I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 233: little big stomach king


Shi Xiaolu looked at Lin Fang with **** and white eyes. The moment she saw Lin Fang's balance, she wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Gu Pengfei. She didn't argue, just looked at Lin Fang quietly.

Now, after the two of them finished talking, she gently pulled on the corner of Lin Fang's clothes and whispered, "Brother..."

"What's the matter, little deer?"

"I like hamburgers!"

Lin Fang stared at Shi Xiaolu for a while, and then said softly, "Xiaolu, there are a lot of injustices in this world, and there are a lot of poor people, I can't fix everything, I can't help everyone, I just hope that the people around me People can live better. Do you understand what I said?"

"I know!"

Shi Xiaolu nodded vigorously, raised his little face, smiled brightly at Lin Fang, and said, "But brother, I don't want to take advantage of you all the time and get free food!"

I don't want to eat free food...

Lin Xin's head was very touched, but for a while, he didn't know whether to praise Shi Xiaolu or criticize Shi Xiaolu.

Speaking of which, Shi Xiaolu's young age shows that he is mature, sensible, and unwilling to cause trouble to others.

Speaking from a young age, he is also a strong-willed child.

But thinking about Shi Xiaolu, who was so sensible at a very young age, and thinking about his own little sister who couldn't do anything except eat, drink, and play live broadcasts, and who didn't seem very smart, Lin Fang really wanted to talk to his mother. , why don't you take your sister and exchange it with Shi Xiaolu?

Lin Fang turned his head and said to Shi Xiaolu: "Xiaolu, your idea is right, but you are still young and can't support yourself. Just treat your brother as an investment for you, and when you grow up, give me more back."

"Okay, brother, I will marry you when I grow up!"

Lin Fang: "..."

Lin Fang didn't have to look back, the cold stinging sensation on the back of his head undoubtedly came from Gu Pengfei, who was blazing.

He laughed dryly, turned his head and explained, "Brother Gu, it's not what you think..."

Gu Pengfei said calmly, "No, I didn't think about anything!"

It was only after being calm for less than three seconds, Gu Pengfei broke his power instantly, his eyes were red, he stared at Lin Fang fiercely and said, "You beast, Xiaolu is still a child!"

Lin Fang rolled his eyes and didn't want to talk to Gu Pengfei anymore.

As a child, just listen to it. Lin Fang hasn't thought about what to do, but Gu Pengfei said this. I'm afraid he thinks too much.

I don't know who is the more beast.

Lin Fang ignored Gu Pengfei and took Shi Xiaolu's little hand to sign up.

Registration is very simple. You only need to eat three hamburgers at a time, even if you pass the preliminaries, you won't know until you go. The preliminaries also have a time limit, which cannot exceed ten minutes.

In order to save time, or to increase the elimination rate, water is not allowed in the preliminaries.

In other words, a hamburger must be eaten within three minutes and twenty seconds, and it must be eaten dry!

If people take more time to slow down, many people can barely eat the three burgers, which means that they are a little bit unfriendly to special people like Gu Pengfei who don't like hamburgers.

But there is a time limit, and most of the applicants have timed out before they have eaten the second hamburger.

Don't look at a hamburger that looks small, it's about the size of two fists together.

But this thing is really bloated, and when you eat it, it's hard to swallow without drinking water.

In just one preliminaries, it stopped 90% of the people who joined in the fun, and it also greatly increased the daily turnover of the burger shop.

After Lin Fang brought Shi Xiaolu to sign up, he didn't need to prepare much. He and the others who signed up and waited to the side were placed in the same group. Each contestant packed three hamburgers on a tray and sat down in the vacant seat next to him. The staff Holding the stopwatch, after the timing starts, all the players start to eat.

I have to say that the competition of a big stomach king made Lin Fang feel that it was an eye-opener.

Every contestant eats differently. Except for some that are particularly ugly, the pictures of most contestants eating food look delicious and make people appetizing.

One of the contestants was very good, with a big mouth and good teeth. He bit down a quarter of the hamburger and chewed very quickly, but Lin Fang still noticed that he did not eat the food completely. Chewed finely, one was almost swallowed whole.

Seeing the bulge when the food slid down the man's throat, Lin Fang secretly squeezed a sweat for him, choking for him.

