I’m Not a Scumbag

Chapter 198: send her home

Shi Xiaolu flashed his eyes and looked at Lin Fang who stood up, a little confused.

"elder brother?"

"take it easy."

Lin Fang smiled and said, "I'll send you off when I settle the bill. You look so easy to bully, and I don't worry about going back so late."


Shi Xiaolu blinked, looked at the only slightly dark sky outside, and looked at the clock hanging in the store, the time on it showed that it was only 7:15 in the evening.

"News Network" hasn't been broadcast yet, so it shouldn't be too late, right?

But... since it's my brother's meaning, then listen to him!


Shi Xiaolu nodded vigorously and stood beside him quietly, waiting for Lin Fang to settle the bill.

Gu Pengfei was right. This little-known shop only has a house name, but it doesn't even have a signboard. The lo-mei and roast meat are really good.

Just chatting with Gu Pengfei was so interesting, Lin Fang was worried about fainting due to overdose, and he controlled his drinking all the time, so he didn't eat much. Gu Pengfei only ate a few boiled peanuts and drank ten bottles of beer. It felt like he came here purely for drinking and wanted to get himself drunk.

It's a pity that the sky does not follow people's wishes, and before Gu Pengfei is happy, his wife's life-threatening chain has already chased after him.

Just by looking at Gu Pengfei's panic and crawling, he knew that there would be another **** storm at his house tonight.

Lin Fang recalled the two arms Gu Pengfei showed him, and couldn't help shivering.

I have a fierce wife at home, the Women's Federation save me!

While Lin Fang secretly sympathized with Gu Pengfei, he wondered whether to help him call 120 later, lest Gu Pengfei could not control it for a while and gave Gu Pengfei a premature death suit.

"Please pack up."

At the same time as checking out, Lin Fang didn't want to waste it, so he asked the boss to wrap a few dishes that were barely touched on the table.

After doing this, he waved at Shi Xiaolu, who was standing obediently by the side, and said, "Let's go."


Shi Xiaolu agreed, picked up his schoolbag, followed Lin Fang's footsteps and walked out of the store.

When passing the parking lot, Lin Fang found that Gu Pengfei's Haval was still there. It seemed that he had almost woken up from the drink, and he still remembered that he could not drive after drinking.

Lin Fang's car was still parked downstairs in the law firm. There was no means of transportation at the moment, so he could only choose to take a taxi.

"elder brother……"

Seeing Lin Fang standing on the side of the road blocking the car, Shi Xiaolu gently tugged at the corner of his shirt and whispered, "I have a bus card..."


Seeing Lin Fang's surprised expression, Shi Xiaolu's eyes curved, as if he wanted to laugh, but he didn't laugh out loud, and added in a low voice, "We can take the bus, I have a card."

"Then take the bus."

Lin Fang saw that Shi Xiaolu wanted to do something for himself, so he didn't refuse, nodded and said, "I haven't taken the bus for a long time, can you lead the way?"


Shi Xiaolu nodded vigorously, walking briskly ahead.

She obviously didn't open her mouth, and for some reason, Lin Fang vaguely felt that he heard a song.

"When the sun shines in the sky, the flowers smile at me..."


Such an old song!

Lin Fang shook his head, pushed the nursery rhymes he heard as a child out of his mind, followed in Shi Xiaolu's footsteps, and quickly came to the platform.

There were a lot of people waiting for the bus on the platform. Every bus stopped, and the gap between getting on and off the bus created a crowd of people, which set off strong waves, and took the thin Shi Xiaolu over.

She is like a rootless duckweed, floating in the crowd, her face full of anxiety.

It wasn't until Shi Xiaolu looked back to see Lin Fang that her heart suddenly settled down, she struggled to squeeze out of the crowd, walked slowly to Lin Fang's side, held his clothes by the corner, and called out aggrievedly, "Brother... "

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."


Shi Xiaolu nodded vigorously, as if the duckweed had roots, as if the vine had a tree, as if a drifting ship had found a harbor, as if a wanderer who had left home heard the local accent, and in just a moment, he was no longer afraid. , no longer aggrieved.

After a while, the No. 34 bus came into the station. Shi Xiaolu pulled the corner of La Linfang's clothes, and then led him to the bus. She took out her bus card with the HelloKitty cover, and swiped it twice on the card reader.

The card reader beeps twice, the first is for the student card, and the second is for the e-wallet.

