I’m Not a Scumbag

Chapter 116: Old girls are also attractive [1/2]

Meng Zuer's backhand is a memorandum... squatting down.

He almost hurt Lin Fang by accident, but fortunately he stopped fast enough, Meng Zuer was very depressed.

She felt that she had only met Lin Fang twice, but she exposed almost all her shortcomings to Lin Fang.

Just heard Lin Fang say a few words for He Naibin, and she almost couldn't hold back, so she acted rough.


Lin Fang clearly saw that Meng Zuer was very angry, and he was ready to meet her "Roar of the Evil Dragon". How could she have imagined that she would suddenly squat down with her hands in her pockets, and only looked at herself with a pair of big bright eyes.

It was like seeing a kitten with a round head and a round brain squatting in front of him, so cute.

Lin Fangyou was so cute, he couldn't help but put his hand on Meng Zuer's head and gently rubbed it a few times.

"What are you doing!"

"No, just **** a cat."

"You are the cat!"

Meng Zuer knew that Lin Fang had treated her as a kitten for a long time. In addition to her shyness, she felt an inexplicable strange emotion in her heart. She suddenly felt a little unable to face him, so she pretended to be angry and stood up and walked out.

"Ignore you!"

Ignore it, ignore it, who cares!

Lin did not chase after the fall, and followed him out of the locker room unhurriedly, just in time to see Liu Shiman leaning against the door of the locker room with his arms in his arms.

When she saw Lin Fang come out, her first reaction was to look at the time.

"King, how come it's only half an hour this time, it's a bit fast!"

Hey, make it clear!

What do you mean only half an hour?

Where am I going?

"A few words, half an hour, almost?"

Lin Fang didn't know why Liu Shiman said that, so he replied normally.

Liu Shiman half-opened her small mouth, and suddenly said, "Only speaking, half an hour... It's really not too short. No wonder Sister Zu'er just looked like she couldn't walk."

what are you talking about?

Isn't it normal for your feet to go numb after squatting for a long time, and your feet become weak when you stand up?

Why do I feel like you have misunderstood something?

Lin Fang felt that he could no longer talk about this topic with Liu Shiman. If this person wanted to be crooked, she would make up for other things on her own.

"Does your yoga studio have so many people every day?"

Lin Fang forcibly shifted the topic to the yoga studio.

"Almost, about 30 people are arranged every day. The venue is limited, if there are too many people, it will be very cramped."

Liu Shiman glanced at Lin Fang with a half-smiling smile, and said, "King, you didn't care about this before... Shouldn't you, you want to fish with me? My little fish pond is not enough for you, a great white shark. Yes. You fished out all my members, and I'll have nothing to eat!"

I TM...

Lin Fang touched his nose and explained intentionally, but he felt that it was superfluous to say anything.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

I am a "King" in the "Jincheng Wingman Roundtable". I want to take off the hat of a scumbag, and I have a long way to go!

Lin Fang guessed that if he had no idea, maybe Liu Shiman didn't even believe in punctuation.

never mind……

I have a showdown, I plan to contract your fish pond!

"I have very high eyesight, the girls here, you can look at it as a whole, just look at it individually... tsk tsk!"

Lin Fang smiled and shook his head, and decisively began to pick on the thorns.

That's right, these girls are all good-looking and not ugly, but who is Lin Fang?

The appearance of one by one ex-girlfriends directly brought his aesthetics to a height of madness like a passing score of 90. Looking at other women, that is, when they appeared in a group and formed a sea, could create a little shock for Lin Fang.

If you really have to look carefully, Lin Fang can find many shortcomings in them in an instant.


Liu Shiman smiled dumbly, nodded and said, "In your eyes, old girls like me are not attractive, let alone them?"


Actually, you don't need to belittle yourself, you are still very attractive to me!

If you are willing to work harder, Tianliang says to break up, maybe... If I can't control it, I will obey you?


Lin Fang tilted his head and swallowed, not wanting to look at Liu Shiman again.

It's hard to believe that a woman who has given birth to a child can still maintain such a good figure.

Especially standing in front of her now, when she is too close, Lin Fang can clearly see that her skin is full of elasticity, no weaker than a twenty-year-old girl.

How could a woman with a hot body, the charm of a mature woman, and girl-like skin be unattractive? It's just too attractive, isn't it?

Lin Fang guessed that Liu Shiman might be about the same age as the daughter-in-law of the old Wang family upstairs, and the bonus attributes were similar, but the difference was insignificant.

If Liu Shiman is like the wife of the old Wang family, who is so obsessed with herself, who can stand it?

I can't think about it, the more I think about it, the more panic I get.

Liu Shiman saw a little hope from Lin Fang's subtle actions.

Is it difficult...

Before Liu Shiman could find a chance to test, Meng Zuer disappeared for a long time, and then turned back to the locker room. She even gave Lin Fang a deliberate look, and said, "I want to change, you are not allowed to follow me!"

"I'm not going in."

Lin Fang was a little funny, what was this woman thinking?

Will I be that kind of person?


Lin Fang turned his head and glanced at Liu Shiman, just in time to meet her surprised eyes.

"King, are you really not going in to play the second half?"

Lin Fang: "..."

Forget it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'd better go out and get some air.

If I stay any longer, I really can't stand it anymore!

"It's a little stuffy inside, I'll go out to get some air."

Lin Fang simply walked out.

Liu Shiman looked at Lin Fang's somewhat unnatural walking posture, thoughtfully.

King's concentration doesn't seem to be as strong as before. It seems that I can...

"Huh? Lin Fang, why did you come out alone?"

The one who was at the front desk was the girl in the white vest. She saw Lin Fang walking out alone. She looked back curiously, but she didn't see Liu Shiman coming out.

Seeing that Lin Fang's face was not very good, she leaned in front of Lin Fang and whispered: "Did you quarrel with Sister Man? Women, it's normal to have a little temper, just coax me! You tell Sister Man A few good words, praise her for being beautiful, and she will definitely not be angry!"

Lin Fang glanced at her amusingly, and said, "We didn't quarrel, so I don't need to coax her."


The girl in the white vest curled her lips and said, "Macho! Sister Man likes you so much, why are you coaxing her? Let me tell you, as long as women are impulsive and emotional animals, they all have temperaments. Look, ugly people have temperaments, and beautiful people have temperaments, so why not choose a beautiful one?"

At this moment, Lin Fang was completely sure that the girl in the white vest had really misunderstood Liu Shiman's relationship with him.

Originally intending to explain one or two, Lin Fang thought about it and changed his mind. Anyway, it's boring to wait for others, so it's better to make fun of this girl.

Note ①: Thanks to "JULY Xiaochunjie" and "Book Friend 20200326195330333" for their tips.

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