I’m Not a Scumbag

Chapter 119: Get Meng Zuer [2/2]

Lin Fang looked down at Meng Zuer, looking at her small head, which was mostly covered by the cap and mask, and couldn't help but want to touch it twice.

It's no wonder he always has the urge to play cats. It's really this girl's outfit that's inexplicably cute.

It's just that he has a bad temper and is unforgiving.

Then again, the clay figurines have a three-part nature, and they were raised by their parents and mothers. Who can not have a little temper?

She came from a good background, with good looks, and she became famous and popular when she debuted. Such a girl has a little temperament that is not too bad. Such a shortcoming is already very good.

Forget it, slap it, I still think so much about a cat, I'm really nothing!

Lin Fang resolutely stopped thinking about it, and slapped it first as a respect.

Meng Zuer was stunned for a moment, and after being touched several times, she realized that she pushed Lin Fang's hand away.

"What are you doing!"

"Pick the cat."

"Bah! You are the cat!"

The second time!

This is the second time!

I am not a cat!

I repeat, I am not a cat, I am the famous actress Meng Zuer!

Meng Zuer took a few steps back and looked at Lin Fang angrily. For some reason, facing this boy, she felt an inexplicable shyness in her heart.

In front of him, the so-called emotional control he had learned always seemed to fail easily and was of little use.

The whole person is often ignorant, like a blank sheet of paper, on which he is allowed to draw.

Seeing that Meng Zuer had retreated a long way, it was out of reach, Lin Fang felt a little regretful and put his hands into his pockets, and said, "Is there anything else?


The devil made you lick, but I'm not a cat!

"Can't you stay with me if you have nothing to do? Aren't we friends?"

"We've only met twice, how can we be friends?"

"You scumbag! Why didn't you say that when you licked me? If you're not a friend, why do you lick me?"

"Then you didn't let me **** you."

"Then I'll let you fuck, are we friends?"

"Forget it."

"Then I'll give you a slap, I can only slap it, it's not good to be seen by others!"

Meng Zuer stood there with his eyes closed, slightly raised his head, a little shy and uneasy.

In the past, she was unprepared to be molested. Meng Zuer had no other emotions, so she felt very relaxed.

This time is different from before. With preparation, shyness, anxiety, and anxiety, all kinds of emotions are intertwined, and Meng Zuer feels very embarrassed.

Especially when she closed her eyes and became sensitive to sound and smell, she could even hear her heartbeat speeding up little by little, and she could smell the smell that belonged to Lin Fang. Approach slowly.

It was a very faint smell of cologne, sprayed on the clothes, mixed with a faint smell of sweat, very special and easy to remember.

Lin Fang walked up to Meng Zuer, leaned down and looked at her carefully. He met her twice, and when he saw her, he was veiled and refused to show her full face.

Just the exposed part is enough to see that she is an excellent little beauty.

In other words, Lin Fangmei watched a lot, and she had a little immunity. Otherwise, if she was so close now, she couldn't help tearing off her mask to see how beautiful she was.

Perhaps, because she closed her eyes, raised her head, and looked like a xie, she couldn't help but bow her head and kiss her.

Lin Fang became a little restless after thinking about it for a lifetime.

He hurriedly touched Meng Zuer's head a little, and quickly let go.

With such a good girl, it is difficult for any kind of man to be determined.

"It's over? So soon... Ah, no, are we friends now?"

Meng Zuer couldn't tell what emotion he was feeling for a while. Before, he wanted Lin Fang to end it quickly, but now it will end as soon as possible, as if he was a little lost in his heart.

Fortunately, she is an excellent actress. After trying several times, she finally managed to control her emotions and looked at Lin Fang with a smile.


Lin Fang was a little unsure.

Why did I come here?

Why did I become friends with her?

She rubbed me two meals and still refused to forgive Ni Bin, but I became her friend...

Why do I feel like I'm at a loss...

However, it doesn't seem like it's a big loss to treat the popular Xiaohua as a kitten.

"Hey! What is it? It can only be, no!"

"Okay, we're friends."

"It's about the same, hee hee..."

Meng Zuer felt that when she and Lin were together, they could easily become happy.

Even the **** of drinking milk bin standing in front of him doesn't seem to be so dazzling... Huh? Drink milk bin! Is he really here? !

"Drinking milk bin, why are you here?"

"Cough... Auntie couldn't find you, knowing that you left your phone in the yoga studio, she called me and asked me to find you back. When I got the phone, I asked where Brother Fang was, and he followed up with him. I said he was eating at Baijia Wuji Fatty Rice Noodles, so I followed it..."

"Humph! Give me the phone!"

"Hey, here it is!"

He Naibin laughed, put the phone in Meng Zuer's hand, and withdrew it like an electric shock. He was afraid of being beaten.

Unexpectedly, Meng Zuer just rolled his eyes at him and said, "For Lin Fang's sake, I will spare you this time. If you dare to tell lies in front of my mother in the future, I will definitely follow up with you. Calculate your new and old accounts together!"

"Thank you cousin for not killing me!"



I go!

Is this done?

He Naibin looked at Lin Fang in disbelief. If it wasn't for the circumstances, he really wanted to get down on one knee and shout "Let's go to the top!"

Lin Fang looked at Meng Zuer suspiciously, feeling a little dazed.

What's the matter with this girl?

Didn't she say that whether she was happy or not had nothing to do with Suibin, so she didn't plan to forgive him?

Why do you want to say that it is for my own sake that you will spare the drinking milk bin this time?

Are girls' thoughts so hard to guess?

Fortunately, I have been single for 30 years, so I never have to worry about this kind of thing!

Thinking of this, Lin Fang nodded slightly. He felt that this matter had nothing to do with it, so he didn't need to think about it.

He Naibin pressed his heart full of gratitude, and said to Meng Zuer, "Sister, Auntie has something to ask you. I think you should give her a call first, or she will call me again later..."

"I know, long-winded!"

Meng Zuer rolled his eyes at He Naibin, dialed a number, and walked aside to talk on the phone.

He Naibin breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, and finally had a chance to whisper a little to Lin Fang.

He pulled Lin Fang aside and asked admiringly, "Brother Fang, what method did you use to get my sister? Can you teach me?"

any solution?

I do not know either!

I can't... just treat her like a kitten, and after a few strokes, it's done, right?

Note ①: Thanks to "Book Friend 20200326195330333" for the reward.

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