Looking back at Shi Xiaolu, the little girl has a small mouth, and she doesn't bite down much in one bite, and she seems to be unhurried, but she is like a little hamster, and her mouth keeps chewing, which is better than persistence.

The player with the big mouth that Lin Fang saw was the first to win. It only took him four minutes to eat three hamburgers.

The other winner was Shi Xiaolu, the little girl spent seven minutes.

The remaining three people only finished the second one at this time, looking at the third hamburger, looking at me and looking at you, they were all in a bit of trouble.

In order to increase the difficulty of the preliminaries, they were not allowed to drink water. The three people were very uncomfortable after eating the second one. Some people couldn't help but raise their hands and said, "I abstain, I have to drink some water!"

He just raised his hand, and the staff immediately handed over a bottle of mineral water and said with a smile: "Thank you for participating, this water is a free gift, please go to the cashier to settle the bill."

The man didn't care about being polite, he grabbed the water, twisted it open, and drank it wildly.


It didn't matter when he started drinking, the other two players who had planned to continue to compete with the third burger, the anger in their hearts, along with the sound of him drinking water, gushed all the way.


"I also abstain!"

"Thank you for participating, two gentlemen, this is your water!"

After a group of games was over, the staff took Shi Xiaolu and another big-mouthed guy who won to the area where the finals were held.

Lin Fang naturally followed, Gu Pengfei pulled Lin Fang, kept rubbing his throat, and said a little uncomfortable: "Xiao Lin, is this big stomach game so exciting? I feel that everything is so exciting. It's going to come out of my throat, it's hard to choke!"

After hearing this, Lin Fang couldn't help laughing. He smiled and said, "Brother Gu, let me buy you a drink. What would you like to drink?"

Gu Pengfei couldn't help but snorted when he thought of the seven-digit, enviable balance, and said, "Why not? Of course you have to invite me to drink the most expensive..."

Before he finished speaking, Gu Pengfei glanced at the price list that was particularly prominent on the cashier counter, and couldn't help feeling a little annoyed.

The most expensive drink in the burger shop is only fifteen yuan, and it is still some kind of nondescript oolong tea. Gu Pengfei can only forcefully change his words halfway: "The most expensive cola..."


Forbearance I am a professional, I basically don't laugh unless I can't help it!


Lin Fang smiled and nodded, and bought three iced drinks, two cokes, and one juice.

He and Gu Pengfei each had a glass of cola, and the juice was prepared for Shi Xiaolu.

You can't drink water in the preliminaries, but you can in the finals.

However, because carbonated drinks contain sugar and bubbles, they will increase the feeling of fullness, so the burger shop prepared the finalists with simple mineral water.

Lin Fang was worried that Shi Xiaolu was not used to drinking, so he bought a glass of juice to be prepared.

When I entered the finals, I happened to hear a sigh from the crowd watching.

It turned out that there are only two places for big stomach kings in the burger restaurant every day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

The current record in the store is twelve burgers in an hour, an average of one every five minutes.

The reason why the onlookers sighed in unison was because when Lin Fang came over, the round just ended. The most unfortunate thing was that one of the contestants was stuck eating the twelfth hamburger in fifty-nine minutes and fifty-seven seconds. Great chance to break the record.

But when he took the thirteenth hamburger, he shook a little. The hamburger fell off. He subconsciously went to pick it up, forgetting that there were other burgers around him to replace. It was too late to eat the thirteenth.

Even if he took a bite, the staff wanted to judge him the winner.

Unfortunately, there are also twelve burgers. According to the rules, the one who eats the most in one hour wins, not the one who eats the fastest.

Also, if you eat twelve hamburgers within an hour, it is natural that the first mover has an advantage. The player in this round, as a later challenger, has no choice but to lose.

Sitting in a separate seat next to him, he is barely considered the twelve burger record holders of the championship, such as Meng Amnesty.

When the audience sighed, he couldn't help but jumped up and shook his fist.

A meal card of 2,000 yuan is not a good reward for others, but for him, it is enough to cancel the meal payment for several months. As a house slave, this is already a big accident. The wealth, he can not ignore.

