I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 222: Tan Youqin's life [3/3]

The next day, when Lin Fang was planning to go to the law firm, he received a call from Gu Pengfei on the way.

Gu Pengfei asked him to go directly to the cafe. It was the same cafe that sold porridge and fried dough sticks in the morning when the business was very extensive.

What made Lin Fang want to laugh a little, but he didn't know whether to laugh or not, was that Gu Pengfei specially warned him not to wear that custom suit, especially not to go to the law firm.

Lin Fang felt that these words should not have been said by Gu Pengfei, but were probably the original words of Wu Qingsong and Wu Lu.

Speaking of which, Lin Fang didn't deliberately wear that suit to the law firm that day, but he just forgot to change it and went directly to the law firm.

When it was seen that the clothes were so good that it was nothing, no one asked, but Wu Qingsong and Gu Pengfei insisted.

Don't say it, they think Lin Fang is pretending.

When Lin Fang told the truth, they were going to get angry again.

It's too hard to be a human, so just make them angry.

When Lin Fang came to the cafe, Gu Pengfei had already eaten.

It happened that Lin Fang hadn't had breakfast yet, so he sat down opposite Gu Pengfei rudely, took a fried dough stick and ate it, and asked the waiter for a bowl of porridge.

"Brother Gu, this restaurant does such a good job of breakfast, why don't you make breakfast specially?"

"Heh... They do better for lunch, or do they specialize in catering?"

"That's a good feeling, I will definitely come to visit often in the future!"

"I want to eat farts!"

Gu Pengfei gave Lin Fang a white look, threw the menu in front of him, and said, "Look at their prices, and then look at the prices of other breakfast restaurants and restaurants, can they be the same?"

Lin Fang looked at the menu and put it down silently.

I'm sorry to disturb you!

In the breakfast shop, a bowl of white porridge is two pieces, eight-treasure porridge, pumpkin porridge, and black rice porridge are four pieces. In this cafe, there are sixteen white porridges and thirty-two other porridges. The price has been accurately compared to eight times.

If I guessed correctly, their fried dough sticks are also 16 pieces?

Lin Fang picked up the menu again, looked at it, nodded, put it down silently again, and asked for another bowl of black rice porridge.

In Jincheng, it is quite common for cafes to also operate catering.

It is not simply to provide a few snacks, but to provide breakfast, lunch and dinner in a serious manner.

Although it does not seem petty enough, it is enough to do as the locals do.

"Brother Gu, this boss is so dark-hearted, isn't he afraid of being reported?"

"It's real, what's there to report? Focus, I said you look at the menu, can you order it carefully? Pay attention to the ingredient list!"

What the hell?

Who would read the menu so carefully? Is the owner of this shop so thief?

With suspicion, Lin Fang picked up the menu for the third time, looked at it for a while, and put it down silently.

Below each item on the menu, the general ingredients, origin and food grade are marked. There is no doubt that they are all high-quality ingredients that are expensive in the market.

The translation is: The poor are forced to get rough!

Lin Fang thought for a second, Gu Pengfei wears simple clothes and drives a domestic car. He seems to be stubborn, but he is very particular about eating.

Every place he took Lin Fang to, as long as there was something to eat, it must be very special.

It may seem a bit strange, but this is the authentic Jincheng people, and other things are affordable. If you really encounter delicious food, you are very willing.


Lin Fang coughed lightly and said, "Brother Gu, you asked me to come here, shouldn't you be inviting me to breakfast?"

"Thinking beautiful!"


Gu Pengfei casually threw a stack of documents and said, "Tan Youqin's examination results were sent to the law firm two days ago. I originally planned to let you take a look and tell you about the situation yesterday. But you blinded the dog. , I only care about letting you go, but I forgot the business."

Lin Fang: "..."

Do you blame me?

Lin Fang picked up the materials and flipped through them for a while. The previous inspection results were basically normal, but because of the lessons learned from reading the menu three times, Lin Fang did not browse quickly, but carefully looked at each one.

The previous data overflows and deficiencies can be skipped if you do not understand them, but at the bottom of each page there will be a doctor's analysis of the condition and corresponding treatment recommendations, which Lin Fang will focus on reading.

Seeing Lin Fang's serious expression, Gu Pengfei nodded slightly. He and Wu Qingsong agreed. Lin Fang's basic legal skills are quite solid. In addition to lacking some experience in handling cases, there is another problem that he is not very careful. .