At first hearing the voice of the student card, Lin Fang was taken aback and felt a little embarrassed.

When the reminder of the e-wallet sounded, he was relieved again.

Isn't the reason why people are kind, just because of the shame that even if they take a small advantage, they will feel uneasy?

Route 34 is on the hub loop, which is extremely crowded.

This point is the rush hour after get off work again, there are definitely no seats, and even standing is a bit difficult.

Fortunately, Lin Fang's eyes were sharp, and he held Shi Xiaolu close to the billboard to stand firmly, let her lean against the corner, hold the handle by himself, protect her, and prevent the people around her from crowding her.

"Brother, I'm sorry..."

Lin Fang looked at Shi Xiaolu suspiciously, and said, "Why do you say sorry again?"

Shi Xiaolu lowered his head and whispered, "I forgot the time. There are so many people in the traffic jam now. You can only stand with me, I'm sorry..."

Lin Fang laughed dumbly: "What's wrong with standing for a while? I agree to take the bus. Since I agree with your plan, it means that I have anticipated the current situation. In the future, there is no need to say sorry to anyone."


If...if you were really my brother...how good would it be?

Shi Xiaolu raised his head and glanced at Lin Fang, again as if being stabbed by the sun, and quickly lowered his head.

After a stop, the station announcement of "Huanyi Road South 5th Section" finally came from the electronic broadcast. Shi Xiaolu gently tugged at Lin Fang's clothes and whispered, "Brother, here we are."

"Okay, come with me."

Even after more than ten stops, there were still not many people in the bus. Lin Fang protected Shi Xiaolu and squeezed to the door, waited until the car stopped, and took her to get off.

After the two got out of the car, Shi Xiaolu led the way, first turned into a small road, walked halfway, and then turned into an alley.

The condition of the road is not bad. The street lights on both sides are always on. There is almost no dark place in the whole street where the lights go. People and cars are still lively. It can be seen that the security situation here is not bad.

In the alley where we are walking now, the situation has changed. The street lights are starting to be scarce, and there is only one light that is far away. In addition, the dim light makes the shadows chaotic, and unconsciously, there is a little more dangerous atmosphere.

Shi Xiaolu's brisk footsteps gradually became heavy, and she unconsciously leaned towards Lin Fang, trying to find some solace in him.

Lin Fang glanced at both sides of the alley, and frowned slightly. He walked to Shi Xiaolu, stood side by side with her, and asked, "Do you often walk this road alone at night?"

Shi Xiaolu shook his head and said, "Very few. Mom will pick me up."

Lin Fang breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said, "This road is not very safe at night. You must never walk this road alone at night in the future."


Shi Xiaolu nodded vigorously with a smile on his face.

Just seeing the old community slowly approaching in front of her, the smile that had just opened on her face suddenly subsided.

No matter how slow the pace is, there are times when the gate of the community is getting closer and closer, and Shi Xiaolu's footsteps are getting slower and slower. When she reached the door, she stopped, raised her head bravely, looked at Lin Fang, and said: : "Brother, my name is Shi Xiaolu, can I see you again in the future?"

"Uh...my name is Lin Fang..."

Lin Fang touched his nose, wondering if he should tell Shi Xiaolu the truth.

If I tell the truth, will it hurt the tender and young heart of a pure girl.

If he lied, there will be a day in court after all, and this day is destined not to be too far away. At that time, the lie is exposed, how should he face this young daisy that is always blown by the rain and the wind and rarely sees a trace of sunshine all day long?

"We'll see each other soon, because my identity is..."

"Goodbye brother!"

I don't know if Shi Xiaolu was intentional or not, but when Lin Fang was about to reveal her identity, she waved at Lin Fang and quickly ran into the old community.

Lin Fang hesitated for a moment, but he went in.

This is a fairly old neighborhood, and the exterior walls of every house are exposed bricks, not even cement.

The wiring in the community is also very serious. Lin Fang even noticed that under a dim street light, a single wire was so pressed that it could almost touch the top of the pedestrians' heads.

If passers-by don't pay attention when walking, and the line leaks, it is very likely that an accident will occur.

Lin Fang tried his best to dodge, followed behind Shi Xiaolu and entered one of the buildings.

Shi Xiaolu's home is on the third floor. This address is in line with the situation described by Shi Wencheng in Lin Fang's case file. This shows that Tan Youqin has lived here for seven years and has not moved.


