I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 231: want to take care of mother

When Shi Xiaolu came to find him, Lin Fang was very happy.

But if Shi Xiaolu is not happy, Lin Fang's happiness will be reduced.

When Shi Xiaolu saw Lin Fang stop, he also stopped.

She blinked, looked at Lin Fang suspiciously, and whispered, "Brother, what's wrong?"

Lin Fang asked with a slightly serious expression: "Xiaolu, are you unhappy living with your father?"

When the words were asked, Lin Fang felt something was wrong.

Based on Lin Fang's understanding of Shi Xiaolu, even if there is a big grievance, she will choose to remain silent and endure.

This little airbag will not admit it.

Sure enough, Shi Xiaolu shook his head vigorously, tried his best to smile happily: "Brother, how could it be, I live with my father, I am very happy!"

you are lying!

When did you laugh so exaggeratedly?

You can't even lie, you little airbag!

Lin Fang rubbed Shi Xiaolu's head vigorously, and said softly, "Xiaolu, lying is not a good boy! I will call Uncle Shi!"

The smile on Shi Xiaolu's face slowly disappeared. She lowered her head and whispered, "I...I just miss my mother..."

Lin Xin's head trembled violently, his nose felt a little sore, and his mood was indescribably complicated.

He had seen how Shi Xiaolu and Tan Youqin got along. Tan Youqin had a bad attitude towards Shi Xiaolu, was demanding, and didn't care much about her life.

Shi Xiaolu has just lived with Shi Wencheng, how can it be uncomfortable in the future, but now is the best time for Shi Wencheng to treat Shi Xiaolu.

But at this time, Shi Xiaolu secretly came out to find himself, and said he missed his mother.

Lin Fang didn't even know how to describe his mood at the moment, wouldn't this child enjoy the blessings?

Taking a deep breath, Lin Fangqiang smiled and said, "Isn't it agreed? You can go to see your mother every weekend. Didn't you go yesterday and the day before yesterday?"


Shi Xiaolu lowered his head, his two little hands tore the shoulder strap of the schoolbag hanging on his chest, and was silent for a while before saying, "Mom has lost weight... I want to move back to take care of my mother."

After hearing this, Lin Fang didn't even know what to say.

Shi Xiaolu didn't know about Tan Youqin's illness. She didn't see Tan Youqin for a few days, and she easily noticed the subtle changes in Tan Youqin's body, and she wanted to go back to take care of her mother.

The liver has a powerful "compensatory" function. As long as 30% to 40% of the liver is intact, it can ensure the normal function of the body and maintain the normal operation of the human body.

If she hadn't suspected that Tan Youqin might have depression, she used some means to force her to go to a distant hospital for an examination, and she still didn't know when she would find out.

Tan Youqin's body has undergone obvious changes, which may be related to her condition.

Asking Shi Xiaolu to take care of Tan Youqin will not actually help her condition, but may have some counterproductive effects.

Lin Fang thought for a while, then rubbed Shi Xiaolu's head again and said with a smile: "Mom is an adult, you are still a child. When you move back, will you take care of your mother or your mother? In addition, you tell What do I, mother want you to do most?"

"Going to study abroad..."

When Shi Xiaolu said these four words, it was like a deflated ball, her face was wrinkled, and it was almost crowded into a ball, one can imagine how much she resisted this matter.

Lin Fang pretended not to see it, but asked deliberately, "That little deer, tell me, do you want to study abroad?"

"In no mood!"

Shi Xiaolu answered firmly and decisively. She raised her head, looked at Lin Fang expectantly, and said, "Brother, can I not go abroad? I... my English is terrible!"

Lin Fang angrily and hilariously replied, "The one who asked you, you don't want to go abroad so much, but you have to move back to take care of your mother, what if your mother insists you go abroad to study?"

"I...I don't know..."

Shi Xiaolu lowered his head again in frustration, a little unlovable.

Lin Fang rubbed her little head and comforted her: "Okay, don't worry, Uncle Shi will pick you up and talk to your mother, at most you will be an exchange student for half a year, no It will keep you abroad. In addition, Uncle Shi will accompany you, don't worry."


Shi Xiaolu thought for a while, then raised his head and asked, "Brother, what if I miss you?"

Lin Fang took out his mobile phone and shook it, and said, "We can make videos. By the way, I remember that your mobile phone can only make calls. Let's go, I'll buy you a smartphone first."