In other industries, it is not a big problem if you are not careful enough and sloppy at work.

But in the profession of lawyers, it is a problem that cannot be ignored.

Lawyers in the courtroom are arguing, zhi (zhi), fine (fa), zang (zang), no (pi), all of which seem to be majestic, but these prestige are all based on one detail after another.

The omission of a detail sometimes determines the success or failure of a lawsuit.

Gu Pengfei didn't want Lin Fang to suffer a lot when working independently in the future because he was not careful enough.

When Lin Fang turned to the liver function test, he was surprised.

The two rising signs of high alpha-fetoprotein and high alpha-fetoprotein specificity indicate that liver cancer is more likely at the bottom. It is suggested to increase MRI examination and liver biopsy.

Turning back further, it is the results of MRI and liver biopsy. The results show that Tan Youqin has liver cancer and has entered the middle and late stages.

Lin Fang looked up at Gu Pengfei, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Gu Ge, I didn't expect that Tan Youqin was actually suffering from liver cancer. If Xiaolu left her at this time, would it be a big blow to her?"

Gu Pengfei gave a wry smile, nodded and said: "There will definitely be blows. Although this kind of thing is not very likely, it is not uncommon. Xiao Lin, you have to remember one thing, we represent the client, and we represent the Shi Wencheng's interests.

Yes, Tan Youqin suffers from liver cancer, and Shi Xiaolu was taken away from her. She seems very pitiful, so Shi Wencheng is not pitiful? Isn't Shi Xiaolu poor?

Some people always scold us for being a lawyer with a very dirty heart, but they never thought that when we uphold the law and justice, we also have to eat and protect the interests of our clients. "

Lin Fang took a deep breath and nodded, "I see..."

At this moment, his heart was actually quite heavy.

Although he studied law in the past, he did not practice law in the end, so his views on lawyers are not much different from the popular views on the Internet.

At most, when he encounters some legal issues that he just happens to understand, he can't help but argue with others.

But even at this time, the results were frustrating. There were always people who wanted to go to the horns and refute Lin Fang with special circumstances and cases that were not universal.

Finally, he scolded Lin Fang for "half a bottle of water".

The problem facing Lin Fang is a problem that every legal worker will encounter.

Lin Fang was silent for a moment, picked up the documents, and continued to read.

The results of the subsequent examinations were all normal. Tan Youqin had already been sentenced to death for only one liver cancer. The other results were no longer important, but Lin Fang insisted on turning the pages one by one.

When I turned to the results of the mental and psychological tests, it was no accident that Tan Youqin suffered from depression. Compared with liver cancer, the depression was relatively mild, but it was only in the early and middle stages, mild depression.

Combined with what Lin Fang heard when he sent Shi Xiaolu home that day, and what he and Gu Pengfei went to the piano room where Tan Youqin worked, some clues could actually be seen.

Tan Youqin is irritable and irritable, and she is obsessed with sending Shi Xiaolu abroad. Various signs have shown that she is full of anger and her mood fluctuates greatly, corresponding to liver problems and mental problems respectively.

After Lin Fang finished reading all the documents, he let out a long sigh, looked at Gu Pengfei, and said, "Gu Ge, now, we still need to contact Tan Youqin and Shi Wencheng, and let them negotiate the transfer of custody? "

Gu Pengfei nodded and said: "Of course! You have to be mentally prepared, this matter is difficult to solve at one time, and we may have to fight a protracted battle. It may even be that we spend a lot of time and energy, and finally Had to go to court."

"Brother Gu..."

"Do you want to ask, since we have to go to court in the end, why do we still need to negotiate a solution? Is this a useless effort? Of course it is not useless! All the efforts we made in the early stage are all beneficial attempts to the client. Even in the end Going to court, we will also have a considerable advantage psychologically!"

Lin Fang nodded and said, "Okay, Brother Gu, I'm fine!"

Gu Pengfei looked at the time, nodded and smiled: "The time is almost right, I made an appointment with Tan Youqin and Shi Wencheng in advance, and they are almost here, you eat quickly, and let the waiter clean up after eating. Don't wait for a commission. When people pay the bill, they have small emotions."

Lin Fang: "..."

Brother Gu, this way of yours is too dirty!

I just said, I didn't seem to pay the bill when I left last time.

The relationship was also settled by the client last time?

Lin Fang finished the porridge in two mouthfuls, greeted the waiter, and cleaned up the table.

