I’m Not a Scumbag

Chapter 158: But to live【One/two】

Seeing the call from Wu Qingsong, Lin Fang felt a little guilty.

Not to mention that he slipped away to herd sheep yesterday, and he didn't go and pay for it for a day.

Just to say that now, he went around the city for a long time to eat steamed buns, and he didn't even think about calling Fu Hao over to eat together, so he was a little irresponsible.

Now receiving a call from Wu Qingsong, I feel like I was skipping class when I was in school, but was caught by the head teacher.

"Hey! I'm so difficult!"

It's just an ex-girlfriend, why did it seem like I went to high school again?

The key is that the head teacher is still the mother of Wu Qingsong!

It's only been a few days, so I called again to urge the progress!


After receiving a call from Wu Qingsong, Lin Fang felt that the buns in front of him were no longer fragrant, but he had no choice but to answer.

Who made him spend 400,000 public funds, but he still can't get it back?

If he dared to be picky, Lin Fang would have no doubt that Wu Qingsong would be able to sue him in court if he turned around.

A law student has a dirty heart!

"Hello, Wu Lu? Why do you call so early?"

"Pay well over there, how are your contacts?"

"I'm still in contact, I'll go find her in a while."

"Hurry up. Cao Yuanfei has a new move! I'm worried, we don't have much time left..."

"I know, I know, I'll go and pay for it!"

Hanging up the phone, Lin Fang glanced at the three remaining steamed buns, half a bowl of soy milk. He had lost his appetite, so he had to pay and ask the boss to pack the remaining steamed buns.

In the past, when Wuming Baozipu was still on Huawen Road, the steamed buns that could not be eaten could be returned.

Lin Fang got into the car with a bag of buns and headed to Shang Ai Cafe.

The second time I came to this cafe, Lin Fang already had some experience.

He looked for it and found that the cow cat in the store was nesting in that corner again. Lin Fang's eyes lit up, he sat directly over, ordered a cup of coffee, and slapped the cat while drinking it.

The cow cat waited for a while, and found that Lin Fang didn't bring cat food. He was a slacker who couldn't give money.

Every time Lin Fang tried to lick it, the cow cat would flick its tail, swipe it on Lin Fang's hand, and then meow twice.

Translated from the cat language, this is roughly what it means: cats are so cute, you are licking them for nothing, and you don't give me any cat food, it's too much! Don't give it a shot!

The cow cat just puffs and barks twice, but doesn't mean to change places at all.

It seems that it is already used to lying in this position, and no matter how upset Lin Fangbai is, it does not intend to change positions.

The time for petting cats always goes by very quickly. In a flash, it is ten o'clock.

Fu Hao came to the cafe almost pinched, and went straight to where the cow and cat were.

"Huh? Lin Fang!!"

This time, Fu Hao saw Lin Fang first, she sat beside Lin Fang in surprise, and saw the bag of buns he was packing, she was even more surprised: "Is this the breakfast for me?"


Can I say no?

Lin Fang looked at Fu Hao's look of anticipation, and could only bite the bullet and said, "Yeah... but it's already cold..."

"It doesn't matter! It's hot now, so it's good to eat cold!"

Fu Hao picked up the bun with a happy face, opened the plastic bag, but didn't take it out, he held a bun in the plastic bag and took a bite.

"Hey...it's delicious!"

Fu Hao's eyes lit up. The first bite was just a little bit. He didn't hold out much hope. He didn't expect the steamed buns to be full of fragrant meat. Even if it was a little cold, it was still delicious.

I also don't know how fragrant the steamed buns are!


The cow cat smelled Fu Hao, turned around and looked at her expectantly, but instead of waiting for the cat food in the past, it saw that Fu Hao was eating.

It couldn't help standing on tiptoe, with one front foot resting on Lin Fang's arm, and the other foot to plan for it.

"Gouzi, do you want to eat buns too?"


"Do you want to eat it? Here it is!"

Fu Hao broke off a small piece of buns and put them on the coffee table, only to see the cow cat squatting on the coffee table, his eyes rolled up a little, and looked at her blankly, but he didn't even mean to eat the buns.


Lin Fang couldn't help but laughed and said, "Why do I feel like it's rolling your eyes? What canned food did you feed it last time? Does it want to eat that?"

"Ah... Look at my memory!"

Fu Hao tapped her forehead. She took out a tissue from the table and wiped her hands. She opened a can of tuna in her bag and put it in front of the cow and cat. She said, "Don't be angry, dog, I thought you I want to eat steamed buns! Hehe..."


The cow cat didn't care what he said at all, just leaned in front of the canned tuna and ate it happily.

Fu Hao licked the cow cat twice before looking at Lin Fang, smiled, and said, "Lin Fang, I didn't expect you to come here a second time..."

"Why can't I come a second time?"

Lin Fang raised his eyebrows and licked a handful of cow cats, and said, "I like this cat so cute."

"Do you just like cats?"

if not……

I approach you with a purpose!

Lin Fang vaguely felt that if she answered that she liked to pay well~www.wuxiaspot.com~ it is very likely that the progress of the task will be pushed forward a lot, and the true whereabouts of the will will be revealed from her mouth.

But thinking about it carefully, Lin Fang gave up this tempting idea.

He couldn't get past the hurdle in his heart, so he couldn't easily say the word "like".

What's more, Lin Fang knows very well that he has only met this girl for the third time, and he is more careful than appreciating this girl, so how can he talk about liking this girl?

Or a girl like Miao Xiaoxuan is more cute...

I don't know why, Lin Fang suddenly missed her a little bit.

Girls are more likable if they are stupid, and even more likable if they are obedient.

"Heh... I really thought too much!"

Fu Hao didn't wait for Lin Fang's answer, she laughed at herself, lowered her eyes, and whispered: "A woman like me must be bad in your eyes, right? You don't want to have anything to do with me anymore, no matter how normal. But. I..."


What do you want to do?

Lin Fang felt something was wrong, he grabbed Fu Hao's arm and stopped her, "You are just trying to survive, I have no right to judge you."

He couldn't remember where he heard this sentence, but it seemed appropriate to say it at this time.

"Lin Fang..."

Fu Hao couldn't hold back, so he jumped into Lin Fang's arms and hugged him tightly.

These words just spoke to her heart.

Others only see her high-ranking splendor, and she can say any disgusting words behind her back.

But she has been struggling for so many years, who has asked her if she is struggling? Has anyone asked her if she is tired?

Shuiguang quickly filled Fu's eyes, she could hardly hold back her tears.

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