I’m Not a Scumbag

Chapter 200: After all, it depends on the face

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Lin Fang and Jiao Jiao didn't stay alone for too long, that is, when desserts, drinks, and snacks came together, Gu Pengfei rushed over following the address given by Lin Fang.

"Brother Gu, this way!"

"I'm so thirsty, why only one drink? Waiter, three more glasses of watermelon juice... I'll drink this one first!"

Before Gu Pengfeiren sat down, he picked up the watermelon juice and drank it all in one breath.


After Gu Pengfei finished his drink, he felt more comfortable. He let out a long sigh, put the camera on the table, pulled away his tie, and leaned on the chair in an unimpressive manner, almost paralyzed there. .

Jiao Jiao looked slightly gloomy when she saw Gu Peng flying in. She originally thought she could spend more time alone with Lin Fang, but she did not expect Gu Peng to fly back so quickly.

She still restrained her emotions and was about to wave her hand to order some more drinks, but Gu Pengfei didn't expect that Gu Pengfei would arrange it first.

This is... don't treat me as an outsider!

In other words, does Brother Gu recognize my younger brother and sister?


Jiao Jiao, who should have been immersed in negative emotions, immediately became happy again when she saw Gu Pengfei's actions.

Lin Fang didn't notice Jiao Jiao's careful thoughts, he was more concerned about the investigation of Tan Youqin.

Getting more evidence against Tan Youqin earlier means more advantages, more initiative, and it also means that Shi Xiaolu can get out of the bitter sea earlier.

"Brother Gu, how is the situation?"

"Hard to say……"

Gu Pengfei handed the camera to Lin Fang with a strange look on his face, and said, "You better watch it yourself!"

Lin Fang took the camera and opened the stored video file. After watching it, he was stunned.

The entire video is only a few minutes long. For the first 90% of the time, Tan Youqin's performance was normal, and he even praised some children who played better.

In the last tens of seconds, one of the children played a wrong note, and Tan Youqin had a sudden attack.

"Are you still alone?"

"Did your parents send you to me to learn how to play cotton?"

"You're just trash! No! Trash is better than you, at least it can be recycled, how about you?"

Word by word, sentence by sentence, all kinds of powerful outputs were directly filled, and the children who made mistakes were scolded with tears, shivering, and lowered their heads like a quail, not daring to move at all.

Tan Youqin took out the ruler that had been prepared for a long time, and walked to the child.

The child was very frightened, raised his little face smeared with tears, and said pitifully, "Teacher, I know I'm wrong, can you please stop hitting me?"

Tan Youqin was expressionless, he pulled the child's right hand directly and hit it with a snap.

One shot was obviously not enough, she had to continue, and just at this moment someone was calling her outside, so she stopped.

"Remember, next time you make a mistake, the punishment will be doubled!"

The video screen shook a few times, and then stopped abruptly.

"Gu Ge, how do I feel... This Tan Youqin seems to be here... not very good?"

Lin Fang nodded, a little unsure.

"I also have this feeling!"

Gu Pengfei nodded affirmatively and said, "She is probably suffering from some kind of mental illness in her situation, but I don't know what stage she is in! But..."

He hesitated for a while, and then said to Lin Fang cautiously: "This may not be a good thing! It is very likely that this situation will make it more difficult for us to reconcile with her privately!"


Lin Fang asked in confusion: "Gu Ge, you mean, we want to reconcile with Tan Youqin on behalf of Shi Wencheng?"

"Yes, reconciliation! How do you say it? In civil cases involving marriage and children, the general principle is still to mediate..."

Gu Pengfei said: "Going to court is not a very good experience for both husband and wife, parents and children. If you can settle out of court, generally speaking, whether the court or our lawyers are willing to settle out of court. Besides...you know Shi Xiaolu's character, what do you think will happen if she is required to testify in court?"

Lin Fang was dumbfounded. What he learned about the law in school was one thing, but when he put it into practice, it was another.

He thought for a while and said, "If we can prove that Tan Youqin suffers from mental illness, can we take more initiative in reconciliation?"

Gu Pengfei nodded and said: "Of course! If she agrees to reconciliation, we can consider making some concessions, such as adding some visiting time after the custody transfer. If she does not agree, this certificate can also be used as key evidence. , prompting the court to make a judgment in favor of our parties!"

"In that case, let's find evidence to prove that she is sick now!"

Jiao Jiao rarely interjected and clapped her hands, "If you need any help from me, just say it!"

