I’m Not a Scumbag

Chapter 139: To wake up 1 point [Two/Two]


Lin Xiaolei stared at Lin Fang, not knowing what to say.

She didn't expect that this unsatisfactory brother actually planned to go to sleep.

Really **** off!

If I could read at Delin Book Club, my review efficiency would be improved by at least 20%!

Otherwise, I'll call Ruan Ruan to go to Delin Book together... By the way, let's see, what the **** is my brother doing, is he lying to someone's little girl again!

Lin Xiaolei thought very well, but then she thought that the per capita consumption of Delin Books was enough for her to buy more than thirty or eight boxes of egg yolk cakes, and she suddenly felt a little reluctant.

After being poor for so long, Lin Xiaolei finally deducted 3,000 yuan from Lin Fang's hand.

Every week, I finally dare to drink a cup of my favorite bubble tea.

Every ten days, I dare to eat a piece of egg yolk cake to satisfy my cravings.

Compared with others, Lin Xiaolei felt that she could be regarded as a local tyrant.

After so long, Lin Xiaolei only spent more than 200 yuan.

Going to Delinshu will cost more than three hundred for one person. If you ask Su Ruanruan to come with you, that's six or seven hundred...

Lin Xiaolei calculated it carefully, she couldn't help but feel a shock.

I'm really puffed up!

Free, isn't it fragrant?

Ancestor Lin's teaching: Every penny should be used on the edge of the knife.

I, Lin Xiaolei, can't be sorry for my ancestors!

While Lin Xiaolei tried to convince herself, she couldn't help but stare at Lin Fang in the front seat with hatred: "You unworthy descendant, the ancestors will teach you in your dreams sooner or later!"

Like me, I will definitely be praised by my ancestors... Forget it, go to Lin Fang for praise!

I, Lin Xiaolei, are in good spirits, and I'm not attacked by ghosts!

Amitabha! Amitabha!

Along the way, Lin Fang felt a little chill on the back of his head from time to time. Every time he turned his head, he only saw Lin Xiaolei looking out of the window in a trance, as if he was expressing malice to himself.

As soon as he turned his head, the back of his head felt cold again.

What kind of demon is this little girl doing?

Lin Fang didn't know where he had offended Lin Xiaolei again. He couldn't figure it out, so he didn't care about her anymore. He held the egg yolk cake in his hand and pretended to tear it apart.

At this moment, he felt a more obvious sound of swallowing saliva behind him, and even the feeling of chills on the back of his head disappeared. Lin Fang felt as if he had got a magic switch.

Very interesting!

He didn't like to eat this sweet and salty stuff at first, just to make Lin Xiaolei hurt and teach her a lesson.

Lin Fang thought about it and put away the egg yolk cake.

After a while, Lin Fang heard the sound of swallowing slowly getting smaller behind him, and the back of his head started to get cold again.

At this time, Lin Fang took out the egg yolk cake again and made an action to tear it apart.

Then, the sound of swallowing saliva began to come from behind...

Repeatedly...until the car stopped at the entrance of the library, Lin Xiaolei pouted and wanted to get out of the car angrily, then Lin Fang threw the egg yolk cake back to her and said, "Take it, I don't like to eat it. This thing. You ran out in the morning without eating, and you're still growing!"

"Give it back to you! I agreed on the fare. I don't want it, I still have it in my bag!"

Lin Xiaolei was a little reluctant, but she still stubbornly handed the egg yolk pastry to Lin Fang.

"I said I don't like it, give it to me, give it to me, I'll take it and feed the dog later."

"That's not good, it's very expensive!"

Lin Xiaolei retracted her hand, opened the door and ran.

"Brother stinky, it doesn't look alike at all! It's a little bit..."

She whispered to Lin Fang, and Lin Xiaolei's footsteps became a lot lighter.

She used to have a good relationship with Lin Fang, but because Lin Fang **** Su Ruan Ruan, the relationship suddenly turned bad.

It's just that she didn't expect that Su Ruan Ruan didn't mind at all. Instead, she decided to be admitted to Sichuan's top four. Lin Fang was still the same as before, and he always treated her very well.

As a result, her own younger sister is a little bit out of character.

Forget it, you two have to deal with it yourself!

I don't care anymore!


The car stopped at the door of the Delin Book Bar. Lin Fang paid for the car and got out of the car. Before taking two steps, he saw Hu Qingchan standing pretty at the door of the book bar.

She was wearing a solid blue-grey slim-fit shirt with two trim lines running down from the shoulders, one inch on each side of the breasts, which gave her a more crisp look and also added a bit of edge to her. Skilled.

Under the shirt, is a pair of pure black trousers with a silver head belt.

She didn't wear a ponytail today, but let her hair loose and fell on her shoulders.

This kind of Hu Qingchan is completely different from the Hu Qingchan that Lin Fang met for the first time, like a different person.

Her face was also less childish, and more mature and determined.

I don't know what happened to her during this period of time. The whole person seemed to be reborn. She let go of all her pride and became sharper and more aggressive than before.

She is still her, she is no longer her...

Seeing Hu Qingchan in front of him, Lin Xin couldn't tell what he felt for a while.

He knew that people could change, but he remembered the beauty of seeing Hu Qingchan for the first time.

At that time, she was pure, youthful, proud, and full of youthful energy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Today, she is mature, determined, sharp, and seemingly calm, but she no longer has the energy she used to have.

Lin Fang can't say whether this change is good or bad, he only knows that Hu Qingchan will become what he is now, and he is responsible...

"Baby! Here! Here!"

Before Lin Fang could continue to sort out his thoughts, Hu Qingchan cheered and ran towards Lin Fang.

When she was running, she was still her, she was still the same her.

As if in an instant, the pure, young, proud, full of vitality Hu Qingchan came back...

It turns out that when you miss me, are you still you?

Lin Fang looked at Hu Qingchan who was running over, and was a little stunned for a while, but he didn't react until Hu Qingchan threw himself into his arms.

If it wasn't for his steady play, he would have almost been knocked to the ground by his ex-girlfriend's hit with the ball.

But even so, he had to hug Hu Qingchan with his backhand to offset the remaining aftershocks.

Full of youthful breath, with a different fragrance of flowers and fruits, it poured into Lin Fang's nostrils, causing a switch in his brain to be turned on, and unconsciously...

Lin Fang pinched his thigh fiercely to wake himself up.

Everyone is so sleepy, and they still think about something!

This is my ex-girlfriend, not my current girlfriend. Please wake me up!

Lin Fang summoned all his reason and gently pushed Hu Qingchan away.

She was very greedy for Lin Fang's embrace, but she also knew that now was not the time, they were all young people with vigor and vitality.

She blushed and took two steps back, not daring to look at Lin Fang.

Note ①: Thanks to "Book Friend 20191108185048850" for the reward.

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