After the table top was cleaned up, Gu Pengfei and Lin Fang ordered another cup of coffee, which finally echoed the serious style of the cafe.

The two drank and chatted. After waiting for about ten minutes, Tan Youqin arrived first.

It can be seen that Tan Youqin has been well-dressed. She is wearing a white top with a black hip-covered short skirt, a pair of black stockings on her legs, and a pair of mid-heeled black leather boots on her feet.

She has delicate makeup, brushed eyelashes, painted eyeliner, applied eye shadow, applied highlighter, applied blush, painted lip line, and applied lip glaze. Every part that needs to be retouched, she has carefully retouched.

On her face, there are almost no flaws, not even a single crow's feet.

At this moment, Tan Youqin, who appeared in front of Lin Fang, is not only as simple as a tuba Shi Xiaolu, but also a charming, perfect, goddess-level tuba Shi Xiaolu.

From Tan Youqin's body at this moment, Lin Fang can fully see what a dazzling and beautiful woman Shi Xiaolu will be when she grows up.

But she was such a beautiful woman who failed extremely in her life. She was unable to go abroad in her early years. She had no choice but to marry Shi Wencheng. The marriage was unfortunate. Although she got the custody of Shi Xiaolu, she remarried and met a bad gambler.

All kinds of unhappiness in life made Tan Youqin put almost all her hopes on Shi Xiaolu. She regarded Shi Xiaolu as her sustenance, the realization of her ideal in life, and the only hope to prove that her life is not so failure.

Her obsession made her unable to tolerate Shi Xiaolu's disobedience, but it backfired, turning Shi Xiaolu, who was supposed to be lively and cheerful and enjoying a bright youth, into a timid and particularly unconfident girl.

To make matters worse, her body and spirit also had problems.

Seeing such a beautiful woman, Lin Fang couldn't help turning his head to look at Gu Pengfei. He knew that the test results that were likely to cause a major psychological blow to the patient were usually not given to the patient directly, but would be notified to the patient. Family members, let me know from the side.

In other words, Tan Youqin now has a high probability of not knowing her condition.

Otherwise, she wouldn't know that after meeting with Shi Wencheng, she would not pack herself so perfectly.

Obviously, Tan Youqin intends to greet this meeting with the best mental state and the most perfect side. She wants to tell Shi Wencheng that she has had a good time since she left Shi Wencheng!

It was not because he sent Shi Xiaolu home that night. He heard a conversation between Tan Youqin and Cao Youde by mistake. Lin Fang couldn't believe it. The beautiful middle-aged woman who came to his table was exquisite, Beautiful, elegant, and dignified, this woman who uses almost all the beautiful words on her body is not obtrusive. She will have such an ugly side behind her back.

"Xiao Lin, calm down!"

Gu Pengfei told Lin Fang to calm down, but he was a little less calm.

The Tan Youqin in front of him is not the same person as the Tan Youqin he saw in the piano room that day.

At that time, she looked too ordinary, just an ordinary middle-aged woman, rigid, vicious, and vulgar, that is, she had a little attainment in the piano.

Look at Tan Youqin in front of me again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is elegant, beautiful, and dignified. From the matching of clothes to the outline of makeup, every detail is well-founded.

Anyone who sees it will feel that this is a beautiful woman with a delicate and wonderful life.

Gu Pengfei felt that his eyes were going blind.

He pinched his thighs several times before he could barely calm down and go blind.

It's a pity that such a beautiful woman has liver cancer and depression... It's such a pity...

With a sigh in his heart, Gu Pengfei slowly recovered his senses.

Tan Youqin's illness reminded him and allowed him to calm down.

"Ms. Tan, right? I'm Gu Pengfei, the attorney representing Mr. Shi Wencheng Shi, and this is my assistant, Lin Fang. Shall we chat first, or wait for Mr. Shi to come over and talk together?"

"Wait a minute, I don't want to say something twice."

Tan Youqin was very indifferent, she just nodded slightly to Gu Pengfei without looking at Lin Fang, then sat opposite the two of them, ordered a cup of Baileys coffee, and sipped it gently without stirring.

Originally, Lin Fang and Gu Pengfei thought that communication with Tan Youqin would be very difficult, communication would be difficult, and even getting along would be awkward.

At present, it seems that the previous judgment is basically correct. Before Shi Wencheng came, Tan Youqin didn't really want to communicate with them.

But when it comes to getting along, Lin Fang and Gu Pengfei still feel quite pleasing to the eye.

: . :

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