At this time, the staff won Shi Xiaolu, Dazuihan, and several other preliminaries. Due to the lack of numbers, the contestants who did not have time to participate in the finals greeted them and sat down together.

He said: "Players, this is the last round of the Burger King final in our restaurant. The final winner is born between you and the record holder. I need to remind you that the current record is one hour. Twelve burgers.

A player in the last round originally had the opportunity to raise this record to thirteen. According to our rules, even a bite at the last moment is considered a whole hamburger.

It is a pity that this player failed to become the new record holder due to personal manipulation errors. However, our burger shop still hopes to have a more powerful eater who can break the record of twelve burgers in an hour!

Now I announce that the game officially begins! "

Maybe because of the relatively small scale of the competition, the staff basically announced the start of the competition without much nonsense.

It was also at this time that Lin Fang learned that the finals were not played by everyone, but a round-by-round comparison. From the first round, the winners of each round were compared with the previous round. If they lost, they were eliminated and won. Just sit and wait.

Until the winner of the final round is generated at this moment, the final champion and the ownership of the dining card can be decided.

Lin Fang glanced at the time, then looked at Shi Xiaolu again, and couldn't help rubbing his chin: Could it be that this is something that Shi Xiaolu, a clever little ghost, had already done it?

In all, they were only delayed by more than an hour at this hamburger restaurant, which was almost exactly the time for lunch.

It didn't delay them, but instead let Shi Xiaolu, a little girl with a big belly, have a meal.

In the end, if she really can win the morning competition, she can earn a meal card with a denomination of 2,000 yuan for nothing, and in turn can invite them to eat something.

Putting it on an adult, this kind of calculation is somewhat scheming.

But on the little girl Shi Xiaolu, Lin Fang only felt a little distressed.

This little girl is so big, but she is always thinking about others, for fear of adding a little burden and trouble to others, how careful should she live?

Originally, Lin Fang's attention was on a group of people gobbling down hamburgers. After thinking about this, his attention only fell on Shi Xiaolu.

He just looked at Shi Xiaolu silently, even though he knew that he couldn't see through what she was thinking, he still wanted to see her more, to see how small and humble her heart was.

I don't know how long it took, Lin Fang felt a shock, and Gu Pengfei next to him patted his shoulder and shouted: "Win, the deer won! My dear, this little girl is really edible! An hour, Fifteen burgers, oh my god, that's horrible!"

One hour, fifteen burgers?

Lin Fang looked at Shi Xiaolu, and then at the hamburgers stacked in front of her, he couldn't help swallowing.

Give me an hour, I work hard, I can eat almost three hamburgers, but three hamburgers are already my limit, and I don't want to eat dinner that I can support...

In other words, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Shi Xiaolu, this little girl, is about five me?

At this time, the big-mouthed man sitting across from Shi Xiaolu also looked at her in disbelief, wiped the debris from the corner of his mouth, and said in a loud voice, "The little girl is amazing! I originally thought that I would eat fourteen in an hour. One, it is already very powerful, and can easily win the championship.

Unexpectedly, there are more strong middle hands, you can actually eat fifteen pieces in an hour! Are you not doing your best? I found that after I slowed down, you slowed down too, always one ahead of me. If I go and get the fifteenth, are you still going to eat the sixteenth? "

Shi Xiaolu was a little scared to be stared at by a stranger like a big-mouthed man. She lowered her head and wanted to stab her in the chest, but when asked, she nodded vigorously.

Seeing Shi Xiaolu's actions, Big Mouth's whole person is not well.

Nima, I just said casually, do you really hide your strength in love?

The staff was also very excited at the moment. He tried to hold Shi Xiaolu's hand to announce that she was the champion, but the little girl didn't cooperate, so she put her hand on her back, and then ran behind Lin Fang.

Lin Fang decisively provided shelter for Shi Xiaolu, then smiled and said to the somewhat embarrassed staff: "My sister's name is Shi Xiaolu, she is a little shy, you can just announce the result directly."


The staff nodded and announced loudly: "I announce that a new record for our burger shop has been born, and little girl Shi Xiaolu has become the new king of appetite in our shop, and is also the new record holder. Now, I will award her prize!"

The crowd of onlookers applauded generously, and all kinds of compliments were heard endlessly.

: . :

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