"Brother, I've changed my phone! Dad bought it, you... just wait for me!"

Shi Xiaolu wanted to take out the phone, but it was put in a schoolbag, and it was a little difficult for her to pick it up, so she could only take off the schoolbag and put it on the ground, then squatted down to open the schoolbag and searched for a while, and then she took out the phone at the bottom.

Her new phone is the latest model, it is a very cute pink gold color, and it is covered with a translucent phone case with various animal patterns. The color on the front of the phone doesn't look very smooth, it should be a tempered film.

The phone is well hidden and protected, so you can imagine how much Shi Xiaolu cherishes the new phone.

Lin Fang looked at Shi Xiaolu a little worriedly, and said, "Xiaolu, isn't Uncle Shi worried that you will delay your studies by playing on your mobile phone?"


Shi Xiaolu raised his head, smiled brightly at Lin Fang, stretched out three fingers, and said, "I promised my dad that I don't spend more than two hours on my phone every day! Brother, add WeChat!"

After adding Shi Xiaolu's WeChat, Lin Fang said, "Let's go, my brother is going to work. I'll help you find a place. You can study for a while by yourself, and I'll take you home when I get off work."


Shi Xiaolu nodded and never mentioned the matter of moving back to take care of Tan Youqin.

Lin Fang took Shi Xiaolu back to the office. At this time, almost all the law firms had arrived.

Seeing that he was leading a timid little girl from the cafeteria, Li Xiaofei leaned on the front desk curiously and asked, "Lin Fang, who is the little girl you are leading? Could it be your daughter? "

Lin Fang glanced at Shi Xiaolu, turned around and smiled: "If I could have such a lovely daughter, I would wake up laughing in my dreams. Unfortunately not!"

Li Xiaofei shook his hair, gave Lin Fang a wink, and said, "It's not easy to want a cute daughter? Find me! I can satisfy you now, tyrant!"

Lin Fang: "..."

you go away!

I'm talking to you serious, but you're making fun of me?

Do you still want to work?

Lin Fang rubbed his nose, and took Shi Xiaolu for a few quick walks, leaving Li Xiaofei and the others behind.

On the road, seeing Lin Fang holding a timid little girl, colleagues would more or less ask a question or two out of curiosity.

In such a situation, Lin Fang always replied "This is my sister".

After helping Shi Xiaolu find a place to settle it, Lin Fang went to Gu Pengfei again to ask him about any new cases.

After finishing Shi Wencheng's custody case, Lin Fang was very leisurely for a whole week last week. In addition to looking at the documents, he just went to Fu Wencun.

After paying today, he started to hang up the free card. Lin Fang thought about it, he should work hard, it's time to deal with a new case.

Seeing Lin Fang, Gu Pengfei asked first, "Xiao Lin, why did you bring Xiao Lu here? Is it the case of Shi Wencheng, what's the repetition?"

"It has nothing to do with the case."

Lin Fang explained and said: "She came to me, the little girl is very observant. During the process of getting along with her mother last weekend, she found that Tan Youqin's body had changed a little, and she lost some weight. She came to see I said I wanted to move back to take care of my mother, but I persuaded me to stop."

"This child..."

Gu Pengfei looked back at Shi Xiaolu, who was lying on the desk doing his homework seriously, sighed, and said, "He is a sensible child, but unfortunately he was born in such a family!"

To a certain extent, lawyers and doctors compete for the hardness of the heart.

It's not that he's ruthless, but that he sees a lot of human affection, parting from life and death, and he's not hard-hearted, so he can't do this job at all.

Human energy is limited, the more people you care about, the less you can focus on work.

Over time, the work will gradually become more and more difficult.

Gu Pengfei was already used to this, he sighed, then withdrew his gaze, looked at Lin Fang and said, "Tell me, what are you looking for?"

"Brother Gu, there is a new case recently, I want to follow it."

"There are quite a few cases, but... why don't you ask Wu Lu first?"

Gu Pengfei threw the pen on the desk, gave Lin Fang a wink, and whispered: "You are Wu Lu's intern, not mine. Always hang out with me, be careful there is no future!"

"What's that?"

Lin Fang smiled and said, "Instead, I feel that you are very comfortable with you, Brother Gu, and I have learned a lot. Wu Lu is very famous, but it is too uncomfortable to be with him. Besides... I am worried about him. The jobs arranged for me are quite... special!"