Lin Fang was still in the stairwell, and before he reached the third floor, he heard the sound of heavy objects falling from a room on the third floor.

Immediately afterwards, a man's roar was heard: "Tan Youqin, what's wrong with Lao Tzu spending a little money to play cards? Lao Tzu is happy! Lao Tzu used the money he earned, and he didn't spend your money, it's none of your business!"

Hearing the name, Lin Xin shook his head, immediately took out his phone, and turned on the recording mode.

Then came a woman's voice: "Ten yuan, the uncapped blood flows into a river, you call this kind of poker money?"

The man's voice was a little guilty: "It's a little louder, so what's the point? There are wins and losses, but I don't always lose money!"

The woman's voice said: "I'm too lazy to argue with you. Xiaolu goes to No. 7 Middle School. If she wants to go abroad in the future, all the money I earn will be used by her to study, and I can't spend a penny. With your salary, you can play cards, and I will ask you, what do we eat and drink?"

The man is anxious: "Why do you leave all the money you earn to your daughter who loses money, and the money I earn will be used for the whole family?"

The woman sneered twice and said, "Just because you live in my house, I will sleep with you for free every day and be a nanny for you for free. If you are not satisfied and don't want to pay this money, you can, please get out!"

The man immediately softened: "Oh, Youqin, Qinqin, you know that's not what I meant! Why don't I want to pay? I just think, look at our family conditions here, the No. 7 middle school is so expensive, and we go abroad. More expensive, don't you think..."

Tan Youqin was angry: "What is it? I warn you, Cao Youde, don't give me this little idea! Our little deer must go to the seventh middle school and must go abroad! I raised the little deer so hard just to let her go abroad. , let me fight for me, no one can say it!"

Cao Youde sighed and said, "Good! Good! Go to the seventh middle school, go abroad, let's stop arguing, the neighbors don't hear well... The big deal, can I still be a little younger in the future?"

Tan Youqin hated that iron could not be made of steel, and couldn't help but said: "You're a broken mahjong, what's there to play? Ten bets and nine cheats, you are a rich boy. You play ten times and lose nine times, just to give money to others!"

Cao Youde muttered, "Didn't I win a few times?"

Tan Youqin laughed angrily: "Hehe... that's considered a win for you? It's such a big fight, as soon as you give the tea money, you'll have dozens of dollars left to come back, what's enough for you? You count, you're going to lose in a month. How much did you lose?"

Cao Youde said quickly: "Okay! I was wrong! I was wrong! Don't say it, okay? Xiaolu hasn't come back so late, do you want to call her?"

"What to beat? This dead girl won't be beaten for a few days~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I think she's going to be wild! When she comes back, let's see how I deal with her!"

Hearing this, Lin Fang silently turned off the record button and glanced sideways at the corridor. A thin figure was squatting by the wall, holding a stamp album tightly in his hand. Under the illumination of the corridor lamp, her shadow pulled very long...very long...

Seeing her lonely and small figure, Lin Xin felt his head tighten and wanted to stand up, so he took a step, but stopped.

Not to mention how bad the couple in the house is, they are still Shi Xiaolu's guardians.

Lin Fang couldn't and couldn't take Shi Xiaolu away.

Even if it is taken away by force, it is not a long-term solution.

To completely solve Shi Xiaolu's predicament, he can only help Shi Wencheng win the custody lawsuit and let Shi Xiaolu have a better situation.

It is a pity that the recording was secretly recorded without the knowledge of the parties. Only in the case of face-to-face communication, the process of communication between the two parties can be presented as valid evidence in court.

What Lin Fang recorded at this moment is only useful when communicating with Tan Youqin, and it is useless to show it in court.

After a quick calculation in his mind, Lin Fang glanced at the corridor again. At this time, the quarrel in the room had stopped. The thin figure took out the key from the schoolbag, stood up and opened the door, and said softly: "Mom , Uncle Cao, I'm back."

"Damn girl, you still know how to come back? What time is it..."

The one who responded to Tan Youqin's scolding was Shi Xiaolu's silence. When she came back so late, Tan Youqin didn't ask if she was in danger or if she was eating. All she said was that it was not easy for her to support her, the tuition was high, and how unsatisfactory Shi Xiaolu was.

Every word, every sentence, like invisible arrows, pierced a little girl's tender heart.

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