I’m Not a Scumbag

Chapter 125: The cat that loves to bite [two/four]

dong dong dong!

"Miaomiao, why are you still using the toilet? Hurry up, I'll use it too!"

"It's almost ready... I'll be out soon! I'm going to wipe it!"

Miao Xiaoxuan got up and wanted to flush, she sat down again, quickly typed a line, sent it out, and then deleted all the chat records. Only then did she get up to flush, lift the toilet lid, and open the door.

Xiao Yumeng hugged her arms and leaned against the toilet door, not in a hurry to go in.

She stopped Miao Xiaoxuan, raised her eyebrows and said, "Bring me the phone and see."

"What are you doing?"

"What do you think I'm doing? I'm afraid that you stupid girl will put yourself in other people's mouths as a lump of fat without knowing it!"

"You're fat, I'm not fat at all!"

Miao Xiaoxuan said so, but unconsciously searched for possible fat on her waist and thighs.

"I didn't say you were fat! This is a metaphor! Do you understand the metaphor? It's really uneducated!"

"Isn't it good for me to go to an ordinary university if I have a culture? What art school should I go to?"

"Yes, yes! You are proud of your lack of culture, don't interrupt me, cell phone!"


Miao Xiaoxuan pouted, and reluctantly handed the phone to Xiao Yumeng.

This day is not over.

When I'm at home, I have to be taken care of by my parents, and in Jincheng, I have to be taken care of by this girl, Xiao Yumeng!

How not to be free!

I really want to fall in love!

I really want to be…

Oh, I am ashamed!

Miao Xiaoxuan blushes a little unconsciously when she thinks of certain scenes.

When the body is mature, spring will come, and some things cannot be thought of or controlled.

If it can be him for the first time, even if we can't be together in the future, it will be beautiful...

Xiao Yumeng flipped through Miao Xiaoxuan's phone for a long time, but couldn't find any clues, which made her a little suspicious.

When she turned her head and was about to return the phone, she saw Miao Xiaoxuan's small look of nostalgia, and she immediately became angry.

It's really hammered!

This girl, Miao Miao, must have chatted with Lin Fang!

Not only did we chat, but looking at her ghostly appearance, I still don't know how excessive the chat was!

Maybe even open a video...

Thinking of Miao Xiaoxuan choosing to chat with Lin Fang in such a private place as the toilet, what good is there?

Isn't there only one possibility left?

"Little hoof, you can just wave, I don't care about you, hum!"

Xiao Yumeng put the phone back into Miao Xiaoxuan, and went back to her bedroom angrily, slammed the door, threw herself on the bed, and covered herself with the quilt.

"Ah... Xiaomeng, don't you want to go to the toilet?"

Miao Xiaoxuan's face was bewildered, she didn't know that she just made a small mistake in her thoughts for a while, and Xiao Yumeng made up countless things in her mind.

Two hours later, the Sixth Hospital.

After pulling out the needle, Meng Zuer rushed into the bathroom immediately, and it took 20 minutes to come out.

When Lin Fang saw her again, Meng Zuer had already carefully groomed herself.

Her hair was **** again and hidden in a hat, her pink face was washed, and a layer of light makeup was applied, which made her look radiant, and she could no longer see a trace of sickness.

The mask was changed, this time to a pinkish blue, which also had cute cartoon characters on it.

"Lin Fang, you... are you still there?"

Meng Zuer said a little embarrassedly: "It took me a long time, I thought you couldn't wait, so you left first..."

"I promised you not to leave, so why would you leave without saying goodbye?"

"Lin Fang..."

I don't know why, Lin Fang's answer was very relaxed, but he obviously didn't take it to heart, but Meng Zuer had a feeling that he was about to be spoiled. Looking at Lin Fang's eyes, he unconsciously brought a bit of water vapor.

"what's wrong?"

Lin Fang didn't notice Meng Zuer's abnormality, how could he see through the subtle thoughts of his daughter's family.

"No... nothing!"

Meng Zuer sniffed, turned sideways, and then turned back to normal.

She tried to wrap her arms around Lin Fang's shoulders, pretending to open the topic with ease, but who knew she slapped it on Lin Fang's back.

"You bastard! Why are you so tall?"

"You're tall, do you blame me?"

"Then I'll be taller than you, back me!"

Meng Zuer deliberately ran behind Lin Fang and jumped up. She thought that Lin Fang would not agree, so she had already thought about taking the opportunity to pat the back of Lin Fang's head and teach him a small lesson.


Who knows, Lin Fang happily agreed, she was short and just supported her small body.

"Lin Fang..."

Meng Zuer couldn't help trembling in her heart.

You guy, why are you always like this?

If you don't seize the opportunity when it's given to you, you only know how to be angry...

When you don't want to talk to you, you always inadvertently flirt with people...

What should I do with you?

Meng Zuer was in a turmoil for a while, love and hate, she couldn't help lying on Lin Fang's shoulder and bit him fiercely.

"Yeah...Are you a dog?"

"You're the dog, I'm the cat, that's what you said, you still love me!"

"That's right, you're a cat, a cat that loves to bite!"

"I'll bite you! Ah woo... ah woo..."

Her mouth was harsh, but when Meng Zuer spoke again, it was lighter.

What Lin Fang did was not only painless, on the contrary, it was terribly itchy.

"Hey! Can you bite well? You're itching to death!"

"Bah! Shameless!"

Meng Zuer didn't know what to think, she was too ashamed, buried her head on Lin Fang's shoulder and didn't dare to look up.

You bit me, and you actually said I was shameless?

Women are really unreasonable!

Lin Fang didn't bother to look back, so he carried Meng Zuer directly to He Naibin's car. Seeing that there was no one in the car, he took out his mobile phone and sent him a message.

"Nai Bin, where's the person? Your sister and I came out, next to your car!"

"Fang brother...you wait a moment, I'll come right away, right away... come right away..."

He Naibin seemed to be running and his breathing was rapid.

If it weren't for the fact that there were no screaming figures around him, Lin Fang would have thought that he had caused some serious trouble and was being chased and killed.

"Okay, let's wait for you."

Lin Fang didn't think much about it, so he found a place nearby to sit down, but because Meng Zuer was leaning on his back, he couldn't sit down.

Meng Zuer was greedy for the warmth of his broad back. No matter what Lin Fang said, she refused to come down. She pretended to be asleep and snored softly.

Lin Fang heard her snoring and knew that she was pretending to be asleep, but he didn't reveal it.

The kitten that I raised in my own house likes to rely on its owner and can't get down. This is a sign of closeness. It's too late for Lin Fang to be happy, where would he do those things that spoil the fun.

He Naibin agreed to wait for a while and come right away.

Lin Fang had already relaxed his time estimate as much as possible, but he never imagined that He Naibin's so-called immediate took a full hour!

He still came back by taxi!

Where did He Naibin go and what did he do?

Note ①: Thanks to "MrJunl" for the reward, we have the first helmsman, Kaisen! Thank you for the reward of "Unstoppable Floating Life".

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