I’m Not a Scumbag

Chapter 176: Really... can play! 【One/Two】

Si Rukui is on the third floor of the Thai Bank Center. Even if he is stuck at lunch, there are still vacancies in this store.

It's not because the taste is not good. The steak here has no taste, but the price is a bit high.

The price per capita is nearly 1,000. For Jincheng people who have too many choices of food and are used to delicious and cheap food, the consumption is indeed a bit high.

There was just one table left by the window, and Lin Fang and his party sat down here.

After ordering the meal, Lin Fang pleaded guilty while waiting to go to the bathroom.

When he came out, he happened to meet Mi Suier who had just finished washing his hands.


"Uh...it's not a coincidence..."

Washing hands before meals or something, isn't this a normal procedure?

"Come on, I'll help you!"

Mi Suier diligently pulled Lin Fang's hand under the faucet, and took the hand sanitizer to help him wash.

Her soft little hands went back and forth between his fingers, the fingers intertwined, soft and smooth, as if she was doing something amazing, her eyes were obsessed, and her movements gradually slowed down.

Just washing his hands, it made Lin Da feel overwhelmed.

"Brother-in-law... Are you comfortable?"

Sister... brother-in-law?

Lin Fang was enjoying this lingering affection and provocation. Suddenly, such a title came out of Mi Suier's mouth. He was so shocked that he immediately pulled his hand back, but how could he do it?

Mi Li'er looked at Lin Fang with a smile, the fingers interlocking were originally intended to facilitate scrubbing, but now they became ten locks, clenching his hands tightly, making him unable to break free.

"You... are you a grain of rice?"

"Yes, brother-in-law! Didn't you find out? I thought you already knew it!"


After a brief panic, Lin Fang quickly regained his composure. He no longer hurriedly pulled his hand back, looked at Mi Li'er, and said, "You can't be Mi'er, you and I decided to have dinner at this steakhouse on a temporary basis. Your sister should be at work! Don't make trouble, you are Mi Sui'er!"


Mi Li'er's eyes are also charming, and her eyebrows are also pretty. If it weren't for her fingers and Lin Fang's tightly interlocking, I'm afraid she would have to twirl her hair to unleash the all kinds of women's amorous feelings. She spoke softly. Said: "Brother-in-law~~ Don't you know that they work at Danfeng International, which is opposite? I came very close, and my sister said that I want to eat Sirukui steak, such an expensive steak, of course I want to eat it!"

Justified and justified, just like the real thing!

Lin Fang started to panic again...

He tried hard to pull it, but how could he pull it back?

"Brother-in-law, weren't you very comfortable just now? Why are you pulling it out now? They haven't done it for you yet! Don't worry, they'll fix it for you..."

"Don't talk nonsense, it was just washing your hands, what kind of messy adjectives did you use? Others will misunderstand when they hear it!"

If it weren't for the inability to draw out his hand, Lin Fang really wanted to cover Mi Li'er's mouth.

This girl is really not an ordinary person. If Mi Sui'er heard this, she would not be able to wash it out if she jumped into the Yellow River.

Coincidentally, someone passed by and wanted to go to the toilet. Hearing their conversation, he suddenly turned around and glanced at the two of them, thinking that he might see a diorama.

However, she found that Lin Fang and Mi Li'er were just interlocking their fingers, and they were a little disappointed that they didn't hug each other, so they pouted and looked away.

After a while, the man remembered something again, and looked back abruptly.

Mi Li'er's good-looking appearance and plump figure made his eyes full of admiration, and when he thought of her address to Lin Fang, the word "brother-in-law" was like a bolt of lightning, slashing into his heart.

This... is this sister-in-law chasing after him?

Also, can Nima have such a good thing?

This man couldn't help but turn his head and looked at Lin Fang enviously.

No, he forgot to look at the road in these series of operations, and with a bang, he slammed into the wall.


The impact was so loud that Mi Li'er couldn't help but turn her head and glance at her. Seeing that the other party was embarrassed, she didn't forget to take a peek at herself. She couldn't help but chuckle and turned to Lin Fangti and said, "Brother-in-law, is it because of you? Don't you look good in your eyes? Everyone peeks at me, but you don't want to look at them!"

I want to live two more days!

Lin Fang already believed that he was in front of him was the grain of rice, he was looking around, for fear that Mi Sui'er would come over at this moment.

"How on earth are you willing to let go?"

"emmmm...I don't know, just do whatever..."

"Then let go."

"Don't let it go!"

"Didn't you say casual?"

"Yes, it's just that I haven't thought about it yet. You have to help me think about it. If I'm not satisfied with what you think, you can continue to think about it. It's called casual!"

Lin Fang: "..."

Oh, woman!

"Mi Sui'er, don't make trouble! My friends and the others are still waiting for us. You haven't changed your shirt and one-step skirt. Do you think I'll believe you're Mi'er?"

"Yeah...you found out? But...my sister and I changed clothes! Right, big sister?"


Lin Xin's head was like a gust of cold wind blowing through, and it was icy cold. He turned his head a little stiffly along the line of rice grains, just in time to see another rice grain that just came out of the bathroom.

She was wearing a black shirt and a gray A-line skirt, her hair was pulled up, and her walking posture was very characteristic.

You two sisters~www.wuxiaspot.com~ really... can play!

Lin Fang didn't even know how to describe his mood at the moment. The twins from other families are at most playing the game of "guess who I am". These twin sisters are really good.

The point is, they still love to mislead Lin Fang. Whenever Lin Fang thinks he sees them through, they suddenly reveal their identities, which makes all Lin Fang's guesses come to nothing.

"Can you let go now? Rice grains?"

Lin Fang glanced helplessly at the beautiful girl in front of him, and could only admit that he was being tricked.

"Haha, you've been deceived, brother-in-law!"

The girl in a black shirt and a gray A-line skirt smiled and said with a triumphant gesture: "Yeah! I'm the grain of rice. Just now, my sister has been teasing you, don't blame me, I don't have anything. Do!"

Lin Fang: "..."

GM (Game Manager), I want to retreat!

This **** game is unplayable!


Mi Sui'er let go of Lin Fang's hands, stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, and said, "Lin Fang, didn't you scare you? I thought I couldn't deceive you. How many times have you identified me as Mi Sui'er? I wanted to give up, but fortunately, I really called my sister over to cooperate!"

Ha ha……

as long as you are happy.

Lin Fang had a blank face, not knowing what expression to make.

He really wanted not to eat at all, so he quickly left this place of right and wrong.

Playing with these two sisters, the great joys and sorrows of life come too quickly, I always feel that I have to live a few years less.


Thanks to "youjiuzhiyi", "Rem for me" and "All the people here are salted fish" for their tips!

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