"Cough cough..."

Gu Pengfei coughed twice: "It's very difficult to prove that Tan Youqin has a mental illness. We can't restrict her personal freedom and force her to go for a medical examination unless she takes the initiative..."

"What's so hard about this?"

Jiao Jiao explained: "What do you know? There are many properties in this building. They often send gift certificates to the owners and tenants of the building in various names, which are actually commercial advertisements in disguise. Fortunately, they are more restrained and choose Gift vouchers are really discounted. We can find the property and send a few medical examination papers!"


I didn't expect you to look stupid and cute, and your suggestions are actually very constructive!

Lin Fang did not expect that Jiao Jiao actually had such a side.

Gu Pengfei tapped on the table, seriously considering Jiao Jiao's suggestion.

He said: "In this case, we need to find a hospital that is good at psychiatry and psychology... As far as I know, Xihua Hospital is the best state-run hospital, and Yuanfang Hospital is the best private hospital. Xihua Hospital is one of the best. Over there, the relationship is difficult to get through, and it may be easier to find a distant hospital..."

Lin Fang: "..."

So, after going around in circles, this heavy burden will eventually rest on my shoulders. Do I have to use beauty to solve it?

I can obviously rely on talent to eat, why do you insist on letting me use my face?

"Oops! I almost forgot..."

Gu Pengfei patted his head in annoyance, and said, "Yuanfang Hospital seems to be in a civil strife now. I remember their group boss was called Ye or something, and they entrusted us to file a lawsuit. Go to Yuanfang Hospital in the name of the law firm. , it may be difficult to do..."

That's right!

Ye Haitang is competing with Cao Yuanfei for the control of the distant hospital. If he goes to the distant hospital in the name of Ding Taihang, Cao Yuanfei will definitely get in the way.

However, in my own name...

Lin Fang sighed and said helplessly, "Brother Gu, leave this to me, I think...I might have a way..."

In the end, she still has to sacrifice her beauty and find her ex-girlfriend.

Maybe, this is my destined life, right?

"you sure?"

"I am very sure."


Gu Pengfei slapped the table hard and said with a smile, "Then you go to the distant hospital, and I'll take care of the property!"

"Brother Gu, Brother Gu, I can help with the property!"

Jiao Jiao hurriedly raised her hand and said, "My fourth sister is very familiar with the property, otherwise, she wouldn't be able to deliver the lunch in this building!"

"What's so funny about that?"

Gu Pengfei rubbed his hands, smiled, and said, "You two have taken over all the hardest parts, so I can only do logistics? Yes! I'll treat you to a good meal first! "

Before Jiao Jiao refused, Gu Pengfei went to buy the order from the store first, and then urged the two to go out.

After getting in the car, Gu Pengfei said while driving: "Let's talk first, Jiao Jiao girl, if you can eat spicy food, I will take you to eat the most delicious Jincheng specialties, or if you can't eat spicy food, I will take you there. Eat light provincial food or foreign food!”

"Gu Ge, don't be joking! I'm an authentic Jincheng girl, who can't eat spicy food!"


Gu Pengfei didn't ask Lin Fang if he could eat spicy food, he simply agreed, turned the car around, turned into an alley, and went straight to Xingkuilou Street.

On the way, Gu Pengfei called and made a reservation first.

Half an hour later, three people came to a small store.

The signboard of "Jincheng Hao (Four Sounds) Eat Mouth" is horizontally above the store door, spanning almost the entire storefront.

The store is not big, and there are some outside the door. There are 16 tables in total, 15 of them are full, and some people are not giving up, and there are 30 tables.

When the customers in the store just got up after eating, and the table had not been cleared, the next table customer hurried to occupy the seat first, for fear that someone would cut the line.

Every time the customers in the queue saw the empty table, they could not help complaining twice.

"Boss, how are you doing business! Why don't you have guests at the empty table?"

"We're just two of us, or we'll eat at that table first!"

"Boss, didn't you do business like this? We were not allowed to sit at an empty table, but we had to wait!"

The boss's reply was very polite and official: "I'm sorry, my brother is coming for dinner, that's for him!"

As soon as Gu Pengfei entered the door with Lin Fang and Jiao Jiao, a man with a bare head was wiping the sweat on his head with a towel. He threw the towel in his hand, walked over, and hugged Gu Pengfei.

