exhausted when she opened the door. She immediately asked excitedly: "Is it really an explosion?"

Good guy, I finally encountered a big case. Working for that piece of shit is getting more and more worthwhile!

Nakano Eri adjusted her gold-rimmed glasses, but still didn't understand why she was so excited, and said in a hoarse voice: "You already know about it before it's even on the news? It's not just a bombing, it's a serial bombing. There were two bombings today. We need to find that damn guy as quickly as possible!"

The police station was in big trouble, unprecedented trouble. After all, the explosion could not be covered up. It was too bad in nature and the police would never tolerate it. All forces must be mobilized to arrest the criminal as soon as possible. If she wanted to fight for speed, the first thing that came to her mind was Even Takeshi Nanahara, regardless of whether he is professionally qualified or not, is going to give him a try first.

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