I’m Not a Scumbag

Chapter 164: Luo

Originally, Lin Fang planned to walk around the law firm to see how others practiced.

After Chen Hanshen lost his interest, Lin Fang was a little disappointed.

Ding Taihang is such a big law firm, and they are not the only interns. Although the difference in treatment between the two is a little bigger, Chen Hanshen only stared at Lin Fang, and his mentality was somewhat problematic.

Lin Fang knew that his internship career was a bit special, but he felt that in such a big law firm with so many people in the office, only Chen Hanshen was the only intern doing chores back and forth. Chen Hanshen's internship experience seemed a little unusual. .

It's just that Lin Fang was too lazy to take care of so much. For this Chen Hanshen, he has released his goodwill twice, once by chance encounter in the elevator, and once by helping to prevent disasters.

This person didn't say a word of thanks, and he was inexplicably hostile to himself. Lin Fang felt that he could already put this person in the ranks of passers-by.

Lin Fang walked around the open office area. The differences between lawyers, assistants, and interns were quite obvious.

Each lawyer has a relatively independent office area. His assistants will be near this office area, and the interns will be near the assistants. Basically, lawyers are the core and are arranged radially.

Senior lawyers will have independent offices, in addition to assistants, there will also be a secretary.

Lin Fang turned around and found that most of the other interns were writing documents, reading materials, and writing analytical opinions. This was a relatively professional work. Really want to teach them something.

Basic work such as making forms, looking up materials, looking for cases, looking for laws, binding, printing case files, etc., or chores, basically whoever is free will do it, and the three young ladies at the front desk do more. a little.

In addition to the backbone lawyers, other assistants will also do these tasks.

Chen Hanshen is the only one who only does chores and has no professional work at all.

Lin Fang didn't know whether Chen Hanshen offended the master who took him, or for some other reason, and he didn't care either.

After reading it, Lin left the office with confidence and satisfaction.

When he passed the front desk, he was still a little hesitant. If the two young ladies, Li Xiaofei and Tian Xin, brought up the old story again, and then made that excessive request to him...

I promise? Promise? Or... promise?

"Hey, Lin Fang, are you leaving?"

"I promise... ah?"

Hearing that the sound was wrong, Lin Fang turned his head and saw that it was not Li Xiaofei or Tian Xin who had spoken to him, but Qi Muyao, who had not spoken to him a few times.

Looking at it again, she was the only one at the front desk, Li Xiaofei and Tian Xin, they didn't know what to do.

"Why are you the only one here?"

"Yes, it's just me now. Xiao Fei and Tian Tian went to help bind the case. There is a big case to appear in court tomorrow. The case is more complicated. Several lawyers have to appear in court, and they need to prepare more materials. Call for help."

"Is that so... When will they be finished?"

"I don't know... How about I'll go and ask you?"

"Uh... no need..."

Lin Fang touched his nose, it wasn't enough to be embarrassed.

It seems that this opportunity can only be missed.

Lin Fang shook his head regretfully and said, "I still have something to do, so I'll go first. When they're done, tell them for me, and I won't go to them at night."

"Okay, I'll definitely bring the words to you."


Do you really not understand what I mean?

I want you to tell them that if you really want to show me the big baby, give me a call and send me a location or something.

After all, I, Lin Fang, are as clean as ice, cold as ice, so I can't be too proactive, right?

I am very reserved...


Lin Fang didn't care whether Qi Muyao really didn't understand or pretended he didn't, he nodded and took the elevator to leave.

Arriving at the underground garage, Lin Fang was about to start the car when He Naibin called with a strange tone.

"Fang Er, did Xiao Qiang call you?"

"No, what happened to him?"

"He may have encountered something!"

"Wait for me, don't hang up, I'll ask him on WeChat..."

"Don't ask! If he really wants to say, don't the four of us have a WeChat group? He didn't say it in the group, it must be hard to say!"

"What's the matter, so mysterious?"

"Forget it! Since Xiaoqiang didn't tell you, I won't talk too much. When he opens up, I'll talk about it, and hang up first!"

"Hey, don't hang up... I..."


Hearing the blind tone on the phone, Lin Fang was speechless and sent He Naibin an emoji directly on WeChat.

Convex (fuck dish f*ck)!

He Naibin gave Lin Fang one (* ̄︶ ̄).

Lin Fang: "..."

Four years of college, seven or eight years after graduation, the friendship we have been in for many years is not a brother, but a brother.

Even if I don't contact you very often, when you need help, it's just a matter of words.

Even if the world line crossed, the friendship in Lin Fang's memory lasted for more than ten years, and the friendship in the memory of the three of them was only three years, and the relationship was very iron, really like brothers.

Not long after hanging up, Luo Zhanglang sent Lin Fang a WeChat message.

"Brother Fang, can you do me a favor? I've encountered something."

"You said, I will try my best."

"Cough... can you lend me some money?"

"How many?"

"Eight...five thousand~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It doesn't matter if it doesn't, I'll think of a way..."

"Small thing, send a voice."

Luo Zhanglang was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Lin Fang would be so happy.

"Fang brother, I'm really embarrassed, hey..."

Hearing that it was indeed Luo Zhanglang's voice, Lin Fang transferred 8,000 yuan to WeChat, and then said, "Brothers, don't talk about this. People have three failures and six prosperity, who can avoid some difficulties? Is that enough?"

"Enough, completely enough! Let go...Thank you so much..."

Luo Zhanglang's eyes were red and his nose was sour, and he almost couldn't hold back the tears.

The three roommates in the university are the ones he doesn't want to open up. He attaches great importance to this friendship, and he is afraid that if he opens his mouth, it will destroy this brotherly relationship.

But he really had no choice. His close friends had already borrowed a lot, but he didn't get a dime.

Everyone has difficulties and reasons. Some are real and some are fake. Luo Zhanglang can't tell who is real and who is fake, but every time he opens his mouth, his courage dissipates and his doubts about himself increase.

It was also the first time that Luo Zhanglang discovered that his life was such a failure, that he knew so many "friends" that he didn't have a single one who could borrow money.

When he called He Naibin, Luo Zhanglang found a reason to hang up before he spoke about borrowing money.

He was afraid, afraid that He Naibin, like other friends, would find a reason not to borrow it.

Finally, I found Lin Fang here, but I didn't expect...


Note ①: Ask for a ticket. I seldom asked for votes in the past. Maybe many of my friends thought I didn’t need votes, so they voted for other books. In fact, I needed them, for fear of affecting everyone’s reading experience, so they seldom asked. Let me explain now, and I won't say so much later.

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