"Brother, you haven't come to eat here for a long time! What's the matter? Mr. Peng is a famous chef and a master of Sichuan cuisine. If you are used to eating it, you think my cooking is not delicious, right?"

"Brother Zheng, don't say that! In my heart, the bullfrog you cook is the best food in the world! Otherwise, how could I boast about Haikou and bring my friends over for a good meal?"

"Hahaha... You have a conscience! Sit! Sit! Hurry up and take a seat. The seat has been reserved for you all the time. I won't let anyone come!"

Zheng Youwang laughed and greeted Lin Fang and the three of them to sit on the table that had been vacant. After a brief introduction, knowing that Lin Fang was a student who had just arrived at the law firm for an internship, Zheng Youwang said meaningfully: "In Dingtaihang Internship, grow your conscience!"

"You sit first, I'll arrange what to eat, you don't care!"

"Brother Zheng, don't make too much, there are only three of us, we won't be able to finish it all!"

"If I can't finish packing, the dishes I made by myself may not be left over?"

"Yes, you have the final say!"

When Zheng Youwang left, Gu Pengfei said: "My big brother Zheng is a veteran, and the artillery unit's cooking class is the kind of soldier who lives in Internet jokes... If you don't have any other skills, this cooking skill is really good! "

"Ah? What joke?"

Jiao Jiao didn't react, and looked at Gu Pengfei blankly.


Lin Fang saw that Gu Pengfei's eyes were a bit meaningful, he pulled Jiao Jiao, and whispered in her ear, "The one who bears the blame..."

"Yeah! Nasty!"

Jiao Jiao couldn't help but hit Lin Fang lightly. There were other women around, so she could put down her figure very well. Without other women, she would still be very reserved.

After all, in Gu Pengfei's eyes, she was Lin Fang's girlfriend.

"Hey, brother, I really envy you..."

Seeing Jiao Jiao "showing affection" with Lin Fang, Gu Pengfei looked envious. He took off his coat and rubbed his arms. Thinking of the "love" his wife gave him last night, he couldn't help feeling a little sad.

Both are women, why is my wife so violent?

It's all to blame for the **** Koryo stick, what kind of savage girlfriend is it all right?

Those theater chains that introduced this kind of film are not a good thing, and they don't look at the national conditions! Come on!

I live in China, women have been liberated for many years, and they have already been able to hold up half of the sky. If it is more savage, is it worth it? Don't you have to ride on a man's head to **** and pee?

No...my wife she's already started doing this...

The more Gu Pengfei thought about it, the more aggrieved he felt that the delicious bullfrog served by Zheng Youwang was no longer fragrant.

Delicious bullfrog is the signature dish in the restaurant "Jincheng Haozui". It is served in a polished half glass wine bottle and supported by a chain. The bullfrog is very tender and hidden in the bright red chopped peppers. It is delicious and beautiful. Take a bite, it's amazingly delicious.

Next came the Guoben Tuo Tuo Shrimp. After it's done, seal it with a layer of hot red oil to seal the umami and salty aroma of the shrimp. When you eat it, it's like just out of the pot.

Then there is one fish for two, fish fillets mixed with pineapple to make grilled fish, fish head and tail, pickled cabbage and vermicelli to make soup, sour and spicy appetizers.

Next is the Sichuan-style sweet and sour pork ribs. The sweet and sour taste is added with peppers and peppercorns. After a bite, it tastes sweet, sour, spicy and salty, like a taste of life.

This is the best time to serve it with the bitter gourd baked eggs. With a touch of bitterness in the mouth, all kinds of tastes of life are available at this time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then there is a Nestle palm treasure and Chinese medicine stewed chicken feet. If you find it troublesome, just eat palm treasure , just eat a crunch and crispy, not afraid of the trouble to nibble the chicken feet, enjoy one bite, eat the delicious taste of different parts of the whole chicken feet.

These signature dishes seem to embody the essence of Zheng Youwang's cooking skills, and because of Gu Pengfei's relationship, he cooks them with great care.

Even Jiao Jiao, who has eaten all over Jincheng and only loves hot pot, couldn't help but smelt his mouthfuls and was full of praise.

Not to mention Lin Fang, whether it was the roasted meat and lo-mei he ate at an unknown shop yesterday, or the bullfrog and prawns he ate today, they all left a deep impression on his heart.

The ability of delicious mouth to discover food is really not to be underestimated!

I don't know if the foodie roommate of the eldest Sun Yunxiu knew about these places, what kind of face would he look like?

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