On the first day of entering the law firm, I was assigned the task of picking up girls.

Thanks to Lin Fang, the target of the task encountered was his ex-girlfriend. Although there were many twists and turns in the process, fortunately, it was successfully completed in the end.

It's a pity that the price was paid and dismissed, and also restricted from engaging in financial work.

In Lin Xin's mind, when this is done, there will naturally be a big question mark.

Shi Wencheng's custody case was not arranged by Wu Qingsong to Lin Fang, but he asked for it himself.

Continuing to follow Wu Qingsong, Lin Fang was really worried, whether he would assign himself some strange tasks that had nothing to do with legal work.

In Lin Fang's eyes, Wu Qingsong is completely an old yinbi who does not take the usual path. He never thinks about defeating his opponent from the legal level, but how to help the client with the least cost and the shortest time.

Wu Qingsong's approach would be very comfortable as his client, except for the ridiculously expensive commission fee, there is nothing wrong with other places.

But it would be a bit uncomfortable to be Wu Qingsong's executor and work under his hands.

Lin Fang worried that if he had worked under Wu Qingsong for a long time, he might not have learned much about how to be a lawyer, and all kinds of other useful and useless wonderful knowledge had grown a lot.

"Cough cough..."

Hearing Lin Fang complaining about Wu Qingsong behind his back, Gu Pengfei agreed in his heart, but he had to cough a few times to interrupt, and then said: "You kid, don't talk about your leadership behind your back, be careful that someone hits you with a small report that affects you. Internship results!"

Gu Pengfei looked left and right as he spoke, and saw that there were no dazzling figures, and then said again: "Xiao Lin, Shi Wencheng's case, the two of us cooperated very happily. If you don't dislike the small case in my hands, I will Of course, you are welcome to continue to deal with me. But... you still have to ask Wu Lu about this matter. If he knows that I intercept the intern he likes, I will be unlucky!"

Lin Fang was helpless and had no choice but to say, "Okay, then I'll ask Wu Lu."

Arriving at the door of Wu Qingsong's office, Lin Fang knocked on the door, and after getting permission, he pushed open the door and went in.

I haven't seen each other alone for a while, and even if I glance at it occasionally, it's far away. Lin Fang found that Wu Qingsong's complexion looked much better than the last time we met alone.

Wu Qingsong saw that it was Lin Fang who came in. He threw the case in his hand on the table, rubbed the bridge of his nose, and asked with a smile, "What's the matter, Lin Fang, do you have anything to do with me? The case in your hand, deal with it. finished?"

"It's done."

Lin Fang nodded and said, "Reconciled out of court, custody has been transferred to the client's name~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In fact, it has been a while since the commission ended.

It's just that Wu Qingsong is not in charge of administrative work. It is not a case that he personally handles. He does not know when it will end.

Asking a question at this time is also because this case is what Lin Fang asked for, and he only cares about it.

"Then you handled it well!"

Wu Qingsong smiled and affirmed: "Strictly speaking, this is the first case you dealt with, right? Ye Haitang's case is not a routine procedure, so it can't be regarded as the first case you dealt with."

So you know?

Lin Fang forcibly resisted the urge to roll his eyes, smiled politely in return, and said, "Wu Lu, if there is any new case that needs my help, please feel free to... give it to Gu Lu, and I will assist you."

Wu Qingsong glanced at Lin Fang with a half-smile but not a smile, and said, "What? Are you worried that I will hand you another case that doesn't follow the normal procedures? Don't worry, the cases I have are all normal now. There is a divorce case, you Are you interested?"


How could it not be interested?

As long as I don't sell my hue, I'm interested!

Lin Fang took the case from Wu Qingsong, glanced at it, and scratched his head a little.

The name of the client, the first time he saw it, he felt familiar, and he was still muttering in his heart, it should not be so coincidental.

But after looking at it, I realized that it was such a coincidence.

This female client, he not only knows, but also very familiar!

What should I do, do you want to take this case?

Lin Fang is still an intern. First, he has not graduated, and secondly, he has no professional qualifications as a lawyer. Even if he takes over, he will only assist from the side. The real responsible person must be another lawyer.

But no matter how he assists, he has to meet with the client, will he be embarrassed at that time?

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